CoffeeMate || Creek

By stymandy

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In a world where everyone is born with their eye color and their soul mates eye color, you can imagine the ha... More

Chapter 1 | Meeting Him
Chapter 2 | Why You?
Chapter 2.5 | Ruby's Soulmate
Chapter 3 | You Owe Me
Chapter 5 | Blonde Boy
Chapter 6 | Parallel
Chapter 6.5 | The Misadventures Of Clyde Part 1
Chapter 7 | Projects
Chapter 8 | Just a Little Cute
Chapter 9 | Art and Kisses
Chapter 10 | Detention
Chapter 11 | It's Not Love
Chapter 11.5 | The Misadventures of Clyde Part 2
Chapter 12 | Can We Fix This?
Chapter 13 | The Question

Chapter 4 | Meeting The Parents

770 69 52
By stymandy

Craig's POV:

     "Are you ready to order sir?" I asked staring back at the man in front of me.

     "Give me another minute, with these many choices it's hard to decide!" He said smiling at me.

     I frowned and gripped the counter, "But sir, you've been in that line for at least five minutes. That's enough time to pick your drink before you get to the register. So I suggest you stop holding up the line and pick something."

     Tweek came over and pushed me away, "Excuse him, he is new here and doesn't have any nice qualities in him. Take all the time you need sir!" He smiled at the man and then turned to me.

     "You can't talk back to the customers! That will make them not want to come here again! Then they'll tell everyone how horrible this place is and GAH! My parents will kill me if I ruin this business! So don't screw up!" He yelled as he pulled at his hair.

     "I don't get why you put me at the register. I'm not a people person, also I'm the worst person ever according to you." I said rolling my eyes at him.

     "Well I have no choice! You can't make a simple brew, hmm maybe I should have my friends help out here." Tweek said.

     "You have friends?" I said trying not to laugh.

     Tweek turned away and took the customers order. I backed away from him so that he had room to work. He frantically ran around, taking orders and making the coffee. I'm surprised his parents let him watch this place on his own, I'm also still surprised he temporarily hired me. He seems to run this place fine on his own.


     Well most of the time he does, but once in a while he breaks something. I walked over to where Tweek fell, broken glass everywhere.

     "Are you ok?" I asked pulling him up from the ground. He had visible cuts on his arms and cheek. Tweek winced and shook his head. I picked him up and put him on the counter away from the glass.

     "Ok everyone we are now closed, get out now." I said staring at everyone. A few people left at will, the rest I had to push out. I slammed the door and turned the sign to closed.

     "You know you didn't have to close the shop," Tweek said glaring at me.

     "I know but I just wanted them to leave, also they can just come back tomorrow." I said as I cleaned up the glass. I threw every piece away, careful not to hurt myself. I then walked over to Tweek, who was still sitting on the counter, and examined the cuts. I didn't see any glass in them, which was a good thing. I looked in some cabinets and found a first aid kit.

Tweek's POV:

I watched as he cleaned my cuts with soap and water, he was gentle and seemed to actually care. He then got some antibiotic cream and put some on the cuts on my arms. He then got a little more and rubbed it softly on the cut on my cheek. I felt uncomfortable on how close he was to me. I'm glad no one was in here.

     He pulled out a roll of gauze bandages and started wrapping it around the cuts on my arm. I pulled back and took it off.

     "Dude they're not big cuts! I don't need it wrapped around my arms!" I said taking it away from him.

     He just stared back at me and responded, "I know but it makes you look cool."

     "No it's doesn't! And I'm already cool, my friends say so!" I say putting the gauze away.

     "I doubt they do but here let me put some band aids on it at least," he said pulling out the multicolored ones. He put pink, blue, and purple ones on my arms. I looked like a rainbow, but it did look nice.

     He pulled out a green one and leaned in to put it on my cheek. He was a little closer then before, and I felt my face get warm. He smirked at me and I glared at him. He didn't pull away yet, and the tension between us was awkward. As if this wasn't already bad, the worst happened.

     "Yo yo yo, what is up Tweekster? Are you ready to finally reveal the one, the only, soulmate of your dreams?!" Clyde said bursting in with his eyes closed. He acted as if there were a crowd in front of him, since he started dancing around. Token walked up behind him and held the bridge of his nose in disappointment.

     "Ugh Clyde you're only embarrassing yourself, now anyways about the-" Token froze as he stared at me and Craig. I knew I was completely red by now, I kicked Craig away and he fell back. I heard him groan but I could care less right now.

     Clyde had two hands on his cheeks and had his mouth wide open, "OH MY GOODNESS! Tweek are you getting it on!? You do not have consent from your parents to do this! As your father I forbid this tomfoolery! How dare you! Cheating on your soulmate like this. I expected better!" Clyde snapped his fingers and made a sassy pose.

     Token face palmed and pushed Clyde aside, "Clyde please let me handle this. TWEEK YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION FOR THIS!" Token crossed his arms and tapped his foot, just like the mother he is.

     "Wow you're really in the gutter now," Craig whispered as he tried not to laugh. I stuck out my tongue at him and then turned to face my 'parents'.

     "Guys calm down, my uh acquaintance here was just bandaging me up because being the clutz I am I dropped glass and got cuts." I said staring at them awkwardly. They didn't seem to believe me.

     "It seems that your acquaintance there was getting a little to close, don't you think?" Clyde said leaning over the counter to stare down at Craig. Craig stood up and brushed himself off.

     "Not to offend you or anything, but I have zero interest in your 'child' here. I was simply helping him out of the kindness of my heart." He said staring blankly at them.

     "Is our baby not good enough? Huh? Tweek here happens to be the stud muffin of the group!" Clyde said pointing at me. I wanted to cry, Clyde was not helping me in any way.

     Token pushed Clyde again and spoke up, "We can deal with this later. Tweek we just wanted to talk about your soulmate." I froze and I started twitching. I felt anxious and I knew I would blow the cover.

     "What? Psh why do you want to talk about that?" I said still twitching. I started scratching my arm, I was itchy all of a sudden.

     "Well it's a very important topic. We can't figure out who it is! It's like the answer is crystal clear in front of us, but we can't figure it out." Token said staring at me. I tried not to laugh at the irony, if only they knew.

     "Well that sucks for you guys because I'm not telling you! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a business to run." I said lifting my head up. Before I could walk away Craig held on to me.

      "Hold on there Tweek, we already closed the place. Plus, your friends are actually pretty amusing and cool. Do you mind if I hang with you guys?" Craig asked half smiling at them. I growled at him, how dare he befriend my best friends.

     "Of course! Let's all get ice cream!" Clyde yelled happily as he ran outside. Token followed after him, probably because he didn't want Clyde getting into any trouble.

     "You know I really hate you. Let's just try to have a good time with my friends. Do not start anything, and do not mention us being soulmates!" I said looking up at him.

     He looked down at me and smirked, "I think I can manage that."

((A/N- I'm finally updating! Sorry for the wait, and I'm probably going to start a Style fanfic soon too so yeah. Thanks for reading!))

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