Ghost • Klaus Mikaleson

By Floyd__

257K 8.7K 1.7K

"You're my only reason to be here. Without you I'm nothing." She knew him. He didn't know her. Klaus Mikaelso... More

00. Prologue
01. The Meeting
02. True Nature
03. Brotherhood
04. Bar Room Fights
05. Under Pressure
06. Particular
07. Plot Twist
08. House of Pain
09. Between
10. What's My Name?
11. Powers
13. Black
14. Piss Off
15. Hope You Guess My Name
16. Bringing on the Heartache
17. Really You and Me
18. Blood Eagle
19. The Trial
20. Player
21. No Mercy
22. Eric
23. Revelations
24. Black Magic Woman

12. The Pulling

9.1K 323 38
By Floyd__

Ragna was fearless when it came to all things, all things but one. Those three little words that would make someone's heart flutter but for Ragna, they made her run for the hills. I love you. And Klaus Mikaelson had a way with those three little words.

It wasn't that she didn't love him, because she did. She just didn't know what love was. She was positive that she knew once long ago, before she became invisible for 2,000 years, but now with these words hanging over head, she panicked and did the only thing she thought to be right, shut down her emotions by shutting down the man that made her feel like that.

Ragna looked over Klaus' tranquil sleeping form, thinking about all the things she witnessed him do. She knew how over the years he seduced women, she was there for most of it, escaping at the right moment, so Klaus confessing his love to her was confusing, because he didn't know how to love and Ragna knew it.

"What are you doing?" Klaus questioned quietly from just waking up. His eyes cracked open to meet Ragna's. He sat up from the bed, the blankets falling from his body to reveal his toned chest to Ragna. Her eyes didn't dare to look away from his eyes. "Enjoy what you see Love?"

"Nothing impressive," Ragna answered with a shrug.

Klaus groaned and rolled over to bury his face into the pillow. "Of course not."

"Don't get your panties in a twist about last night," Ragna groaned, taking a seat next to him.

"Why would I? I only confess my love to a girl, but the feeling isn't reciprocated," Klaus muttered.

Ragna rolled her eye at him. "Klaus when it's time, it's time. I have a problem with people."

Klaus sat up in the bed so he was the same level as she was. "But it's just me. You know me."

Ragna nodded again, "And you've only known me for a few months."

"Doesn't matter how I feel about you," Klaus muttered moving closer to her, wanting to kiss her so badly.

Ragna looked down at his lips. His eyes were closed as if he was ready to kiss her. She almost let him so he would fall forward and tumble to the floor, but that was mean, even for Ragna. She stood from the bed, letting Klaus to meet with only and empty space in front of him.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Ragna asked him.

Klaus shrugged, "You're suppose to be the all seeing eye, you tell me."

Ragna pondered for a moment over her and Klaus' options. "Well," Ragna began, "You're father is dead, that means no harm will come to you or your family at all. I think it's time to wake them all up."

Klaus nodded, liking that idea she had. It was a long time since all of them were together. "Speaking of family, you haven't seen Rebekah at all yesterday."

After last night events Ragna almost forgot about her. "No."

"Well I think we should find my little sister first."

"I don't think they could keep Rebekah out," Klaus muttered to Ragna, "I mean, she wouldn't let them. She's kind of a psycho murder."

"Well, they are the only ones in the entire town with a problem with you and your family. Well the only ones with a problem that are brave enough to try anything," Ragna responded.


"Just go up, put on you Klaus swagger and talk to them," she urged, "You're a thousand years old not three, with a scary hybrid and me behind you . No need to be scared."

Klaus glared at her before walking up to Damon and Elena, cutting into the middle of their conversation. "Don't mind me."

"Klaus," Elena proclaimed, eyeing the hybrid up and down.

"You gonna do this in the Grill? In front of everyone?" Damon scoffed, "It's a little beneath you, don't you think?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Klaus answered, "I just came down to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate."

"Get a round in, would you Tony?" Klaus asked the hybrid hat just walked in through the door. Ragna smirked at Elena's startled expression, it was her idea to have the hybrid stalk her.

"I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour," Damon commented.

"My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out," Klaus told him with a glare. He usually could hide his emotions well, but he wanted it to be known that he knew that Damon and his crew had something to do with Rebekah's sudden disappearance.

"Cute blonde bombshell, psycho. Shouldn't be too hard to find," Damon shrugged.

"What a wanker!" Ragna exclaimed, "He knows all to well what happened to her! Once you find him, I say we tear him limb to limb and let him suffer in a ditch!"

Klaus brushed her sudden outcry for justice, but couldn't help but smirk at her ruthlessness. "Truth is I've grown to rather like your little town. Think I might fancy a home here. Oh I imagine you're wondering how does this is affect you. The answer is: not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves you can go on living your little lives however you choose. You have my word."

"What more could you possibly want?" Elena questioned.

"Well for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan," Klaus suggested.

"Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass," Damon scoffed.

"Well you see that is a shame," Klaus said as he threw a dart at the overworked dartboard, hitting a bulls-eyes, "Your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine."

"That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem."

Klaus moved closer to Elena, towering over her petite silhouette. Damon stepped between them, wanting to make Elena feel more comfortable. "Well this is me broadening the scope, sweetheart."


Bonnie Bennett arrived at an abandoned building. What looked like just another old ghost plantation to most, it was a sacred place for witches. It was jaunted by the spirits of witches who were killed in that location, and the spirits helped witches, including Bonnie in the time when she needed it.

"Hello, Bonnie," a voice erupted her eerie silence.

Bonnie jumped and turned to see the youngest Salvatore brother. "Stefan. You followed me here?"

He nodded, "Yeah. It wasn't too hard. You should probably be more careful."

"What do you want with me?" Bonnie questioned, her body tensing as Stefan approached her.

"Two things, but I need you to relax. I only need your help," Stefan told her.

"Why would I help you? Elena said you saved Klaus's life," Bonnie reasoned.

"First off, let me fill you in on a little secret about Klaus. He kept his family with him at all times, Daggered, stored in coffins," Stefan told her, "And now, I have them. And I need you to help keep them hidden."

Bonnie shook her head, "You're out of your mind. You're just going to make him angrier."

"His family is one of his weaknesses. As long as I have that, I can ruin him, Stefan said.

"I don't have enough power to hide four originals," Bonnie told him.

"You're a witch. You hate Klaus. I know you can figure something out," Stefan told her, "Which leads me to my second request."


"Have you ever heard of a protector?" Stefan asked, "As in a Norse mythology thing?"

Bonnie shook her head, "No. What is it?"

"Not it, but who," Stefan corrected, "A protector is a person, who well...protects a certain person, and they will do anything to make sure that person will succeed and won't get hurt."

"What are you getting at?" Bonnie asked with raised eyebrows.

"Have you ever seen Klaus being bother by something? Like he was listening to someone else, or see him talking to something that wasn't there?" Stefan asked.

"You got to be kidding me," Bonnie groaned, "He has one?"

Stefan nodded, "Apparently some witches could sense there presence, but they remain visible to the entire world."

"That's bad news then I suppose," Bonnie muttered, "I'll see what I can find."

"Thank you, Bonnie," Stefan told her, "If we can figure out a way to destroy her, it means we are a step closer to killing Klaus."


"What awful taste," Ragna huffed as she looked up at the Salvatore boarding house.

"It's classy," Klaus told her as he walked up the walkway.

"I'm all for classy," Ragna said, "But this is just guady."

"How do you say we approach this?" Klaus asked looking up at the giant wooden door.

"Just barge in," Ragna shrugged, walking right through the door.

Klaus followed her in, only opening the door slightly and slipping in.

"Do you say you I scare him?" Ragna asked, "I learned a thing or two."

Klaus rolled his eyes as he watched Ragna focus on a glass vase sitting on a table top adjacent from Damon Salvatore who was pouring himself a glass of bourbon. Suddenly the heavy crystal vase flew across the room narrowly missing Damon's head. It caused both of the men in the room to be in shock, but Klaus quickly snapped out of it when he noticed Damon turn around.

"I think it's about time we had a drink, don't you?" Klaus asked him.

"I'd say we're overdue," Damon agreed.

"Well, you've been so busy, what with all your plotting and scheming, Klaus said to him.

Damon shrugged, "You know me... Never miss a chance to plan an epic failure."

Klaus smirked, "Don't be so hard on yourself. Who could have guessed your own brother would betray you?"

"Well, I did have a front row seat when your sister lied to you," Damon scoffed.

Klaus shrugged, "Yeah, well, she's fickle, that one. And you say you have no idea of her whereabouts?"

"That's the thing with younger siblings. You just... never know what they're going to do," Damon smiled viciously at Klaus, "Drink?"

"When's the action going to happen?" Ragna huffed, gaining an eye roll from Klaus, "All of this is awfully boring, I want some blood." Ragna's eyes suddenly lit up with the brightest idea. "Klaus, why don't we send a message, it they won't give you what you want? A sibling for a sibling!"

Klaus smirked and nodded slightly right before Damon returned with a glass of the dark liquid. "You find the appropriate time, I'm going outside," Ragna told him.

As Ragna exited the house, she was already bombarded with her lead protectors breathing down her neck. "What do you think you are doing!" Híln exclaimed.

Ragna rolled her eyes, "My job."

"You are becoming evil! What about the innocent people of the town you and Klaus are affecting?" Híln asked, "You are creating enemies!"

"All things wicked started from something innocent," Ragna replied calmly, "These people have shown him nothing but violence. The whole world has shown him nothing but just that, it's time he stands up for himself."

"I don't think you understand, you are making enemies," Híln repeated.

"And I am invisible, with Klaus the hybrid on my side," Ragna replied, "His enemies are mine."

"You're right," Híln said, "He has enemies that know of you and are looking for a way to destroy you."

Ragna's jaw dropped, "People know of me? Oh my god, this is the greatest moment of my life! Do you know you just made my day? Who are they? Do I know them? Did Klaus and I piss them off too much?"

"You won't have many more moment of you life, if you don't stop," Híln warned.

"Don't listen to the old batty lady," a new voice entered the conversation. A blonde with pigtails wearing a sleazy school girl outfit came from the driveway.

"Gullvig, I do not have time for your nonsense today," Híln muttered.

"Don't breath when I talk Hiln," Gullvig said viciously, "Because you haven't been spoken to."

"Now what?" Ragna asked, "You both of you wanker going to try to pull me in all directions?"

"You're only being pulled one way," Gullvig said, "My way."

"Perhaps," Ragna said, "But I like looking at my options."

"Such a tease," Gullvig muttered, "More malicious than I could ever be."

Ragna smirked, "So tell me more."

"I was telling Ragna, she is making enemies quickly and soon there will no longer be a Ragna," Híln said to Gullvig, "Perhaps you would like to weigh in on the situation, since you are a lead protector. I can't imagine you want your protegee to be killed."

"I suppose you are correct," Gullvig said, "And I can offer her, her own protection."

"What?" Both Ragna and Hiln asked in different tones.

Gullvig nodded, "Well Ragna has extraordinary powers, more than I have ever seen. She's immortal but can be killed, it's just not easy, almost impossible. She just needs to put up a good fight so she has to be seen."

"All the more reason to join your side," Ragna smirked at Híln.

"At the right time," Gullvig told her.

Ragna nodded and then looked up at Híln, "Counteroffer?"

"Your stupidity blinds my offer," Híln muttered sadly.

"Not a way to talk to a possible business associate, now is it?" Ragna smirked.

"Do as you wish Ragna," Híln told her, "Just now I'll be here if you change your mind."


"How did it go?" was the first thing Ragna asked Klaus as they entered Klaus' soon to be house.

"Different person, same message," Klaus told her.

Ragna's eyes trailed Tyler as he entered the house.

"There he is. Man of the hour," Klaus smiled at him.

"So everything went okay?" Tyler asked.

"Tony ran down Alaric instead of Jeremy, but apples, oranges. Message learns the same," Klaus tolf him.

"You said you were sending them a warning," Tyler said.

Klaus glared at Tyler, "And I did... an effective one. Elena's family suffers, she's motivated to get me what I want."

"I didn't think that we'd actually have to kill anyone," Tyler muttered.

"Tyler, mate," Klaus sighed, "What you're feeling is the remnant of a guilty conscience. I need you to get over it, okay? End of the day, human life here is just a means to an end... Our means to our end. You'd do well to remember that."


"When will we here something?" Klaus asked lazily from a chair.

"Well, if Elena has any sort of brain power, she'll hand Rebekah over any minute," Ragna told him.

"And if she doesn't?" Klaus asked.

"Then we send another message, one that doesn't end in resurrection," Ragna muttered.

Suddenly the ringing of the phone interrupted their small conversation. Both seemed to automatically know who it was. "Told you so."

The phone call lead the pair outside of the Salvatore's house once more that day. Klaus knocked quickly, and the door opened just a quick.

"Thank you for coming,"Elena greeted Klaus at the door.

"I trust you have news of Stefan," Klaus told her.

Elena shook her head, "I couldn't find him. But I have something else."

Elena lead him into the basement and to a cell where Rebekah laid daggered in the heart.

Klaus shook his head, "My poor sister. I can't turn my back on her for a moment."

"You have Rebekah. A deal is a deal," Elena said.

"The life of my sister in exchange for your brother?" Klaus asked, "Yeah, I'd say that's a bargain. Consider him spared."

"You should know, I was the one that daggered her. When she wakes, she'll come after me," Elena said.

"I can control Rebekah. Besides, I still need your help finding Stefan," Klaus told her.

"I told you, I don't know where he is," Elena said as he removed the dagger from her chest.

"You're lying. Fortunately, you have no shortage of loved ones. If I don't find my family, the question you should be asking yourself is, who's going to die next? Bonnie? Caroline? Damon? It's only a matter of time before Stefan gives me what I want ," Klaus told her.

Elena shook her head, "He doesn't care about me any more. You made sure of that. You turned him into a monster. Now he's your problem. And just so you know, I'm not the only one Rebekah wants dead. She knows what you did to your mother. She knows that you killed her. You can let yourself out."


Poor Ragna is conflicted with her emotions with Klaus. Trust me, I'm 100% team Klagna, but give a girl a break. Have no human contact in 1,000 years and then have this sprung on you, you'd be the same way. She's just now experiencing her "boys have cooties stage".

Plus she wants to make sure he's safe and had the whole Híln and Gullvig problem to solve.

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Read, vote, comment, stay cool!

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