Make Me Fall

Oleh xXMade2LoveXx

62.2K 2.3K 422

Autumn Rose Turner was adopted. She doesn't know who her birth parents are, but she does know that her adopti... Lebih Banyak

1. Me
2. Him
3. Her
4. Yuletide
5. He's Back
6. Family
7. OWLs
8. A Question of Blood
9. Subtle Threats
10. Poor
11. The Note
12. Quidd- Ouch!
13. Hospital
14. Boys, boys, boys.
15. Detention!
16. Snape Lets Slip
17. Emeralds and Rubies
18. Home Again
19. Christmas Day
20. Goodbye Hogwarts
22. Locked Away
23. Taking Sides
24. Draco's Birthday
25. My Birthday
26. ... Something Blue
27. Wedding Bells
28. Back to Reality
29. The Double Agent
30. Little Sisters
31. Deadly Secrets
32. Anniversary
33. Safehouse
34. Resolutions
35. Back To School
36. Hogwarts Isn't Home
37. Kidnap
38. Christmas At Saumarez
39. Resistance
40. Malfoy Manor
41. Divided Alliances
42. The Beginning of The End
43. The Battle of Hogwarts
44. Nineteen Years Later

21. Branded for Life

1.2K 52 11
Oleh xXMade2LoveXx

Mum and Dad have gone crazy. I'm not allowed out of the house - AT ALL. I'm only allowed out of my room for meals and they've put a spell on my windows so no one can see in. Other than my family, Josie and my tutor, I haven't seen anyone in months! I'm lonely and school-sick. I miss Hermione, Draco and the twins like mad.

On the plus side, the exams are nearly over, which means school will be finished and Draco will be home for the summer. Surely they'll let me see him, right? Ah well, Mum and Dad just got home from a big Death Eater convention. I'm going to go and eavesdrop on them.

I slip out of my room and tip toe across the landing. Mum and Dad are hanging up their coats, arguing.

"He's been disgraced," Dad snaps, "they're worth nothing now! They're in Azkaban!"

"Oh, pish-posh," Mum says, flapping her hands at him, "they'll be forgiven."

"Not this time," Dad argues, "Lucius was in charge of the whole operation and they were outsmarted by kids! The Dark Lord is furious!"

"If we break off the engagement now and they are forgiven, we'll look like fools!" Mum yells, "we have to stick this out! At least until next week when the Dark Lord speaks with us all."

I hurry back into my room as they come upstairs and sprint to my desk, acting as if I was there the whole time.


"Yes?" I turn to look at Mum, "oh, you're home."

"Yes, dear," Mum says, "next week you're attending a meeting with us."

"Alright," I smile. Mum nods and sweeps out. What the hell is going on?!


"Let me fix your hood," Mum says nervously, "you have to make a good impression."

Mum has been fiddling with my hair, face and clothes all day. First she made me pale with great black rings around my eyes, then she left me plain faced, then darker skin, and finally, my normal skin tone with eyeliner on my waterline and mascara. My hair has been brushed and curled into submissiong and is sitting obediantly in my hood. I'm wearing brand new hooded, black robes - Death Eater robes. Mum starts fussing with the clasp when Dad comes out of his study.

"Oh, leave her alone," he grumbles, "let's go."

We disapparate to the Malfoy Manor and my heart skips. I can't wait to see Draco again. Mum yanks my hood off and we walk into the dining room to find the table nearly full. We take our seats opposite the Malfoys and I give Draco a small smile. He looks so handsome in his black robes, but rather pale. His mother is sitting next to him look drawn.

The Dark Lord enters the room and we all stand up. Once he has been seated we sit down again and wait for him to speak.

"Tonight we welcome two new members to our fold," he says. I nearly giggle at his high-pitched voice, but manage to hold it in.

"The young Mr Malfoy and Miss Turner," he says. I jump at my name and glance at Draco who is staring at the table, looking like he's going to be sick.

"Please, stand up," the Dark Lord says. I do as I'm asked, holding my head high. The Dark Lord examines us for a moment.

"I have heard that you are engaged to be married," he states, "may I see the ring?"

I immediately step forward and walk towards him, trying to seem calm. In reality all my nerves are jumping and my heart racing as I approach the man who murdered my birth parents. Once I reach him I extend my hand. There's a snake curling around his feet, but I try to ignore it. It become more difficult when the snake begins winding around my ankles.

The Dark Lord takes my hand in his - his hand is so cold, like ice - and looks at the ring. A smirk appears on his face.

"The Malfoy crest," he jeers, "it once held so much honor, so much pride."

I glance at the Draco and his Mother. They're staring at the table top, their heads down. The Dark Lord lets go of my hand.

"Nagini," he says. I don't know what that means until his snake winds away from me, up to him. I'm about to take a step away when he fixes me with a stare. His eyes are red and snake like. For a moment I can't breathe. Then he looks away, dismissing me. I return to my seat and Mum takes my hand. It's warm and comforting after his.

"Due to unfortunate events," the Dark Lord says, standing and walking up and down the table, "we do not have the prophecy."

He pauses behind Msr Malfoy who is sitting up straight, very tense. The Dark Lord continues pacing, his finger placed together in an arch.

"My return has also been outed to the public," he continues, "those responsible for this are currently in Azkaban. THey will remain there for a time. And then they will be punished."

I look at Draco. He looks seconds away from throwing up. His mother looks the same. The Dark Lord lets these words sink in before continuing.

"I Now that the Ministry has been alerted to my presence, it will turn to Dumbledore," he says, "therefore, he must die."

A few of the Death Eaters glance at their neighbours. Who in their right mind would dare take on Dumbledore?

"I have decided who among you will have the honor of taking his life," the Dark Lord says. Then he laughs. The sound makes me sick to my stomach, it's full of cruelty and malice. A shudder runs down my spine.

"But that will be discussed," he says silkily, "in privacy."

He coaxes his snake up on to his shoulders, making a soft hissing noise.

"You can all go," he says, "except... Miss Turner."

I feel my heart fly into my mouth. My parents hover beside me, uncertain. The Dark Lord looks over at them and sneers.

"You can wait here," he tells them, "we will speak in the study. Narcissa, Draco, Autumn, come."

I follow them into the study, where the Dark Lord settles in the large chair by the fire. We stand in a line in front of him, trying to look emotionless. Nagini, the snake, winds around the chair. I try to ignore it.

"I have decided that Draco will kill Dumbledore," the Dark Lord says simply. His words feel like hot metal being shoved through my heart. I want to gasp and cry, but I just blink once, acting as if this makes no difference to my life.

"You will not fail me," the Dark Lord says, directly to Draco.

"N-no, my Lord."

Draco's voice is shaking, but only just. I glance at him. His jaw is clenched together.

"Miss Turner."

I look at the Dark Lord evenly. He regards me with a small, cruel smile.

"You're a Gryffindor, I'm told."

"Yes, my Lord."

"How interesting," he murmurs, "are you friends with Potter?"

"No, my Lord."

Please don't ask about Hermione!

"Do you get on with the Slytherins?"

"Most of them, my Lord."

"Most? Who do you not get on with?"

"Her name is Pansy Parkinson, my Lord."

"Ah," he nods, "and why don't you get along?"

I glance at Draco, feeling my face heat up. The Dark Lord sees and laughs.

"A love feud," he laughs. I glance at Draco who is bright red. The Dark Lord shakes his head, apparently amused.

"Well, in that case, I can let it pass," he says, "you do not attend Hogwarts."

"No, my Lord."

"Why not?"

"My parents chose to withdraw me, my Lord."

"I may have to speak with them," he muses. My heart jumps in hope.

"Today you will both be branded," he says, straightening, "Narcissa, leave us."

Mrs Malfoy hesitates for a fraction of a second, before leaving the room. The Dark Lord rolls up his sleeves and takes out his wand.

"Ladies first."

The pain was unimaginable. I'm sure it hurt more that a regular tattoo. It felt like he was tearing my flesh away and burning it. It's fine now. It doesn't hurt. But it looks so ugly. A great dirty smear down my arm. I wish I hadn't been branded. I feel like my side was chosen for me, and there's no getting rid of it. The only was is to cut off my whole arm. Any attempt to remove it is fatal.

The Dark Lord is even more controlling than Mum and Dad.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think, vote, comment, etc.! Do you think Autumn and Draco will get married or will something stop it? Will Autumn become a Death Eater like her parents, or join her brother?

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