My Burning Soul

Od XxZeExX

11.5K 174 256

No one knows what going to happen in the future.No one.Neither you nor the people around.One minute you are h... Více

Mysterious Teacher
Too Young to Die
Strange Dream
A very bad day
The GoodBye
First Day
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

251 4 4
Od XxZeExX


Sorry for heck lateness of mine! I was pretty busy this week too. I guess college life is not that easy well lets go to the story without anyfurther delay. again huuuge sholllyyy!!!!^^

Enjoy 18th chapter^____^

"we are here ju wake up" neils soft voice entered in my ears. I was watching a sweet dream in which i was in my own enchanted land with the love of my life tom. We were having too much fun but it was only a dream that can never change into reality seeing that tom is now dead. And i cant help the feeling that this is my fault and my friends know about this. I cant shake of the knowing gaze that neil send to troy when he came running in the restaurent. Something was wrong and i need to find out and somewhere mom also know about it all.

I opened my eyes. Sure i was outside the hostel which is now my home. In the darkness and cold the light coming out of it looks inviting. We all climbed off the car. I wobbled a little but neil caught me by elbow before i fall down. The place he touched send an electrical shock through out my body. I quickly shrugged away from his grip. A look of hurt cross his face for a minute before his expression becomes nuetral. I frowned. I really need to understand this boy.

We walked towards the double doors of the hostal a.k.a 7 star hotel silently. Noone was speaking to each other. At the minute we entered i saw travis accompanied by angelna awaiting us. Travis was looking angry at us and angelena also looked disappointed. At the minute i saw him i remembered the dream of the old man saying to talk to hugo.

"well well i see you have came back unharmed thankfully" travi spit out. Gosh! He ws mad at us.

"no thanks to you" neil spat back at him. I looked up at neil. Why was he behaving like this with a professor? He is not his relative or something or is he? Neil has deep blue eyes just like travis. Dirty blond hair, handsome face and a sexy body for girls to drool on which resmbles a lot to travis. He is behaving oddly with travis like a... Then it clicked in.

"hey are you two brothers?" i asked looking at travis. He turned to me and smiled a little. "took you long enough to catch that" neil scoffed beside me "unfortunately" he mumbled under his breath.

His gaze landed on neil and it hardened into a scowl "you and i have to talk. Rest of you go to your rooms" he said and all of my friends scurried away bidding goodbyes. Travis looked at me "arent you getting late?"

"i have to talk to sir hugo" i said.

"he will probably be asleep at this time. What do you wanna talk about?" he asked x-raying me with his deep blue eyes. I could feel neils piercing gaze at the side of my face.

"i will tell him only" i said returning the gaze. "i guess i am getting late. I will go to bed now goodnight to you both" with this i turned and entered into elevator. Travis and neil were looking at me quizzical. Both have same expressions and they looked like twins except that travis was looking more mature and have more muscled body than neil. The doors dinged shut infront of me cutting off there gaze. I sighed. I dont know whats happening but i guess something big is coming. Something that will change my life.

When the doors of the elevator opened to my corridor. Jeremys worried face came into view. He was worried about me. I guess i havent talked to him since the incident and i think he knows me well.

"hey are you alright?" he came forward and put his arm around my waist.

"i dont now jeremy. I am getting a feeling that whatever happened is my fault." i replied tears were prickling in my eyes.

"hey hey nothing is your fault. It was going to happen. Noone knows whats gonna happen with them" he cooed pulling me in his embrace.

I let my tears fall "jeremy i will miss him alot" i said burrying my face in his chest.

"i know i know" he replied gently rocking me side to side. "stop crying please" he pushed me away a little so he can see my face "look i am here, your friends are here to help you getting along with your life. We love you as our own. We wont let anything to happen to you. Trust us even grumpy old neil" he said flashing his dashing smile at me.

I chuckled quitely "thanks jeremy and i think this is a first and last serious thing you will ever said to me"

He ran his hand through his already messy hair "yeah it was hard to be so serious but i am glad that you are smiling" he said "but all the credit goes to me! Yupee score one for me and zero for neil" he fist pumped the air.

I frowned at him "neil?" i asked.

"yeah you never know" he said winking and draping an arm over my shoulder. We began walking to my room.

"what do you mean-" i was saying but he cut me off "so i am planning of throwing a movie night tomorrow night because neil is throwing his movie night at the night of the ball and i am gonna beat him to that" he rubbed his hands with a mischievious stupid grin on his face. He stopped suddenly and looked at me "you are going to welcome ball right?" he asked.

"i dont think so jeremy" i mumbled. I clearly was not in the mood of going to any ball or any party soon.

"hey you need to enjoy your life. Tom would never want you to neglect all your fun beacuse of him. He would love to see you happy and enjoying your life with your friends think what he would have said if he was here" he said locking his gaze with me.

I imagined tom saying the same thing to enjoy my life. He always wanted me to be happy even when i am sad. I clutched the locket he gave me and promised myself never to losecit ever.

I opened my door and entered in my room. I looked at jeremy who was looking at me with questioning eyes. "i will think about it but i am not sure"

His eyes lit up "yeah take your time the ball is next thursday so you have plenty of time besides you dont want your dress to be of no use" he said.

I smiled at him" goodnight jeremy"

"goodnight ju. Take care!" he said with this he turned away and marched off to his room. By marched off i really mean marched off like a soldier of an army. He really crack me up just like john.

I closed my door and walked in. I saw my dress in the cover placed at my bed. I picked it up, it was really beautiful. I was planning to invite tom to be my date at the ball. But i guess i have to go alone IF i want to go to the ball. I will talk to sash and john about it.

I hanged the dress in my dressing room and walked to the bathroom. After changing and a relaxing bath. I trudged towards my bed, i heared someone stopped outside my room. I waited for it to knock but whoever it was didnt knock it but went away and after a minute i heared a soft opening and closing of door beside my room which was no doubt neil. I wonder what he wanted from me. I shrugged and climbed in the warm bed with the picture of tom. I clutched it to my chest. Tears were pouring out of my eyes. A soft sob left my lips. I dont know for how long i cry by laying there. After a while i let myself fall in the darkness of sleep praying that i might see tom in my dream.


"miss trevesco" i heared the the art teacher say behind my painting, which was turning more and more into toms face. I could not pay attention to any of my class the whole day. I turned to one side and saw my teacher. She was standing beside a grim looking man with highly muscled body. He looked like a street fighter.

"yes mam" i replied.

"sir hugo is calling for you" she said.

I remembered that i told travis that i have to see hugo and he told me that i could see him tomorrow. I put my paints and paint brushes down. And walked towards the mam. I locked gaze with neil who looked worried. I smiled at him assuringly. And walked out following the grim man. He lead me out of the school and towards a private block which i think is the private offices of the professors. Students are not allowed to go there.

I entered into that black following the man. There was a reception at one side and there were small cubicles all around. There were the sounds of ticking of keaboard, working of printers, the voice of people talking on phone. It looked more like a war office then the schools office. The whole interior was in white and black it looked graceful and simple. I followed him into the corridor at the left side of reception. There were the pictures of past principles all along the corridor. The corridor ends into a golden double door. On the top of the doors was a picture of which i recognize arian. He was looking more sophisticated in his black cape. I have to admit he was handsome. There was an air of power around him. He was the founder of this institute.

The grim man opened the doors and beckoned me to go in. I entered and the door closed behind me. I looked around. The office was huge. There were couches on one side of room. A shelf full of books at the other side of room. There was an LCD attached to the wall infront of a desk, behind which sirhugo was sitting. Behind him was the wall of glass. I have to admit the office looked beautiful.

"good morning miss trevesco" he said smiling at me.

"good morning" i said.

"please take a seat" he said pointing towards a chair infront of his desk.

I went forward and sat on the seat. The seat seemed to be engulfing me. I dont know why was i afraid and nervous? Maybe because of his power? My hands were getting sweaty.

"coffe or juice?" he asked me still smiling.

"nothing thanku" i said nervously.

"ok how are you miss trevesco? I am really sorry about the death of mr. Tom. I assume he was your boyfriend" he said.

"yes" i said fidgeting nervously in the seat.

"accept my conolences at your loss miss.trevesco. It must be a great shock for you. But i hope you will get along with your life with the help of your friends" he asked looking concerned.

"i hope so" i replied robotically.

"i heared you have great friends. Mr. Jeremy is keeping you happy i see" he said again smiling at me.

"yes he is but how do you know?" i asked narrowing my eyes.

He chuckled quitely "miss. Trevesco this is my institute and i know all about my students. I have my own sources" he said.

I looked at him suspiciously. "so mr. Travis said that you wanted to tell me something. What is it?" he asked growing serious.

I swallowed the lump in the throat. "sir i am seeing someone in my dreams" i said.

He raised his eyebrow "i am not a fortune teller miss. Treveco. I dont know much about dream. Is this is a joke? I dont have much ime in my hands i have more important things to do"

"just listen to me" i said. I was really getting annoyed by him. He stopped and beckoned me to carry on.

I sighed "you know that man. His name is arian" he was shocked at my words. "arian? The professor who founded this institute?" he asked with wide eyes.

"yes thats him" i replied.

He grew serious and leaned forward a little "what does he want? How many times have you seen him?"

"three times sir. He was the one who triggered my power at first. And in third dream he knew my boyfriend will die" i said.

"what else?" he asked.

"he said to give you a message that huge storm is brewing up. He feared that this might happen. He said that this is a start and you have to prepare yourselfs for future. He said that he is afraid that something big is going to hit us all" i said.

The minute i said that hugos eyes went more wider. His expression grew stiff, angry, serious and ready for action. He grabbed his phone "send travis now!" he growled at the phone. He gazed at me for a while with a quizzical look. After a while the doors snapped open and in came a serious looking travis.

"sir you called for me" he said in a nuetral voice no bothering to look down at me.

"my fear was right. Its happening. She proved it" he said pointing at me.

Travis gaze landed at me and he frowened "what did she said?" he asked.

Hugo filled him in with what i said. He was also shocked at first that i am seeing arian in my dream. "wow thats lot to take in" he said while sitting on a seat next to me. "so what do you think we must do?" he asked.

"we have to prepare ourselves and first of all we have to cancel ball" hugo said.

"what?! You cant do this! The students are looking forward for this! Its there first chance to enjoy themselves out of the heaps of study and training!" i said angrily.

"miss. Trevesco you dont know whats happening and its for their own good that it is being cancelled" he said grimly.

"then tell me whats happening! I am sick of people keeping me in the dark. Arian also dont tell me and neither you. Tell me!" i shouted at him clearly angry at arian and him.

He sighed "well what you are about to listen may change your life so brace yourself"

I fidgeted in my seat getting nervous. This is not good. "long time ago there was a war between good and evil mutants. It was a bloodbath. Many people died in it, Including humans. They didnt know what hit them. But we have to keep it hidden from humans eyes but it was very difficult because evil was taking it into human world. We have to do everything to make them stop. After many months there was encouter of arian and phineos. Arian was the fearless and brave leader of good and phineos was the leader of evil. He was the strongest man but not stronger than arian. He was feared in all evil and good mutants. Arian had ice power and phineos had fire power. They both were brothers but with time they had to choose their seperate paths. Phineos enjoyed having power over others and killing and torturing people. He considered human as low life and he kill them for happiness. There was a great battle between the two and arian had the upper hand in it. It was not easy for him to kill his own brother but he did. After that the war end. The good mutants took over and evil fled away. Then arain formed this institute to train students and keep them in right path. The fire power died with phineos. And ice power died with arian"

"but-" i began to say but he cut me off. "let me finish it first. The fire power died untill you were born. You might not know this but i have to tell you that your mother is gifted too" all the air wooshed through me i felt like slapped across my face with a steel hand.

"i fear she didnt told you beacuse she wanted to keep her family safe. When she came to know that you have the gift gene and worst the fire power. She was afraid because she was descendant from line of phineos and you got the fire power gene. It means that you are the descendant of phineos" i was shocked still in my seat. Tears came into my eyes. Travis put a assuring hand on my hand but i didnt feel it.

"it was written in a prophecy that a fire will rise again who will change it all and the ice will be hers. It means a descendant of phineos will be born and it is you. His followers are everywhere trying to find his descendant. I have to admire your mother that she kept you well hidden with our help but when you showed your power. We have to take you in. We increased the security to max. We didnt want them to find you. There leader is riley nowadays who maybe is your cousin, blood relative. But then neil did a stupid thing and took you to toronto when he knew that this is dangerous. Riley had a lot of sources in toronto looking for you and i think someone spotted you and told riley. Neil was wise enough to keep a lookout when he saw that they are coming. He pulled you safely out of the harms way but your boyfriend died in that impact"

Tears were continuously running down my cheeks. Everything was hitting me like a wave. "and now they know that you are here so they will try to hit us with every power they got. And we have to do everything to keep our students safe especially you. Riley want to take you in and he hopes that you will take charge of them. He will marry you and his will increase his power because this is written that whoever take in fire will be strongest of all and he wants to be strongest. I think now you know this and you will not disagree with us. One thing too, neil is the descendant of arian, he has ice power and he is my son too"

It hit me like a stone "it means he will k-k-ill me?" i blurted still crying.

"why? Just because you are opposites? I dont think so. Because i cant make out that ice will be hers maybe it means that ice will have you or you will kill ice" he said thinking.

"ju everything will be alright. Everyone know that you are not evil. We will help you." travis said assuringly.

"he is right. I think you should go. Take your day off and rest. I will tell the teacher that you are taking the day off. Take care and dont be afraid" hugo said. I knew i was dismissed. I stood up like a robot and walked towards the door. I opened the door and walked away. I could sense everyone looking at me from their cubicles. Maybe because i was looking like hell or were they afraid of me beacuse i was the decsendant of phineos, evil. I trudged to the doors and opened them. I walked down the stairs robotically. I hit a solid chest. The hand steadied me.

"ju?" the person asked. I looked up and it was neil, looking worriedly at my shocked, fear stricken, tear stained face. His deep blue piercing ice were full of worrie for me. Why is he worried he should be happy that i am hurt, torn from inside. Because we are complete opposites. How can he be my enemy. A sob left my mouth, tears came rolling down my eyes. I wound my arms around him and held onto him for dear life. He held me tightly against him, rubbing small circles at my back and whispering soft words in my ear.

"ssh i am here. I will keep you safe. Nothings going to happen" he said and i felt him kissing on my head. I buried my face in his chest sobbing my heart out.


Phew that was long! Shocked? Shocked???? HELL SHOCKING????? I know i know i planned it all along;) muhaha!! Neil and ju are enemies?? No way! I can sense you guys saying that. And cussing riley right? Well you dont now what i have planned for you guys so hook your seatbelts tight you guys are in for an awesome ride;) i know you all hate phineos well COUNT ME IN!!!!

I am already informing you that i will be probably be a loooot late this time cuz my dad is coming from france this week and i am soending a lot of time with him so i may not find time to wite the next chapter. I am soooooo happy that he is coming back after ONE YEAR!!!! Isnt it wonderful!!!!!!

FAN, VOTE and COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Upload= already told you laaaaaate (sorry)=/

Till then have fun^_^

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