I.R.L. (A MrMitch361 Story)

By ClumsyBek

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"Hey guys it's me Apple! And welcome back to the Cube Smp! Now, as many of you know I can't go to Pax because... More

Chapter 1- recording
Chapter 2- check twitter
Chapter 3- team speak
chapter 4- traveling
chapter 5- meeting mrmitch
chapter 6- getting settled
chapter 7- hanging with the guys
chapter 8- crayons, lions, and hot sauce
chapter 9- wake up calls
chapter 10- phone calls and failed jokes
chapter 11- late night with mitch
chapter 12- breakfast
chapter 13- title names are hard
chapter 14- weird friends (5k :D)
chapter 15- awkward conversations
chapter 16- downtown
chapter 17- that was... interesting
chapter 18- confusion and walks
chapter 19- two AM and FIFA
chapter 20- Fourth of July
chapter 21- FIFA with the hockeyheads
chapter 22- I'm going to kill Brayden
chapter 23- homesickness and pool fun
chapter 24- Adventure
chapter 25- told you so
chapter 26- an awkward wake up call
10k reads and Q&A!
chapter 27- music festival
Q&A Answers!
chapter 28- pizza
chapter 29- hanging with the hockeyheads
chapter 30- teasing and streaming
chapter 31- 100,000 and midnight cities
chapter 32- plaques and bubble wrap
chapter 33- goodbye
Chapter 34- home
Chapter 35- hello
Chapter 36- cubers and ubers
A Conclusion of Sorts (an unofficial Chapter 38)

37- junk food and fries

528 20 47
By ClumsyBek

Please be nice to each other in the comments. I've recently seen some people being negative and I would like to not have that on my stories. So please be kind and encourage each other! Make a friend in the comments right now! Talk to each other and become wattpad friends! :D

"Okay, everyone gather around and dump all the candy in the middle."  Bee instructed as she set up her camera on the coffee table, making sure that everyone was in shot. "Can some of you go up onto the couch? So we can get everyone in." A few of the guys moved from the floor to the couch and soon everyone was ready. "Okay I'm starting it!" Bee announced and backed up to one of the open spots in the middle of the floor.

"Okay I think we're good to start." Will did a quick check around to make sure that everything was set up.

"Hey guys! I'm here with my cube friends and today we're going to be tasting American candy and other snacks. Okay guys, raise your hand if your American." Bee looked around at us and most of us, including myself, put our hands up. "So they have a little advantage because they're used to these disgusting-"

"-You mean amazing" Parker corrected with a smile as he winked at the small camera

"Whatever they are, they're used to these treats unlike the rest of us. So who wants to start?" Bee asked as she lightly shoved Parker away from her.

"We all picked out something from the store to try so we have a lot to go through." Graser picked up a bunch of the sweets that were on the floor in front of him to show the camera.

"I'll go!" Will picked up a red package from Graser "I'm pretty sure everyone has had these before, they're skittles, but they're my favorites so," He opened the package and poured a few into his hand before he passed it to the next person.

"Is this video just an excuse for us to eat junk food?" Brayden asked from next to Mitch on the couch above me. I nodded in agreement as I move so my back was against the bottom of the couch and Mitch's legs were on either side of me. Mitch leaned down from the couch and handed me the bag of skittles. I took a few before passing them onto Bee.

We went along eating a bit of everyone's candy, I didn't say much because I was used to eating these things and also because I was still a little nervous with putting my actual face out there for the whole world to see. Mitch noticed this and leaned down as Bee and Mitchell were saying how gross our chocolate was as Will agreed with them.

"Hey, you okay?" He whispered as he bent down so our heads were closer.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I gave him a small smile as I played with a hair tie that was on my wrist.

"Bek-" Mitch placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a look that said I don't believe you.

"Mitch, honestly, it's fine. Just not used to it yet, that's all." Mitch sat back up and took some of the chocolate that was handed to him and then handed the package to me.


"Alright, so now that everyone knows what Bek looks like, who wants to see some embarrassing pictures from her visit to Canada?" Ryan asked after we had finished filming the video. We were all sitting around and talking as we continued to munch on the left over candy from our video.

My eyes snapped open instantly. "Ryan no! I thought we were friends!" I lunged at him from across our circle that we had formed as he was unlocking his phone. I was trying to get his phone out of his hands when Brayden spoke up.

"Don't worry Bek, I also have all of these pictures on my phone. Feast your eyes everyone." Brayden smiled at me as he passed his phone to Parker and Bee who were right next to him. I quickly got off of Ryan and tried to jump on Parker, but he held the phone up so I couldn't reach. While I was away from Ryan, he too passed his phone around.

"Aww, look how cute you and Mitch are." Bee cooed as she pointed to a picture of Mitch and I sleeping next to each other.

"Otp!" Mark laughed as he scrolled to another picture. "Oh my god, I can't decide which picture is my favorite." I guess that they both created a folder on their phones with pictures from this summer because it wasn't just the pictures of Mitch and I, but they had every picture from this summer. But mostly the embarrassing ones of me. Like one of me in the pool with my wet hair half flipped on my head- I was saying how much I looked like a founding father when Brayden took that picture but now I regretted it.

"No this one is the best!" Parker laughed loudly as he showed the screen to everyone. It was supposed to be a nice normal picture. It was Brayden taking a selfie of the four of us walking around the city, but in the background you could see me tripping on the sidewalk with the weirdest facial expression and it didn't help that I looked blurry and I was screaming.

"Haha, I get it, I'm a walking disaster." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes in annoyance but my cheeks were burning red in embarrassment. Even though I was super embarrassed right now, I mean they were all looking at pictures of me and laughing at me failing in every situation possible to man, but for some reason it felt right. I was supposed to be around these people. I was comfortable enough with them to know that they couldn't possibly mean anything negative about it. We were all one big family, and families poked fun at each other and teased one another. I didn't care if I was being the butt of the joke as long as I was with them.

I smiled as the phone was turned around again to show a picture of Mitch and I on the fourth of July with us in the backseat of the car. It was taken right after we left Tim Horton's and Mitch was holding his coffee out to me while he laughed at me. I was making a disgusted face as i tried to push him away with my foot and used my hands to block the coffee away from me.

"I still can't believe that you don't like coffee." Mitch said to me as he shook his head "How are we even friends?" He joked

"I guess opposites really do attract then." I laughed as I poked his side. Mitch's eyes widened a bit in response. "What?" I tilted my head in confusion before my attention was drifted back to the group to see that Ryan and Brayden had evolved from embarrassing pictures to embarrassing stories of me.

"- so then we made a bet to see who could eat their french fries the quickest, and of course Bek had to win so she shoved them all into her mouth at once. And she forgot to chew them so she ended up choking in the middle of McDonalds and there was this high school couple next to us trying to have a date and I'm pretty sure Bek ruined their probably first kiss by coughing up french fries." Ryan laughed as he remembered the story.

"Okay, but in the end I did win the bet." I defended myself as I laughed along with everyone else, because let's face it, it was a really funny story. Well, that is unless your the high school couple who may or may not have went on another date because of me.

"Only out of pity because you almost died to win, so of course I said you won." Ryan laughed as he rolled his eyes at me.

"Excuse you, that's called dedication. Look it up." I dramatically waved my hand

"It's called being an idiot." Ryan shot back with a smile

"Someone's still jealous that I won the bet." I fake whispered to Parker as I laughed. Yup, this is where I was supposed to be.


I didn't really remember what happened last night after we all went around sharing embarrassing stories about each other whether they were while recording, at previous conventions, or other times when people visited each other. Now, it wasn't like I don't remember what happened because we threw a wild party and got so drunk, because I'm underage and my parents would somehow find out and kill me- I'd probably call them or something and tell them myself that I was drunk because that's my luck.

But there was no drinking, there was no alcohol, but what there was were multiple sugar highs, and with sugar highs come sugar crashes. Because as if all the candy we ate while recording wasn't enough, we continued to eat and finish off all the candy during our little story time. And I'm pretty sure that I was the first one to crash because I don't remember anyone else falling asleep.

Anyways, right now I was guessing that it was morning because I heard a lot of people talking, and I could smell the disgustingness of what was coffee. I opened my eyes and quickly closed them. I was pretty sure that no one saw me, but right now I wanted to disappear. Of course this would happen here. It's been happening all summer, so of course why not now? Because the universe hates me, that's why. Now that I was aware of the situation, I also became aware of the laughing and the sounds of pictures being taken and people vlogging. Oh no.

If you still don't understand the current situation that I was in right now, let me break it down for you. In the split second that I opened my eyes this is what I saw. I was lying on my back on one of the couches in the room. And I wasn't sure why I didn't notice it right when I woke up, maybe I thought that the weight was a blanket or something that fell on me while I was asleep. But anyways, on my right, laid Mitch who, from his steady breathing that I could softly hear sense his head was resting on my shoulder, was still asleep. Yup that's right. Another cuddle session happened in the middle the night. Infront of everyone. Yay.

Mitch was half laying on top of me and half laying on the couch. He was positioned in-between me and the back of the couch on his side. His head was on my shoulder near the crook of my neck and one of his arms was over my waist as the other one was under his head and was entangled into my hair. Right, I should probably get up and deal with the teasing that I knew was gonna happen. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes as I slowly tried to sit up.

"Aw, look! She's awake!" Mitchell laughed as he turned his camera to me. Everyone turned their cameras at me and all started teasing at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Ha ha Bek and Mitch fell asleep together... again. Now can you atlas help me off of the couch without waking him up?" Liam eventually handed his camera off to Graser who was double vlogging and decided to come help me out, bless him. Once I was finally standing up, Mark walked over to me while shoving his camera at me.

"So Bek, any details that you would like to share?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I could tell that he was zooming in and out of my face.

"I plead the fifth." I mumbled as my cheeks grew hot. I turned to my duffle bag that was still sitting on the floor by the tv where I had set it yesterday. I grabbed my toothbrush and tooth paste and walked out of the room to the bathroom. As I did so I could hear everyone laughing and talking at once. I was never going to live that down.


umm okay wow haven't done this for a while. So, why no updates you may ask? Because this summer was kind of hectic for me. There were three weeks where I wasn't home at all and then I had to help get ready for a wedding and then there's my other activities (I'm a very busy child) and homework

I go back to school on the 25 (which is 15 days earlier than I normally go back thank you school board -.-) so I've had to get ready a lot earlier. And my summer homework for my AP class is kind of insane, I'm still not done with it yayyyy (I have ten essays to write in like five days 😅😅😅) so I'm supper sorry for not writing!!!

But now onto the more serious matter...
I wasn't really sure how I wanted to come about this. You may have noticed that the past couple of chapters are different than the bajillion I wrote last summer (you know, when I updated like twice a week? Ahh the good ole days) and that's because I'm not really interested anymore?? I'm still a fan of the cube, don't get me wrong, but not as much as I was last year (bc I was obsessed last year) so it feels different when I write. I still watch the videos here and there but not as much so.

This happened to me two years ago when I was a massive 1D fan, but eventually I just fell apart from them and didn't like their music anymore so I stopped writing my one direction fan fictions. And eventually I ended up deleting them (which I now regret bc yes my writing was awful because I started the story when I was like 11 or 12 but I still would love to go back and read my writing from back then) so I told myself that I would not give up and I would not delete this story.

I am not going to give up on IRL. I will finish it! The updates are just going to be more spaced out because I'm going to be busy (who-hoo junior year!) and it's not my top priority at the moment (sorry) but it's not just the cube it's fan fiction as a whole. I'm kinda getting into a state of mind where I want to make up my own story and my own characters. I want to start getting into my teen fiction stories more. So please I encourage you to go now or when this book is done to check out my other books if you like my writing (and if you don't like my writing, go check them out anyways :D) the one that I would recommend right now is my story called Hollywood I think it's good and hopefully you do too!!

But anyways this is super long so I'm gonna try to wrap it up. I'm sorry if you are mad that I haven't been updating. I'm sorry if you're mad that I'm not as into the cube. I'm sorry if you're mad that there will be no more cube stories (hopefully I finish band-aid) I'm sorry if you think that I'm lazy or I don't care. I started this because it was fun and I enjoyed it but it's not fun when you feel like you have to update because then you rush to make something that you aren't proud of. (Most of you are lovely and I thank you for being so) and that's all I had to say, so bye!


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