When Opportunity Comes Knocki...

By Acgomez16

2.8K 21 6

These three girls=Average. Alyssa, Joy, and Taylor moved from Virginia to the UK after they graduated from Hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 38

26 0 0
By Acgomez16

(Niall's P.O.V)

I can't believe Alyssa is actually leaving... I have to get to her!

"Guys, we have to go, now!"

We all ran to the car and sped to the airport. We had gotten to the airport and how to run to the service desk just to find out where her terminal was.

We had finally made it to her, but before we actually walked up to them and before they noticed us, we heard that Taylor was trying to get her to stay and Joy is sitting there hugging her while she's crying her eyes out. 

We decided that it was time to go. Harry took Joy away and Liam took Taylor away. 

A: "What are you doing here?!"

"Please don't go, I'm sorry for everything!"

A: "Niall, nothing you say or do can make me change my mind." After she had said that to me she started to walk away, but before she could get too far I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.

"Alyssa, you're making a stupid mistake."

A: "Oh so I'm stupid now?! Well, Niall, I'm officially done. WE are done. You think you know what's best for me when you don't! Only my family, Joy, and Taylor know me, you don't, so good bye Niall!"

I just turned around and walked away angrily. I know for sure that I had red, puffed up, eyes. Before I got too far I her Joy yell, "Alyssa, please!" so I turned around and saw that she ran back to Joy and Taylor and hugged them tightly.

A: "I know Joy, it's hard, but I just need time to calm down and breathe, okay? Please stop crying."

J: "But, I can't! One of my best friends is leaving me!" She said sobbing.

A: "I know."

They said their goodbyes then she said them to the boys and she left.

(Joy's P.O.V)

Of course "3000 Miles" by Emblem3 came on while were we driving back... This was going to be a rough couple of days for everyone and since Alyssa and Niall fought in the airport I bet it's already around that they broke up.

All I know is that I'm going to be facetiming, texting, calling, whatever I can to her all of the time to keep in touch.

We were doing the performance soon anyways so I will be able to see her again. Also I'm pretty sure we still have one more practice, but i'll have to look at my schedule for that.

(Alyssa's P.O.V)

I was finally on the plane and when we were able to I took my phone out and put my earphones in. I instantly put on "3000 miles" because I thought it was just a perfect song to put on... Yeah, I seem to do that in a lot of situations. I put songs on that go with what is happening at that point in my life or whatever mood I'm in.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder so I took one ear bud out and looked behind me. It was a girl that looked around 15 or 16.

"Um, excuse me, but are you Alyssa Gomez?" She said in a sort of whisper.

"Yes, and what may your name be?"

"I'm Kalen." 

"Well, Hi Kalen. What can I do for you?"

K: "Hey, I just wanted to say that I'm not like the fans that are rude to you, I actually have a fan page for you and the rest of the girls." She had a big smile on her face.

"Awe, that's sweet. Thank you." I smiled back to her.

K: "Can I sit with you?"

"Yeah, sure."

I had nobody sitting next to me anyways so why not?

K: "Why are you on a plane right now? Don't you have to take pictures at the boys concerts?"

I probably blushed so hard right then because I didn't  want to tell a total stranger what was going on with my life right now.

"Oh, I'm just taking a break right now and visiting my family." Nice save. 

K: "Oh, okay. Do you want to see some of the edits I've made of you and the girls?"

I've never seen an edit of myself....


She was just showing me the pictures for the rest of the flight, man she has a lot!

Once we had gotten off of the plane I got a picture with her and since she liked it a lot I put it on my twitter.

"I met this wonderful directioner today! pic.twitter.com/F5vsg45h"

I said goodbye and then called one of my brother's to come pick me up and not to tell anyone that I was here because I wanted to surprise them.

While I was waiting I went to Taco Bell. I haven't had some in so long and while I was waiting for my food I heard someone call my name. It was my oldest brother, Brandon, I guess he just knew that I'd be at Taco Bell. I used to always go. I even remember my order by heart. A number 7, Chicken, with a crunchy taco and a mountain dew baja blast. 

Man, I'm weird.....

We hugged for a long time and then my name was called to get my food so I grabbed it and we were off.

I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face. It's been too long.

(Harry's P.O.V)

Joy was such an emotional wreck right now. I was trying my hardest to calm her down, but whenever I tried it got worse and whenever it got worse she had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

Then my phone buzzed.

From Alyssa: Hey, I hope everyone's okay and I'm just letting you know that my plane landed and I'm safe.

Well nobody's okay, you left....

To Alyssa: Everyone's just being really quiet and Joy's throwing up, but okay I hope to see you soon x

From Alyssa: I hope so too, bye x

We've all just sat around not doing anything for a while. I thought that I should make them get up.

"Everyone up, just cause Alyssa left doesn't mean we need to be gloomy. She'll be back before we know it."

J: "I donn wannn ge uu" it was all muffled because she had her face in a pillow.

"I don't care, we need to get out and go do something."

Li: "Fine!"

We all got off of the bus, even though we had a hotel, and grabbed a soccer ball that we found. We just passed the ball around for a while. There were some fans outside the fence, but we didn't bother to go to them at that moment because from a distance we could look perfectly fine, but up close you could see all of the bags under our eyes and the girls, plus Niall, had red, puffy eyes.

Then Taylor got a text, she pulled Joy back to the bus to show her. I guess it was Alyssa.

(Taylor's P.O.V)

I had gotten a text from Alyssa while we were outside and she told me to get Joy,

From AA Boo Boo: Hey, I need to talk to you and Joy. Do not let any of the boys come with you and listen. Especially not Niall..

I grabbed Joy, showed her the text and we went into the building so the boys wouldn't follow us onto the bus and we found a spot where they wouldn't look for us.

Once we got to where we wanted, I facetimed Alyssa. 

A: "Hey guys!"

J: "Hey!"

"Hey, now tell us what you wanted to tell us that we can't let the boys know."

A: "Okay, here's the thing, I ran into James." 

J: "Okay, so what happened when you ran into him?"

A: " He told me that he's been thinking about me lately and wants us to start over." she said looking down.  

"So what did you say to him?" 

She sighed and said, "Well, I told him I'd think about it. I mean we never wanted to break up, we just broke up because I was moving with you guys."

I looked at Joy and she just looked confused. 

J: "But, what about Niall?" she said squeezing my hand.

A: "We broke up Joy and you know that."

Alyssa ran her fingers through her hair frustrated.

"So you're moving on?"

A: "I guess so."

J: "What the heck! Its only been two days since you guys broke up!"she yelled.

"Joy, keep your voice down!" I said in a whispered yell.

J: "No, because she's obviously not thinking!"

A: "What do you mean I'm not thinking!" she said angrily.

(Joy's P.O.V.)

Why couldn't she see that Niall was trying to save their relationship? Why couldn't she see that he really wanted to keep her? He showed up to the airport and apologized and that's not enough for her?

"Niall was trying to keep you! He showed up to the airport just to keep you from leaving and you still left. His words might've come out wrong, but you weren't willing to read in between the lines! He still wants you and you are already moving on?! Alyssa, I know you still have feelings for Niall, all of the things you've done for him and him for you. Really?! You're ready just to give all of that away, plus the best job you've had!" I proclaimed with tears welling up in my eyes. 

A: "Now you too! No, just no! Why do you and Niall think you know what I'm feeling when you don't!" 

"Alyssa! Really?!" I exclaimed.

A: "Yes really! I'm sick of you! Always thinking you can fix everything when you can't!" 

And with that I stormed off. I'm supposed to be her best friend and she is sick of me trying to help, I mean I thought that was what best friends do? Guess not! As I stormed out of the hotel the boy's soccer ball rolled over to me, so I kicked it as hard as I could. After I kicked it, the ball hit Harry square in his chest and he flew backwards! 

"Oh my gosh! Babe, I'm soo sorry! Are you alright!"

Lo: "What the heck Joy!"

"I'm sorry! I was angry, I didn't mean for it to hit him!"

Harry was trying to get his breathing back. 

LiN: "Wow!"

N: "I've never seen a girl kick a ball like that!"

"Stop! I might've hurt him!" I said running my fingers through his hair. 

Louis bent down and said in a girly voice, " Are you okay babe!?"

I playfully punched him in the chest and looked down at Harry.

H: "Well that was a wake up call!" he said sitting up.

"Love, I'm sooo sorry!" 

H: "Well, I would forgive you but..."

J: "But what?" 

H: " You didn't say it right!" he said giving me a cheeky grin.

I could've just hit him in the balls with that soccer ball, if I don't say sorry correctly! Oh wait, I know what he's talking about. So I leaned down and gave him a sweet little kiss. I tried to pull away but he put his hand on my neck not wanting to stop. 

Z: "PDA!!!! STOP!"

Li: "You are too young!"

We both started laughing as we got off the ground.

H: "Liam, I see you and Taylor all the time don't even." 

Liam began to blush. 

We laughed a little bit more and got our stuff off of the tour bus. As we walked into the hotel.

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