Life after Marriage

By Simply_Kailee

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**Sequel to Falling Back in Love** **A Haleb Story** About three years ago, Caleb and Hanna got married. Afte... More

Three Years Later...
Silent Treatment
Fruit Farm.
Birthday Party
News and Arguments.
Hangovers and Regrets
More Problems.
Temporary Happiness.
Step By Step.
Surprises and An Envelope.
The Letter.
Another Letter.
Meetings and Cravings.
Court Day.
Court Day Continuation
And Then There Were Six...


597 17 6
By Simply_Kailee

Hanna's Pov.

Where the hell is Caleb?

It's currently three o'clock p.m. and everyone is coming in an hour.  Caleb was supposed to come home at 9 a.m. like he does every Saturday.  But he isn't home yet.

He's supposed to be grilling when everyone gets here.  I still have to get ready and get the kids ready because they're in their home clothes still.  I have to go to the store to get the desserts but I don't want to go with all of the kids because it's too much of a hassle. 

Caleb won't answer any of my calls or texts and his business line says it's busy.

"Drew, can you take your sister and your brother to get dressed please?  I already laid out the outfits on your beds."  I ask Drew.

"Okay mommy.  Come on Casey and Corey."  Drew motions them to follow him.

I call Caleb's business line again. 

Ring, ring, ri-

"Derrange Business Association, this is Cindy, how may I help you?"  Someone finally answers the phone.

"Hi Cindy, can I talk to Caleb Rivers please?" I ask as nicely as I can.

"Let me check, please hold."  Cindy says, putting me on hold.

"I'm sorry but Caleb is in a meeting right now.  I can take a message though?"  Cindy says a minute later.

"Tell him that his wife has been trying to call him and he should learn to pick up the damn phone. Please and thank you." I say through gritted teeth.  I hang up the phone and throw it on the couch.

I grab a pillow and scream into it.  I place the pillow down and walk upstairs.

"Are you guys dressed yet?" I ask my kids as I walk into their room.

"Not yet mommy."  Drew says as he tries to put Corey's arm in the arm hold of the shirt.

I laugh a little and walk over to Drew.

"Here, let me help."  I tell him as I bend down and pull Corey's arm through the hole gently.

"I'll dress Corey and Casey while you get dressed okay?" I tell Drew as I begin to change Corey's diaper.

"Okay!" He replies to me, walking to his bed to retrieve his clothes.

I finish changing Corey's diaper, putting his pants on.

"Alright, go play baby." I tell Corey, walking over to Casey's.

"Let's get you ready Casey." I tell her, making her put her doll down.

I begin to dress Casey in her dress, changing her diaper first.

"Alright kids. Let's go to mommy's room so that I can get ready." I tell them, picking Corey up and exiting the room.

We enter my bedroom and close the door.

"Okay, I'm going to go use the bathroom real quick. Don't go anywhere, alright? I mean it." I tell them, making sure they understand before I close the door and do my business.

When I was done, I wash my hands and open the door to see the kids jumping on the bed, Corey just sitting on the bed, watching Drew and Casey.

"Look mommy!" Casey shouts to me from the bed.

I look at her to see her jumping on the bed.

"Wow, that's so cool. Just be careful and don't fall of the bed, okay?" I tell them.

"Okay mommy." Casey says.

I look in my closet for something to wear. I pick out two dresses and hold it up in front of me.

"The blue dress or the black dress?" I ask my kids.

"Blue!" Drew says.

"Black!" Casey says.

I sigh and look at Corey to see him already looking at me.

"Which one Corey?" I ask him, knowing that he's going to either reply or point.

"Bue." Corey says.

"Thanks babes." I tell my kids, putting the black dress back and taking the blue dress off of the hanger.

I quickly change in my closet, putting my black wedges on soon after.

I begin to braid my hair to the side, finishing in a minute.

"Alright, let's go downstairs and wait for the guests to arrive." I say, picking Corey up.

Corey begins to whine and complain, throwing his arms everywhere and thrashing his legs.

"What's wrong?" I ask Corey, huffing in annoyance.

Corey continued to thrash around in my arms, not saying or doing anything else.

"Use your words!" I command Corey to do, getting fed up.

"Down!" Corey says, stopping his thrashing and whining.

I set Corey down on the floor.

"Now what?"  I ask Corey.

He stands on his feet and starts to walk towards the stairs.

I gasp in surprise and excitement.    I walk to Corey as he begins to walk down the stairs, holding the railings.

I continue to follow behind Corey, making sure he doesn't fall.

"Mommy, Corey is walking down stairs!"  Drew points out, also walking down the stairs.

"He is baby."  I reply.

Corey makes it down the steps, sitting on the ground after.

"Good job baby!"  I praise Corey, bending down and kissing him on the forehead and his cheek.

"I did it!" Corey exclaims.

"Yes you did!"  I agree with Corey, standing back up and doing a mini clap dance.

My baby is growing up!

"Goo Job Bubs!"  Casey says, patting Corey on the back.

Drew kisses Corey on his head, as if saying good job.

"Go play in backyard, mommy will be there in a minute."  I tell them.

I walk to the living room and grab my phone from the couch,  dialing Emily's number after.

"Hey Hanna, I'm on my way right now."  Emily says after she picks up her phone.

"Hey Em, that's great but can you do me a huge favor and go to the store and pick up some dessert?"  I ask her.

"Sure Han."  Emily says back.

"Thank you!  I just don't want to go to the store with all of the kids because it's such a hassle.  And Caleb isn't home so I can't tell him to go."  I start to rant.

"Han, it's fine.  Really.  I get it.  I'll be over after the store."  Emily assures me, hanging up the phone.

I put my phone into my dress's pockets.


I walk to the front door, opening it to find Alison holding her new-born baby with three -year-old Amy by her side.  Lorenzo stands next to Amy, holding her hand and carrying two pans in his hands.

"Hey guys, come on in."  I greet them, motioning them to come inside.

"Hi Han."  Ali greets back, hugging me.

"Hello."  Lorenzo greets me, hugging me also.

"Hi Auntie Hanna!"  Amy greets me also.

"Hi Amy!  Wow, you're getting so big!"  I tell Amy, picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"The kids are in the backyard."  I inform Amy, knowing that she wants to see Drew.

I set Amy down and she runs off to the backyard.  I close the door and leave it unlock, so that I won't have to be inside the whole time to hear the doorbell.  I walk to the kitchen to see Lorenzo putting the pans down on the counter.

I walk to Ali and her son Bailey.  I take Bailey from her arms and hold him in mine.

"Hi cutie."  I talk to Bailey.

"Han, where's Caleb?"  Ali asks me, looking around the kitchen.

"He's still at work."  I keep it short and hold my tongue back.

"Oh."  Ali says, knowingly.

"Hello everyone!"  Aria greets as she walks into the kitchen with a couple of bags in her hands.  Ezra follows behind her with another bag in his hand.

"Hey."  I greet them, grabbing the bags from Aria's hands and setting them down on the counter.

"What do you think you're doing, carrying these heavy bags when your about to pop!"  I scold Aria, looking at her belly.

"I tried telling her."  Ezra says, shaking his head as he puts the bag on the counter.

"I may be eight months pregnant but that doesn't mean I'm weak and can't handle anything."  Aria points out.

I laugh and hug her. 

"True that."  I agree with her once I pull back.

I hug Ezra hello and begin to unpack the bags.

"The pies need to be refrigerated."  Aria points out.

I put everything back into the bag and put the bag inside of the fridge.

An hour later...

"Alright Han, the food is done.  All we're waiting for is Caleb."  Toby tells me as he walks up to the bench that all of us girls are sitting at.

"Let's just eat.  I'll go get the plates."  I say, standing up from the bench.

"What about Caleb?"  Toby asks me, stopping me from getting up.

"What about him?"  I ask back.

"Shouldn't we wait for him?"  Toby asks me.

"Why?  If we wait for him, we won't be eating until midnight.  So, let's just eat and enjoy the rest of the night."  I tell Toby with a smile.  I continue on getting up from the bench and I walk inside the house to get the plates and forks.  I get the plates and forks, going outside after.  I place the stuff on the table where the food is laid out.

"Alright, kids, food is ready!"  I shout to the kids and also the adults.

All the kids run up to the table and begin to fill their plates with hot dogs and hamburgers.

I begin to help the kids, seeing that some of them need help. 

Forty minutes later...

"Han, aren't you going to eat?"  Spencer asks me, seeing that everyone else has eaten but me.

"Yeah, soon.  Just not right now."  I reply to her, keeping it short.

Spencer nods and continues to listen in the conversation.

Emily gets up from the bench and pulls me off the bench as well. 

"What's wrong Em?" I ask her as she continues to pull me towards the house.

"I'm fine.  What's wrong with you?"  Emily asks me, once we are inside the house.

"What do you mean?  I'm fine."  I reply to Emily, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Is it about Caleb?"  Emily asks me, ignoring what I said.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

I roll my eyes and just stay silent.

"Han, just answer me please."  Emily begs.

"Yes, it is about Caleb."  I decide to be honest, knowing that Emily will continue on asking me until I give her the truth. 

"Okay, spill your emotions."  Emily commands.

"I'm mad at Caleb."  I tell Emily.

"And...?"  Emily says, dragging the word out, waiting for me to continue what I was saying.

"Look, I'm fine, okay?  Okay.  Now, just go back outside and enjoy the rest of the night." I snap at Emily, walking away after and going upstairs.

I enter my bedroom and sit on the bed, closing my eyes to calm myself down. 

I look at the time on my phone and read 8:30 p.m.

and he's still not home yet...

After five minutes of me just sitting there, I decide to get up and go outside to try to enjoy the rest of my night.

As I walk outside, I hear someone crying.  Everyone begins to look for their kids, making sure it's not their kid crying.

"Mommy!"  It's Casey crying.  I just know it.

I fast-walk towards the crying child.

Casey sits on the grass right in front of the slide.

"What's wrong?"  I ask her, picking her up and carrying her on my waist.

"Fell off slide hard."  Casey replies , crying harder and louder.

"Okay, first things first.  Calm down.  Take deep breaths and calm down."  I tell Casey.

Casey begins to do as I say, taking deep breaths and calming down.

"Okay, where are you hurting?"  I ask Casey.

She points to her butt and back.

I examine both of them, lifting her dress up so I could see them.

"You're going to be fine babe.  It might just bruise. You'll be fine."  I tell Casey, putting her dress the way it was.

"Do you want ice cream?"  I ask Casey, remembering the desserts.

"Yeah!"  Casey brightens up at the sound of ice cream.

So, I serve everyone desserts.

"I'm here.  I'm home."  Caleb announces as he enters the kitchen, putting his briefcase down on the table.

I just continue to clean up the kitchen.

"Are you mad at me?"  Caleb asks me, sounding clueless.

"Damn right I am."  I snap at him.

"Look I'm sorry, I totally forgot about the bbq.  I had meetings all day today because of the huge project we have.  You should understand that."  Caleb replies, turning me around to look at him.

"Understand that?  Of course I understand that you have work!  But what you need to understand is that family is more important than work!" I yell at him.  I push him away from me and closed the doors that led to the backyard, seeing that some people are starring at us.  I  don't want them to hear anything.

"I know that! I love my family more than anything!"  Caleb shouts back.

"Really?  You sure have a funny way of showing it!"  I shout back.

"Look, I was late today and I'm sorry.  Okay?  Why are you so mad about this?"  He asks me, walking towards me.

"Because Caleb!  This isn't the first time you forget something and then come home hours later than your supposed to and just say sorry!"  I yell at him.  This boy is getting me pissed.

"Oh my, you know how important my work is!" Caleb argues back.

"Right, work before your family. Sorry I forgot that you would rather go to work than to be here with your family." I say back, starring at him with anger in my eyes.

"I already told you! That's not true! I love my family!" Caleb argues with me.

"If not being here for your family is you showing love, then I don't know why the hell you're still here." I tell him, walking past him as a tear rolls it's way down my cheek.

Authors Note:
So, Caleb and Hanna are fighting now. Thats not good! But, what do you guys think?
Who's side are you guys on?
Let me know in the comments!

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Happy Reading!

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