Hidden Kingdom

By Leostar729

4K 205 99

Avian Ravenwood has always known her place in the world since she was young, serving the Royalty she had been... More

āŠ±Chapter 1 - part one šŸ—” Failed LessonāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 1 - part two šŸ—” SummoningāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 2 šŸ—” An Unwanted GuestāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 3 šŸ—”SurprisesāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 4 šŸ—”Birthday BashāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 5 - part two šŸ—”Elemental StrengthāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part one šŸ—”Mage TrialsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part two šŸ—”Master MageāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part three šŸ—”A Royal CommandāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 7 šŸ—”Beginnings of CourtingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 8šŸ—”Courting DisasterāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 9 šŸ—”Courting SecrecyāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 10 šŸ—”Beginnings of PanicāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 11 šŸ—”Death within LifeāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 12 šŸ—”Eternal SorrowāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 13 šŸ—”NightmaresāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 14 šŸ—”Revenge MissionāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 15 šŸ—”Revenge is SweetāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 16 šŸ—”Mission OrderāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 17 šŸ—”Mission OneāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 18 šŸ—”Unpleasant CompanyāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 19 šŸ—”Unending NightmareāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 20 šŸ—”Hostage SituationāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 21 šŸ—”Attempting SeductionāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 22 šŸ—”Jail BreakāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 23 šŸ—”Hidden TruthsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 24 šŸ—”Decoding the PastāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 25 šŸ—”Dragon BondingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 26 šŸ—” Stifling Truths āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 27 šŸ—”Chosen Future āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 28 šŸ—”A Lover's BetrayalāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 29 šŸ—” A Dragon Encounter āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 30 šŸ—”Destiny's DecisionāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 31 šŸ—”A Mother' guidance and a King RevealedāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 32 šŸ—”Hidden KingdomāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 33 šŸ—”Mother's StoryāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 34 šŸ—”Anxiety RisingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 35 šŸ—”Sky TrialsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 36 šŸ—”Capture the Magic FlagāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 37 šŸ—”Magical ChallengesāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 38 šŸ—”All or NothingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 39 šŸ—”Nightmare CallingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 40 šŸ—”The King's Blade āŠ°
Authors Note

āŠ±Chapter 5 - part one šŸ—”Introducing MagicāŠ°

195 13 6
By Leostar729

Hey guys! So I finally edited the next chapter! Hopefully you enjoy it. There have been some major changes from the original draft. Let me know what you think. Now onto the next chapter of Hidden Kingdom! 


Where am I? This isn't like my regular dreams. I stood by a clear glass lake. Surrounding me were trees so green they gleamed like emeralds. Further away stood mountains capped in snow glistening in the daylight.

This place feels familiar. As if I had been here before but couldn't remember when. In the sky flew a large bird. It circled over the lake several times but as I paid closer attention I realized that the thing in the air was too big to be a bird.

From above a loud roar resounded in the sky. The creature dipped and flew straight as an arrow heading towards me. I tried to move but I couldn't. The air vibrated as the creature came closer. It unfurled its wings landing lightly a few feet from me.

Not possible! The creature was a dragon! But how can that be? No one has seen a dragon for almost two decades. The dragon looked at me warily as it tucked in its wings. Opening its maw letting out a torrent of violet flames. I put my arms in front of me protectively, I never felt the heat of the fire that the dragon had created.

Peeking up I see the dragon eyeing me. "Avian" a whisper drifted through the air. I glanced around but the clearing was devoid of life except for me and the dragon. Not completely trusting the scaly serpent, I pulled out one of my knives just in case the dragon the dragon decided to attack.

But it only gave me a sad expression as it laid its head down at me feet. Here came my chance to kill the beast. I raised my knife prepared to strike. "Avian" came a sad whisper. I hesitated. That whisper stopped me from probably making a huge mistake. I couldn't kill an innocent dragon. It wasn't right. Besides I felt a connection I couldn't explain to this particular dragon. I put my knife away and held out my hand instead.

It lifted its head, putting its nose in my hand. The scales were silky smooth, warm and soft yet tough. I noticed they were a light purple but continued to shift into different colors. How peculiar. Feeling braver I walked up to the base of its neck and hugged the huge creature.

Instead of freaking out it created a funny noise at the base of its throat. Sort of like a cats purr. I laughed in delight, at the sound of my laugh the dragon craned its long neck, nuzzling my back with its huge head. Taking care as to not hurt me with the sharp spikes atop its head.

I don't know how but I already felt protective of this dragon. I would kill anyone before they hurt my dragon. Bonding with this dragon and claiming it as my own.

Pulling back from my dragon I look into its eyes. I smiled, I finally felt complete like that missing part of me was finally filled. The moment was short lived as a sharp pain filled me causing me to gasp out loud. A panic look filling the eyes of my dragon. "Find Me!" was the last thing I heard. As another wave of pain took me from my dreams.


Awaking with a gasp as a light pain throbbed deep in my abdomen. After another minute it finally dulled and faded away. Glancing out the window across the room to judge what time of day it was panic filled my being.

Crap! I am seriously late for my lesson today. Jumping out of bed I quickly get ready, then grab all of my weapons. You never know what might be needed during a lesson with father. Better to be safe than sorry.

When I came to the training fields I could see my father already immersed in his lesson with my sister. But what surprised me was that Dax and Bao were lined up along aside her, both paying very close attention to my father's instructions. As I took a step toward my father I became surrounded immediately with the King's young Knights.

"Happy Late Birthday Avian!" most of them cheered. A few of them were actually brave enough to come up and give me a quick hug. Most though stayed a foot away offering congratulations on my age and engagement of sorts, that's when I took my leave.

"Alright boys. Stay near me any longer and all of you will have serious injuries that will need immediate attention from the healers." Before I finished my sentence all of them scuttled off knowing what would happen if my wishes weren't obeyed. "Sorry I am late father." I announced my presence as I walked up to him.

Father turned towards the sound of my voice with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing here Avian?" My father asked in his politest tone.

Now it was my turn to be confused as both of my eyebrows raised, "What do you mean? I came here for my lesson."

"Didn't you get my note?" He pursed his lips.

Cocking my head to the side my chocolate brown locks fall over my shoulder. "No, what note?"

"The one that said you were summoned by the High Mage Balthazar. You were supposed to go there immediately as soon as you woke up."

"No I never received it. In fact I didn't see a note in the cottage." I reported to him while shaking my head.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as if he were running out of patience. "We will figure this out later. But right now you are late." He waved me off.

"Okay I'm going. Oh be sure to teach Bao and Dax our sign language along with the basics. Their education and skills are still somewhat lacking." I stated, giving them a wink.

"Won't be a problem. From what I have seen they could definitely use the work." Father lightly glared at the two apprentices who hung their heads as if to avoid his glare.

"Goodbye Father." I nodded in respect to him before making my way to the Mage's building. The Mage's building seemed vast. It probably has to be since it holds the training grounds, classrooms, and dorms for all the magical trainees. Stepping foot into the court yard a peculiar smell assaulted my senses, stopping me in my tracks. It smelled sickly sweet, the air becoming thicker with the smell the further I stalked into the courtyard.

"Blade Apprentice Avian, thank you for coming to see me today. It is a pleasure to meet you, my dear." A mage appeared out of thin air.

Nodding my head in respect to the Mage I greet him politely in return, "High Mage Balthazar. The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for the invitation. But may I ask what I am doing here and why is there a sweet aroma permeating the air?"

The mage appearing startled at my words answered my questions, "That is the smell of magic surrounding us. Usually only magic users can smell its odor. In fact only a handful of magic users can actually distinguish the ting of magic. How very peculiar." The mage eyed me with curiosity. He held out one of his hands for me to take, "May I?" Placing my hand inside of his, he bowed his head over our linked hands. Hardly a second later, he lifted his head to gaze into my questioning eyes. "You have an enormous energy pool housed within you." He informed while releasing my hand.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"You are very powerful magical wise. I have never seen so much raw power flowing through a person in such a long time. You will need to learn how to harness and control this power inside of you. Otherwise you are risking everyone's lives around you. From now on a couple days a week you will come here for lessons. Today I will start your training. But first things first. I have to find out what element you are closest to."

"Huh?" I'm pretty sure I had the look of total confusion on my face at the moment.

"The element that you are close to you will be able to wield. For example I am close to earth. I can move rock and plants by manipulating them through my connection. There are five elements in total. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Spirit." He explained patiently.

Tilting my head to the side I was burning with curiosity at the concept of Spirit, "What is Spirit?"

"Through Spirit you can talk to animals and people through mind links as well as control them if you are powerful enough. Spirit also helps to protect. People gifted with Spirit usually have some sort of beast companion. Now let us begin." He stooped down, picking up a rock from the ground. "Now will this rock to levitate above my palm."

Taking a deep breath I lifted my hands to position them on either side of his palm trying to get the small rock to float as instructed. After a minute of frustration and nothing happening I sigh, "It is useless. I can't do it. It is impossible." I wave my hands around in emphasis.

The mage shook his head at my denial, "No, the potential is there. I just think that your mind is blocking you from it. Hmmmm, here try this. Close your eyes and search within yourself for a barrier. Once you find it imagine smashing it to break it. Then try lifting the rock." Bartholomew instructed.

Doing as instructed I close my eyes. Searching within my own mind for the barrier that he was talking about. So far no luck. As I am literally about to give up I ram into an invisible wall that blocks my path. I guess this is that barrier held in my mind.

To break through it I imagine throwing myself against it trying to break it with all my strength. Pretty soon I am mentally panting from exertion. Finally it starts to crack under my efforts. Hitting it one more time the blast vibrates over the cracking barrier. Once the vibration stops the whole wall completely shatters, sending a flood of energy throughout my body and mind. Completely rejuvenating my exhausted form. 


Here is the third chapter of my story. Read, Vote, Comment. Totally your choice. :) Laters


You just have read the first part of the newly edited chapter 3 of the original draft. Hopefully the writing and characters have improved. If there is some advice you can provide to further improve the chapter please let me know. If you enjoyed the first part please comment and vote. Onto the next portion of the chapter! XD

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