1 girl vs O2L (An Adopted by...

By ILoveYouTubers2014

2.6M 40.5K 16.3K

The boys have been doing O2L for about a year now, and they decide to adopt a girl. Who is this lucky chick y... More

1 girl vs O2L
Peanut Butter
I feel bad
meet and greet
Haters are my motivators
Bungee jump
Kian has a girlfriend
Feeling it
New friend aka my neighbor
Start paying attention
I found you
A visit from Mom
My British Babysitters
Who are you ?
How could you forget me
Fun time
Meet and greet 2
Christmas preparations
Prank war pt.2
Christmas day
Meeting the Franta's
Semi crash pt.1
Semi crash pt.2
Tyler Who? And Mother Natures Gift
New Years Eve
Q and A about Me
Happy birthday
Sam what did u do
Back To School
Daddy Who?
Im sorry
Long Awaited Love
Important Authors Note
Back home
Another trip and brits
Authors note
Metting the brits
The Girlfriend
A Small Part of Me
Mouse Ears
Peanut brittle
1 Million
A New Chapter Response
Another Response
Connors leaving
The One
Why Now?
Your not my dad
Notice Me
Notice me 2
Disney is a load of shit
The video


41.4K 534 229
By ILoveYouTubers2014


It's been about a week since the phone call,I haven't been back to school.Dad called and said I got mono from when his friend visited,aka Ricardo.we've been bored all week so we decided to get off our lazy asses and play in the yard.

The guys and I were playing out in the front yard, JC and I were kicking around a soccer ball.i kicked the ball to far and it went in the road, I went out to get it.a car came around the corner and the door opened and I was pulled in.

"JC HELP MEEEE",I screamed.

I saw the boys jump up and run after the truck, we turned down a hill and lost them.I was blindfolded and tied up.i started crying.i was un blindfolded, I look up to see the face of my Father.he grabbed my chin and yanked me up to look at him.

"It's been far to long Cassandra,when we get home were gonna have some fun ",he snickered evilly.

We pulled up infront of a log cabin.he grabbed me by the hair into the house.he threw me into the wall and I fell to the floor.then he started kicking me over and over with his boots.he pulled me up and punched me in the face. He kept beating me until all I wanted WAS death.

(JC's pov)

After we lost them we immediately called the police and they were at our house momentarily.they took our statements and started search parties.we were able to even get Jack and Finn who were in California for the month, help.we had about 10 groups of 20 people in a certain area.Ricky is a mess he won't eat, he won't sleep and omg he's not sassing anymore.we need to get Cassandra back, if we don't I'm afraid what Ricky will do.

(CJ's pov)

I've been in this log cabin for about two days now,I want Ricky, I want Sam,JC ,Kian ,Trevor,and Connor.I've been beat five times in the two days I've been here, I now must have a broken arm I can't move it.i heard the thumping of his feet on the wooden stairs coming down to the basement.i saw him come down with two others,he kept pointing at me the guys smiled and nodded.

then the came at me they undressed me and they,raped me.i just wanted to die after they left I had a seizure a bad one, my head kept hitting the wooden floor on instinct I pressed the button around my neck.

(Ricky's pov)

It's been two days since I've seen Cassandra,I'm sitting on the bed of someone's truck crying.I heard my phone ring and I answered it to be met with a voice shouting seizure over and over again.she hit the button.

"Can you track where the alert came from",I asked the tech guy who was on scene.

He nodded and took my phone and connected it to the computer,by now everyone had gathered around this tech guy as he tried to find the address where their keeping CJ.

"Got it",he said.

The policemen got in their cars everyone else got into whatever vehicle we could find .we followed the cars for about an hour till we came upon a log cabin.the police barged the door down and ran into the house while we had to wait in our cars.

(Police Woman's pov)

We all barged in the house and one of our senior detectives cuffed the three men that were in the home drinking beer,and we think to be smoking weed.i went down a door leading into the basement,I heard whimpers.i looked over in the corner where a small girl who fits Cassandra's description was in the fetal position crying.

"Sweetheart can you hear me",I ask.

She rapidly nods looking up at me,her face was covered in bruises.she had a split lip, and a nasty cut along her hairline.as I got a closer look she was naked,and bleeding.the ass raped her he raped his own daughter .i took off my jacket and looked for her undergarment,I found it and the little girl slid them on.i had her stand up but she collapsed ,I caught her before she fell to the ground.i wrapped her in my jacket and held he as I climbed up the stairs,I said I found her and we whisked her away to the ambulance.once we were in a male paramedic put a white shirt and sweatpants in my hands,I changed her and the paramedic hooked up an IV.

We got to the hospital and rolled her to a room,I let the nurse take care of then.

(Dr.Daniels Pov)

The small girl had been rated from what to cop told me.i first assed any broken bones I found her left wrist was broken,and she had two broken ribs.i tried casting her wrist but she kept flinching away from me,

"Sweetie Im Not gonna hurt you,I have a son and daughter at home so I know how your feeling.i just want to help you so the Pain goes away, I just need to see what other things are broken okay.do you want anything",I ask.

"Water please",she whimpers.

I ask a nurse to get her some water she nods and heads off.i finally cast her wrist in a pink cast,and I get a bandage wrap around her chest securing her ribs so they can heal.i finally check out her other injuries,she needed two stitches which I took care of.all the other injuries were ginormous bruises. I was able to put some icy jell packs on some of the worse ones, but the others I couldn't touch.she finished drinking her water, and I told her I was gonna help her go to sleep.she nodded and I put the sedative in and slowly watched her eyelids close.

(Connors pov)

We were in the waiting room,waiting till we can see CJ.the Doctor comes back and we stand up.

"How's Cassandra",asks Ricky.

"Well she has a broken left wrist,two broken wrists both of which I took care of.she had a cut on her hairline but I stitched that up, she also has a concussion.but she has a lot of bruises,I was able to put ice packs on some but others not so much.i put her to sleep with a sedative from my observations she hasn't slept In about two days no food either,she had water but no food yet",said the doctor,

"Oh my when can we see h-her ",cries Sam.

"When she wakes up and gets some food,right now we need your statements",he said.

We all nodded and started crying as he brought us to a room.

"There's one more thing you need to know,She was raped".


OMG I'm sooo sorry for not updating in a while,ive been practicing all week for my basketball tryouts so yea,anyways it was really hard to keep calm while writing this.and I've been getting a lot of questions asking if I've been abused or if I am epileptic, which I'm not I'm not adopted either .this goal is 2000 reads, 5 comments, and 20 votes.you can do it.

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