Forever My Best Friend - (One...

By slowlovers

2.3K 30 18

Abigail Johnson is a 19 year old girl who was best friends with one of the members of the biggest by band on... More

Forever My Best Friend - (One Direction)
Still Friends ? Or.....
Morning Surprise
Meeting New Friends
Should I Confess?
Did That Really Happen?
Mysterious Saviour
Going Back In Time
SleeeepOver Timmmeee
Are We ? O?....
The Day !
First Date
A Day Out in London
A Song sung Well
Not So Perfect Date
Zayn's New Start
Exciting Times
Not an Update

Uh-Oh Its.....

185 3 1
By slowlovers

Hii again!

i was going to just leave the 1st chapter and upload it but i felt kind so i decided i would write maybe 2 other chapters and then upload those so you guys ca have something good to read for a while !

hope you enjoy the next few chapters !



Chapter 2 : Uh-oh ! Its.......

* Abigails POV*

I looked up and sure enough uh-oh it was HIM! Yes! Niall! My best friend! i looked at him and sure enough he was still that adorable Niall which i had a crush on since the 7th Grade (A/N not sure how you guys say it but Grade7 or Year 7 anways) I flushed a red colour as he looked at me !

"Abigail ?" Niall asked with a confused look on his face.

"erm..yeah! Bye Niall" i said quickly and rushed past him fighting away the tears that threatened to spill any minute ! If he remembered me why hadn't he just called or at least call mum to chat to me! As i got to the cashier to pay i heard Niall screaming my name but i refused to even turn around !! I could not face him again !

I headed out to my car with the bags. As i put my bags into the car i searched for my phone only to realize i didn't have it ! I searched everywhere and I was about to give up when Niall came up to me and handed me my phone.

" you dropped this with your stuff ! Here you go!" He said as he gave me my phone ! Oh! I've missed you my phone! "Abi,I really am sorry for not keeping my promise! it was just staright after X Factor i got really busy and i just didn't have time" Niall said tears in his eyes

"Well being busy isn't an excuse for forgetting your best friend Niall! I thought we were best friends ! We were friends from when we were  3 years old! You don't just forget someone ! and if you think i am just going to forgive you,think again ! And I am so sorry that you were so busy you couldn't even call your best friend" i yelled at him with tears falling down my cheeks ! I got into my car and started driving ! I was almost halfway home when the tears started ! I couldn't believe he was too busy for his best friend ! I was just starting to live my life normally again and he came into my life again!

I arrived at home,grabbing the items and rushing into the house ! "mum i have your stuff" i yelled dumping the stuf on the kitchen counter top ! Mum came down and when she saw the tears she hugged me tightly ! I just cried and hugged her !

"What happened honey?" mum asked me with concern in her eyes. She always cared for me ! As much as i yelled at her or we had arguments she was always there! That's why i loved her so much!

"N-Niall! I saw him and he said that he was too busy to even call " I explained to her in between the sobs!

All she did was hug me ! she knew how much i hurt when Niall didn't call for months and months ! For crying out loud its almost an entire year ! I went upstairs into my room and shut the door! I lied down on my bed just thinking of what it would be like if Niall had not gone to audition ! Don't take it the wrong way i am happy for him, i always told him he had a great voice but it just hurt knowing i wasn't anything to him ! Nothing important !!

Who knows maybe this incident will be the beggining of our friendship again...but i highly doubt that !

The next thing i knew my eyes were closed and i was dreaming !


sorry the ending was crappy ! didn't know how to end it !

Theres more surpirses coming along!

What do you think ? Will Abigail and Niall become friends again?

Does Abi still have the felings for Niall as she has before !

Please comment and vote !

tune in later for more updates !

Follow me on twitter @NiallersGirl_01 for updates !


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