my new life, in the werewolfs...

By dead-fantasy

1.2M 18.4K 1.1K

Singing, playing the violin, studying like crazy and lastly enjoying the little free time she has with her fr... More

my new life, in the werewolfs claw 1 to 3
my new life, in the werewolves claw ch 4
my new life, in the werewolves claw ch 5
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 6 part 1
my new life, in the werewolf claw 6 part 2
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 7 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 8 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 9 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 10 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 11 Kala's POV
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 11
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 12 dream
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 13 Friends ~ truth
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 15 Friends ~ drunk chatt
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 16 Friends ~ the chase / hunt
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 17 Vampire BFF okay, so what else?
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 18 the ball/ party
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 19 No one is allowed to touch you, but me...
my new life, in the werewolfs claw Chapter 20 she is MINE!
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 21 dirty
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 22 stand alone -1 Kidnapped
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 22 stand alone -1 Kidnapped part two
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 23 Kidnapped- fearless
Kidnapped, the end of our fighting
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 25 The grim reaper and the crematory
ch 26 girls, bets and fights. And a hot shower with Mr. Nice Guy!
ch 27 good looks, hormones and me- live is way to irrational
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 28 i want to know
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 29
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 30 the slaves revenge
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 31 the slaves revenge- a bloody day
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, chapter 32 the key
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, 33 the last beloved
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, chapter 34 fight one
my new life, in the werewolfs claw- fight two
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 35 a slaves freedom centuries of solitude
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 36 not alone
My new life, in the werewolfs claw- ch 37 The Duel
Chapter 38 the saviour
My new life, in the werewolf's claw chapter 39 my ancestor
chapter 40 time to rest?
ch 41 unspoken feelings
ch 42 the next step
ch 43 lovley hormones
ch 44 the safest way
Chapter 45 Far Far Away
CH 46 July 30- 13:44 Towards my own future

my new life, in the werewolfs claw 14 Friends ~ Thomas

24.1K 415 10
By dead-fantasy

Chapter 14 Friends 2 


This was really stupid. How could I hate someone for doing the same things that I did. He didn't even lie to me, no he just didn't mention it. Just like me and besides that, I also didn't have the courage to tell them that I had "problems" at least. No I told him I had a dept to Aaron and that they should just let me be, that I would be able to overcome my own problems. 

I also didn't trust them in a few things! 

So, is it that I'm angry because, I never imagined that he hid this since our childhood?

"You seem really angry, what's wrong?" it was Clover, that was standing in front of me, looking gorgeous as always having a motherly worried expression. "Can I take a seat?" she asked with a gentle voice. "Um, sure." I stuttered. "Weren't you supposed to be.." "Yes, I came to attend the new year's party tomorrow and saw you run in here, so I came in." she smiled warmly at me and I replied it. "So, you eating this amount of ice cream, don't tell me it is because of Aaron!" 

I chuckled a little "Aaron is... a bastard! He is a pervert, a molester, a good for nothing, how could you leave me alone with him?!" she was really surprised at my outburst "Wow, you are the first to be so frank about it!" "Well this might be, because he is a crude, violent bastard!" I almost hissed at her but she chuckled just a little. "Okay he is hard to deal with, I know it, but he isn't that mean, believe me, he has good heart." She gave me another motherly smile I couldn't withstand and smiled back. "But Aaron isn't the reason you are feeling down right?" she asked curiously. 

"You knew about Thomas, right?" I asked her, feeling again very lonely inside. 

"Ah, he confessed to you. mhh." 

"Is It stupid to angry at him, for not telling me beforehand?" I asked a bit embarrassed.  

"You already know, that's forbidden to talk about it." 

"He could have told me, after I told him that I'm moving in with Aaron!" I almost screamed, and used all the anger I had inside to pronounce Aarons name.

"You can't stand Aaron... Well it was his stupid idea after all." I frowned on that and shoved ice cream in my mouth. 

"Since when do you know Thomas?" "Since I'm 6, why?" "Want to tell me some more, I'm curious." Clover was the kind of woman you never said no to, and neither did I.

"Well it was 13 years ago, I was 6 when I met him, I was ill since the Austrian cold weather didn't suit me, I was just used to the heat we had in India, so I had to stay at home, and since I was new I knew no one here besides my siblings, who were at school most of the day.... And because of some incident, I just had to be very carefull with my body.

Music... Yes there was music coming from the neighbors' window. Piano, Bach probably. I hated piano but our neighbor Ms Satclif taught children... her son had strange hair, but he could play really pretty... but it was still school time? Was he like me? I mused at that time gathering my curage to leave my room.

I went over to the window and sat down there cuddling into my blanket I had taken with me. The music went on prettily for some time, and I was again amazed how people could play that thing. I hated it so much that I broke my a few fingers with a door, so that grandma wouldn't force me to learn it anymore. The music stopped and Thomas head popped out of the window, I remember how his hair irritated me. "Was machst du da? Hey, bist du in Ordnung?" ("What are you doing there? Hey are you alright?") I remember not knowing what he was talking about, my German was horrible then. Later he once told me, that I was like a scared kitten. He heaved me into the room from the window and gave me some hot cacao, we sat on the piano and he played for me. He talking and I nodded to the nonsense things I was understanding. This was our first meeting, and then he would sneak inside my room, when it was time for me to sleep. After a week, he asked me "Can I keep you?" when I was half asleep.

I smiled all over the face at the memory and Clover who listened intensely smiled with me. 

"So cute, no wonder the girls around here like him." 

"Too bad no one got a chance with him. He would never look at a different girl then Lucy." I sounded like mom at this point, but Clover smiled warmly. I was proud of him.

"Were you ever in love with him?" she asked teasingly. "Yes, he was my first, in almost every aspect in my short life." I smiled back, little hurt thought.  

"You know Elisabeth left the country a few years ago, right?" "Yes, when he was thirteen, but she allowed him to live in a small apartment, where a friend could look after him." 

"He and his mother Elisabeth had a fight in Leons office, the boy didn't want to move, and was arguing loudly, Leon slapped him hard enough that he flew on the next wall. He stood up and tried to carve out Leons eyes." she talked excitedly about it. Shaking her had thinking about the situation. "The boy got himself beaten up pretty bad, and he got quite famous thanks to this. But he just wanted to stay with his special friend." I laughed, that wasn't like Thomas, but then again he did everything for me back when we were kids.

"Did you calm down?" I nodded; Thomas had always been there for me, he had his reasons not say something which was for normal people "absurd" like this. "Thanks" 

"No problem, and don't forget to choose something nice to wear for the party." 

"Party?" I asked perplexed. "Don't worry, the boy will tell you everything." she stood and went out the door, Thomas opened it for her, and I saw him say something but Clover waved at me and went.

"ehm... you alright?"He asked awkwardly while taking Clovers place 

"Alright? Well yes, let's see, I'm a werewolf my friend is a werewolf, we are all werewolves, everything is nice and pretty!" 

"It's not that bad." he said calmly. "No, it's not bad to be turned into a monster." I replied dryly but regretted it the very instant, his showed that it hurt him to hear that from me. 

"As I told you already, I was born like this, it's nothing I can change."  

"What about the party tomorrow?" I just needed to change the subject. 

"it's a party for supernatural beings in Austria and Germany. Aaron will be the host, and thanks to yesterday night, you will have to attend it." 

"Again, yesterday night. I don't remember the nights." I whispered to him. 

"Yeah, too bad, since you got major problems thanks to yesterday night." "What did I do, god damn it!" 

"I will tell you later, eat up for now so we can go." he evaded the subject again.

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