Harry Potter The Next Generat...

By sggardner

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Complete. In their second year at Hogwarts, Rose Weasley and Scropius Malfoy are trying to keep their friends... More

Chapter One: Victorie's Party
Chapter Two: King's Cross
Chapter Three: The Trip to Hogwarts
Chapter Four: The Hospital Wing
Chapter Five: Rose's Not-So-Good First Day
Chapter Six: The Aftermath of the Incident
Chapter Eight: Qudditch Practice and Gloria's Comeback
Chapter Nine: Netflix and The Restricted Section
Chapter Ten: The Huge Red Stain of Doom
Author's Note

Chapter Seven: Quidditch Tryouts

261 7 0
By sggardner

        On Friday night, Rose stayed in the library with Scorpius until the librarian had to literally kick them out. Rose had told Scorpius and only Scorpius that she would be trying out the next day.

        "You're so strange." Scorpius said as they made their way down a dark corridor.

        "Why would you say that?" She asked him, tightening her ponytail.

        "Instead of actually practicing for tryouts, you study for them. You are definitely the nerdiest person of all time." Scorpius said. Rose nodded.

        "That's just how I roll." Rose skipped ahead of him.

        "What are you doing?" He asked, catching up to her.

        "Showing you I live a dangerous life." Rose said, skipping some more.

        "Running down the hall. Such a rule breaker." Scorpius rolled his eyes.

        Soon, they approached Scorpius' dorm. They told each other goodnight and Rose walked by herself to her own dorm. She silently crawled in her bed across from Azalea. This is usually what she did. Went to bed after Azalea went to sleep. Leave the dorm before Azalea woke up. Anything to avoid her.

        "Good luck with tryouts." Azalea said which startled Rose. She realized Azalea was talking to Alice.

        "Thanks." Alice yawned on the other side of the room.

        The next morning, Rose woke up early. Earlier than anyone in her dorm. She was feeling nervous. She got ready for Quidditch tryouts. She had no idea what to wear, so she just wore some jeans and a long sleeved red shirt. She braided her hair and put on her boots. Just before she left the dorm, she grabbed some library books to return and left. She put some headphones on and listened to Muggle rock songs as she dropped off her books. Being her bookworm self, she checked out a few more books. She ate breakfast with barely anyone at her table. The morning sun shone through the tall windows as a slow song came on her IPod. After she finished eating, she walked to the Great Lake where she and her friends sat the year before. She looked across the lake and felt the morning air give her chills. Her hair was still a bit wet from her morning shower. Rose laid back and looked at the clouds. She thought about her family and how much she missed them already. She closed her eyes for a minute and then opened them again to see Scorpius' face with his usual stupid complexion leaning over her. She took off her headphones. 

        "Yes, Pureblood?" She sat up.

        "Are you in one of your moods again?" He rolled his eyes. His light hair was all ruffled up. It looked soft and feather like. Rose almost wanted to touch it. Her eyes followed him as he sat down next to her.

        She snapped out of it. "What do you want? I was listening to Aerosmith."


        "It's a Muggle band." Replied Rose.

        "Oh." Said Scorpius. Out of the blue he said, "I'm guessing you're nervous about Quidditch." 

        "Why would you say that?" Rose asked.

        "You're fidgeting with your clothes. You always do that when you're nervous." Said Scorpius. Rose realized she was playing with her sleeve and stopped.

        "Gloria is almost half way better. Almost." Scorpius said, looking across the water.

         "That's good." Said Rose. She checked her watch. Quidditch tryouts were soon. A mixture of excitement and nervousness boiled up in her stomach. Like two butterflies were fighting to death inside. She shakily stood up and so did Scorpius.

        "Tryout time?" He asked. She nodded.

        They made their way to the Quidditch stands. Rose saw Azalea, Albus, and Matthew in the stands. She also saw Zac and Elise. She realized everyone would be watching her. And Scorpius was the only one who knew she was trying out. 

        Scorpius wished her good luck and sat by himself in the stands.

        She went to the middle of the Quidditch field where McGonagall was talking to everyone who was trying out. Rose looked back into the stands. Scorpius was giving her a thumbs up. Everyone else was looking at her with shock and surprise. Rose looked around at her competition. The majority of people seemed older and intimidating.

        "First to tryout- Ravenclaws! All Ravenclaws stay on the field. Everyone else back off a bit. Don't go into the stands, though." Said McGonagall. 

        Rose watched all of the Ravenclaws tryout from a small spot in the back of the crowd. They all seemed very good. Out of all twenty-two people who tried out, they were finally down to the final team of seven. One was a second year, three third years, two fourth years, and the team captain, Amelia Warrington, a seventh year.

        Next up was the Hufflepuffs. Lorcan and Lysander were both trying out. They were actually pretty good Beaters. The team now consisted of two second years (Lorcan and Lysander), four fifth years, and the team captain, Beth March, a sixth year.

        Then it was Slytherin's turn to try out. They only needed six more people as Scorpius was already the Seeker. Xavier ended up as Keeper. On his team were three third years and two seventh years. One of those seventh years was the team captain, Cecil Smith.

        Finally, it was Gryffindor's turn. Rose was handed a broomstick and shoved out onto the field, She was very nervous. She could feel everyone staring at her.

        "What would you like to tryout for?" McGonagall asked her.

        "Um... a Beater." She said in almost a whisper. The older kids laughed as she looked at the ground. What the heck am I doing, she thought, I'm not cut out for this.

        "A Beater?"

        Beaters were not usually played by girls. Especially not twelve year old girls. First, everyone tried out for Seeker. Alice totally got it. Rose heard her "friends" in the stands cheering for Alice. Next, tryouts for Keeper. Charlie got that one. Her "friends" cheered again. Then tryouts for Chasers. Two fourth years and a seventh year (the team captain, Daniel O' Brien, Charlie's older brother). Finally, it was try outs for the Beaters. By the time it was Rose's turn, one Beater, another seventh year, had been chosen. First, they tested her flying skills. Rose felt absolutely spectacular up in the air, the wind brushing in her face as she flew gracefully. She remembered what she had studied and incorporated it in her flying. She flew up and up as the crowd stared in awe. She was smiling so big as she flew so high. Everything was wonderful, until a giant BOOM made the ground and the air shake. Rose stumbled and lost her balance. She was barely holding on to the broomstick. She looked down. She would most definitely die if she fell.

        She managed a scream. This was it. She would never see her family again. She screamed again, trying to pull herself up. She was so scared, she almost couldn't function. All of a sudden there was another loud BOOM. This time it came with smoke. Very thick smoke. It burned Rose's eyes, so she tried to keep them closed. She could hear faint screams below her. All the while she was covered in hot ash and her grip was slipping. No one could see her now. Not being that far up and surrounded by smoke. Rose was coughing miserably now, she squinted. Rose tried to pull herself up once more. Her arms would give out any second. Her fingers were aching and her hands were slick with sweat, she could slip at any moment. There was a faint ringing in her ears as more hot ashes brushed back into her hair. She started to worry that she might catch on fire. She began to heave herself up once more. Rose was a fighter. She was almost there. She was lifting her leg over the broomstick, almost there. Maybe she would survive. Another BOOM. Rose fell and this time she didn't hold on. As she fell rapidly through the air and smoke, ash and scratched covering bits of her face, she saw her life flash before her eyes. She saw Scorpius and thought of how she would never get the chance to make up with Azalea. She saw the ground approaching faster than ever. Before she hit the ground she passed out.

        Rose slowly opened her aching eyes. She saw Scorpius. And even Azalea, Charlie, Matthew, Alice, and Albus. She looked down slowly. She was in a hospital gown. Every inch of her body ached. She felt woozy.

        "Am I dead?" She slowly said, her eyes drooping.

        "No. You're alive, Rose. You survived." Said Charlie. Rose felt numb.

        "You probably feel a bit weird, though. The medicine's side effects haven't worn off." Said Albus.

        "Yeah, she might go a bit bonkers." Said Matthew. Rose slowly laughed for no reason. Then she stopped abruptly, a single tear rolling down her face.

         "It hurts! Scorie it hurts!" She felt funny.

        "Scorie?" Scorpius said, not able to hide a smile.

        "What am I wearing?" She suddenly asked.

        "You're wearing a hospital gown. Your other clothes were ashy and horrible." Scorpius explained.

        "The first time Rose Weasley ever wears a dress!" Said Azalea, forcing a laugh.

        "And last." Added Rose wearily.

        "Hogwarts is under attack. The school is locked down. We have to sleep in the Great Hall tonight." Said Matthew.

        "What about me and Gloria?" Asked Rose.

        "I think they'll move your beds." Answered Charlie. Rose stared at him. Then Rose realized how Alice had been silent the whole time.

        "What's wrong?" Rose asked. Alice wasn't acting like her usual talkative self.

        "You could have died. I heard you screaming and tried to help you." Alice whispered. 

        "I'm not dead. It's okay, Allie. I mean- Alice." Rose squeezed her hand.

        "How did I survive, anyway? I don't remember anything." Said Rose.

        "McGonagall couldn't stop your fall, but she slowed it to where you could survive. You've probably got some bad bruising." Said Alice.

        "Yeah." Rose groaned. Pain. Everywhere.

        "I'm guessing I'm not a Beater." She laughed.

        "You're okay with that?" Asked Scorpius.

        "As long as I'm alive, I'm happy." Replied Rose wistfully.

        "Are you going to tryout again?" Asked Charlie.

         "Maybe." Rose said. She rubbed her face. Even that hurt.

         "Did I fall on my face or something?" She groaned.

         "Your broomstick probably hit you." Said Azalea. "It looks a bit bad."

        "Azalea!" Matthew scolded.

        "What? Just being honest." Said Azalea. Yep, Azalea was acting like her normal self.

        Madame Pomfrey appeared at Rose's bed side. "We'll be wheeling you out of here into the Great Hall along with Gloria." Madame Pomfrey rolled up a wheelchair. 

        "I think I can walk." Rose peeled off the sheets and stood up, only to fall into Charlie's arms. "Ow." She said and collapsed into the wheelchair, Charlie's arms still on hers. She looked up into his chocolate eyes and looked away, eyes wide and blushing. Scorpius and Azalea rolled their eyes at the same time.

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