I Moved On, Why Don't You

By shirl35

554K 24.3K 4.1K

It's your typical boy meets boy and they fall in love, only for one of them to end up pregnant and get reject... More

Broken Ties
Too Late
A Mother's Pain, A Brother's Guilt
Silver Linings, Dark Clouds
Breaking Point
The Storm Arrives
A small touch of hope
Understandings and Moving On
Jealousy And Beyond
When Worlds Collide
Seeing Through Your Eyes
Let Me Go
I Moved On Why Don't You
Way Too Late For Sorry
Soul Searching
The Deepest Kind Of Wound
No Time To Heal
Saying Goodbye, Saying Hello
Battle Lines
Wedding Day Blues Pt. 1
Dreaming of Days Gone By
Starting Over
Beginning to Breaking Down
...No Way Out
It's Never That Easy
Sinking Down, Rising Up
For Better Or For Worse
Down WIth The Sickness
Forbidden Desire
A Change In The Air
The Birth Of Hope
A Race Against Time
No More Backing Down
An Alpha's Twisted Plan
The Long Way Around
Meanwhile . . .
The Rescue
Unfinished Business
No More Running
Painful Confessions
Hints of a Painful Past
Body to Body, Heart to Heart
A Little Hope in Uncertainty

Wedding Bell Blues pt 2

8.7K 387 72
By shirl35

Joel's pov

Standing in front of the mirror, looking at the free flowing robe wrapped around me, I realize once again that I'm not ready for this. I know I agreed to do this to make the Alpha happy, but I'm not ready to be mated. I have so much that I want to do, so much that I'll never get to do if I go through with this. I turn to Joey who's sitting next to me with his eyes closed his head lowered in that oh so familiar way . . .  and I knew instantly that he was planning something. I opened my mouth to question him, but he shook his head and I closed it again. Smiling sadly, he struggled to his feet, wincing slightly and I instantly stood to help him.

"We should wait, you haven't even been out of the hospital for a full day yet."

"No, Joel . . . there's something I need to do and if we wait, my courage will waver. I want to do this for you while I still can."


"Come on, everyone is waiting."

I nodded even though I knew Joel couldn't see me and followed behind him. Now I know something's up, Joel hasn't wanted to do anything for me in a long time, it's usually something he wants to do to me. I have a bad feeling, but force myself to push aside my unease . . . even if I'm right and something terrible is going to happen, I know I still have to go through with this for the sake of my pups.

"Please rise."

Hearing the Alpha's voice, I hurry to the platform that the ceremony is taking place and stand beside Devlin.

"We have gathered together because these two couples have agreed to be tied together in a mating ceremony. Once they are mated, my son will take my place as Alpha of this pack, Joey Norris will be your new Luna and Joel Norris will leave with his mate, Devlin and join his pack."
There was murmuring through the crowd, but I tuned it out, shifting my attention to Devlin. He looked straight ahead, his face an emotionless mask. Did he even want to mate with me? Was he regretting his Alpha's petition for him to claim me? So much had happened these past few days and I never got to talk to him about how he was feeling. I jumped when he suddenly took my hand in his, pulling me closer.

"Thank you for accepting me, Joel . . . I'm so happy that you're finally going to be mine."

Hearing a growl, I turned to find Kyle glaring at us. I tightened my hold on Devlin's hand, ignoring Kyle angry, possessive look.

"Do you Kyle, promise to protect and lead, help and guide your mate and Luna to benefit and protect this pack?"

Kyle continued to glare at me as he responded to the Alpha's question.

"Yeah, whatever."

"I'll take that as an I do."

"Do you Joey, promise to follow and support, trust and help your mate and Alpha to benefit and protect this pack?"

"I-I do."

"Kyle, please mark your mate."

Jerking Joey's head up roughly, Kyle bit into his neck hard.

"Let him go, Kyle."

Ignoring the command, Kyle bit down harder, glaring at the Alpha defiantly.

"Let him go!"

Whining, Kyle finally released his hold and Joey backed away from him.

"You will accept this, Kyle! You will take this boy as your mate and he will be your Luna, do you understand?!"

"Yes, Alpha."

"Joey, mark your mate and seal your bond."

Nodding hesitantly, Joel made his way over to Kyle, who bared his neck to him. Joey warily leaned in and pressed his fangs into Kyle's neck.

"Joey and Devlin step forward."

We walked towards the Alpha, when Devlin suddenly grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop.

"Do you really want to do this, Joel? If you're unsure we can stop . . . I'll still take you to my pack."

"I-I just have some questions . . . would you ever hurt me because you were unsure of your feelings?"

"If I was unsure that I wanted you, I wouldn't be here."

"O-Ok and if someone accused me of betraying you when you weren't around, would you believe them or me? Would you throw me away because you doubted me?"


"Please, I need to know the truth or I can't be with you."

"Joel, the truth is there are going to be times when i question what you're doing, just like there'll be times when you question what I'm doing. There'll be times when we'll fight and not speak to each other  . . . there'll be times that I'm wrong and times that you're wrong and we'll work them out together, because once I have you, nothing or no one will take you away from me.'

"I . . . I don't know what____."

"I know you're not in love with me yet Joel, I promises you that I'd wait for you and I'm a man of my word . . . and even if you never fall in love with me, as your mate, I'll protect you and your pups . . . our pups with my life."

"I . . . I'll be your mate, Devlin."

Smiling, Devlin pulled me closer and turned to the Alpha.

"We're ready."

"Yes you are and after what was just said, I don't think I need a commitment oath. Devlin, you may now mark your mate."

Devlin nodded happily and gently lifted my chin and sank his fangs into my neck.
A wave of unexpected pleasure shot through me and I had to bite my lip to hold back a quiet moan.

"Joel, you may now mark your mate."

Nodding weakly, I lifted my mouth to Devlin's neck and bit down until blood filled my mouth. Devlin leat out a muffled groan and I pulled away, afraid that I'd hurt him. Looking up into his eyes, I trembled slightly at the possessiveness I saw in them. The Alpha cleared his throat to catch our attention and I reluctantly looked away.

"Now that these two couples are safely mated, I will hand this pack over to my son. As of today, I will no longer be your leader."

Several concerned pack members murmured amongst they and the Alpha raised a hand to silence everyone.

"I'm sorry, but you've shown me several times over the past few months that you don't respect my decisions and have even threatened a pack member under my protection. Even if I were able to lead this pack, I would step down."

Stepping forward before anyone could question the Alpha's statement, Kyle captured the crowds attention.

"My da  . . . the Alpha was blinded in the attack earlier and in order to protect this pack from war, he has decided to become a prisoner of the North Wind Pack."

One of Kyle's groupies stepped forward, stopping a respectful distance and bowing her head in respect before gathering enough courage to ask what everyone was wondering.

"But why? What's going on, Alpha Kyle?"

"Everything has been taken care of. Now everyone go home."

"Wait. I have something to say."

My eyes widening in horror, I turned to see Joey moving forward, drawing everyone's attention and shook my head, hoping he would stop whatever he had planned.

Joey's pov

I looked at Joel out of the corner of my eye, the fear in his gaze almost stealing my own courage, but I knew I had to do this, I should have done it from the beginning.

"Joel, at the hospital, when I asked why you were helping me, you asked me if I loved you and I hesitated . . . it wasn't because I don't love you, I hesitated because I didn't understand how you could still call me brother after everything that happened."

"Joey, please, you don't have to do this."

"I . . . I want to, Joel. I want everyone to know who their Luna really is, because I want you to want to come back someday."

Joel smiled sadly, and nodded his head, leaning against his mate, who instantly put a comforting hand around his shoulder and a twinge of regret twisted in my heart, knowing I would never know what that felt like.
I let out a quiet self loathing laugh as everyone stared at me impatiently.

"Everything that's happened is because of me . . .  because I thought I hated my brother because he was always protecting me from our dad's abuse. I hated that he never gave me a chance to defend myself and . . . and then my hatred grew when I convinced myself that . . . that he stole our mate from me."

Everyone was looking at me in stunned silence and I gulped loudly, steeling myself before I continued.

"When my brother and I scented our mate and followed the scent . . . we were led to the same wolf, but I kept quiet because I couldn't understand how we could have the same mate and then when our mate ignored me completely, I thought I believed that I was right, that my mate was someone else . . .  but even though I tried to convince myself to move on,  I just couldn't make myself forget  because it hurt too much to think that they didn't want me, so I started using my body to ease the pain in my heart and that's when I came up with a plan to get what I wanted. The . . . The pictures of Joel that everyone saw were really pictures of me . . . I sent to our mate so he would turn against my brother them as my brother and they would break up and it worked just like I hoped, but something else happened; someone else used my plan to hurt my brother in a way he'll never recover from, but even then I didn't stop, I joined the person who caused my brother so much pain until I managed to turn not only our our mate against him, I turned the whole pack against him . . . I nearly caused my other half  to take his own life because of my own selfish and petty  jealousy!"

"Joey, why?"

I choked back a whimper at the pain in my mom's voice.

"Because I'm screwed up, mom . . . I was so angry for so long and I decided to take it out on you and Joel, the two most important people in my life. I . . . when I learned who hurt Joel that day, mom,  I went to tell Kyle what happened, but because of the pictures, Kyle believed that Joel came on to them and wouldn't listen to me and when I realized he'd already made up his mind,  I came up with the plan to  make sure they never got back together, but that day, Joel slit his wrists and when I smelled his blood I just wanted to go back and fix things, but it was too late, I had already destroyed our family. I'm so sorry mom . . . so sorry."

"What a sick little freak."

I don't know who said it, but I nodded in agreement.

"Are we really going to follow a Luna like that?"

I stared at Kyle, who moved to stand in front of me, in shock.

"You will not disrespect or harm my Luna or you will be cast out of this pack."

"But he___________."

Kyle's eyes searched for the voice of dissent, but the crowd seemed to be protecting the speaker.

"As your Alpha, I will take any insult to my Luna as an insult to me, do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha."

Shaking my head, I stepped in front of Kyle, ignoring the eyes that burned into my back.

"I don't want respect I didn't earn. We both know that I'm not who you want as a Luna, but I am and it'll make things worse for everyone if you force them to bow down to me and treat me like this is my rightful place."

Turning back to the crowd before Kyle could reply I beckoned the person who had spoken earlier to come forward.

"Please, finish what you were about to say."

"But the Alpha__________."

"An Alpha and Luna are only as strong as their pack. Do you believe that?"

"Then any pack member this is unsure of their leaders, but holds back their concerns will make the pack weaker in the long run, right?"

"O-Of course Luna."

"Then please continue."

Nolan, a  slightly muscular wolf  that was in my class came forward, his head bowed in respect.

"I . . . I just wondered if you could betray your own brother so easily, wouldn't it be just as easy for you to betray this pack?"

"I can understand your . . . everyone's lack of faith in me, but the truth is  that though I do wish for your respect or loyalty and will try my best to earn both, I didn't do this for those reasons, I did this because my brother has been wounded by this pack when there was no reason for him to be and I want him to leave here knowing that he has my full support when . . . if he ever wants to visit."

I had to hold back a wince when Kyle wrapped a hand around my waist and dug his nails into my side.

"Well spoken, my Luna. I for one will do my best to forgive and support my beautiful mate."

Everyone nodded and a cheer went up covering the words Kyle whispered in my ear.

"At least in public I'll support you and in private . . . don't worry, I'll make sure no one hears your screams and we'll keep the bruises where they can't be seen."

And I shuddered, knowing that my life as Kyle mate was going to be a nightmare brought to life.

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