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Leon's pov

I heard my mate behind me, but I refused to face him, I couldn't because I knew I would weaken if I did.

"Look at me."

I shivered at his tone, what was it about him that made me want to do whatever he said?

"I said look at me!"

"Please go away."

Growling, he suddenly leapt on top of me, pinning me to the ground.

"You will let my human mark yours."

I shook my head, refusing to let him sway me.

"You may be my mate, but Kyle is the one I choose  . . . now let me go."

Instead of releasing me, he leaned down and sniffed me, before lifting his head and staring into my eyes.

"You want me, I can smell your desire on you. Why won't you give yourself to me?"

"And you're fine having a whore as a mate?! You're fine that your mate birthed another wolf's cub, that he bares the mark of a prostitute on his back?!"

"You might as well stop, because you're not going to get rid of me."

"Don't you understand, I need Kyle, not you so . . . so please just let me go. "

Unexpectedly, he let me go and I couldn't hold in a sad whimper as he moved away from me.

"Then go ahead and run to him."

I clambered to my feet readying myself to run away from what I knew was my only chance at happiness, when his question froze me in my tracks.

"What is it about that monster  that makes you love him so much?"

"I hate him."

"Then why___________?"

"He's my punishment."


I smiled sadly at his confused expression.

"My punishment for stepping out of my brother's shadow,  for believing I deserved to be loved and happy. For forgetting that I should have never been born."

He growled angrily and I had to fight myself not to submit to his dominance.

"Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Tell me!"

I shook my head, deciding to change the subject instead of telling him the reason I was so screwed up. Noone knew about that, not even my human knew the truth.

"He never liked it, you know . . . sleeping around like that,  Joey never wanted to do that . . . I was the one that used our body,  our connection to get . . . but I hated them all, every single one of them that I let put their hands on us and I hated Joey for being too weak to handle things . . . why was I the one that had to deal with everything?!"

My mate stared at me silently and I realized he still didn't understand.

"It's all because Joey wanted that man to love him, because  he let that monster touch him and he blocked me out so I couldn't stop it."

I tensed, hearing him coming up behind me, but I couldn't stop the painful words from escaping, I had held them in for too long.

"If I had left things alone it would have only been that one time, but I didn't want my human to suffer, so after he finished; I took control of our bond and I healed Joey completely and block out what happened from his memory."

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