Wedding Day Blues Pt. 1

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(Image of Kyle)

Kyle's pov

In the past two weeks, strange things have happened. First the pack that had  been holding us hostage suddenly backed off and allowed us to go about our daily lives though they still prevent us from leaving the pack lands. Second, a few days ago two of them approached me and told me that on orders from their leader, they were escorting me to  the hospital. I quickly found myself growing annoyed with them when I noticed them scenting the air around me and snarling softly. Finally, I'd had enough and let out a growl.  They immediately showed me their neck's in submission before leading me to a car and we climbed
inside. A few minutes later we were at the hospital's information desk and they were getting the room numbers for my dad and Joey. We made our way down the hall and as we reached my dad's room, something happened that broke my heart. I heard my dad talking with someone.

"Have you made your decision?"

"Yes. I've decided to go with you. My son is going to destroy everything that I and his ancestors have built and I don't want to be here to see it . . . bad choice of words."

He let out a bitter laugh and the person with him shuffled closer to him.

"Alpha Blake, you gave me the choice to go wherever I wanted . . . I'll stay here and take care of you, you don't have to leave."

"No, Joel, Daniel here and I have already talked and I've agreed to surrender myself to his pack."

"But why? What's going on?"

Dad signed sadly and for a few minutes he didn't answer, but when he did, his words shook me to the core.

"It seems that Jesse Saunders, the Luna of the Silver Moon Pack has gone missing and they've tracked him here . . . to my son and because he refuses to surrender him I've agreed to be their prisoner."

"But we need you to lead this pack! Can't you force Kyle to let him go?!"

"I'm no longer the Alpha, Joel . . . I'm blind."


"Dr Williams said that my sight may come back, but right now I'm not fit to lead this pack."

"And if what you say is true, Kyle isn't fit to be Alpha! You can't leave everyone to suffer his leadership."

They made their choice Joel and they chose him, in spite of all the signs they wanted him for a leader . . . all I can do is try to prevent our packs from going to war. I'm sorry Joel. "

I heard someone sniffing the air and suddenly he was addressing me.

"You have endangered this pack, boy and if I had the power I would banish you, but my Alpha strength is already fading as yours is grows . . . you are the Alpha and must lead this pack."

He paused and a cruel smile crossed his lips.

"Today after my grandpup is buried, as my last act as Alpha, we will hold your mating ceremony and Joel's as well."

"B-But Alpha _____________."

"I know you're not ready Joel, but I want you to be protected and your mate will be able to do what I could not, give you a pack's protection."

"I'll . . . I'll do it for you."

I couldn't stop myself from bursting into the room, and Joel glared up at me angrily. Ignoring him, I turned to my dad.

"I won't allow this . . . Joel is my mate and I won't let anyone else have him."

"No! I rejected you . . . I hate you and everything you've done to me, my family and this pack and if my getting mated to someone else will take me away from you, I'll do it!"

I stared at him in stunned silence for several seconds, before finding my voice.

"And just who would mate a pathetic used wolf like you? Are you going to find Jason and let him come back to finish what he started?"

Everyone fell silent, waiting to see what Joel would say. For a few minutes, he remained silent, his eyes closed and his body shivering slightly. Finally he straightened his back and looking right at me, let a calm smile cross his lips.

"Alpha I'll go through with the mating as soon as you can arrange it, if you let my pups take my mate's last name."

"You are not taking my pups away from me!"

"You took them away from yourself, Kyle. I wanted us to work, I was fighting so hard for us while the whole time you were looking for an excuse to let me go. Now you don't need one, so let me go Kyle, disappear from my life and forget me and my pups."

Joel let out a sigh, turning to my dad, who looked back at him sadly.

"I'm going to the nursery to see the pups, I'll be back to check on you later."

Walking away without looking back, Joel soon dissapeared from sight and my dad turned in my direction.

"I no longer consider you my son. The only family I have are Joel and those he is close to. Don't ever try to see or contact me again because I will refuse you."


"Don't call me that! The son I raised wouldn't hurt pups or steal mates from other wolves . . . the son I raised would put the pack above his own selfish desires . . . you aren't my boy."

"Please dad, don't do this."

"Leave my room, Alpha Kyle I refuse to see you again until the mating ceremony."

I wanted to say something, anything that would get him to take back his words, but I just walked away. I'd done this to everyone and now I have to face the consequences of my stupid decisions.

Joel and Joey

Joel and Joey

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Joey's pov

I was pulled from sleep by someone gently shaking my shoulder. Blinking to clear the sleep from my eyes, I looked up to see Joel staring down at me.

"J-Joel . . . what's going on?"

"We're being mated."


"The Alpha has to step down and his last act as Alpha is for us to be mated . . . I'm sorry, Joey."

I took a breath to calm my panic, wrapping my arms around my baby.

"Is there no way out?"

"No. The Alpha's made up his mind, the mating will happen today  after my pup is buried and then I'll have to leave with my mate."

"So I'll be alone?"

"Mom will be here with you."

"He's going to hurt me, Joel. He's going to turn on me the minute you leave."

"If you need me, use our link and I'll come running. It's going to be ok Joey."

I nodded, though we both knew I didn't believe him and he smiled sadly.

"Get some more rest, I'll come back soon."

Lying back down, I listened to his footsteps echo down the hall. I wanted to cry, scream, yell, do something to express the unfairness of this situation, but I just let a bitter smile cross my lips. I was finally facing the ultimate punishment for my betrayal and I have no one to blame for what was going to happen, but myself.

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