Seeing Through Your Eyes

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Kyle's pov

They weren't moving . . . which one of them was shot? I stumbled forward, afraid of what I would find. Kneeling beside my former best friend and my mate, I reached out a cautious hand, when an angry whisper made me freeze.

"This is his fault, he should have kept his promise to me!"

Jason suddenly lifted his head, his eyes, glowing insanely staring into mine.

"Did you know, he begged me to help destroy your relationship with Joel . . . he gave his word that he'd help me win him over . . . but the whole time the little whore was lying to me. As soon as he got what he wanted, he pushed me aside!"

I let out a low growl, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Is that why you raped Joel, for revenge?"

Instead of receiving an answer to my question, Jason's mouth formed a crazy smile and he let a whisper of laughter flow through his lips.

"Did it hurt, Kyle? When you smelled me on him, did you force yourself to believe that he came on to me . . . did it ease your conscience to doubt him?"

"I'm going to kill you."

"Why? Wasn't it you that gave him to me. You're the reason he was out there alone, because you weren't there when he needed you? Because you were so  busy feeling sorry for yourself; you cut off your link with him the first chance you got. That was the best part . . .  the minute his faith in you became surrender to me."

I opened my mouth to reply, when a moan of pain caught our attention and we looked down to see Joey's eyes slowly open. Jason glared down at him, baring his teeth, which steadily began to grow longer and sharper until they were deadly points, lowering towards his neck.


"You aren't my Alpha, Kyle,  you never were . . . in fact I haven't  considered you anything but an enemy for a long time."

"I don't care how you feel about me, but I won't let you go after Joel again."

"You couldn't stop me the first time, Kyle, what makes you think you'll be able to protect him from me? Besides you should be more worried about your mate and your pup. It's up to you, though."

Jerking Joey's head back, Jason scraped his teeth across his neck, laughing cruelly when he whimpered.

"Stop, what do you want?"

"If you don't want me to end the life of this pup like I did the first one, then you're going to let me go and if you send someone after me, I'll make sure to end this little slut right in front of you."

I froze, caught between my desire to end Jason's life for the murder of my unborn pup and my need to help Joey and and our pup. Clenching my hands into fists, I made the hardest decision I've ever had to make.


Smirking, Jason climbed to his feet, backing away before kicking Joey in the side.

"You're lucky he decided to protect you or I would rip you apart."

Joey let out a scream of pain, curling in on himself and Jason shifted and rushed into the woods as I knelt down and lifted him into my arms.

"W-Why did you let him go?"

"Joey, are you alright? How's our pup?"

"You should have killed him, he's a threat to the pack."

"We both know he's not going far, I'll take care of him soon enough, right now you and our pup needs to be taken care of."

Smiling sadly, Joey closed his eyes and relaxed in my arms.

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