The Power of a Mate

By abysmallyknown

1.6K 81 22

Rose has been next in line for the throne of her vampire colony for centuries, patiently waiting for her belo... More

I: Shadows
II: Irrational
III: Chained
IV: Theodore
V: Thirst
VI: Encounter
VII: Burning Weakness
VIII: Alone
IX: Mistakes
X: Selfish
XI: Unraveling
XII: Contemplation
XIII: Intrigued
XIV: Happy Full Moon
XVI: Mark of Betrayal
XVII: A Heavy Pride

XV: Conviction

46 3 0
By abysmallyknown

Song: Trust by Boy Epic

"Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it."

--- Rabindranath Tagore

Rose's POV:

I did not know what to do with my time. Jace had not returned. Marigold was working downstairs because apparently she was my warden as I was to be kept prisoner until my babysitter could resume his position of neglecting me.

Bauer was intermittent in the situation because he had to take care of the pack since their Alpha was busy doing whatever he does when he's rejected. Marigold and I had not spoken much since our conversation earlier this morning.

I wandered the house until I finally had had enough and went to pester Marigold.

"Can we do something?" I asked.

"You know I can't let you leave the house. Beta's orders," she recited.

"Come on, Marigold. Where's the fun in that?" I whined.

She smiled and shook her head slightly.

"You plan on bringing about just as much destruction as you can muster, don't you?"

"I'm not in line to be the next Queen of the Greer colony for nothing," I smirked.

Marigold's head whipped towards me as she gazed incredulously at me.

"How do you plan on being Luna at the same time as Queen?" She questioned me.

"I don't want to be Luna. I will be returning back to my colony with my beloved in tow," I responded.

"Jace has commitments here that he cannot simply abandon. We need you both more than your colony does."

"You do not know what my colony or I need," I retorted.

"Do they even care where you are?" I thought she was done, but continued nonetheless,

"Sure, they might have raided our pack a few days back, but they must've known you were not here."

"How would they have known?"

"Our pack left before the Greer colony did the day of the war. You were simply left behind by your own colony."

I didn't dare mention I was kidnapped. She'll only question where my loyalties lie even more,

"It was a lesson learned of who to accept."

"A lesson of how to pick your own beloved? Last time I checked no one is allowed the right to choose who their mate or beloved is."

"You do not know my people."

"You're right, I don't. I do not ever want to, neither will Jace. I was surprised the day that you had come. I did not think that we would see you like that. No one noticed the two different scents on you, but I did. Do not think for a second that I will hesitate to voice my opinions on where you came from because you should've been dead if they knew where you had been."

I was speechless. I could not believe the anger that radiated from Marigold. I flinched internally at the thought of the problem that would be created if she knew who I had escaped from. She would be angry, but more importantly Jace would be outraged. Although he left me for dead, I do not think he would appreciate me having an alliance with another pack.

I had overheard the day of the war that Jace had left because of a different threat, who that threat was I didn't know. 

"You don't know what you are talking about," I stated, trying to sound convincing.

A surprised expression crossed Marigold's face. Her eyes were challenging and it was then that I knew that no one ever would disagree with this woman, especially since she was a pregnant she-wolf. She may have been sweet and kind, but she was used to using it to her advantage.

I realized that she was the highest level of power that a female had in the entire pack considering she was the beta's mate and Jace had not had a mate before me.

A smug feeling washed over me as I understood that I would have complete dominance over her once I was promoted to Queen or in her case, Luna. It was true that I thought she was my friend, but her alter ego frightened me slightly.

There were a few words with which she could destroy my already unstable relationship with Jace. A humourless laugh lunged from her throat.

"Then tell me. How'd you managed to survive and get that horrid stench?"

I searched my mind for answers that would not be lies, but at the same time not get me in even more trouble. I happened to glance over my shoulder into the mirror that reflected myself.

I noticed that my eyes had turned a deep crimson. The sound of Marigold's heart became more appealing. My tongue subconsciously drew over my dry lips.

She did not seem to pay attention to me as she continued,

"Do you love Jace?"

I couldn't even think of a possible answer. All I cared about was the light thrumming of another heart beat inside the thick walls of her womb. My iniquitous thoughts disgusted me, but nonetheless I was only more enticed by the scent.

I shuffled closer, my eyes zeroing in on her, flickering between her round stomach and her pulse. She stood immediately, sensing the danger that was me.

"Rose... when was the last time you drank?"

 I had not felt the light headedness nor the deprivation of nourishment. I was completely driven by instincts. I felt the primal urge to snap her neck and feast on her blood, but I used all the restraint I could muster.

I saw the fear that sparked in her eyes as she stared at me. My hands shook and my eyes narrowed at the prey before me.

I had backed her into the garden, stalking her like a wolf does a doe. Long gone was her tough ass nature, but replaced was a timid skeleton of what she had once been.

I gazed into the reflection of my eyes in her eyes and saw that mine had turned black. My control slipped and my power awakened deep within me. It stirred its long claws against my every fibre of disagreement.

I made my advancement on the woman. I pleaded with my power to stop its assault, but it strived for the replenishment of blood and for empowerment. My hand wound around her neck as my fangs came close to her neck, hovering above the thick vein that pumped steadily with blood.

I licked my fangs as I was about to feed, but was knocked to the ground instead. I snapped my head up and gnashed my teeth at the one who denied me the privilege of my precious blood supply.

Bauer stood in a protective stance over his mate. She seemed to be having some sort of panic attack. She wheezed and her chest lifted and dropped at rapid rates. She slid to the ground and wrapped her arms around her robust frame. The beta growled threateningly at me.

The blackness in my eyes glowered at him as I stepped towards him. He raced at me, anger evident in his eyes. I quickly dodged the punch that would have sent me out cold. He was making the clear choices that would either knock me unconscious or kill me which was a little unnerving.

Bauer grunted with angst as I maneuvered around him each time. If he weren't so riled up on emotions, he would put up a great fight, but he was predictable. He was beyond frustrated so as I kicked his chest, he used the momentum to his advantage.

The power behind my strike was strong so he did not struggle to reach the ground again, instead he shifted in midair. My heart plummeted into my stomach as I was met with the large reddish brown wolf.

I could do nothing but sit inside the recesses of my mind as my power was in complete control.

His golden eyes pierced my own crimson ones. His lip curled over his canines as he prowled towards me. Unsure of myself, I took a step back. My power urged me to continue the battle until blood was shed, but I refused to hurt Bauer.

He and his mate had shown me kindness, even if they had also shown me the painful truth. I was thankful to be distracted when I heard the slightest scurry in the nearby underbrush.

Bauer's wolf dared me to challenge him again. I did the most idiotic thing I could have ever done. I turned by back to him and raced towards the shrubs. I quickly made a satisfying kill of some small prey before venturing out farther in the woods to find a bigger blood supply.

I was well aware that Bauer had not ceased to stop his snarling. I did not want to get into any more fights as long as I stayed here. I knew I needed to get home.

Once I was positive that my eyes had returned to their natural, dull red, I reluctantly traveled back to the house. I had only been gone mere minutes by the time that I had to face Bauer and Marigold again. Marigold was curled into Bauer's arms.

I simply gave Bauer a nod and headed inside. I knew that I was not his favorite person as of right now, so I did not overstay my welcome. I cringed as I could hear the quiet growls that erupted from his throat, warning me.

I wondered how many enemies I could make in the span of my lifetime. I had more enemies than allies. 

I knew Jace was nearby the moment he had stepped foot back into a mile radius. It had taken him long enough to find me. I was ecstatic as he stepped into the house. The constant, erratic thumping of his heart had my hormones coursing through me rapidly.

I could not help the anger that licked inside of me as I thought of the cowardliness of his running away from me. I was conformed to the luxuries of his silky sheets and plasma screen TV. I had had several bouts of heat, but they were nowhere near as bad as they had been when I had not been on Jace's property. My head shrouded with the decadent scent of my beloved.

As I rounded the corner, our gazes collided. All the words I had wanted to shout and the insults that I wanted to hurl were vanquished as I stared into his dark blue eyes.

I was hesitant, but Jace closed the distance quickly. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he looked at me. He brought a hand up to my face and cupped my jaw. Once his skin contacted with mine, searing pain rolled throughout my body.

The heat had never came as close to the possible waves of death that suffocated me. I crumpled to the ground, but before my head reached the ground, I was caught in a firm embrace. My legs were bent at peculiar angles which I stifled a groan as it was the least of my worries.

Scorching pain seared up my spine everywhere he didn't touch. I peered up from my clouded vision to see that Jace's eyes darkened. Emotions swirled in the depths of those abysmal orbs.

An animalistic growl resonated from his chest and my body shuddered in response. I was captured in the strong arms of my beloved as he brought me closer to his chest. He nuzzled his head into my neck, breathing me in.

My heat calmed once he embraced me, but I was delirious. I inhaled his shirt, hoping to calm myself more, but instead I was welcomed with the scent of the disgusting creature whom he had almost mated with.

Fury rose inside of me and I demanded to be let out of his grasp, even though my body protested the movements. Jace only tightened his grip on me. As I was about to voice my anger, I was released onto the bed that I had come to love.

The expression on his face silenced any words that were about to fall out of my mouth. He crawled slowly onto the bed. I backed up as far as I was able to until I reached the headboard. 

"Why do I smell her on you?" I snarled.

It was his turn to look confused. I narrowed my eyes at him, challenging him to come closer.

"I will not ask you again."

He towered over me. He let out an exasperated sigh.

"She attacked me. I did not mean to smell like her," he murmured quietly.

My nerves were put slightly at ease, but I wanted a better explanation.

"That still doesn't explain-"

"She doesn't matter to me. It's only you that I care about," his gaze did not waver from mine.

Was that Shepard talking or did he really care? 

He grabbed my wrist at once and I was surprised to find that the grip did not crush the bones. I kept my eyes downcast, but he grasped my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes.

"Where were you when I needed you?" I asked.

"I'm having a hard time believing that you would ever need me or would care to admit it."

How dare he-

"Let me solve all your concerns."

In one fluid motion, his shirt was torn from his chest.  I ran a hand up his chest and towards the tips of his hair. Jace took this as encouragement as he grabbed my wrists, pinning them above my head. He used his other hand to brush the dark strands of my hair away from my face. He spoke quietly,

"You're so beautiful."

He pressed his chest lightly against mine as his body was sprawled over mine. His lips found my neck once again.

My heat was slowly increasing as he laid a kiss upon my jaw. His tongue drew across the softness of my neck. I reversed our positions as I straddled him and returned the gesture. I hadn't noticed that my fangs had been drawn as they nicked the side of his neck.

He made a small noise that escaped the back of his throat which only aroused me more. The sound transgressed into a growl and he became fiercer and flipped us over once again. His eyes grew increasingly darker.

"You're in heat," he muttered, almost inaudibly.

He fiddled with the hem of my shirt. He became irritated with the fabric of my sweater as it was a turtleneck and before I could object, it was ripped from my shoulders.

His lips resumed their assault on my neck. My nails ran down the length of his back.

I attempted to cover my chest, but he pinned my arms to my side once again.

"No, let me see what's mine," he said.

His hands pulled the cups of my bra down as he sucked one nipple into his mouth. He ripped the bra off and felt the weight of each breast in his hands. He kissed my chest, leaving little bites across my skin. His length slowly pressed against my center, causing the heat inside me to flare to life once more. 

It leaked out of my pores, begging Jace to take me. I needed to feel skin against skin. My hands reached for the button on his jeans, hoping he would take the hint. He growled, holding my hands down as he continued his assault on my neck. 

His canines elongated and the sharp edges punctured through the softness of my skin. I cried out at the intrusion as ecstasy flowed through my veins. I wanted his blood. Jace lapped up the blood that spilled from the wound although it was already closing at a rapid rate. I moaned at the feeling of our souls entwining.

Jace marked me as his.

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