Vic Fuentes' Daughter

By Bandtella

145K 5.1K 606

CURRENTLY EDITING Meet Haley Rogers, a girl who has moved in and out of homes, there she has yet to find a d... More

Vic Fuentes' Daughter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaoter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Book cover
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Bandtella's Note
New book
Thank you

Chapter 57

1K 18 10
By Bandtella


reached the class room to see Ethan already there, working hard as ever. One hand filled with fries, the other chiseling the hell out of that masterpiece. Multitasking at its best.

I need to finish this project. Nodding to myself, I turned around and sighed. I grabbed my supplies and went to work.

In the middle of sketching a few more of the details, I decided to add a bit of HALEY FUENTES.

I mean the project is to test my creativity, so why not. A little birdy told me that mother used to be an artist in high school. I saw a bit of her art work and let me tell you. They were extraordinary, transcendent, ambrosial, fearsome and well Marvelous. The details stood out, the minimum color made it somewhat pop.

Mother always did black white paintings, she didn't start adding color until she met my father. If that isn't love then i don't know what love is.

"Hal, pick a band." Ethan called out, but I was way too into this painting. "Haley?" I looked up to see Ethan plugging his phone in." I was in the middle of a breakdown. This painting in general is breaking me emotionally and physically. A few tears tried to break free but I wouldn't let myself break not here, not now.

The picture took almost a week to get to get and let me tell you it was probably the longest week I have ever endured.


Day 1

It was an early Monday morning and lord knows I was so ready for this trip.

Today will be the day I get a picture of my mother, or so I thought.

"Hal do you have all of your stuff?" Ethan asked from the door way. "Yeah, it's already in the car." He nodded and grabbed his jacket. "Let's hit the road." Once we got to the car, Belinda and Jay was already in there. Jay and Ethan decided to take turns driving therefore me and Belinda were in the back seat. "Want to share?" Belinda held up one of her head phones. I nodded and put the object in my ear.

"Save yourself, don't ever look back
Nowhere to go and so we both spin around in circ-"

"Really?" I raised a eyebrow. "What!? It's such a nice song." I have to admit, it is pretty good. Probably one of my favorites.

I took out my small sketch book, what Belinda calls 'A mini Journal'.

I didn't know what the hell I was sketching but what I did know from the paper was that It was going to be people.

"Haley baby, wake up." I opened my eyes to see Ethan in front of me. We were at a gas station. I stretched out my arms to be carried. But, Ethan wasn't the one I wanted to go too. "Belinda carry me!" I looked over to see Jay already carrying her. Traitor. "Sorry." Jay said while patting my back. I groaned and layer on Ethan's chest. "Maybe next time." He kissed my head. " I love you dumbnut." I whispered but he still heard me. "Well that was random." He groaned. "Funny how that random girl, randomly came up to you and randomly kissed you and you randomly didn't stop it. Or the 'same' girl randomly texted you at three in the morning." I mumbled but even Jay stopped for a minute.

Ethan kept walking without a word. Dammit Haley.

Ethan carried in and grabbed snacks and a few drinks. He put me down once we got inside the store. But I wasn't complaining it gave me time to think.

"That will be 40. 99." The woman behind the counter said while staring directly at Ethan, but Ethan didn't look back her. Matter of fact he wasn't even close to looking at her, his focus was elsewhere.

I grabbed a bag and started walking back to the car but something or should I say someone stopped me. "We need to talk." I didn't have to turn around to see who that was. I followed him to the side of the car. My hands were shaking. 'Lord please help me get through this.' I thought repeatedly in my head.

There was a long silence which felt like ages so, I decided to break it.
"Ethan, I didn't mean-"
"Let's talk about this later."
"You wanted to talk?!" I screamed. He grabbed the door handle, opened it and got in the car. He slammed the door and at that moment, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry my heart out.

Belinda opened my door and gently pushed me inside.
She grabbed her headphones and put one in my ear,p. She wrapped the two of us I her huge blanket and layer my head on her lap.

I felt the tears come down like waterfalls. Belinda rubbed my back and whispered "It's going to be okay." I closed my mouth to keep the sobs in but one slipped out. Ethan turned around but Jay pulled him back to the front. They were whispering to each other. I was starting to get sleepy but I didn't want to fall asleep. But the universe practice said ''Hell no, get some sleep" because Belinda did and the universe listens to Belinda. My body betrayed me and I here I am trying to fight sleep. With one last look at Ethan, who turned around and looked at me again, I fell asleep.

"In the end it doesn't even matter."

Here we are, we finally made it. San Diego, home. I really miss it here, the beach, surfing, Pierce the veil, other bands, it's chill here. I think I should come home after I finish this semester. I mean I only have, what two weeks left, I might as well get my stuff ready once we get back to New York.

"HALEY BUG!" Uncle Mike screamed once we got inside my grandparents house. "Hello Uncle Mike!" He always cheers me up, that's why I should be home. "How are you doing and where's Ethan?" He smiled but it quickly vanished once he saw my teared face. I tried my best to stopped crying but I didn't seem to stop.

Am I a ducking sprinkler or something, an ocean...nah I'm not that emotional.

Uncle mike pulled me to the side and grabbed Vic as well. "Hey baby girl- What's wrong?" Dad said while giving me the look. I feel as if every parent has 'the look'. 'The look' is for when you're interrupting their conversation with another adult. For when you keep bugging them, and for when you're in an argument and they're giving you a warning before they whoop your ass...etcetera etcetera.

"Um, well..can we talk about this later, I'm still trying to recover-"
"Recover from what, what happened!" Dad yelled at me. I started shaking. Me, the rebellious teen, is having a breakdown because her and her boyfriend had an argument and now her father is screaming at her. But I do have to admit, dad's scary when he's angry.

"I- I...W-We-" I started shaking even more. I couldn't breathe. The voices in my head had started coming back after long, hard years.
"Vic chill, she's having a panic attack." Mike shade while trying to grab me, but he was too slow. I fell to the floor, everything came out as a blur. I couldn't hear anything around me. But then everything stopped. And all I saw was black.

"Hey i think she's waking up." that sounds familiar. Is that Jamie.

"Shh, you'll wake her up." this sounds like Vic. Deja vu, but this time we're in my own rom

"I'm already awake." Everyone stopped taking. I opened my eyes to see everyone but Ethan and Jay.
I looked down and played with my fingers. "Hey we're going to go get food. The house is yours along with Belinda, Jay and Ethan." Tony said while hugging me. He handed me a box and kissed my head. I opened the box to find a Star Wars onesie. I smiled and hugged it to my chest. "What do you have there?" I looked up to see Ethan standing at my door way. "Can we talk?" He said while scratching the back of his head. I nodded and placed the box next to my bed. 'I'll probably end up wearing it tonight.'

Ethan sat next to me and sighed.

"I'm sorry- No I am. I should've let it go- No but I should have told you when she first started got in contact with me. Haley she was just a random girl that texted me, knowing she had the wrong number and she kept texting me. Baby I'm sorry, so fucking sorry. I swear it won't happen again. And next time, I'll give the phone straight to you." He was now on his knees holding my hands in his.

"Ethan I'm sorry as well. I really should have let it go. I let my anger and jealously get the best of me. But Ethan, I'm jealous because I care. I...I'm sorry." Ethan got up and kissed my head. "I know." He kept repeating over and over. "What are we eating for dinner?" I said while laying my head on his chest. "We were having a moment and you had to ruin it by wanting food?" He got up and shook his head. "What? You know how I feel about food. I love food more than anything." I laid back on my spot. "More than me?" Ethan made a pouty face. "More than you." I replied and then we heard the door open and close downstairs. But then I smelled Ohana's. "Get out of my way, food!" I pushed passed Ethan but then he pulled me back from the door. He carried me downstairs and sat me at the table.

"Hello, Haley Bug!" Jamie kissed my head and grabbed me and Ethan a plate. "Dig in!" Dad screamed and placed a fork next to me.

At that moment all of the drama was aside and we ate like a family.

Day 2

"So dad, do you know where to find mom's picture?" I slid the door and grabbed milk. We were at the grocery store, having so,e father and Daughter time.

"Well yes and no." He looked at me with a sad look sad look. "What do you mean yes and no?" I stopped the cart he was pushing. "I don't know where it is, but I do know that your grandparents have it." He said while pushing the cart again. "Oh cool, where are they?" I kept walking.

I was grabbing the bottle of apple juice when dad said, "The thing is, I don't know where they are." What the- how the hell!?

"We'll talk about this at home. Right now isn't the right time." And I agreed with him.

We payed for our stuff and went home, just to find nobody there.
"They all went to the mall." Dad said as he sensed my confusion. He turned on the television and turned off his phone.
I sat down happily next to him and turned off the tv. Dad raised his eyebrow and gave me 'the look' but, I didn't care at the moment. I needed to find out.
"So can you tell me where my dear Mother's picture is located?" He didn't say anything. He stared at the blank tv.

"Da-They don't want to be found, mainly not by you. Hun your mother and grandparents had differences. Your mother made mistakes that your grandparents went against. Her first mistake was dating me. They saw me as the bad guy, that I took their precious daughter away but in reality, she's always been her rebellious, wicked ways.

That's what I love about her.

I loved that she wasn't afraid to be herself around me, others. Haley she got depressed because of her parents. They kept threatening her to leave me and to marry this rich, stuck up, slob. But she didn't. She stayed with me and had you.

Everything was perfect. We had gotten a house, both had jobs- it was just...perfect.
But remember that your grandparents hated my guts and would do anything for me to be out of the picture. They called CPS, saying that I abused both you and your mother, but it was in fact your grandfather who abused her after she has 'talks with them. Mom was abused? That didn't give her the right to do the same to me.

They told police I raped Cara, left you outside in the pouring rain, snow while me and Cara argued. You name it, she said it.
Police showed up at our house once a month to check on things.

Cara was a drunk, she smoked daily, often came home with a man. I-I played it off thinking, she wasn't in her right state of mind. She didn't know what she was doing.

I wasn't going to take her to therapy, she wouldn't talk. Probably be too drunk to even know what's going on. But one night, your mother had enough of it. It was the same night I was leaving for tour. Haley, I wanted to take you guys with me, but our manager didn't allow children on tour.

If I had knew what Cara was going to do after I left, I would have stayed and postpone the tour.
She split us apart. Took my baby girl away from me. I could have helped her more. I could tried harder. I should have stayed. You spent your childhood in hell and when I finally got you back, I made sure Pierce the Veil made your day, everyday. I vowed to become a better father, a man."

Dad closes his eyes for a few minutes, but the opened them with tears falling down. And at that moment, that's when I knew dad finally had enough. He stayed strong for way too long, I've always seen him so happy, filled with joy. The Vic Fuentes had his breakdown. I didn't bother to wipe his tears. He needed this all I could do for now was hold him, be his shoulder to cry on.

I never knew how my father took my mother's death. He was on tour at the time. When did he find out?

"Dad, when did you find out about mother's death?" He looked up from my shoulder and layer on the couch, pulling me with him. "After the tour. The band knew about this all along and didn't tell me after the tour." I froze. They didn't tell him about his own wife's death?

"I was furious. But I understood why they waited to tell me. They didn't want my heart to get broken again. My heart had been broken, it only shuddered when I got the news she had passed. But when I got my baby girl back-" He tickled me and kissed my head. I giggled and punched his shoulder. "You completed me. Daniella only brought a couple of pieces together." He paused. For a minute.

"Haley you're like super glue. When you come in people's lives you stay there, you can't be taken apart from an object. In this case, people. If you're taken apart from others, they get hurt, pretty badly. Really really bad. I mean super glue hurts like a bitch when taken off." He laughed and I did the same.

Everything was quiet after that. I looked over to see dad asleep. I laid down and did the same.

Day 3

I woke up to find myself in a plane. Well that's a start.

"Where are we going?" I asked no one in particular.
"We're going to San Francisco, CA." Uncle Mike said while passing me a burrito. "Thank you Uncle Mike." I kissed his cheek. He nodded and took a bite of my burrito. I gave him 'the look' which is the same look, dad gives me. Tony laughed and handed me a blanket. I thanked him and got comfortable.

"Dammit Vic, control your Daughter!" Some people on the plane whispered. Dad turned around and said quietly, "Control your voice. So,e people are trying to sleep." Tony, Belinda, Jay, Jaime and I laughed quietly.

"How long will it take us to land in San Francisco?" I asked Tony. "Only about an hour and a half." I nodded and grabbed my sketch book.

I decided to sketch my final project. Once I was done, the plane had already landed. The only thing I needed to do was paint it, but I can do that once I get back to school.

I followed Tony and Uncle Mike out of the plane. We decided to grab something to eat in a little cafe shop.

"What do you want Hal?" Dad asked while pulling out his wallet. "Hey Haley I already got your food." Ethan called out to me. I nodded to dad which he in return ruffled my hair. I went to the table where Ethan, Belinda, and Jay were sat. "Thank you." I kissed Ethan's cheek. He pulled out a chair fro me to sit and sat back in his own. "No problem, love." He kissed my head and handed me my food, which insisted of coffee, two muffins and chocolate cake. I smiled to myself and ate.

"I already called the taxi." Jaime said while drinking his coffee. Adding, "He should be on his way" and taking a bite of Uncle Mike's cake. "I'll get you in the hotel." We all laughed and finished the rest of our food.

Reaching to grab my stuff, another pair of hands reached to grab it. Thinking that it was Belinda, I pushed her and grabbed my bag. "H-Haley?" The woman called out. I turned around to see a woman with short blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes. I think I remember those eyes-how does she know my name? "Haley come on, we need to leave." Dad called out. He ran over to me and stopped in his tracks. The two just stared at each other. A couple of seconds passed and the next thing I know, dad is running us back to his direction, leaving the women puzzled.

Before I was pulled into the spinning door, the woman waved at me. A small smile plastered on her face.

It was like a blink of an eye, I was rushed into the cab into a different direction of the airport.

Everything was quiet, besides the music being blared out of Belinda's speakers. She handed one to me and I instantly recognized the song.

"We don't deal with outsiders very well."

This one piece of lyric explains my life. I'm antisocial but I'm social..if that makes any sense.

Somehow during the drive to the hotel, I fell asleep which in Belinda's words, "You slept like a baby." She got smacked across the face. Never call me 'cute'.

"Stay asleep, I'll carry you." Ethan whispered next to me. I left my eyes closed and felt the car make a few more turns and finally, a stop.

I heard the doors open and close, felt a pair of arms under my legs and around my back. I sighed and layer my head in his chest. It was pretty cold and the idiot himself didn't have a jacket on.

"Idiot." I whispered.

"Hello, how are you guys?" A woman said with excitement.
"We are doing fine, I called two days ago for a three rooms, under Victor Fuentes." I peaked my eyes open to see Dad handing the woman behind the counter his credit card. "Here are your keys. Enjoy your stay." The brunet haired woman smiled brightly at all of us.

I closed my eyes and heard the sound of keys jiggling. "There you go. Take care of my mija." Dad said to Ethan. I felt a pair of lips kiss my head. "Good night baby girl." The sound of footsteps walking away from a distance.

"You can open your eyes now." Ethan said while walking further down the hallway. I opened my eyes to see a that we were now in a elevator. I found myself fall asleep on Ethan's shoulder. I was not one eye open. Ethan chuckled and kissed my head. "You're weird when you're sleepy." He stepped out of the elevator and made his way down the hall.
"Shut up." Ethan laughed quietly and opened the door to our room for two nights.

I didn't get a chance to check out the room. Once my head hit the pillow, I was out cold.

Day 4

"Wake up sunshine, we're going to check out San Francisco for the day." Ethan said while throwing pillows at me. This motherfuc- he started jumping the bed. "Did you drink coffee?" I groaned, throwing a pillow wherever he was. I still had my eyes closed. "Extra sugar." He giggled..Giggled. "Hey Ethan." I felt the movement on the bed stop. "Yes love?" He asked. "If I get ready, will you please stop jumping on the bed!" I yelled while slamming my fist on the bed. I'll admit, I probably looked like a child, along with my British boyfriend.

I felt a pair of arms pick me up. I opened my eyes to see us in the bathroom. Ethan placed me on the counter where he knew I couldn't reach the ground. I groaned. He laughed and left the bathroom, closing the door as well. This little...ugh!

"Ethan get your ass back in here!" I screamed. The door opened to reveal Belinda. "Jay did the same thing to me." She sighed and helped me down. "Once we get back to New York, lets get back at them." I whispered. We both grinned like two children at the candy store.

Watch out Ethan and Jay.

We spent the whole day looking around the city, shopping and most definitely getting stuff for Belinda and Jay's wedding. So cute.

What are we doing now? Looking for my grandparents house and munching on pizza. I feel as if pizza calms the soul and and Belinda ended up eating most of it. Pierce the veil on the other hand, were the ones searching for the gramps and mas.

This went on for another hour or two. Belinda and Jay went to bed thirty minutes ago.
I stayed up with dad and the rest of the band. Ethan was asleep on my lap.

"And.....found them. They live 10 minutes away from us. Me, you and mike are the only ones going, the rest are either staying here out in the city." Me and Uncle Mike nodded and decided to go to sleep after that.

It's going to be a long day tomorrow.

Day 5

Third person

First thing that morning, Haley, Vic and Mike take a taxi to the grandparents house. Once there it took a Monet for all of them to realize that they had finally made it. Longs nights of searching and they made it.

Mike looked at both his brother and niece and decided to knock the door. Haley was fidgeting ad Vic looked pissed. Why was he angry? He never got along with Cara's parents to began with. Yet again they'd do anything to get their 'baby girl' back. "Bullshit" Vic thought.

The door opened to be greeted with Cara's mother, Angie.
One look at the three people at her doorstep, she recognizes one person she truly hated, Vic. Angie tries to shut the door on them but the grandfather, George stops her. He moves her aside and let's Mike, Haley and Vic in.

George leads them to the couch all while Angie is staring at her husband with so much hatred. Rolling her eyes, she joins them on the love seat.

They sit in silence. And now we just sit in silence. Haley thought in her head. She giggled and closed her mouth shut with her hands. While everyone else looked her, her Grandmother glared at her.

"And who are you?" Angie said without care. Haley gulped clamped her fist into a ball. She just an old cranky lady. Haley repeated in her head.

"I am your granddaughter, Haley." Haley said surprisedly not stuttering. The the little, old, cranky lady laughed. Laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. "No you're not, my Haley is dead along with her mother Cara. All there's left is this Dickwad of a so called 'father'." Vic shifted in his seat. She's just an old woman. Vic repeated in his head.

"You look just like your mother." George cuts off Angie. Haley smiles brightly and silently thanks him.

"And you look just like your hell of basterd father. Please tell me does he abuse you, does he leave you out side when is blistering cold out? Do you have any bruises-"

"That's enough." Grandfather said sternly.

"I'm so tired of you. What did we ever did to you!?" Vic sighed, anger evident in his voice.
"You took my daughter away from me! And made this son of a bitch in the process. A fucking mistake." Vic stood up from his seat on the couch. He was beyond pissed.
"Talk shit about me all you want! But don't you ever disrespect nor say cruel words about my daughter. Haley is not a mistake. We wanted her all along. She was planned. We never abused her!" "Then how did she gets those bruises huh?" Angie laughed, wickedly.

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm with the band touring! I couldn't stay home with them every single day and that hurt me. You calling me a bad father is bad enough, but abuse? I would never hurt ,y baby girl. I never laid a finger on any woman. I treated Cara like a queen, even when she was on drugs and going through the abuse you guys put her through. "

"No I'm not the one who took your 'baby girl' away from you, you did that on your own. I only helped build her up. The bullshit you guys did to her only made our lives shit. Haley only made it better. And as for the bruises, I don't know. Cara always said that she tripped and fell or they came from the park and scratched herself."

"Those excuses were lies. We never left the house." Haley said while standing up. Everyone looked at her with confusion. Haley sighed and told them all of the horrid things her mother did to her in their basement.

"No she didn't, my baby girl wouldn't do that! That's not her!" Angie started crying historically. George handed Haley a book and told them to leave. Before Haley could leave, George gave her a big hug and closed the door on them. "Well that was eventful." Haley laughed. Mike and Vic did the same. They called for a taxi back to the hotel.

Once there they told the others what happened. It was about 12 in the afternoon and their plane left at 2. It'll take them almost an hour to get up there, sit in a plane for and hour and a couple of minutes from the airport to their house.

3 hours and 45 minutes later.

They were at Vic's house packing up their stuff for tomorrow's flight at four in the morning. Their flight for New York did put leave until 10 minutes.
Finally making it on time for their flight, they got their seats.

For some reason Haley couldn't sleep at all. She grabbed the book that George gave her. She was about to open it until Belinda smacked her hand and made her go back to sleep.

Day 6

Haley's POV

"Wake up, we have class." I hear Ethan opening doors and soon I feel clothes thrown at me. "Ugh." I groaned and rolled out of bed. Ethan pulled me to the bathroom and handed me my toothbrush. We brushed our teeth in silence. I was half asleep while Ethan was jumpy. "You tried the new tea mags you bought from San Fransisco?"
"Extra sugar." I chuckled and hit his head. "Hey I need to stay awake. Did you forget about finishing your finals. I have a sculpture to build and thanks to you, I got a few ideas for my sculpture." He kissed my head, while I was freaking out. "Do you know where I last put the sketch of my mother?" I started running around the house. "It's in your backpack!" Ethan screamed from the bed room. I sighed and jogged to the kitchen.

Some parts of the sketch was smuggled, but not too bad. It could be easily fixed. I smiled to myself. Placing the drawing back in my backpack, I ran upstairs to get dressed.

"Why Anthony? Why does it take your best friend- HaleyBug- My lover- my-"
"We get it!" I smacked the back of his head. Ethan chuckled and finished his question. "Why does it take her ages to get dressed?"
"Well for Haley and girls in general, getting dressed is the fast part. Now if you count the dancing, possible singing, and make up which takes perfection-"
"But my dear Haley is allergic to make up."
"Well no, she's allergic to certain kind of make up, like foundation and power. All of the important stuff, BAM she's allergic to it. Lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. She's good." Antonio nodded to himself.
"No she's perfect. I'd rather her look normal then a Barbie." Ethan kissed my head and opened the door for me.

Ethan drove himself, me and Antonio to the school quietly.
You might be wondering where Antonio's girlfriend is. She's Belinda's cousin and goes toIt took me a moment to adjust where everything was.

Back in the present.

"Hey you're not going to class." Ethan said as I reached for my bag. I was a bit surprised but I shook it off. I didn't like the class nor the teacher anyways. "Get to work." He pulled me back down to my seat and kissed my head. I nodded and got back to work.

I was finally done. This took me almost a week in order to even get the picture. An hour to sketch. And two hours to paint along with the added details.

"Wow." I looked over my shoulder to see Ethan smiling down at me. "So this is your mother?" Ethan looked at me and then the picture. "You look exactly like her." Ethan caressed my cheek. "No I don't." I whispered. "But you do." His voice was rather deep, sounded a bit broken. Those words didn't come out of Ethan's mouth. "Dad?" Standing at the doorway, was none other than the man himself.

He didn't say a word. His slow steps towards the painting were the only thing to be heard in the class room.

How could a rather large room, filled with various of tables and chairs, filled with only three people, make you feel so small and suffocated.

Father didn't say a word. He slow steps came to a halt as he stared at the painting in front of him.
"You are just like your mother." He started off.
But how can I be like a monster who took my childhood away from me? Who made sure my life was hell. Never will I ever harm my children, God forbid I do the same thing to my own.

"How?" I whispered. But dad was already one step ahead of me, like always. "You both make the same face expressions, your attitude, you look exactly like your mother-"
"Is there anything different?" I couldn't take being compared to my mother. There had to be some differences between us.

"Well for starters, you can handle your anger. She always took her anger out on you, blamed every little thing on you. The arguments we had, it was almost like she loved bringing you into it. You are strong Haley. You handle yourself better than most. You can take care of yourself. Even when you was living with me, you still took care of yourself. Cara, your mother needed someone with her. She needed someone to always be by her side and when I was never there, she took her sadness, anger out on you. I've tried my best to leave you at your grandparents house but their relationship with your mother." He stopped and took a step towards me. "Mija, I am so sorry." He reached out for me but I was already in his arms before he even moved an inch.

Dad sounded so lifeless, but yet he shouldn't be the one doing this. She should be. She should be the one begging for forgiveness. But this isn't just like movies. This isn't a fairy tail. This is real life and I have to deal with the fact that things will never change.

"Why?" I could feel the waterworks. "It's just how life is. People come and go. Now if you're as crazy as Ethan, you'll stay every step of the way. Baby girl, Even though your mother put you through hell as a child, just know that she's sorry and she loves you." I couldn't keep it any longer. I cried, happy tears.


Am I the only person, while reading scroll with one hand and the other is grabbing a bag of chips or grabbing food in general....COMMENT.
Also comment your favorite bands and a favorite song from them, I will listen to them and give you my opinion as well.
Feel free so message me any ideas or if you want to be a character and describe your self (you can never have too many characters)
And message me in general, if you're having problems or boy problems any problems at all, I'll help or we'll talk about it.

Remember we are a family. We're actually Pierce the veil fans but hell we are considered family.
I'm thinking about doing #Wattys2016
Comment, vote if you want to, message me, read, enjoy, and have a wonderful day, night, evening, morning.....afternoon.....week..month....I LOVE YOU ALL!

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