Misery Loves Company

By Geonie_

17.2K 263 56

Bella, is a nurse at Andrews hospital in Massachusetts. Bella's boyfriend Elijah, CEO of his Father's Law Fir... More

Happy Couple. Chapter 1
Nurse Fields
Call me Daddy
Its good so far
Do my eyes deceive me?
Baby Boy or Girl??.
This can't be real? Right?
Single Mother 💕
Baby time??👶
Baby Daddy
New Beginning

I Can't do this

1K 15 9
By Geonie_

Its been a month now since I broke up with Elijah. Day by Day I've received messages and calls from him, but I never replied. Its crazy I know. But the pain is unbareable.

This has been the worst thing that ever happened to me. My own boyfriend wasn't happy I was pregnant, He engaged to me, then cheated on me.. Could my life get worse??.. I mean, I didn't plan for this pregnancy but that gave him no right to treat me and our baby like this. It isn't fair..

Why couldn't he just tell me straight up, before he went along and put a ring on my finger then cheated on me. And I just know things would get worse if we were married. Luckily we weren't.

"I need a cupcake". I said as I got up from around the table in the break room.

I've been staying at my Cousins house, since Elijah would come looking for me if I stayed at Moms or my bestfriend and it didn't make sense renting a place when I had family. I don't need him around me right now.

"I'm going to the Salon after work, care to join?". My coworker "Helen" asked as she raised her fork to her mouth taking a bite from her salad.

"I'll pass, I'm gonna run some erands then head home". I said as I pealed the paper off the cupcake.

"Ok, So how's the little one doing?". She pointed at my tummy and smiled.

"She's doing well actually". I smiled and looked down at my little round tummy.

"She!?". Helen squeeled.

"Yeah, I can just tell there'sa bouncing baby girl in there, I can feel it". I laughed.

"Your probably right though". She smiled.

Tears fell to my cheeks, knowing that Elijah and I aren't together anymore to raise our baby and probably will never be together again either.

"Is everything okay? Did I say something wrong?". Helen stood from around the table and rubbed my shoulder.

"Everything's fine". I wiped my tears away, and walked out of the lunch room.


I honestly don't mind raising my child on my own to be honest. Lots of women do it, although Elijah wouldn't dare to let me do that, nor will his father who adored me so much and his soon coming grandchild.

I needed some stuff from the grocery store. Stuff I craved for. As I walked around in the grocery store in my scrubs, I came up the food I not only wanted but neeeeeeded. Yes! That much emphasis. It was Cookie dough ice cream. Hmmmm. My fav since childhood.

I took up a container, well two or three containers actually and placed them in my cart, while looking for a flavour my cousin would love. After all I am staying with her, the least I could do is contribute right?.

"Bella?". A familiar voice called out.


"What do you want Elijah?". I said as I placed another ice cream in my cart and pushed my cart towards the frozen pizza section.

"What do you mean by what do I want!! I want my fiance back and my child!". He scowled loudly causing people to look. So I slowly walked away and pretended to not know him.

"You should have thought about that before you cheated, and I never took our child away from you, by right I am a pregnant woman so wherever I go the baby goes. So I can't help you with that".

I said taking out a ground beef pizza from the fridge door and placing it in my cart.

"Don't play smart with me Bella". He said trailing me.

"I'm not, its just facts".

"Look, I'm sorry I was dumb Ion know what I was thinking. I have the greatest woman in the world and I fucked up".

"Are you referring to me or the other woman?". I asked while looking around the shelves for another item to place in my cart.

"Really Bella, Obviously I mean you".

"But what guy who has the greatest woman in the world fucks up his relationship with her for a woman who justs wants ur money?? Oh wait! You Elijah! YOU!". I scowled and walked a bit faster away from him.

"I know!! Ans I'm truly sorry!! I honestly don't know why I did that! I feel stupid!. I love you Bella, and our baby we made!! I just-".

"Are you sure you love our baby!? Cuz if you did! Our child would have been the first thought that came to ur mind before you went along and did something stupid like this!!! Fuck me!! I don't care about me in this situation right now to be honest!! It is our child I'm worrying about right now Elijah!!. You haven't been the happiest when I told you I'm pregnant! And it hurts! I feel like its bcuz I got pregnant and you never wanted a child you used that as an opportunity to fuck up! Our baby hasn't even been born as yet and there's already chaos! I don't want our child to have a step father or a step mother! All I wanted Elijah was for you to be happy, and for us to raise our baby TOGETHER! But you just had to screw things up".

Tears fell upon my cheeks and I walked away leaving him alone in the aisle feeling guilty.

I can't do this.

"Bella please, lemme make it up to you! I love you and I want to spend the rest of our lives together".

"Thats the thing Elijah, you think u can make it up to me but honestly you can't. The only way you can make things up with me is if u wipe my memory, cuz when I look at you now all I see is you happy and smiling with another woman and it isn't me sadly. But thats ok.. Not everyone is meant for one another. You don't have to end things with her". I said walking over towards him.

"I don't know if you love her, but if your happy with her and she fills ur worls then marry her". I said crying while holding his hand with the ring he proposed to me with..

Tears from his eyes.

"We don't have to be together to be in each others lives, I love you Elijah but I'm obviously not the one you want". I said as I wiped his tears.

"I want you bella! Stop making me feel like I'm not happy with you. Me cheating has nothing to do with our baby! I fucking love you and the baby we created! That girl is nothing! I only make her feel like I'm happy! Ur my world Bella, My pride and joy! Ur my heart and soul! I can't live without you! And if I can't have you then nobody else can! I'll die for you bella! I fucked up okay! I admit I'm only human! A stupid human by the way!  But I want nothing more than us together raising our child and in each others lives till the end! I want you to be my wife!".

He held my face and wiped away my tears.

"Be my fiancé again bella, please. I need you. Having an affair with that woman was an honest mistake, and I cut all ties with me and her. We haven't spoken since the day after you gave me back this ring". He held up the ring.

"Please bella".

I was speechless. I love this man. But I'm scared to go through this again. But everyone deserves a second chance right??....

"Come back home with me, be my fiance again. My heart is cold without you, and I can't sleep at nights knowing your not next to me".

Elijah went down on one knee and held up the ring.

"Will you?".

Will I?

"Yes". I said smiling as he smiled and slipped the ring  on my finger. He stood as fast as possible and kissed me continuously.

We then heard tuns of clapping.. I looked around and soon saw that about 30 people surrounded us smiling, cheering and clapping.

"I love you". He said.

"I love you more".

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