All On Contract

By SavedByShady313

361K 12.6K 4.9K

Tessa Sanchez Black is an singer from California. She's worked with many talanted people like Jay z, Beyoncé... More

Chapter One: What?
Chapter Two: Moving away
Chapter Three: Meeting His Friends
Chapter Four: Meeting his family
Chapter Five: Engagement Ring
Chapter Six: S.W.M.M
Chapter Seven: Big Trouble
Chapter Eight: Telling The World
Chapter 9 - Marks Call
Chapter 10 - Reunion
Chapter 11 - The Suprise Party
Chapter 12 - The Way You Look At Eachother
Chapter 13 - Dre's Party
Chapter 14 - Dre's Party Part 2
Chapter 15 - What Happened Last Night?
Chapter 16 - Back To Detroit
Chapter 17 - My Future Mother In Law
Chapter 18 - Family Dinner
Chapter 19 - Quality Time With My Future Brother In Law
Chapter 20 - New York
Chapter 21 - Live In The Moment
Chapter 23 - Awkward silence
Chapter 24 - Holding Grudges
Chapter 25 - The Last Straw
Chapter 26 - Ending The Contract
Chapter 27 - Going Over The Contract
Chapter 28 - Jacob
Chapter 29 - His apology
Chapter 30 - Fresh start
Chapter 31 - Controlling Managers
Chapter 32 - Strangers
I'm sorry
Chapter 33: Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Chapter 34 - O.D
Chapter 35 - 14 years ago
Chapter 36 - Needing time
Chapter 37 - Telling More Lies
Chapter 38 - First Performance Together
Chapter 39 - No Feelings Allowed
Chapter 40 - Give It a Chance
Chapter 41: Our Little Secret
Chapter 42: Aftermath Of The Party
Chapter 43: Navy Pier
Chapter 44: New Contract
Chapter 45 - MTV Movie Awards
Chapter 46 - Nothing Serious
Chapter 47 - Letting Go
Chapter 48 - Pinky Promise
Chapter 49 - Unwanted Feelings
Chapter 50 - Clothing Line Launch
Chapter 51 - Aunt And Uncle
Chapter 52 - Drunk Mess
Chapter 53 - How I Feel
Chapter 54 - It's Official
Chapter 55 - Dinner At The Renee's
Chapter 56 - Halloween
Chapter 57 - Break In
Chapter 58 - Jane Doe
Chapter 59 - She's Awake
Chapter 60 - I Love You
Chapter 61 - Facing My Fears
Chapter 62 - Recovery
Chapter 63 - It's All Over
Chapter 64 - Whitney Lanie Scott
Chapter 65 - Kids
Chapter 66 - He Knows
Chapter 67 - FBI
Chapter 68 - When It Ends
Chapter 69 - Adoption
Chapter 70 - Iris
Chapter 71 - Iris (Part Two)
Chapter 72 - Abuela
Chapter 73 - Madre
Chapter 74 - The Black Family Part One
Chapter 75 - The Black Family Part Two
Chapter 76 - Now You Know
Chapter 77 - Now They Know
Chapter 78 - Dr Dawson
Chapter 79 - Bye Bye Asshole
Chapter 80 - Back To Normal (Well...Kinda)
Chapter 81 - You're An Alcoholic
Chapter 82 - I Am An Alcoholic
Chapter 83 - We Know
Chapter 84 - Guys Like Him
Chapter 85 - There Is Always A Choice
Chapter 86 - He/She Is The Only One For Me
Chapter 87 - I Don't Deserve This
Chapter 88 - This Is Wrong
Chapter 89 - I Messed Up...Again
Chapter 90 - Who's The Cheater Now?
Chapter 91 - Creators Of The Contract
Chapter 92 - One Year
Chapter 93 - Match Made In Heaven
Chapter 94 - Missing Person
Chapter 95 - It's Just A Little Cut, Right Marshall?
Chapter 96 - Aftermath Of The Attack
Chapter 97 - They Did This
Chapter 98 - Intruder
Chapter 99 - Jay Sanchez Black
Chapter 100 - Something Has Changed
Chapter 101 - The Thirty Percent
Chapter 102 - Bad Dream
Chapter 103 - Nothing Is The Same
Chapter 104 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter - 105 - Who The Hell Are You?
Chapter 106 - I Love Her Too!
Chapter 107 - I Miss The Old Her
Chapter 108 - It Was Already Over
Chapter 109 - She Hates Me....Again
Chapter 110 - It Will Be All Over Soon
Chapter 111 - I Hate You So Much!
Chapter 112 - I Can't Trust Anyone
Chapter 113 - Hug It Out
Chapter 114 - Not Fair
Chapter 115 - Yellow Carnation
Chapter 116 - The Wedding Planner
Chapter 117 - I'm Going To Be An Aunty...Again
Chapter 118 - One Day Before The Wedding
Chapter 119 - An Autumn Wedding
Chapter 120 - An Autumn Wedding (Part Two)
Chapter 121 - An Autumn Wedding (Part Three)
Chapter 122 - The Married Couple
Chapter 123 - Necker Island
Chapter 124 - It's Just The Four Of Us Now
Chapter 125 - And The Oscar Goes To...
Chapter 126 - Ryder Mitchell
Chapter 127 - Ryder Mitchell Part Two
Chapter 128 - This Must End
Chapter 129 - I Want A Normal Life
Chapter 130 - You Stay Alive
Chapter 131 - Charity Event
Chapter 132 - Charity Event (Part Two)
Chapter 133 - You Again
Chapter 134 - Missing Person
Chapter 135 - My Life Is A Mess
Chapter 136 - Lost And Broken
Chapter 137 - A Father To Seven
Chapter 138 - Murder
Chapter 139 - Olivia
Chapter 140 - I'm Here For You
Chapter 141 - All For The Contract
Chapter 142 - You Did This
Chapter 143 - We Killed Them
Chapter 144 - Blood On Our Hands
Chapter 145 - This Is The End
Chapter 146 - I'm Leaving You
Chapter 147 - Greece
Chapter 148 - Greece (Part Two)
Chapter 149 - Greece (Part Three)
Chapter 150 - Miss Not Mrs
Chapter 151 - For Me It Isn't Over
Chapter 152 - She's Gone
Chapter 153 - What About Me?
Chapter 154 - It's Going To Kill Us
Chapter 155 - No More Dad
Chapter 156 - Before Sunset
Chapter 157 - Before Sunrise
Chapter 158 - Before Sunrise (Part Two)
Chapter 159 - I Killed My Bestfriend
Chapter 160 - Stole The Show
Note: New Story

Chapter 22 - Aftermath Of The Party

3.4K 122 28
By SavedByShady313

Tessa's P.O.V:
I've been up for hours now. I'm scared to face Marshall. Wait, why? I mean he's the one that kissed another girl. So why am I the one that's scared to face him?

But what if he doesn't even remember?

He was probably too drunk to remember anything. But then again he was kinda high and tipsy when we kissed so would he even remember that? I hope not.

Sighing, I climb out of bed and get into the shower. Once i'm done having a wash, I do my normal hygiene routine and get dressed into a pair of grey nike sweat shorts and a white tank top. I quickly do my make up and tie my hair in a messy bun before I see the aftermath of the damn party.

I unlock the door and slide it open slowly. The whole room was dirty and full of cups and empty alcohol bottles. The music was still playing but less louder then last night.

I'm suprised no one complained about the noise.

I walk towards the couch area and switch of the tv and turn of the music, making it completely silent. There were drugs on the table and alcohol spilled all over the floor.

Marshall lay on the floor with a girl laying ontop of the bottom half of his body and with girls on each side of him. There were one or two men on seprate couches with girls on top of them.


I decide not to wake them up and walk over to the kitchen area to make a cup of coffee. Once it's done, I pour it into a black mug and lean against the kitchen stove as I look around the room.

Then it hits me. What are all these people going to think about this whole engagement thing whilst i'm here? They're going to think i'm some kind of pushover if I don't say anything to them for making out with my fucking 'fiancé'.

I leave the coffee by the stove and quietly make my way towards the bedroom door. I need to get out of her before they wake up. I get changed into a pair of black Adidas leggings and a sports bra and cover up with a nike jacket.

I slip my feet into my nike shoes and grab my earphones and mp3 player, phone and my wallet before I walk out the bedroom area. I silently close the bedroom door behind me and make my way towards the hotels front door.

Damn it my ring.

I rush back into the room and look for the engagement ring. I probably tossed it on the floor in anger after last night so it must be here. After a few minutes I find the ring under the dressing table. I slide it down my finger and quickly rush out the room, banging the door a bit too hard.

My head snaps towards Marshall's direction when I hear him mumble something as the slut ontop of his leg moves around and raises her head. I stay frozen and watch her drop her head. Sighing in relief I quickly walk out.

I make my way down to the lobby and past the hotel staff. A man opens the door for me and tips his hat down as I mumble a thank you and walk out into the nice cold air.

The streets weren't that busy since it was only 7am so thank god for that because the last thing I need is the damn paparazzi. I wave at a taxi and watch as it stops infront of me.

"Good morning, miss." The man smiles as I climb in.

"Good morning." I smile as I look up at him through the review mirror to see a middle aged man smiling back at me.

"Where to?" He asks.

"To the nearest park please." I say as he makes a u-turn and starts to drive.

"You've got an accent." He states looking back at me through the mirror.

"So do you." I reply referring to his Indian accent. He laughs in response as he looks at the road ahead.
"So, where are you from?" He asks.

"California." I reply as I look out the window.

"Ah. You know I have family there." The man says.

"Oh yeah?" I mumble.

"Mm. My grandma and my cousin-" He stops speaks as he stops infront of a stairs case. "Well looks like we're here." He turns to me.

I climb out the car and hand him the money through the window as we say our goodbyes. I jog up the long as stairs and stop at the top as I look at tbe huge park infront of me.

I zip up my jacket as I watch couples going for a morning run. I start to slowly jog as I place in my earphones. After a few hours I take a seat on the bench and try to catch my breath as I push my brown hair back.

God I should've bought water.

"Hey." I look up to find a man not much older then me standing in front of me.

"Hi." I say breathlessly and look down at the ground.

"You were running pretty fast for a couple of hours." He states as he sits down next to me.

Wow dude, creepy much.

"You were watching me?" I ask as I lean back. The man holds up a plastic water bottle up to me. I mumble a thanks and take it.

"I think eveyone was watching you." He grins showing of his dimples as I drink water from his bottle.

"Can I ask why?" I ask as I hand him the bottle.

Please don't tell me he recognised me!

"Well for one you got a really nice body. Your steaming hot." He says making me laugh along with him. "And two, your Tessa Black." He shrugs. I stop laughing and turn the other way.

"I think I should get going." I say as I slowly stand back up.

"No, don't." He says quickly. "I'm sorry you probably think i'm going to harass you by asking you questions and asking for photos just because you're famous. But belive me thats not my intention." He says as he stands up.

Wow he was tall and built!

"So why did you approach me then?" I ask him as I cross my arms across my chest.

"Well. To talk. You seem like a nice person." He shrugs.

I nod slowly as I take off my jacket and hold it in my hand. Fuck it's hot. I notice the guy look away from me quickly and nervously making me chuckle.

"You can walk me back to my hotel." I shrug as I walk backwards and then turn my back towards him. I hear him catch up to me. "So what's your name?" I ask.

"Ryan." He smiles.


"Do you live close to this park, Ryan?" I ask. Damn his name sounds so hot.

"I live across it. My apartments right there." He says pointing to the huge building behind the lake. "So where's this hotel then?" He asks as we walk down the stairs.

"Uhr..." I look side to side down the street and bite on my bottom lip. "No fucking idea." I sigh.

"Well then. This should be easy since we're only in New York." He says sarcastically. I chuckle in response and shake my head.

"Oh wait." I say and take out my wallet from my jacket. I look through the cards until I find the card key to the hotel room door. "There." I smile and hand him the key.

"I forgot you were engaged to Eminem. I was gonna ask you out." Ryan says as he looks at the engagement ring on my finger before he takes the card from my hand.

I withdraw my hand and quickly fold my arms across my chest. Ryan smiles at me and points to the left before we start to walk as I pull on my jacket and zip it up. The last thing I need is people to see my fat body.

We make small conversation as we make our way to the hotel. So far I know Ryan is 29, he lives with his pet dog in the apartment and is divorced. Something we have in common. Ryan has younger sister and the rest of his family live in Chicago. He's a football couch for a living.

"Well, Tessa. This is it." Ryan says as we stop at the hotels front door.

"Yep. Thank you." I smile. Ryan takes a step foward and pulls me in for a hug taking me by suprise. I slowly wrap my arms around him and hug him back.

Just when I step back, Ryan leans down and pecks me on the cheek, his lips stay on my cheek for anfew seconds before he slowly starts to move back. He hands me my card back and I watch him as he starts to walk back to the way we came from.

I look down in my hand to see that he's wrapped up a piece of paper around the card. I remove it and unfold the card, reveling his phone number and name. I smile lightly as I scrunch it up and stuff it in my pocket and look up to see him waking away.

A small smile stays on my lips as I turn on my heels and jog up the steps. The man tips his hat and I hand him a 100 dollar bill before I walk towards the lift.

I take the awfully slow lift up all the way to the top floor. Once the lift door opens, two security step infront of the door. They give a small smile and nod once the recognise me and stand back in their position.

I swipe the card and push the door open to the hotel room. I walk in to find Marshall and a few others still sleeping. Sighing I place my purse and card on the glass side table and rush to pick up the hotels phone when it starts to ring.

"Hello?" I answer as I take off my jacket it and toss it on the couch arm rest.

"Good morning Miss Black. We have a Paul Rosenberg on the line for you." The hotels receptionist says.

"Put him through please." I sigh. There a long beep before I hear Paul speak.

"Hello?" Paul says.

"Hey Paul." I say quietly so I don't wake Marshall up. "How are you." I ask.

"Oh hey Tessa. I'm good. I don't really have time to talk right now, I just called up to check on Marshall." He says.

"He's sleeping right now." I tell him as I glance at Marshall.

"Could you wake him up. He should be at a radio interview in 10 minutes." Paul sighs in frustration.

"I...I'm not sure if it's a good idea." I sigh.

"I have to go. Just wake him up and tell him that I called." Paul says before he hangs up.

Fucking prick.

Sighing I place the phone down and walk over to where Marshall is. I step over some broken glass and cans before I reach him. I lean down and nudge him with my hand. No answer. I nudge him with my foot. Still no answer.

"Marshall." I sigh as I nudge. "Marshall get up!" I shout, guess what? No answer.

It's like he's in a godamn coma! Time for plan B. I step over his little whores and walk into the kitchen. I grab a cold water bottle from the fridge and unscrew the lid as I walk back. I hover over Marshall and splash some cold water on him.

"Yo, what the fuck!" Marshall yells as he covers his face.

"Good morning to you too." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes as I drop down on the couch and fold my arms across my chest and cross my legs.

"What the fuck was that for!" Marshall shouts.

"Oh look Marshall. You woke up one of your little whores." I say as I watch the girls sit up and yawn.

"Shut the fuck up." I hear Marshall mumble.

I watch as the girls look around their surroundings until thier eyes land on me. All three of them look at me confused as they look at Marshall and then back at me.

"Oh. We're so sorry." One of them says shyly.

"Oh it's no problem. I'm used to this by now." I say as I glance at Marshall who's glaring at me.

After a few minutes, all the party people scram out the room once they apologise a hundered times to me, one even had the nerve to congratulate me on my engagement. I bang the door behind them and turn to face Marshall.

"What the fuck was that about!" Marshall shouts.

"We have a contract Marshall!" I shout at him as I walk towards him.

"Man, fuck the contract!" He yells as he stands up.

"You know, I've just about had enough of your mood swings!" I shout. "You broke your promise!" I add as I walk into the bedroom area with Marshall right behind me.

"You damn well know it's not about the contract or any fucking promises!" Marshall shouts.

"Yes, it fucking is!" I scream as I stop at the end of the bed and turn to face him. "If it's not about the contract or the fucking promise you made, then what the hell do you think this is all about!" I shout.

"Don't fucking raise you voice at me!" Marshall shouts.

"I just fucking did!" I scream in his face.

"You're fucking jelouse!" Marshall says clearly I pissed him off since he was going red in the face.

"Jelouse?" I laugh as I shake my head in disbelief. "I'm jelouse of you sleeping with those whores? No Marshall, i'm fucking not!" I yell.

For the first time since the people from last night left it goes quiet. We just stare at eachother in anger as we breath heavily. Marshall's phone starts to ring, make us both finally look away.

I grab my make up bag and start throw my make up into the bag as I curse at Marshall under my breath. How could he be such a dick? He thinks i'm actually jelouse because he probably screwed those girls last night?

No fucking way!

Marshall talks away on the phone with his back turned towards me. I throw my make up bag into my suitcase as I grab my clothes that are laying on the bed and chairs.

No way am I staying in the same hotel room as him. I grab my phone and charger and grab all my shampoo's and soaps from the ensuit before I grab my main luggage bag and walk out.

"Where the fuck are you going?!" Marshall yells as he follows me towards the front door of the hotel room.

"Like you fucking care!" I shout back as I swing the door open and slam it behind me. I hear the door swing open as I talk to security by the lift.

"Man, I don't fucking know!" Marshall shouts into the phone as he walks towards me. I turn away from him quickly.

"Could you bring my luggage when I call you." I tell the security.

"Yes, Miss Black." The guard nods. I press the lift button multiple times before the door finally opens.

"Tessa! Where the fuck are you going?" Marshall says as he stops the lift doors from closing by holding the doors and stepping in.

"Away from you, Marshall." I throw my hands up in the air as I turn away and press the G button on the lift. "Because i'm just sick of you being and ass to me!" I shout.

"When have I ever been an ass to you!" He yells ontop of his lungs as his face starts to turn red.

Last night.

"You broke a rule from the contract!" I shout.

"You did too!" He shouts.

"No I didn't!" I turn to face him. "When the hell did I fucking break a rule!" I add.

"We had the same rule. If i'm not aloud in public with girls then you're not aloud with other guys!" He says as the lift stops and the doors slide open.

"Funny that. I don't remember sleeping with different guys like you slept with those girls last night!" I say and step out the left.

I start to walk away but Marshall grabs my upper arm and pulls me into the hotels staff room. I watch him as he locks the door to give us some privacy. The last thing we need is paparazzi.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hiss.

"Shut the fuck up." He snaps at me as he walks up to the tv and switches it on. "So you think i'm the only one that broke the rule on the contract?" He says as he switches to TMZ and turns to face me.

"Well I sure as hell didn't!" I roll my eyes.

"Then what the fuck is this?" He says pointing at the tv.

I turn my attention towards the tv and freeze at the screen. They were showing a footage of me and the guy that I met in the morning. Ryan. They show us walking back to the hotel as we both laugh and talk.

The next clip is the clip from when we're both standing infront of the hotel room and talking. Oh no. I glance at Marshall who's leaning against the wall and clenching his jaw tight as he watches me.

I turn my attention towards the tv and listen to the reporter as he speaks. I sigh and run my hands through my hair and ball it up in my fist as I watch the next clip.

Ryan and I hug eachother as both of us smile lightly. I watch Ryan as he kisses me on my cheek and his lips stay on my cheek for a while. I squeeze my eyes shut and drop down on the leather couch.

"Still think i'm an ass to you?" Marshall says. I sigh and ruffle my hair before I look up at him.

"He was just showing me back to the hotel because I was lost." I shrug.

"So why the hell do you have his number and adress then?" He says as he walks up to me and chucks it at me.

"Marshall-" I sigh as I get up but he doesn't give me a chance to talk.

"You might think I forgot what happened last night but I remember everything." He says before he walks out.


Soooo? What do you think? It's kinds short and shit but i'm still helping my cousin move in and we came to a café to eat breakfast and since my cousin had her laptop with her and since there was free wifi, I decided to update!

I didn't have time to re-read so please please pleaseeeeee excuse any spelling mistakes!

Please vote, comment and share!

I'm going to try my best to update this fanfic as soon as I can and i'm so fucking sorry for not updating 'Falling For Marshall' when I said I would. But I have no idea's left and my friend who helps me when run out of ideas is back home in Birmingham:/

I promise to update this fanfic and my other fanfics too! Pinky promise.. *Holds up pinky finger*

Kay, Bye and thank you so much for reading! 😚😚😘😙

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