Angels and Sprites (Miraculou...

By -plutope-

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*Amazing cover made by @ladybooger ! Thank you so much!* Ladybug is an angel. She was born in heaven, and she... More

Chapter One: Earth?
Chapter Three: Want to Talk
Chapter Four: Game Plan
Chapter Five: School, huh?
Chapter Six: Human
Chapter Seven: Stay Safe, Princess
Chapter Eight: First Day
Chapter Nine: Another Encounter
Chapter Ten: Protect You
Chapter Eleven: Dupain-Cheng Bakery
Chapter Twelve: Eventful Days
Chapter Thirteen: Targeted, Perhaps?
Chapter Fourteen: Visits
Chapter Fifteen: A Montage Of Sorts
Chapter Sixteen: Memories
Chapter Seventeen: Bitcheois
Chapter Eighteen: Green Tea
Chapter Nineteen: Piss Off, Chat
Chapter Twenty: Wayzz Takes Command
Chapter Twenty One (Pilots): A Patient Man
Chapter Twenty Two: An Interesting Notion
Chapter Twenty-Three: An Interogaytion
Chapter Twenty Four: Civilian Unrest

Chapter Two: A Visit

1.8K 106 67
By -plutope-

Mmkay peoples just saying it's always gonna be Ladybug's/Marinette's POV unless I change it. Read on!

(Btw that is what Marinette/Ladybug looks like, but with angel wings)

I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't see anything. There was only darkness. Darkness and a pounding, throbbing feeling in my head. I knew I was alive, since angels couldn't die, but... I'm still pretty freaked out. 

I willed myself to wake up, because I was sure that I was passed out. Light started to filter through my vision, but I still could only see hazy blobs of things that outlined in my surroundings. I struggled to open my eyes, questions pounding through my brain. Will Fu come and get me? Will he make a mission for angels to retrieve me? Does he know I'm gone? Does he realize that I've been severely injured?

Suddenly hazy, golden light funneled into into my line of sight, and I knew I was officially awake, eyes open. I felt the golden rays dance across my face, warming me up. It felt just like I was back at home in heaven, in my house on Blueberry Street, enjoying the rising sun climb through the sky and pour through my bedroom window. 

I tensed my muscles, breathing out a sigh of relief. I was back home, it was all a dream. I'm safe, it was just a nightmare.

And then I realized I wasn't in my bedroom at all.

I peered around the strange new room I was in, and it looked worn-down. The pink paint on the walls were peeling off, scrapes and scratches decorating the sides. The golden light sprinkling in from a boarded-up window in the room highlighted the swirling dust dancing around the air, sparkling in the light. I ran my fingers over the bedsheets, which were surprisingly soft and warm, like the ones back home. I turned my head, and I could see a small bedside table with a glass of water on it. Beside the glass, there was a plate with three Saltine crackers on it. There was an old wooden door on the right side of the room.

I turned my head back, letting it sink into the lumpy pillow underneath my head. Where was I? I don't... I don't remember walking somewhere, or being carried somewhere, for that matter. Had someone found me after I fell? Did I faint? I'm sure someone found me or something, or else how could I have gotten here?

I started to close my eyes, when I heard a rustle on the left side of the room. 

"Glad to know you're awake, Bugaboo."

My eyes shot open and I sat up, peering around the room again, and this time I saw a new detail. He was sitting on an old chair in the corner, leaning back on it with the two chair legs in the front off the ground.

He was a young man, late teens early twenties, his face down, so I couldn't see his features. He was sitting with his legs crossed, and he was wearing a tan trench coat with black buttons. Under this, I could see hints of leather on his body. His hands were leather claws, which I know are not normal. He had a black fedora tipped over his face, so I could only see his smiling lips. He had really white teeth.

He looked up at me, and my heart pounded out of my chest. I think... I think this guy is an akuma. He had to be. He had electric green eyes, and where there was supposed to be white in his eyes there was a pea green. His pupils were cat-like, and he stared at me intently. He had on a black mask that covered half of his face, and I could see cat ears poking out from the mop of wild blonde hair he had.

I could tell I was pale and wide-eyed, because the man smiled softly, as if he was trying to reassure me that I wasn't to be afraid of him. "It's alright," he said in a deep, seductive voice. He grinned at me, and I could see a black tail whip silently behind him. 

Oh yeah. This guy was definitely an akuma. The black mask, the strange eyes, the tail. What else could he be? I knew that akumas liked to drag down angels into Hawkmoth's realm, and I did not want to go down there. I'd rather die that become a servant to Hawkmoth. I felt my wings fold into my back, pressing up against me.

"Who are you?" I croaked, my voice hoarse. My headache continued to throb in my head, and I clutched my forehead with my hand. I hissed, the pain unbearable. How do I get rid of these things? 

I heard a creak from the left corner, where the man was sitting. He got up from his chair  and walked over to my right bedside, leaning over me. I shrank away from his vibrant gaze, and he grimaced when he tentatively placed his clawed hand on my forehead, brushing away my midnight hair that was plastered onto it.. 

"You're burning up," he murmured, quiet voice laced with concern. I watched in confusion as the man turned away from me and picked up the glass of water on the bedside table, and he handed it to me with a hesitant, close-lipped smile. "Here," he said quietly, pushing the glass towards me. I looked up at his shocking emerald eyes, and he backed away slowly as I accepted the glass with two hesitant hands. 

I sniffed it hesitantly, my nose brushing against the rim of the glass, and I looked back up at the man. He shrugged his shoulders, hands now in the coat pockets, and I slowly lifted the glass to my cracked lips. I gulped the beverage down, relieved to realize that it really was just water. I gulped all of it down, and I handed the glass back to the man, not looking back at him. 

I closed my eyes and rested my head back on the pillow, feeling the ache in my head slowly fade away. And so did the rest of the room. It all started to fade into the distance, black consuming my vision again. I got a last glance at the empty glass, and I realized the man had... He had slipped something in my drink!

I looked back at the strange man, and he was sitting in the corner, watching me give way to unconsciousness. I had only enough energy to ask him one question, my voice fading with my vision. "Who... are.. you?"

My eyes slowly closed, and colors danced across my vision as I heard his voice answer me calmly. 

"I'm Chat Noir."

And then the darkness claimed my head once again.


Chat Noir's/Adrien's POV

"Who... are... you?" she asked, her voice laced with hurt and betrayal. Her eyelids were drooping, the sleeping pill I slipped in her drink taking full effect. Her sapphire eyes were clouding over with confusion and sleepiness, her body relaxing. I frowned a little bit, pondering her question. I owed her an answer, because after all, I did just drug her.

My face relaxed and I slightly shrugged, her eyes now closed. She was almost asleep. "I'm Chat Noir," I answered nonchalantly. I saw her muscles give up fighting, and I knew she slipped into slumber.

I looked at her sleeping form, and even disheveled and injured, she looked very beautiful. But as the cliche moments go, a black light started to form in the corner of the room, and I sighed. The black light started to take shape, and black wings burst from the blob. The rest of the dark matter formed, and there he was. My best, annoying, immature, constantly-hungry friend; 


Plagg is an angel, like the girl. He doesn't look like your typical angel, but he's an angel all right (even if he curses way too much). Even if he's snobby, picky, and usually a douche, he always helps in the end. He couldn't bear it if anything bad happened to the people of Earth, especially if they were close to him. 

Plagg looks really weird. He has soft black wings, which were actually pretty big and voluminous. HIs ashy feathers shimmered in the light filtering in through the window, and they shook slightly as Plagg relaxed. He wears a weird outfit, consisting of black. He has inky black hair that is very... fluffy, and his ashy grey skin makes his vibrant green eyes pop out. He wears silver-toed boots to accent his whole rebel-angel-demon/akuma-hunter vibe he has. To add a bit of cheesiness to his outfit, he wears a golden bell.

(That's Plagg, just imagine him with black wings too)

"Soooo..." Plagg drawled, looking at me while leaning on the wall. "What have you been doing lately?" I could feel my cheeks heat up as I glanced behind me, where the mysterious angel slept peacefully. I whipped my head back to Plagg, feeling a cold sweat form on the back of my neck, afraid of what he was gonna think.

Plagg slowly diverted his attention to the sleeping angel, then he turned back at me with a look of shock on his face, his mouth open, eyes wide. 

"I know what it l-looks like," I started, raising my hands in defeat. Plagg just stared at me, mouth agape, whaling at the scene behind me. I took a few steps back, expecting him to explode.

"Well shit, Chat!" he whisper-yelled, luminous green eyes boring into mine. "Why do you have a fucking angel in your room?!" I opened my mouth weakly to respond when Plagg pushed me out of the way, moving towards the sleeping angel.

"Ugh, she's totally passed out," Plagg commented, stepping to her bedside. He lifted one of her petite hands, examining them like a hawk, and he dropped it. The hand fell limp at her side, and Plagg directed his gaze to the empty glass on the table. He then whipped his head towards me, and I swear I could see the gears turning in his head. 

"Chat..." he started, his eyebrows furrowed. "Did you fuckin drug  her!?" I chuckled nervously and shrugged, and Plagg was freaking out, waving his arms as he ranted. "Why did you drug her? How did you even find her? Tikki's been going crazy since last night, freaking out and bawling over her! She's missing, man!"

My mind sobered as this sunk in. Of course she was missing. But weren't some angels supposed to come and rescue her already? If so, then why was she still here? "First question," I started, examining her red mask, "Who is this girl, anyways?" Plagg shifted uncomfortably at this, but he sighed heavily. 

"Well..." he murmured, glancing at her. "I can't say her real name, only she can do that. It's law." My shoulders sank, and I realized I was never gonna know her name. "But," Plagg said, brushing his hand over her left wing. "Back home, we call her Ladybug. Because, y'know, it's kinda her theme." I felt my face slowly light up as I glanced back at her, Ladybug, letting her beauty sink in. If only she would take off the mask, though...

"Ladybug... That's a nice name," I said, trying to break the awkward silence that had draped over us. Plagg sighed and facepalmed himself, and then he looked back at Ladybug. Then at me. His green eyes reflectec the afternoon light, making it seem his eyes were crackling with electricity. He crossed his arms over his chest, all business-like. 

"You do know you're gonna have to try and explain everything to her?" Plagg asked me, eyebrows raised. "She knows almost nothing about Earth. You've been here for a long time. You know things." Plagg then registered my facial expression. "And geez, Chat. Stop looking at her like that. She's an angel, not a ball of yarn for you to toy with."

I glanced uncertainly at him, feeling my cheeks heat up, and then I shifted my gaze over to Ladybug, who was still knocked out cold. Her chest rose and fell slowly, and every time she breathed, a few stray strands of her drifted upwards. I felt like I could stare at her forever, until my annoying mind reminded me of what I just did. 

"But how can I talk to her, Plagg?" I asked him, sitting down in my chair. "After all, I did just drug her. How is she gonna trust me?" Plagg shrugged non-committed like as he examined his claws, and then he sighed. He shifted his gaze over to the petite sleeping girl, and his electric eyes softened. He knows this girl personally, I thought. I felt a small sensation burn through my chest, but I dismissed it quickly. 

"Start from the beginning, then," Plagg suggested, answering my question. "Tell her what you are, what you used to be. Tell her what it's like nowadays." He nodded over to the sleeping figure, who had twisted in her sleep and now had her back facing towards us. Plagg looked back at me, a knowing look in his eyes. "She'll know whether to trust you or not. She may have never been down here on Earth, but she's smart."

Plagg tipped his head to me, took out his weapon, which was a small dagger, twirled it, and lodged back in his belt pocket. "See ya later, Chat." The black bubbles started to cover him again, and soon they consumed his whole body. After a long moment, the black bubbles disappeared, Plagg now gone from his spot. He went back up to heaven.

"Yeah," I murmured, staring at the sleeping girl in front of me. "See you later."

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