Whilst the boyfriends away

By kaylsxo

11.6M 127K 8.1K

Here, there and everywhere with work my boyfriend Charlie is rather quick to make me his last priority, and a... More

Whilst the boyfriends away


158K 1.3K 62
By kaylsxo

Waking up in Aston's arms the following morning my doubts about our current relationship getting complicated have been confirmed. I mean we're supposed to be friends, just friends, but I get kisses without warnings, cuddles in bed and meals without paying. On top of that I was sick with jealousy Friday night watching Aston and Kelly together, so much so we've argued over my bitterness. So now tell me otherwise?

"Morning," he mumbled holding me tighter as I turned over to lay on his chest. He seemed worried last night when he thought there were complications, yet he's doing nothing to stop them forming. Quite the opposite actually.

"Hey?" he nudged me looking down.

"Sorry, I was thinking. Morning."

"Yeah, about what?"

"Nothing, just what we can do today," I lied.

"I can think of something," he smirked.

"I was thinking more along the lines of shopping."

He frowned like a kid having its toy taken away.

"Let's just see what there is about."

"Alright. Have we booked a late check out?"

"Twelve," I nodded.

"Hour and a half then."

"I think I'm gonna try out that bath."


Picking up my wash bag as I walked into the bathroom I turned on the taps and poured in some of my favourite bubble bath. I'm praying lavender shifts this niggling headache. Undressed I laid my clothes neatly in the corner and climbed in slipping under the hot water now foamed to the top.

"Kayleigh, have you seen my shaving cream?" Aston asked from the bedroom.

"I think It's in here."

"Oh," he said appearing in the doorway. "I was thinking of having a shower actually, do you mind?"

"No," I smiled.

"Cheers babe."

Shutting the door behind himself he switched on the shower letting it heat up whilst he undressed.

"Not very relaxing I know, but I also know how long you lay in there."

Kicking his boxers to the door he stepped inside the shower cubicle opposite me. The frosted glass only just covering where it's intended to, he's not the tallest of men. I hate showers myself, they are practical but I prefer a nice long soak, Aston however is done within five minutes flat.

"That's better," he said rubbing his hands over his face and back through his hair.

Wrapping a towel around his waist he stood by the mirror picking up his razor and shaving foam.

"I can manage a couple of hours shopping if that's what you want to do," he said.

"It doesn't matter. It was just an idea."

"It's okay, I don't mind. There's a pub not far from here too, so we can do Lunch before hand."


"Oh and I might find something for Courtney too, she's nineteen next week."

"What, like a dress?"

"Maybe, she is having a party."

"There's a few boutiques, I'm sure you'll find something. It is Essex after all."

"A female opinion will come in handy."

Smiling I caught his eye in the mirror.

Lazing around for another fifteen minutes I eventually climbed out of the bath, wrapping a big towel around me as I wandered back through to the bedroom. Aston already dressed and ready I found him sitting on the bed watching TV, my hair dryer about to ruin his fun. Fresh underwear on I changed into a little black summery dress and styled my hair in a donut on top of my head, it's the quickest and most stylish way when you've left your straighteners at home. Keeping my make up basic I applied some of my favourite pretty coral lipstick and a squirt of perfume to finish.

"Aston, have you packed?"

"I never unpacked. It's just my wash bag."

"Its half eleven, can you do it now."

Folding all my clothes back up I checked every draw, every plug and every shelf. It might have just been a one night stay but we're bound to forget something, looking at Aston's bag he's not going to know whats in or what's out.

"Let me fold those," I said taking a T-shirt from him.

"They're only going in the wash when we get home."

"You're not going to fit everything if not. Go and get your things."

"Yes Mum," he teased.

"Don't get cheeky."

Smirking at the bathroom door way he threw over a can of deodorant and shaving cream with his bag.

"That's everything."

"Have you got the key or have I?"

"I have. I'll carry the bags too, put them down."

"Thank you."

Making our way downstairs we walked over to the desk being greeted by the receptionist waiting.

"Good Morning."

"Morning," I smiled as Aston handed over the key.

"How was your stay?"

"Lovely thank you."

"Well we hope to see you again soon. Ok so, it's just the remaining bill to pay now."

"I'll pay babe," Aston said taking out his wallet.

"No don't be ridiculous, It's my bill."

Putting my card in the machine I ended the conversation there.

"Thank you though."

He shrugged smiling.

"That's all done, and here's your receipt."

"Thank you."

"Thank you very much, have a nice day."

Taking advantage of the free luggage room we dropped off our things and walked to the shops on the next street.

"Lunch first yeah? I'm starving," Aston asked.

I nodded agreeing eagerly.

"I had a wonder downstairs yesterday and looked in a few magazines seeing whats about."

"I could murder and chicken roast with all the trimmings."

"I think I can just about treat you to that. Did you not have one at your Mum's?"

"No, she made us a pie. I suppose it's close, but it's not the same is it? and it is Sunday."

"I could eat my Mum's roast every day," he chuckled.

Heading inside I found us a table for two by a window whilst Aston ordered two drinks, a pint for him and a juice for me.

"Is orange juice alright?"

"That's fine."

"That blonde behind the bar just asked how far gone you are," he giggled.

"No?" I chuckled coughing on my drink. "What did you say?"

"Three months."

"Aston! I hope this stomach doesn't look three months pregnant," I laughed.

"Nah, you're not showing yet," he teased. "Look, it was either that or telling her you're a lightweight. Besides, we're not going to see her again."

Frowning into his eyes I giggled.

Our traditional Sunday roasts going down a treat we finally got started on some shopping, there's so many new shops and boutiques since I last came, I can't wait to rummage through the rails.

Inside the first shop Aston left me to check out the mens section out the back, he might moan at first but in small doses he loves shopping really. Picking out some pink jeans I automatically fell in love, an outfit already in mind as I flicked through my wardrobe in my head.

"Babe, can you give me a hand?" Aston called over.

"With what?"

"I suppose I better buy something new too seeing as though I'm invited to Courtney's party next week. I can't decide out of these two though, dark or light blue?"

"Dark looks good on you."

"Is this alright then yeah?"

"Yeah, it's nice."

Casual but smart with short sleeves I definitely approve of this Ralf Lauren polo shirt. Paying we moved onto the next.

Dresses galore I'm fighting temptation to buy all five on my arm, but there's no way I'm leaving this shop without trying them on and purchasing at least one.

"Don't be too long," Aston begged sitting outside the changing room with my bags.

Three down I slipped on a deep red body-con hugging all the right places and revealing just the right amount of cleavage.

"Hold on, what do you think?" I asked opening the curtain.

Raising one eyebrow he pouted looking me up and down.

"I'm unsure on the colour."

"No, no the colours good," he nodded. "Babe you look incredible."

"Aston, stop it," I blushed.

"I'm serious, It's really nice."

"Thank you."

"Is there anymore like this, maybe a little lower?"

Throwing my T-shirt at him I shut the curtain on his cheeky grin.

"Have you found anything for Courtney yet?"

"I have something in mind."

Opening the curtain once again to show a pretty pink skater dress I don't need Aston's approval to buy it, I love it. But he nodded anyway.

Getting dressed I carried my two dresses around with me as I walked over to the playsuits by the door. Courtney is a lot younger than Aston with a figure to die for, so this section is perfect.

"From what you've said and from the pictures I've seen one of these will look great," I smiled.

"I don't want to get her something too short."

"What are you, her Dad or Brother?"

"Big brother. I know what men can be like babe."

"Oh I wonder why."


Eventually deciding on something that we both agree on we made our way to the till watching our bill rise higher and higher after each item. Ouch.

"Have you had enough shopping yet?" he asked.

"I think I'm ready to go home," I smiled.

"Can I get hug now? As you wouldn't make up with me properly this morning."

"That's not making up properly."

"Hmm, but we're good now yeah?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

Pulling me in for a hug he kissed down on my shoulder squeezing me tight.

"Thanks for coming this weekend," I said.

"It didn't exactly go to plan but you're welcome."

"No, I know."

"It's alright, we can always have another weekend away," he smiled.


Longer part for you, even more drama is coming your way in the next few parts :) VOTE for more..!

Ps. This part is dedicated to Lily Andrews as it's her birthday..happy birthday babe :) xxx

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