Mute To The Pointe Of Dancing

By Smilexi13

42.6K 800 144

After an accident that killed her father and left her mute, Ashlynn Grey didn't only stop talking but stopped... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30

Chapter 29

835 10 2
By Smilexi13

Easton's POV

School without having Ashlynn just isn't the same. As much as I would have loved to stay home with her like I had in the past, I knew that my mom would be putting her to work. However I must say Ashlynn is quite lucky.

You see my mom adores Ashlynn. She always wanted to have a girl that would share in her love of fashion, but continued to only have boys. Ashlynn is now the girl she always wanted, and so she isn't going to force her to mow the lawn with a pair of scissors.

My brothers and I had to do that once. It was horrible. My mom made us scrub the paint out of the grass just a few weeks ago. Every single blade of grass had to be chopped to the same length.

To make matters worse, we weren't allowed to enter the house until it was done. We spent three days outside before we were finished, and even then we had to go over our hard work with a lawn mower.

I can honestly say that made the list of top 10 worst days of my life. I know for my brothers it's a lot closer to number one. The top of my chart, however, is the day I collapsed playing soccer. The day that made it so I could never just be a normal kid.

After the shrill bell rang ending the school day I loaded by books and Ashlynn's homework into my backpack.

I didn't have to get her homework for her, but I knew my mom would go easier on her if she had school work. My mom may be a fashion designer, but education is extremely important to her.

When I get to my truck Blake and Tate are already standing next to it.

"Easton you have got to be the slowest walker in the history of slow walkers. We have been waiting here five-ever." Blake complains as he climbs into the back set of the car. You see Blake is the person in our family that over exaggerates pretty much everything. I mean what the heck is five-ever supposed to mean.

I was about to respond but Tate beat me to the punch.

"Shut up Blake, I told you you could have just walked. Easton had to get Ash's homework for the day, so just chill out."

"Ooh Ashlynn's got Easton wrapped around her little finger doesn't she Easton?" Blake continues to tease.

I just roll my eyes, but he does have a point, Ashlynn does kind of dominate my thoughts. But I can't help but feel that she understands me. I know it's stupid, how can a boy with failing kidneys ever be able to relate to a girl with severed vocal chords. I at least have the chance of getting an implant. There is nothing that can give Ashlynn her voice back.

Blake has shut his trap by the time we pull up to the middle school to collect Jace. Kian is with him already, having walked over from the elementary school that is just down the street.

When we arrive at the house the truck unloads in record time, we could put the military to shame with that time. As we walk into the house, being careful to take out shoes off by the door or else mom would have our heads, we each go our separate ways.

I head for the kitchen where I know my mother will be. Kissing her cheek I move to the fridge and grab two water bottles.

"Do you know where Ashlynn is?" I ask her as she continues to chop vegetables for dinner. "I brought her homework."

Looking up at me she gives me a smile and says she thinks she is up in her room.

With that I leave the room sending a thank you over my shoulder.

I head up to my room to drop my bag off and pull out the orange folder that contains Ashlynn's homework. Closing my door behind me I head down the hall towards Ashlynn's room.

When I knock on the door there is no response, not that I was really expecting one her not being able to talk and all.

I knock again a little louder so she at least knows someone is coming in. Slowly I push the door open enough so I can see through but not enough that I couldn't close in case she didn't hear me and was like getting dressed or something. Not that it would be easy to look away if that were the case, but let's just say I would not be an average hormonal teenage boy.

Her room was empty. Releasing the breath I didn't realize I was holding I walked in and set the folder on her bed.

I was just about to ask one of my brothers if they had seen her when a loud thud resonated through the house. With a smile I headed up to the third floor.

When I pulled open the door to the studio I expected to see Ashlynn on her feet doing some insanity difficult routine. What I found, however, was get laying on her back in the middle of the floor. Music from what I think is from Swan Lake, don't ask how I know that, emanates from the speaker in the corner. But she just continues to lay there.

"You know, this is a routine that I think I could do." I say smiling as I walk over to her.

'Shut up' she signs back.

"Hey! Don't sign to me in that tone, you're the one laying on the ground."

She laughs silently and takes the hand the I offer her. When she is on her feet I hand her the now less cold water bottle that I got from the fridge.

With a thank you she opens the bottle and drains about half of it before tossing it to the side and going to shut the music off.

"How is it coming along. I ask.

Apparently it was the wrong thing to ask. She just turned and glared at me.

'How do you think it is going? I have spent more freaking time on the floor than on my feet.' She signs at me before  folding her arms across her chest.

"Well then miss attitude I will leave you to your practice." I say with a grin to let her know that I am only joking. With a wink I head towards the door. Just as I'm about to open it I turn to look at her over my shoulder.

"Oh and be ready by seven, I'm taking you on a date tonight."  

With that I leave the room closing the door behind me. Laughing to myself about the look of shock that must be on Ashlynn's face right now. Tonight is going to be good.


Thank you for reading.


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