Superhuman: Dawn of Power

By Girlinatophat

374 22 18

Professor Clarence Bordeaux, a powerful psychic, is a 'Superhuman' who risks his life to help other people li... More

A Perilous Plan
Fire and Ashes
Phantom Heart
The Sound of the Drums
Evil Endeavour
A Happy Family
He's a Beast Somewhere Else
Demon Of the Sky
TV Patrol
A Kiss For Your Thoughts
Little Girl Lost
My Bad, Bad Angel
Perchance To Dream
When We Were Merry
A Confession At Last
Little Girl Found


123 4 5
By Girlinatophat




That's what they call them.

When someone goes missing, who do they pin it on? 'The Superhumans, they did it'

It's at times like these when he is reminded why he created a safe haven for Superhumans, so they could live out their lives in peace.

Sighing, Clarence Bordeaux got up from his desk and looked at himself in a nearby mirror. Nothing much had changed; he still wore the same head accessory around his forehead, his hair and eyes were as purple as always.

It wasn't long before he heard a knock at his door. Whoever was behind it let him or herself in, which most likely meant that it was not a student.

His assistant, Luella Yvette, strode into the room, her metal leg making the occasional 'thump' along the way.

"Some students want to see you." She began, her blonde hair struggling to stay into a neat bun. "They need some notes for your last class, or something like that."

"Just some notes? Nothing else?" He asked her, slightly confused. 'Last time I checked, everyone attended class this morning...'

"They're just asking for some notes. It's not a big deal." Luella replied. She sat down on a nearby chair and flicked through a notebook. "I don't see why they'd lie."

Clarence frowned and picked up the notes from his last class. It was about Greek mythology, which had been voted by the students as a topic in class. It seemed to interest them more than basic ecology.

He opened the door, waving goodbye to Luella. One of the first students on the list was a girl called Red Kaelin. She kept a horse in the stables (which he had to build for her in order for her to stay) and would stay there often. If there was any place she would be, it would be there.

As he predicted, he found her tending to her horse. Nobody else came here - minus the few who thought that the horse was cute - so she would be alone most of the time. He didn't think she minded this, though.

"Professor!" She called as soon as he walked up to her, her long red hair flowing in the wind. "I need to ask you something!"

"You wanted the notes from last class, right?" Clarence started to hand her the notes, but she stopped him.

"No, actually...look." Red's blue eyes attempted to look away. "I kinda need a race track for Pizza. You know, my horse?"

"You want me to build a race track on the school grounds?" He asked her. Even though the grounds were expansive, he didn't think that it would be possible to fit a race track in it. Especially since only one person was going to use it.

"In short, yes." Her horse, Pizza, nibbled on the food that was on her gloves. "I'm sure if you don't have a FAVOURITE STUDENT, you would totally build a race track for Pizza."

Clarence hated when she would bring up the 'favourite student' card. She was convinced that he had a 'favourite' and would constantly guess who it was. He tried not to have obvious favourites, in order to make it fair for everybody else, but Red never seemed to listen to him when he told her this.

"What would this race track do to benefit classes here?" Clarence began, trying to convince Red to stop with this line of questioning. "You never let anyone ride Pizza. Not even the six-year olds."

"They could easily fall off! Pizza is not that friendly to people who are not me, you know!" Red mumbled some words to Pizza, before turning back to face him.

"Pizza likes me, though." He told her, secretly sending a telepathic message to her horse for it to nod it's head.

"You're telling Pizza to nod their head." She looked at him with narrowed eyes. "I'm onto all of your little tricks, Professor."

"Okay, you got me." Clarence laughed, before turning his heel. "I'll think about your request, but don't think it means that I'll do it."

"Thanks, Professor!" Red called out to him. "I'll make sure to finish all of my school work on time if you do!"

His next stop was the botanical gardens, where a student by the name of Ackley Cenehard usually camped out. It was hard to get in the gardens - as thanks to Ackley, the plants would usually grow out of control. He wouldn't allow other people to trim them, either.

"Ackley!" Clarence called out to him, having tripped up on a few roots already whilst trying to navigate his way through. "Are you in here?"

A few branches moving behind him revealed the boy, sitting in a field of roses. He was fiddling with his beach blond braids, adjusting them to how he would see fit. "Sorry, Professor. I couldn't hear you. I was listening to the roses."

Clarence sat down in a space where no plants grew (if he had sat on a rose, Ackley would never let him hear the end of it) and handed him the notes. "You asked for these?"

"Yes..." He took the notes and looked them over with his blue/brown eyes. "Um, there was also another reason as to why I wanted to talk to you, Professor." He looked slightly nervous, his lip trembling.

"Is it about the other students?" Clarence sighed. Ackley had had a history with students being careful around him. He had pale, green skin, and always being in the botanical gardens had earned him a few giggles from others.

"They don't include me within their games." He began. "There's a contest every Friday to see who can destroy your favourite tree and fix it back up together again, and I always have to go back and fix it, but I don't get counted for it!"

"T-They do what to my favourite tree...?!" Clarence made a mental note to shut this down immediately.

"I've told them they should stop, as it hurts the tree, but they don't listen..." Ackley played with a nearby rose, making it bounce up and down.

"I'm sure one day you'll have lots of friends." He told him, putting his hand on his shoulder in a supportive way. "Remember when I first brought you here? You used to hang out at the same tree, day after day. You were quiet back then, and didn't really talk to anyone. But now, you're a main leader in group projects."

He smiled a little. "I have people who act nice to me when we do those. They're fun."

Clarence stood up, remembering that he still had other students who asked for the class notes. "If you have any concerns, feel free to visit me at any time, Ackley."

"Thanks, Professor. You've helped me a lot." A vine patted Clarence on the head, which he assumed was another way for him to say thanks.

After Clarence had crawled my way back outside, he looked down at the list Luella gave him to see that the next student on the list was Felice Noble. She would usually be hanging out at the library, so he headed there immediately.

When he stepped inside the library, it was completely different to what it was usually. Someone had changed it to look like a tropical island, and that person was sitting on a nearby hammock, reading a book.

"Felice, you can't keep changing the library without telling me." Clarence began. "It could get confusing..."

"Sorry..." Felice mumbled, not even looking up from her book. She waved her hand, and the library turned back to normal. "I find it easier to read my book, this way."

He handed her the notes, still noticing that her blue eyes had still not looked up from her book. He attempted to start a conversation. "What are you reading?"

"Skulduggery Pleasant." She told me. "It's a book on magic and sorcerers. You wouldn't have heard of it, anyway."

She's right. He admitted. It probably isn't aimed at my age group, anyway. "Your braids are slowly falling out." He pointed to her dark blue hair, which was messy. She had probably stayed here all night, reading.

"I know." Felice attempted to fix her hair with one hand, but failed. "It's not as important as this book, though."

Feeling that there wasn't much else to say, Clarence left the library and headed to the science lab, in search for Dai Mako. He was the second to last student on his list, which was a relief.

He found him pouring various liquids into beakers to see what they would do. Often it was nothing, but sometimes the liquid would bubble or smoke.

"That looks interesting." He told him, making him jump a little.

"Oh, Professor! I didn't know you were here..." Dai fiddled with his purple hair, his eyes ticking as the seconds went by. "Are you here to give me the notes?"

Clarence nodded, handing the notes to Dai. He gasped upon looking at them, and stood motionless for a while, his eyes scanning the pages.

"Sorry..." He apologised, looking upset with himself. "Greek mythology is fun to read about, so I got carried away..."

"No need to apologise, Dai." He smiled at him, seeing him relax a little. "You did vote on it, so I would hope that you found it interesting."

"Thanks for letting us vote on a topic, Professor!" He sat down on a nearby chair. "I think everyone has even more to look forward to now."

"Is it better to chose a topic rather to be forced to do one?" Clarence asked him, hoping to get some sort of feedback.

He nodded. "I like choices. It's like the butterfly effect; a simple choice can open up paths to different futures, even if the choice is a simple one."

"You seem interested in the butterfly effect." He noted - Dai would always like to refer to anything to do with the future or the past. "Would you like to do that next?"

"Oh, yes, please!" Dai bobbed up and down with excitement. "And then, and then, can we do the chaos theory afterwards?"

"We'll see." Clarence started to walk to the exit, not wanting to fill up anymore of Dai's time. "I'll see what the others think, okay?"

"Thank you so much, Professor!" He called, waving goodbye. "You're the best!"

Looking down at the final person on Luella's list, he frowned. Carlen Brooks was the final name. Knowing that it would be hard to catch him, he headed for his room, hoping he would be there.

When Clarence arrived, Carlen was nowhere to be found. He was about to decide to look somewhere else for Carlen, before he appeared right in front of him.

Clarence jumped backwards, shocked at his sudden appearance. His dark blue skin slowly turned back to a more pale colour, and his ears and tail disappeared.

"Oh! Professor! I didn't know you were here..." He stroked his hand through his dirty blond hair, his green eyes looking up at him.

"You requested these." Clarence tried to recover from his sudden appearence and handed him the notes.

"Uh, thanks." Carlen stuffed them into his pockets, not even bothering to look at them. "I promise I won't lose these ones, okay...?"

Knowing it was a hollow promise, Clarence nodded. "Alright. But don't try to pull a 'they got lost when I teleported' thing again, because you know you're responsible for them."

"Yeah, yeah..." He jumped onto his bed and looked out of the window. "Miss. Yvette was looking for you, by the way."

"Luella?" Clarence muttered to himself. "What did she want?"

"I dunno. She wouldn't tell me." Carlen replied. "She seemed happy about it, though."

"I'll go find her." He told Carlen, leaving the room and heading for his office. Luella wasn't really a secret keeper, so it must've been something important if she wouldn't tell a student.

He opened the door to my office to find Luella waiting for me. "There you are!" She cried, bursting into a smile. "Are you ready for that class you agreed to do with some of the students?"

"What class?" Clarence asked her, the thought slipping my mind.

"You were so excited about it!" Luella pointed to a nearby keypad on the wall. "You were going to introduce some of our brightest students to 'that' - remember?"

"Oh!" He suddenly remembered what Luella was talking about, and smiled happily. "Should we call them here now?"

"I'm already on it." Luella began speaking into the intercom, her foot tapping to a beat.

Clarence hoped that the students would take the secret with ease, and that nothing would go wrong. They were dealing with the pride of the academy here, even if it was such a secret to everyone.


Props to digitaldreams0801 and AceAttorneyFan for creating some of these characters (and some more that appear later!) like thank

So yes, this is the new thing that I went on about

Thanks for reading all the way if you did! Hope you enjoy this new series!

- Hatty

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