By xInspiringWords

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"Sometimes finding love is the CURE you need..." My name is Lexianna Kingsley, I've always admired planet Ear... More

~CURE~ ✓
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
~Author's Note With Summary~

Chapter 46

192 10 2
By xInspiringWords

Chapter 46

~Monday, Christmas Day, Lexi~

I stood there, staring. I was ready to go, I was ready to leave and go back home. The only thing I wasn’t ready for was to leave all of my new friends that I have made here on Earth. I also wasn’t ready to face my parents and the disappointed looks on their faces that I knew I would receive once I explained to them the true reason why I ventured off to planet Earth.

The innocent look my baby brother Daniel would give me once he sees me, breaking my heart with every second he stares at me with those big brown eyes knowing that I had the chance to help him, my parents and my planet and I failed.

I took a deep inhale of the fresh Earth air, it would be my last time, I was certain my parents would place me on lockdown as soon as I get back home up until my eighteenth birthday where I am forced to marry Prince Aaron.

What would Aaron think of me? What does he think of me now? He must think I’m a brat that ran away from her problems and I swear I would never want Aaron to think that even if the first night we met he came off a bit snobbish.

I took a few steps forward towards my spaceship. I looked up into the sky before I turned around to look at the life I was leaving behind on Earth. “It’s time.” I whispered to myself more certain and sure I was doing the right thing.

I was about to go into my spaceship when I heard footsteps coming towards me in a fast motion. “I knew it!” They called out.

~Earlier on that day, Lexi~

“Santa Claus is coming to town! Santa Claus is coming to town! OH! Santa Claus is coming to town!” That was the first thing I woke up to on this usually happy day. I opened my eyes to meet a pair of blue ones that belonged to Mrs. Finley.

She smiled at me “Merry Christmas Lexi!” She squealed shoving a tray of food into my hands. I looked down at the tray before I looked back up at Mrs. Finley was a curious look. She just shrugged and smiled “It’s the Finley family tradition that we always have breakfast in bed on Christmas, Lexi I’ve only known you for a short while but I feel like you’re my daughter and I think you’d be wonderful for my son.”

I smiled “Thank you for the breakfast Mrs. Finley.” My smile soon faded as I sighed “Noah and I are just friends, nothing more.”

“That’s a shame.” Mrs. Finley pouted before she plastered on a big smile to hide her disappointment “Alright well anyways I should probably go wake Noah up.”

Before she could step out of the room I called her back. She looked at me with a thoughtful expression “Yes sweetie?”

I gave a grateful look “Thank you for everything you have done for me. I really appreciate it all.”

“What’s going on Lexi?” Mrs. Finley asked confused, she looked like she was going to cry and I really didn’t want to be the cause of anyone crying especially on Christmas.

I shook my head “Nothing is going on, I just wanted to say thanks.”

She sent me a big smile before she left the room to go wake up Noah. I sat there with the tray of food on my lap leaving it untouched while I thought to myself for a bit. 

I was planning on telling Mrs. Finley that I would be leaving today but how could I do that? It would break her heart and its Christmas; I would surely be put on the naughty list for next year when Santa comes if I break the news to her.

What about Noah? Should I even tell him? After the whole hospital incident happened Noah hasn't said much of anything to anybody.

I think maybe it had something to do with what Riley spoke to him about. He has been really distant, yesterday on Christmas Eve Noah never came out of his room once. He didn't talk to anyone either except for his mom when he called her up to his room to talk to her.

I wish theses walls were a bit thinner so I could have heard what went on but unfortunately I couldn't. Mr. Finely was pretty distant yesterday too, I mean I know he doesn't like me and he isn't particularly fond of Noah for the way he treats girls but its Christmas you shouldn't be a bitter Kooky Bear, that's something us Venusians use to define bitter, angry, furious and jealous.

I sighed deeply clearing all my thoughts away and just focusing on right now and right now I had a huge tray of food in front of me calling my name.



My mother sat down on the bed next to me "What's wrong Noah? Did something happen? You haven't left your room all day."

I took a deep breath "I'm fine mom I just want you to know that remember when I told you about my friend that got this girl pregnant?"

She nodded her head "Yes I do recall, why?"

I took a deep breath "At the time I was talking about me."

She gasped "Noah Lucas Finley! Does this mean that some girl is going to be baring my grandchild!?"

I shook my head frantically "No, no, no, no, no! Mom just listen, that wasn't the whole story."

She huffed out an angry breath but looked at me waiting. "The girl told me I was the only one that could be the father and I didn't believe her so I told he I wanted a DNA test done. Which she got done yesterday where I found oh I wasn't the only potential father, Jacob was one too."

"Oh my god Noah." My mother sighed "What happened?"

I took a deep breath "The kid isn't mine, it's Jacob's."

She let out a breath of relief before she sighed "Noah I've told you so many times you need to be careful! You can't go on screwing girls as you please! One day you are going to need to settle down and no girl is going to want used goods!"

"Used goods?"

She rolled her eyes "The point is Noah that you need to change your attitude. I have put up with it for too long but this baby thing has crossed the line."

I nodded "That's why I wanted to tell you mom."


"I want to change, for the better." I smiled.

"I want to change, for the better." Those words rung around in my head before my dreams of the day before were interrupted by loud cheerful singing.

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse opened slay, HEY!" My mother sang off key.

I groaned covering my face with the pillow and muttered "Go away!" Along with the regular "Don't you ever knock?"

My mother sat down on the bed and smiled ruffling my hair “Noah it’s time to wake up. It’s Christmas!”

I just groaned once again before I sighed looking up at her “Is Lexi up?”

She nodded her head “Yeah she is. Does Lexi know about Riley?”

I nodded my head “Yeah she was with us at the hospital Saturday.” My mother just smiled and nodded leaving my tray of food on my night table.

She looked at me before she left my room and sighed “I think something might be wrong with Lexi. Could talk to her about it?”

I gave her a small smile “I’ll try to figure it out.” She smiled one last time at me before she left my room. I sighed sitting up in my bed with my tray of food. I began to eat and took a deep breath; I hadn’t left my room at all yesterday and I know yesterday was the day Riley and Jacob would have spoken to their parents about the baby.

I still couldn’t believe that Jacob was the father and that now he was stuck with Riley for life. Don’t get me wrong it’s great that Jacob is adjusting to this situation so well because let’s be honest here I didn’t adjust to well when I thought I was the father, it’s also great that Riley and Jacob can work things out so well together but I didn’t actually think Jacob would go from player straight to a relationship especially with Riley Haymonds.

I dialed Jacob’s number into my phone and it rang a few times before he answered. “Hey Finley! Wassup?” Jacob chuckled into the phone.

“Hey babe where should I put my boxes!?” I heard Riley’s voice in the background.

“On the floor over there!” Jacob answered back before he returned his attention back to our conversation “Sorry about that, so what’s up? Oh and merry Christmas.”

I chuckled “Same to you Jake. Anyways what was Riley just going on about?”

He took a deep breath before he spoke “She’s moving into the guest house with me.”

“Seriously?” I asked surprised “What happened with your parents?”

“They were pissed when I told them; I’m not going to lie.” Jacob sighed “Riley’s parents were even worse, her dad threatened to beat me with a baseball bat for getting his daughter pregnant but Riley saved me thankfully. When we told our parents we wanted to raise the baby together my parents offered to let Riley stay with me in the guest house, her parents weren’t too happy about that but we managed to convince them.”

“Wow.” I managed to say “Don’t you think that’s a little fast I mean you two just got together.”

Jacob shuffled around before he responded “I know it seems fast but we are both going to be parents soon. We are going to need to be together to raise our child and Riley and I both want to get to know each other.”

I sighed “Jake I don’t know about this I mean, I didn’t think you’d actually want to settle down. You’re a player dude, bros before hoes.”

“It’ll always be bros before hoes Noah I swear but you never saw it but I’ve always wanted to settle down some day. I’ve always wanted to fall in love with someone, have a family. Riley is giving me that and I don’t want to skip out on this opportunity. I know it seems sudden and stupid but we are already having a kid together, a kid that I want to give everything to, I want my kid to have both his parents. If Riley and I don’t work out then I guess that’s just that but I won’t know that unless I try and I need to try for the sake of my kid.”

I was shocked at his words, this Jacob seemed way more mature then the Jacob I knew a few days ago. Jacob had changed his life around for the better, something I now wanted to do too. “Wow strong words Jake but I’m happy if you’re happy and you seem very happy.”

Jacob chuckled “I am I really am Noah. What about you? What are you going to do?”

I sighed “I want to change; I don’t want to be a player anymore. I want to fall in love again, I want to be happy with someone who truly loves me and won’t cheat on me like Hannah did. Somebody who is completely and utterly in love with only me.”

I could almost feel Jacob’s smile through the phone “Finally the great Noah Finley grows up. I’m proud of you Noah. You know Lexi holds all of those qualities.”

I sighed, I’ve thought about that but I still wasn’t sure about Lexi I mean she’s great but she’s from a totally different world than I am from. “I don’t know Jacob. Lexi really is the sweetest girl ever and she does love me but she’s from the planet Venus and I’m from Earth. We are from two completely different worlds; she’s looking for somebody to marry and to come back to Venus with her. I don’t think I’m ready for something like that.”

“Don’t think you’re ready for something like that or just don’t want to admit that you’re ready. Speaking of Lexi have you um has she spoken to you about anything?” Jacob spoke softly.

“No.” I responded confused “Why did she tell you something?” I asked confused.

“Babe! My parents want us over for Christmas, we have to leave now!” Riley called out.

“Shit!” Jacob cursed “I have to go Noah; I need to be on Riley’s dad’s good side. But just think about what I said.” He mumbled before he hung up the phone.

I sat there enjoying the silence, letting me be free to think about everything. I thought about what Jacob had said to me, could he be right?

Was I ready for all of this?


We all sat around the big bright Christmas tree in the Finley’s living room. It was beautiful, it wasn’t as big as the ones back home but it was still amazing to look at. “I’m sorry we couldn’t take you to go see the big tree in the city part of New York.” Mrs. Finley stated giving me an apologetic smile.

I shrugged my shoulders “It’s fine, I like being here looking at the amazing tree you put up.” Mrs. Finley handed me two huge gifts and smiled.

“Go on and open them. One is from Mr. Finley and I and the other is from Noah.”

I looked over at Mr. Finley who wasn’t paying much attention to us but to his laptop instead, I guess the holidays for him meant do more work. Noah on the other hand was looking at me intently like he was trying to figure some things out.

My hazel eyes met his blue when he noticed me staring and it took everything in me to look away from him. I know what I was doing after this; I couldn’t get too attached not now. I opened the present from Mr. and Mrs. Finley and smiled hugely when I saw a cell phone tucked into the belly of a teddy bear.

I could tell it was a cell phone because it looked exactly like the one Noah had. I looked at Mrs. Finley with a shocked expression “I-I can’t accept this Mrs. Finley.”

“Sure you can!” She laughed “Lexi you’ve been nothing but a sweetheart this whole time that I’ve known you. You deserve this. Merry Christmas.”

“Thank you!” I cried out leaning over and hugging Mrs. Finley tightly. Once I pulled away I grabbed my second present and opened it.

When I opened it I smiled hugely once again. Noah had gotten me a sweatshirt that had ‘I love New York’ printed out on it and a pink jacket. I looked up at him to thank him when I noticed he wasn’t where I saw him before.

I frowned a bit but then smiled when Mrs. Finley tapped on my shoulder “You should go put these things in your room.”

I frowned when I realized that I was leaving and wouldn’t be coming back. “Actually can I speak to you Mrs. Finley?”

She nodded her head as I pulled her into the kitchen to talk to her privately. I know this would break her heat but I can’t keep the truth from much longer. “What’s wrong?” She asked giving me a look of concern.

I took a deep breath; it’s time for the moment of truth, sort of. “Mrs. Finley this morning when you asked if I was okay and I told you it was nothing I lied.” I took another deep breath “The truth is I’m homesick, I miss Canada deeply. After my parents died I lived with my grandparents but I couldn’t handle the death so I ran away from home and came here. It was stupid to run from my problems and now I need to fix them by going back home to Canada.”

Mrs. Finley started to cry and I didn’t know what I could do to help her. “I’m sorry Mrs. Finley but I have to go back home. Staying here was the greatest thing and I will forever be grateful that you let me stay here when I had nowhere else. Thank you for everything.”

“Well” Mrs. Finley started “I can’t keep you from going home but I just want to let you know that if you ever need anything just call us. Our number is already in that phone and Lexi you are the sweetest girl I have ever met it has been a pleasure knowing you and I hope you can come back to visit. Do you need a ride or anything?” She asked wiping her tears.

I shook my head “No I’m fine but thank you” I paused “for everything.” With that being said I turned on my heel and took my presents with me upstairs to pack away my things. I was going to miss this place o much.


I watched as Lexi put her presents into her suitcase before I spoke up “Do you like them?” She jumped at bit before she turned around to look at me.

I had an unsure look on my face and I never have that look ever. I’m always sure of myself but right now I wasn’t so much. “So you came up here while I was opening the gifts.”

I nodded my head “Yeah I’m sorry.”

Lexi shrugged zipping her suitcase up “I did like the gifts. Thank you so much Noah.”

I gave a genuine smile before I sighed “It’s winter now and I noticed you didn’t have much warm clothes considering you come from Venus so I thought I would get you warm stuff but I got it for you before I know you came from Venus and I-“

Lexi cut me off by chuckling “It’s okay Noah. I love it. Thank you and merry Christmas.”

I pointed to her suitcase “Going somewhere?”

“What no!” She shook her head “Just putting my presents in it, that’s all.”

I nodded my head, I opened my mouth to ask her if anything was up like my mom had said when my mother called me downstairs. I sighed before left Lexi’s room to go see my mother.


Everything was packed and I was ready to go. As soon as Noah left my room I let a few tears escape my eyes knowing that was the last time I would ever see and talk to him. I grabbed my suitcase and slowly tiptoed down the stairs quietly.

Noah was in the kitchen talking to his mother and Mr. Finley was in his office doing work as usual. I could slip out without anyone knowing and that’s exactly what I did.

Once the cold winter air touched my rosy cheeks I slipped on the pink jacket Noah gave me for Christmas. I smiled slightly before I pulled my suitcase and started walking.

“Just keep going straight.” I mumbled to myself.

So I did just that not even looking back because I know if I did I would go back and would never ever have the courage to leave Earth and go back to Venus.

~I'll try to write and post the next chapter tomorrow! I hope you guys liked this chapter!~Sam~

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