Harry Potter The Next Generat...

By sggardner

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Complete. In their second year at Hogwarts, Rose Weasley and Scropius Malfoy are trying to keep their friends... More

Chapter One: Victorie's Party
Chapter Two: King's Cross
Chapter Three: The Trip to Hogwarts
Chapter Four: The Hospital Wing
Chapter Six: The Aftermath of the Incident
Chapter Seven: Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter Eight: Qudditch Practice and Gloria's Comeback
Chapter Nine: Netflix and The Restricted Section
Chapter Ten: The Huge Red Stain of Doom
Author's Note

Chapter Five: Rose's Not-So-Good First Day

338 7 0
By sggardner

Picture: Drawing of the Weird Sisters by: Echo Cafe

        Rose was relaxing on the couch of the Gryffindor common room. She was reading a book. She felt her eyes slowly drooping so she decided to go to bed. She slowly climbed into her bed which was across from Azalea. Rose drifted off to sleep. The next morning, Rose woke up to Azalea and Alice, who were singing wildly into their hairbrushes. Rose yawned.

        "I'm not even going to ask." She said, getting ready for the first day of school.

        "It's the Weird Sisters' new song!" Exclaimed Azalea.

        "Oh." Said Rose, putting on her robes.

        "What do you mean, 'oh'? The Weird Sisters are the best!" Said Alice.

        "I never really got into them. I'm more of a fan of Muggle music." Rose said, putting her hair into a messy bun.

        "Muggle music is good." Admitted Azalea. Alice nodded.

        Rose stuck her wand in her boot and grabbed her bag.

         "Your hair!" Exclaimed Azalea. Alice nudged Azalea.

        "It's, um, cool..." Azalea tried to be nice. Alice rolled her eyes. Rose left before Azalea could say anything she would regret.

        "Where is she going? It's not even time for breakfast." Said Alice.

        "No clue." Sighed Azalea.

        Rose walked through the corridors. Before she had left she emailed Scorpius to meet her. Just as she was about to turn the corner, she heard Headmistress McGonagall and Professor Chase talking. 

        "The Muggleborns aren't safe! We've been threatened and it's only the first day." Said Professor Chase.

        "I can see your concern, but there isn't a day where Hogwarts isn't being threatened. I will do what I can to make sure the students are safe, as always." McGonagall replied. They walked away.

        Rose was only a little bit afraid. She knew what a good Headmistress McGonagall was, and she trusted her. She checked her watch. It was breakfast time, finally. Rose walked along the empty corridor, the sun streaming through the enormous windows. She sat down at a table and started eating as everyone piled in through the doors in a stampede of students. And with the students came the noise. Azalea, Charlie, and Albus sat in front of her, while Matthew and Alice sat on either side of her. Rose looked around the Great Hall. She caught Scorpius' eye.

        "Sorry." He mouthed. Rose guessed he was apologizing for not being able to meet her. Rose nodded in reply.

        "Who or what are you looking at?" Matthew asked.

        "Sc-" Albus started but was cut off by Rose.

        "Al!" Exclaimed Rose, giving him a warning look.

        "Who?" Asked Azalea eagerly.

        "No one." Rose muttered and left the table. She left the Great Hall and went into a corridor. She sat down on a large windowsill and read. Suddenly her peace was interrupted.

        "You're friends with this mudblood?" Rose looked up from her book quickly, her glasses almost falling off. Scorpius stood there with Xavier.

        "Shut up!" Said Scorpius. Rose pushed her reading glasses back up. She couldn't believe what was happening. She could barely speak.

        "Y- You know?" Said Rose, not even looking at Xavier.

        "I told them." Scorpius said. Rose felt confused, why would Scorpius tell them?

        "Oh. Well..." Rose began to trail off, she din't know what else to say. She began to feel uncomfortable around Xavier and wanted to hide behind her book. The silence seemed to be screaming. The Great Hall was starting to empty as students flooded the corridors, making it very crowded.

        "Muggle loving brat." Zac spat as the rest of Scorpius' friends appeared. Then, something happened that no one was expecting. Faith raised her hand and slapped Zac so hard he almost fell over. She suddenly looked at her hand, realizing what she had done. Rose looked at all the trouble she was causing and felt a sick pain like no other in her soul. Scorpius must have seen it in her eyes and tried to talk to her, but she jumped down and pushed past him, walking as fast as she could, swiftly walking around everyone in the halls. She felt her eyes stinging.  

        No, she told herself, Don't you dare cry. One of her biggest weaknesses was that she was very sensitive. She began to feel utterly stupid. Today was just not her day. Her first class was Defense Against the Dark Arts, which happened to be the class Scorpius' grandfather taught. She made it to class to see that the door was barely creaked open. She heard Lucius talking to Scorpius. Scorpius? How in the name of Merlin's Beard did he get there before Rose? Being her nosey self, Rose listened to them.

        "Headmistress McGonagall seemed impressed." Said Scorpius, matter of factly. Rose noticed how he talked differently around Lucius.

        "Oh, really? Did she give you a spot on the Quidditch team or something?" Lucius said, rolling his eyes.

        "Yes." Said Scorpius simply.

        "What?" Lucius asked, no tone of sarcasm in his voice.

        "I actually got a spot." Said Scorpius.

        "Oh, wow. That's my boy." Lucius said, patting Scorpius on the back. "So why exactly did you come here by broomstick?" Asked Lucius. Suddenly the door slowly creaked open to reveal Rose who had obviously been eavesdropping. When Lucius saw her, he automatically walked away, as if he were programmed to leave whenever he saw a Weasley in sight. He didn't notice Rose talking to Scorpius.

        "You flew here on a broomstick?" Asked Rose.

        "Yep." Scorpius held up the broomstick.

        "Why- you know what, never mind." Rose took a seat as her classmates came into the classroom. Rose sat at a desk in the front of the room. Beside her sat a girl named Emily. The brown haired girl appeared to be quite nervous. Emily looked at the door and obviously felt relieved. Her friend Lorcan was in the class. Lorcan waved in her direction and she waved back until she realized he was waving at Rose, not her. She awkwardly put her hand down. Lorcan sat down on the other side of Rose, unsurprisingly. Rose smiled, burying her emotions. She did a good job of it, too.

        "Oh, Em! Didn't see you there!" Lorcan waved at her.

        "Hi." Emily waved back shortly.

        "Is Olivia in this class?" Lorcan asked.

        "No, she's in Transfiguration." Answered Emily.

        "The Nargles did it! They don't want you two in the same class! I knew they were up to something. I have to tell Lysander." Lorcan said in his wispy, dramatic voice.

        "I'm sorry, I know we've been friends for a while and I've been meaning to ask this, but, what exactly is a Nargle?" Asked Emily.

        "This!" Lorcan proudly held up a picture of... well, nothing.

        "I can't see anything." Said Emily, a puzzled expression on her face.

        "Exactly! You have to-" Lorcan couldn't finish his sentence because Lucius had begun to "teach".

        "Alright, turn to page 101-" There suddenly came a knock at the door. Lucius opened it to find Harry Potter standing with a smile on his face. Rose almost jumped out of her seat but instead smiled at her uncle. He smiled back.

        "Lucius." He said.

        "What are you doing there?" Lucius asked, his tone full of disgust. 

        "Didn't McGonagall tell you? I'm today's special guest." Said Harry.

        "And why, exactly, was I not told this?" Asked Lucius.

        "Enough chit chat let's start the class." Harry walked to the front of the class.

        "Uncle Harry?" Said Rose. Harry smiled at her once again. 

        That was one of the best classes Rose had ever attended. Harry obviously was very enthusiastic about Defense Against the Dark Arts, something Lucius didn't seem to have. Barely any students talked during his lesson because they were so interested. This time they had gotten to practice the actual spells. Personally, Rose thought he should replace Professor Malfoy. Rose wondered what Scorpius thought about it. In class they did many spells and actually had fun, unlike continuously reading out of the most boring textbook on Earth with Professor Malfoy. After class, Rose talked to her Uncle a little bit, along with Lorcan and a Slytherin girl named Ella. Ella kept bombarding Harry with questions. She was obviously interested in the Dark Arts. Rose got a minute to talk to her Uncle alone, finally. She gave him a short hug and told him she was happy to see him. Rose was so thrilled to see Harry that she forgot about the incident that happened with Scorpius and his friends. Until she saw the look on Azalea's face when Rose walked into Herbology class. Rose's stomach churned. That look made her uneasy. Usually, Azalea was all smiles, so it felt so weird and unnatural to see her with such a look on her face. Rose noticed that behind Azalea, Alice and Matthew were sitting, and appeared to be rapidly whispering to each other. Well, Alice always does everything rapidly, but this was faster than before. Rose nervously walked over to Azalea.

        "Hey..." She said awkwardly, pushing up her glasses.

         "Hey? Hey? That's all you've got to say?" Azalea asked, her voice going up and down. Alice, Matthew, and pretty much the whole class went silent. Rose then noticed the whole class was giving her odd looks. It was silent as Rose stared at Azalea, and Azalea stared back. Rose could see under all of that anger, that Azalea was sad.

        "Azalea...?" Rose said barely above a whisper. Then the entire class erupted.

        Azalea started yelling, then the rest of the class. Some people were defending Azalea, other Slytherins were just yelling random phrases like "Gryffindor's suck!" No one notice that Professor Longbottom, Alice's dad, was trying desperately to get his class under control.


        All eyes went to the front of the room.

        "Emily?" Rose asked, surprised. 

        "No, I'm her sister." She replied. "Professor." She nodded at Professor Longbottom and went back to her seat.

        "Thank you, Olivia." He said.

        "Now that you are all settled, we'll be going outside today." Professor Longbottom said. Everyone got in line to go outside. Rose made an effort to be at the end of that line. Before she went out she asked Professor Longbottom quietly, "May I just stay in here and finish some work?" 

        There was a glint of sympathy in his eyes. "Yes." He said and walked outside, ready to begin teaching.

        Rose sat down at her desk, happy to be alone. Azalea knew Rose was friends with Scorpius. Rose told herself that it was no big deal, just stupid drama. She focused on her work and took her mind off the situation. She missed her mum and dad and Hugo and wondered what they were doing. She longed to snuggle Annalise, to bury her face in her warm fur and relax without a care in the world. But this was the real world and you couldn't just snuggle your cat and forget your problems. Even if they were first- world ones. You have to face and deal with them. And this was Rose's way of dealing with it. Submerging herself in her work. Dedicating herself to her studies. Soon enough the bell rang and Rose was the first one into the hallway. She made her way to her next class- Transfiguration. Headmistress McGonagall, who sometimes helped with Transfiguration, stood at the front of the classroom along with Professor Chase.

        "Good afternoon, Ms. Weasley." McGonagall showed Rose to her seat.

        "Thank you, Headmistress." Rose said and began reading her Transfiguration textbook.

         "Minerva, could you help me pass out the rest of the books?" Professor Chase asked as students filled the classroom. Rose saw that none of her "friends" were there, except for Scorpius who just so happened to sit next to her.

        "I never got the chance to say that I'm really, really sorry-" Rose cut him off.

        "It's okay. All of my friends hate me." Rose sighed.

        "Look, Rosie-"

        "First of all don't ever call me Rosie again and second of all stop talking to me, I'm trying to study!" Rose was in a sour mood at the moment.

        "Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." Scorpius muttered, walking away.

        "I'm not deaf, you know!" Said Rose quietly.

        "Whatever." Scorpius said, not looking back. 

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