Forever and Always (Book 2)

By kthaler

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SEQUEL TO KIDNAPPED!!! It's happening all over again. When a copycat of the Olive Kidnappings strikes Kelly H... More

To Whom It May Concern
One Year Anniversary
Step Brother
The Man
Death Wish
Too Many Suspects
Another One Goes
Questions Not Answered
Breaking In
Face to Face
The Call
New Place
Track Star
The Car
The Plan
Gaining Trust
The Barn
Free at Last


4.3K 142 20
By kthaler

             This was a total nightmare. My whole body ached from laying on the hard ground. I'd probably inhaled so much dirt it wasn't even funny. How was I supposed to sleep not knowing where I was and not even having a crappy mattress to sleep on. Anything would be better than this. Why did this have to happen to me again? It was probably worse the second time because I've already been through so much and now look what happened to me. I thought of myself as a good person so why did this have to happen to me?

            I started to miss my parents now more than ever. It wouldn't be as bad if I knew they were waiting for me to come back. Sure I had my aunt and uncle but that wasn't the same. They weren't my parents. All I wanted at the moment was Ethan's warm hugs to comfort me and Maddie's laugh to cheer me up. I remembered the last conversation Ethan and I had which brought tears to my eyes. He had told me he loved me but I refused to say it back since I was angry with him. He knew I loved him more than anyone in the world but I should have said it again. What if I never saw him again?

             I was on the edge of consciousness when my cell door was unlocked. This woke me up for sure. I wasn't sure how long I'd been down here but it seemed like forever since I'd seen my kidnapper. I tried to make myself seem like I wasn't as tired as I was feeling. I couldn't let this man see my weakness. The door swung open and the man walked in. He had a smile on his face but what caught my eye was that he was shirtless. This was extremely uncomfortable. I tried not to look at his muscular, tanned body because it would just make me even more nervous. As he got closer to me, I diverted my eyes to the ground. Wow, this dirt was very interesting.

             "Hello again, Kelly. How are you doing?" He asked, causing me to look up at him.

             "I've had better days." I said sarcastically.

               This made him laugh. Maybe I could get on his good side and he would take these stupid cuffs off of me. My wrists and ankles were burning as the metal cuffs weighted down my limbs. Kyle had never chained me up so this was a new experience for me. Was this his plan, to make me suffer more than Kyle did? I hated being chained to the wall, if I was going to be held captive, just lock me in a room, there is no reason to be chained to a freaking wall. There was no way to escape through a locked, metal door. Even I wasn't that good.

              "Can you please take these off. I promise I'll be good." I begged.

              He hesitated for a moment, thinking about if he should trust me. If he was smart he wouldn't trust me but who knows maybe he will take a chance with me. He knew what I was capable of and that I was trained to fight. Over the past year, I still went to self-defense classes and improved on my skills. They say if you don't use it, you lose it and I didn't want to lose that knowledge, especially right now. I planned on being good though until I could find a good escape route. So at the moment, he had nothing to worry about.

             "Fine, but I swear if you try anything, I will hurt you in the most harmful ways possible until you wished you were dead. Understood?" He threatened, his intense green eyes staring into mine.

             I nodded. He continued to stare at me, probably wondering what I was thinking. If only he knew that his threats meant nothing to me. I was just going to be good until I could escape. He walked over to me, making my body tense up as he got closer to me. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the chains on my wrists and ankles. Once I was free, the man was still inches away from me, being a little too close for my liking. Slowly, I tried to stand up. I leaned against the wall but as stood as I tried to balance without the wall, my knees buckled from underneath me. When I feel, the man caught me in his arms, holding me tightly against his exposed body.

              I quickly escaped his grip and fell back onto the ground, leaning against the wall. What was that? He laughed softly at my attempt to get away from him. My legs literally left numb. I was too weak to hold myself up which was degrading and frustrating. I hadn't slept for at least a day and couldn't remember the last time I ate. My legs felt as if I was paralyzed, preventing me from moving.

             "I guess lack of sleep and food really does have an effect on you. I won't have to worry about you running away just yet." He smirked.

            The truth was, he really did scare me. He seemed so calm yet he could snap at any moment. He chained me up in a locked room, what was the point? The man knelt down next to me, trapping me between his body and the wall. He stared at me intensely, sending chills up my spine. I wanted to look away from his glaze but then he would win and I'd look weaker than I already did.

            "You know you're very pretty. I see what Kyle sees in you." He said.

           I tried not to flinch when he said Kyle's name. That was still a sensitive subject for me. But what was I supposed to say to that? I surely wasn't going to thank him for the compliment. Part of me was happy that I was kidnapped because that meant that Kyle couldn't get to me. How messed up was that? Maybe I was losing my mind for thinking things like that. It was probably my exhaustion thinking at this point. Yep, I was officially losing my mind.

           I wondered why the man kept bringing up Kyle. Sure, I was kidnapped a year ago by him and that he was obsessed with me but still, what was the point? To make me relive the horrors of last year? I tried my best to move on from that but this wasn't helping me recover.

           "Why am I here?" I asked, changing the subject.

            "I told you, I'm copying the Olive Kidnappings." He spoke.

            "Yeah I know but you haven't been taking the same people. Why didn't you get someone else like me?" I asked.

           He smiled. "How do you know I didn't take anyone else?" He asked.

            "Unless you took someone after you took me, then I know you didn't. I watch the news and know about the people you've taken before me. Plus I don't think you want of the other original girls." I replied, trying not to show him how scared I was of him.

           "You're very smart, Kelly. As you know, you were the center of the Olive Kidnappings, so why wouldn't I want you?" He asked, staring up and down my body, making me sick to my stomach.

          "I guess you're just as crazy as he is." I replied, not wanting to say Kyle's name out loud.

           "You're still terrified of him, aren't you? You won't even say his name?" He laughed.

             "How do you expect me to act towards him?" I asked, becoming irritated that he was making fun of me for hating Kyle's guts.

          "I guess you're right. At least I can have you now." He smirked.

            His comment made me want to puke. My hatred towards this made increased the longer he talked to me. Sure, I wouldn't have to worry about Kyle but now I'd have to worry about this man. I wasn't sure of his intentions or plans, though I'm sure he wouldn't tell me if I asked. I tried to scoot away from him but he noticed quickly what I was doing and placed both his arms on either side of my head, making it impossible to move anywhere.

             "You should know better than trying to escape your kidnapper. It won't work and it only makes us want you even more." He said getting as close as he could without actually touching me. I shyly looked away from his hungry stare and hope he'd just decide to leave me alone.

            "I'll make you a deal. Kiss me, and I will leave you alone." He said.

             "That's very cliche, I thought you'd be different." I replied, trying to get out of his deal.

              "Even if it is cliche, it get's me what I want either way. So what will it be?" He grinned.

             When I ignored him, he sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and leaned back against the wall. He was basically telling me that he wasn't leaving. Great. I looked over at him and he raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second before saying, "Fine, I'll do it."

            I hated myself for giving in so quickly but I really wanted him to leave me alone. It wouldn't be as bad if he wasn't half naked and I wasn't in just a tank top and shorts. I practically felt naked sitting next to him. He slowly leaned closer to him, a grin plastered on his face. God, I was going to be sick and then I really wouldn't have anything left in my stomach. I pressed my lips against his, planning on just giving him a peck but he took control of the kiss. He forcefully started to kiss me harder, pushing me back so that I was laying down. He climbed on top of me, still attacking my lips. Please let this be over with. I had stopped kissing which he immediately noticed.

          "Come on Sweetie, I want to taste your sweet lips. Keep kissing or I won't leave." He threatened.

           After ignoring my mind that was screaming at me not to kiss him, I forced myself to kiss him back. As much as I wished it would be short, I was wrong. This wasn't the first time I had been forced to kiss someone I hated. Tears lingered in my eyes as I thought about all the times I was forced to kiss Kyle but I refused to cry, not in front of the man.

          "Damn, you're a good kisser." He smirked as he parted our kiss.

            Without taking his eyes off of me, he slowly climbed off of me, making sure to keep as much physical contact as possible. I hated him so much. He decided to leave the chains off of me which I was thankful for. He turned and left the room without saying another word. As soon as the door locked, I felt myself dozing off. Hopefully, it would be a while before he came back and I could get some sleep that I desperately needed. I prayed Robbins was out looking for me and that she would recuse me soon. I needed her to find me. She was my only hope. 

This chapter is now edited, let me know if you see any mistakes :D

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