Saved By A Bad Boy!

By OfficialCazzR

104K 2K 610

Sequal to Riker Lynch Bad Boy More

Saved By A Bad Boy!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
update on me
Chapter 14
question [Important]

Chapter 10

4.7K 128 24
By OfficialCazzR

I am so sorry it took me forever to update. I have been working non stop. I am constantly exhausted. I know it's short but I hope you like it.

Rydel's Pov.

I woke up in the morning, got dressed and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to find mom sitting at the table.

“Where is everybody?” I asked grabbing some milk from the kitchen.

“Rocky and Ross are at the mall, your dad and Ryland went to meeting and Riker stayed over at Chelsea's last night.”
“I think I am going to go hang out with Kelly today then.” I said putting my glass in the sink and ran up the stairs. I grabbed my phone and called Kelly.
“Meet me at the school. ” I said and hung up. I ran down the stairs
“Bye mom. Love you.” I said running out the door and down the street towards the school. I just hope I won't be to late.

Chelsea's POV.

I woke up to find Sebastian and Riker standing over me. I tried to get up but I couldn't move. I tilted my head and noticed I was tied to the bed again. I groaned and looked up at them.
“What the hell did I do now?!” I screamed. Riker pulled something out of his back pocket and showed it to me.

“Just when you were starting to behave. You go and hide a cell phone. How long did you think it would take before I found it?” Riker asked.

“I was hoping never. Now untie me, we can have this conversation like normal people.” I replied.

“See we can't do that, you might run off and well we can't have that.” Seb said moving his face closer to mine. I took the opportunity to spit on him. “Really?”
“Get close like that again and next time, I'll use my teeth.” I smirked and turned my head to Riker. “So what's your plan then captain; yell at me, leave me here without food and water, beat me up, kill me? I mean really your options are endless.”

“You're right they are. Sebastian get the hot water please. I need to speak to her alone.” he replied smirking. God I loved that smirk. Suddenly the door bell rang. Riker and Sebastian shared a look of worry. “If it's anyone of my siblings we went for a walk” he yelled after Seb. Riker walked over to the window and made sure the blinds were shut.

“You realize that if its Rydel she will force her way down here. You may want to untie me until she leaves.” I said tugging at the rope. He sighed and did what I suggested. He tucked the rope under the bed, sat down and took my hand in his. He went to say something but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps, so instead he grabbed my face and started to kiss me.
“What the hell Riker!” Rydel said swinging the door open. We broke apart and turned towards her.

“Can I help you two with something?” Riker asking standing up, and looking towards Rydel and Kelly.

“How about explaining your phone call last night?” Rydel responded.

“I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't make any phone calls last night.”
“What do you mean you didn't make any phone calls? You called me at 11.” She yelled.

“He spent the entire night with me.” I said. I gave her a please drop it look, but clearly she didn't understand.
“Why do you keep covering for him. Chelsea he is dangerous, both of these guys are.” Kelly spoke up.
“Riker can you and Sebastian leave for a few minutes I would like to talk to them alone.” I said looking at Riker. I knew he couldn't refuse.
“Of course love.” he said leaning down and kissing my ear. “Remember talk and get it worse.” he whispered before getting up and leaving the room with Seb right behind him.

Sebastian's POV

I followed Riker out of the room and pretended to go up the stairs. We put our ear to the door and heard yelling between the girls. It seemed like there were minute pauses between the girls. Riker must have heard enough because he slowly made his way up the stairs. I figured that it was safe to follow. He went into the kitchen and turned the kettle on.
“You okay man?” I asked leaning against the kitchen table.

“I don't know. I've started to take my pills again. The only time Jeff seems to be around is when I get mad. ”

“I know. But if you're taking your pills then eventually he won't be around at all.” I replied.
“I guess your right.” he answered. Just then Rydel and Kelly walked up the stairs.

“Riker, we would like to speak to you outside. Now!” Rydel half yelled. He groaned and went outside to talk to them. Now is better then never I thought to myself. I walked down stairs and stood at the door for a minute.
“Hey babe.” I imitated Riker's voice.

“Yeah?” she called back. I opened the door and walked in. She looked confused for a moment then scared.

“You were the one who made the call last night, weren't you?” she said

“I was. See Riker is going soft on me, and well I can't have that now. I was also the one who found your phone. I just let Riker know. Basically, what I'm say is. I'm in charge now. You think Riker was bad, just wait.” I whispered leaning into her neck and kissing it.

“I'm not afraid of you!” she spat

“No yet, But I'm going to be your worst nightmare come to life.” I replied in Riker's voice. I kissed her neck and few more times and walked out of the room. I leaned against the door and smirked. I've got both of them right where I want them. The best part is no one can stop me.

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