Markiplier One Shots

By the-pro-fangirl

178K 3.3K 1.2K

Here you'll find a series of random one shots of several different genres: horror, suspense, romance, action... More

Markiplier One Shots
He's Here
The Guy From the Sixth Floor
The Bite
Study Session
Mark from Best Buy
First Convention
Professor Fischbach
The Doctor Is In
Dark Escapes
Five Nights at Warfstache's
Kings of Chaos
Ghost Hunting
The End
Author's Note: The End
Afraid of the Dark
All I Want For Christmas
Valentine's Day
Skype Call
Magic Mark
You're Welcome
Go Back To Sleep
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Choose Your Own Adventure: Darkiplier
Markiplier Manor
Real or Not Real?
The Wrong Choice
Whatever I Tell You
Happy Birthday, Dark
Bubbles and Bubbly
Beach Bums
Master Dark: Part One
Dirty Shower
Monster Mash
Good Girl
Ignorance Is Bliss
I Don't Wanna be Free: Part 1
I Don't Wanna Be Free: Part 2
Talk Dirty To Me
More Bonding
Drunk In Love
Valentine's Day With Dark
Valentine's Day With Yancy
Just Keep Recording
Members Only
Members Only: Private Chat
Not Okay
Quarantine and Chill
Night Swimming
Such a Tease
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Prison Presents
Last Night
What Happens in Space
Let Me Make it Up to You
Hurt Me
The Pizza Man
Birthday Cake
By the Fireplace
Mr. Mayor
Undisciplined Desire: Part One
Undisciplined Desire Part 2
Chalet Getaway
Valentine Vibes
We Come in Threes: Part 1

Dark's Plan (Pt 1)

1.8K 32 9
By the-pro-fangirl

Dark's Plan

Part One:

I stared at my own eyelids as I entered consciousness from what I could only imagine was a deep sleep, except that a lot of things didn't feel right. For one thing, I knew I wasn't lying on my bed; some odd, hard surface was making my back ache. Not only that, but I could feel an intense pounding in my head. My eyes fluttered open in confusion and I found myself on a concrete floor in the middle of some large building.

I carefully pulled myself up into a sitting position due to my throbbing head. The ceilings of the place I was in seemed to extend upwards forever, and the dim lights at the top were already driving me nuts. Their flickering wasn't helping my headache at all.

I cradled my head in my hands, closing my eyes again. I wanted to just sit there for a moment until the pain subsided, but I felt something wet as I touched my hair. I ripped my hands away, bewildered, and realized that they were covered in a crimson liquid. My head was bleeding, and I had woken up on the floor of a place I'd never been in before - but why? What the hell was going on?

"Confused?" a deep voice asked. The sound startled me and made me jump a little before I turned around to see who was speaking. A person emerged from the shadows of an area where some of the lights were out, and my eyes widened in shock.

It was no person talking to me; it was a demon. My own personal demon, to be exact. He looked a lot like me; dark hair, short on the sides with a mop of dyed red locks on top. He had the same build as me but he was dressed in darker clothes and his eyes were completely black (even the whites of his eyes were dark), with glowing red pupils.

"What? Wh-why? How? I mean..." I had a million questions and I wasn't sure which one I should start with. My fear of the entity in front of me was stronger than almost any other fear I had. He was my worst enemy, and his presence made my heart rate accelerate rapidly.

"You're speechless at the sight of me, how cute! Please, one question at a time, Mark! Take this slow," the demon spoke, a gross smile on his face. He made sure to show his unnaturally pointed teeth to freak me out even more.

"Where are we?" I chose my first question carefully after gaining my composure for a moment. I had more important things to ask, but they would come up later. I needed the basics covered first.

"Some abandoned warehouse, not too far from your place. I quite like it here. Plenty of space, not too bright, and somewhat in the middle of nowhere so there's never any unexpected guests. I thought it would be the perfect spot to chat with you," he explained. I knew where I was now - I passed the place occasionally. One question down, several more to go.

"And you brought me here?" I wondered. The demon leaned against a wall, crossing his arms before he talked again.

"In a sense. You technically drove yourself here, but I put the thought in your head. I'm not too good at taking over your mind - it drained me, just getting you out here - but I think it was worth it. I have my energy back, now that you've been knocked out for a good twenty-four hours."

"Twenty-four hours? But what about my channel? I need to make videos and let my fans know where I am!" I panicked. My world basically revolved around my Youtube channel, and other than the safety of myself and my loved ones, it was my main concern.

"Oh, don't worry about any of that, Markimoo. I made a couple of videos for you. I can change my appearance to make myself look just like you, remember?" He blinked, making his eyes look normal like mine, and his teeth weren't sharp anymore, either. He could have been my twin, until he returned to his usual creepy look with another blink of an eye. "We're practically the same, you and I. Your fans have no idea that someone else has been posting things for you."

"We're not the same," I corrected him with an angry glare.

"Someone's feisty today!" he snickered, picking at his claw-like fingernails. He terrified me, but he also pissed me off. I just wanted to know what was going on.

"What do you want with me, Dark?" I questioned him, slowly standing up. My head still hurt, but I didn't like feeling so inferior on the ground while he stood tall.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you, in person. I thought it might be fun," he replied, that ugly grin still there.

"Bullshit! Tell me what you actually want!" I demanded, taking a few brave steps toward him. I had a burst of adrenaline that quickly vanished when Dark grabbed me by the throat and held me against the wall he had been leaning on.

"Careful, Mark. You really don't want to lose your temper with me. I'm the one in control here, remember?" He squeezed my neck as he spoke and I was losing oxygen quickly. Luckily for me, he didn't want to kill me just yet, so he let go after I struggled to get air for a bit. I sucked in breaths desperately, wishing I had kept my mouth shut.

"Now, if you really must know, I want to replace you. Obviously it can be done; it's already working well. I know you better than you know yourself, so it's not very hard."

"Why don't you just kill me, then?" I inquired. I knew the answer, but I needed more time to think. I had to come up with a plan to escape.

"There's not much fun in just killing you right away, is there? No, I want to play with you first. I want to see you in pain and torture you. I can kill you anytime I want, but I'd like to have fun with it," he told me. I had slowly begun to back away as he explained himself. It wasn't much, but I felt better when there was a little more distance between us.

"And how do you plan on torturing me, exactly?"

"Well, I'll be taking over your job, of course, while you sit back and watch. I have all sorts of ways to inflict pain...and if you think you're getting away right now, you might want to think again." Dark knew what I was doing - I had backed up more to give myself a better advantage for running away. It was a horrible plan, but it was all I could think of.

I was about to make a break for it when the sound of one of the big warehouse doors opening caught my attention. It distracted Dark, too, so I knew I needed to take advantage of the opportunity I had. I broke into a sprint, my shoes smacking the ground as I made my way towards the opening door. But before I could make much progress, I felt my body suddenly jolt to the left and I was pushed to the ground, my body sliding across the slick concrete floor. I scrambled to get up and get going again, but Dark was there already. He dug his sharp nails into my arm and shoved me into a stack of boxes.

"I was really hoping we could play nice," Dark hissed, his teeth clenched in anger. I pulled myself up off of the ground again but he kept fighting, kicking and clawing at me every time I tried to save myself. I was getting exhausted trying to fight back, and I was relieved when I heard another human voice.

"Hello? What's going on here?" It sounded like a teenager's voice, and there were others with him. I pushed Dark off of me while he was still caught off guard from the voice and I practically fell as I attempted to run again.

"Get out of here! It's not safe!" I screamed as I stumbled towards the open door where the teens stood.

"Dude, what happened...?" The poor kid didn't get to finish his sentence. Dark appeared in front of him and snapped his neck just like that. I cringed at the sound and wanted to save the others so badly, but I knew I wouldn't have another chance to get away if I did. I bolted out of the place, trying to block out the panicked screeching of the curious high schoolers behind me. My legs somehow carried me all the way to my car, which was parked in front of the building. I knew Dark was coming and I also knew that even if I did get away this time, he'd be back. But I had to try to fight this.

I threw my car door open, briskly climbing into the front seat. I made sure to close and lock the doors, not that anything like that could truly stop Dark. I reached for my car keys, eager to get the hell out of there, then quickly realized that I didn't have them. Of course. Dark wasn't stupid enough to make it that easy for me to get away.

I toppled out of the car and looked for my enemy. He was nowhere to be found, and I could still hear shouting as if some of the teens were stilling putting up a fight against him. I didn't know how they could possibly take him on, but I had no time to ponder the thought. I set off on foot, sprinting. I continuously glanced behind my back to see if I was being followed, but Dark gave me no trouble and I didn't stop running until I reached a park. It was populated enough for Dark to keep his distance if he found me there, but also busy enough for the people there to give me strange looks. I was pretty banged up - my head was still bloody, along with my hands. My t-shirt was torn, revealing deep scratches. I knew I should get to a hospital, but I didn't want to go alone.

I frantically asked a random woman sitting on a park bench if I could borrow her phone. My poor appearance and breathless dialogue seemed to worry her, but she handed over her cell anyways. I dialed a number that I had known by heart since high school and held the phone to my ear.

"Wade? Yeah, I know this is really sudden, but can you come pick me up from Keystone Park? I'm without a car and I need to get to a hospital...Yeah, I'm alright, just a little scratched up. I can explain later. Thanks, man."

Hey guys, I hope you liked this one shot! I had a lot of fun writing it, and there will be a part two! If you enjoyed this, let me know by voting for this part and please give me your feedback by leaving some comments! Thanks for reading :)

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