Flower Boy | YoonSeok


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"Roses are red, violets are blue-" "Violets are purple, believe me I would know." More

Chapter One: Hope
Chapter Two: Crowns
Chapter Three: Park Jimin
Chapter Four: Coffee Boy
Chapter Five: Jeon Jungkook
Chapter Six: The Mighty Hobi
Chapter Seven: The "Not Date"
Chapter Eight: The Hot Dancer
Chapter Nine: Boyfriend Material
Chapter Ten: Pink
Chapter Eleven: Playing Matchmaker
Chapter Twelve: Adorable
Chapter Thriteen: "You're Cute, Let's Date."
Chapter Fourteen: Hands
Chapter Fifteen: Pride And Preju-dance
Chapter Sixteen: The "Date-y Date"
Chapter Seventeen (mansae amirite): Muffins
Chapter Eighteen: The Past And The Current
Chapter Nineteen: Netfilx And Chill?
Chapter Twenty: Rain
Chapter Twenty One: The "L Word"
Tag: Thirteen Facts
Chapter Twenty Two: Burning Up
Chapter Twenty Three: Songbird
Chapter Twenty Four: I Miss You
Chapter Twenty Five: Valentine
Chapter Twenty Six: Pretty
Chapter Twenty Seven: Head Over Heels
Quick Question:
Chapter Twenty Eight: Home
Chapter Twenty Nine: Elevators
Chapter Thirty: Marks
Character q&a?
Character q&a ANSWERS
Chapter Thiry One: Thunder and Lightning
Chapter Thirty Two: Lucky
Chapter Thirty Four: Relationship Status
Chapter Thirty Five: Long Distance
Chapter Thirty Six: Breathtaking
Chapter Thirty Seven: "He's A Keeper."
Chapter Thirty Eight: Change (Final)
-but wait! there's more!
I'm yelling
regarding the sequel:

Chapter Thirty Three: Yoongi's Artistic Talent

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"Shh! He'll wake up! This was your idea anyway Jungkook. Besides, I'm sure he'll appreciate my artistic talent."

"I'm not sure about that considering that your "artistic talent" is limited to stick figures and dicks."

Hoseok couldn't say that his ideal way of waking up consisted of having Yoongi and Jungkook's banter in his ears and the feeling of a marker being dragged across his face.

"What the hell are you doing?" He mumbled, raising an eyebrow as he saw his boyfriend sitting on top of him with an guilty look on his face, and a marker in one of his hands.

He looked over at the side of the bed and saw Jungkook sitting there, biting back laughter.

"Oh hey..." Yoongi trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. "You're awake... How'd you sleep?"

Hoseok chuckled and reached over to Yoongi's hands, taking the marker out of one of them.

"Sharpie? Babe this takes forever to wash off!" The brunette sighed, Yoongi's face turning crimson at the pet name that rolled off of his boyfriend's tongue. He moved off of where he was sat on Hoseok's stomach and caused the latter to take in a deep breath at his chosen outfit.

He had stolen one of Hoseok's hoodies out of their closet, the sleeves of the oversized fabric extending past Yoongi's hands. His boxers were only just peeking out from underneath the sweater, and combined with his bed head, Hoseok refused to believe there was a more adorable person on this planet.

"If I were you," Jungkook giggled, standing up, "I'd get up and see the damage Yoongi-Hyung did to your face."

Hoseok laughed and sat up, not missing how Yoongi's eyes raked up and down his bare chest.

"If I were you, I'd get out for a few minutes because I'm currently not wearing pants and need to find some." He grinned, Jungkook putting his hands up in defends playfully.

"Alright I get it." He laughed, walking out of the room with Yoongi following suit.

Shaking his head, Hoseok stood up and walked over to the closet, picking out a plain t-shirt and pair of shorts before walking into the bathroom and turning on a light.

"Aish..." He sighed once he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

Across the right side of his face read "Property of Min Yoongi :)" in his boyfriend's messy writing, Hoseok not being able to hold back his laughter at Yoongi's childishness.

And of course, no doodles done on someone's face while they're sleeping are complete without a dick drawn somewhere. Yoongi decided to draw it on Hoseok's forehead. "Yoongi!" He called, the sound of footsteps being heard not long after.

"How can I help you?" Yoongi giggled, peaking his head through the bathroom door and smirking at the expression on Hoseok's face. Both amused and annoyed at the same time.

"Alright, so I'm well aware that I belong to you," Hoseok laughed, "But was the dick really necessary?"

Yoongi shrugged, a smile still evident on his face.

"The dick is always necessary." He smirked wiggling his eyebrows. "And it's not like it's the focal point of the whole drawing. It's like an accent. It's tasteful."

Yoongi's smile grew as he heard Jungkook burst into laughter outside of the bathroom as he was walking past it.

"Did you just say that it was tasteful dick?" Jungkook was practically wheezing at this point, clutching onto the doorframe.

Hoseok merely shook his head grabbed a cloth and some soap, reading to begin his attempts at washing the "art" off of his skin.


"And so yeah... You can listen to it now if you'd like."

Hoseok's entire being was basically glowing right now. Yoongi's doodles had long since been washed off of his face, and he now sat beside his boyfriend as he was told that he could finally listen to the song he had been waiting for. "I could still probably change a billion things about it, but Jimin told me that if I don't stop now it'll never get finished."

"I heard you had Jungkook and Jimin provide vocals to it as well?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi nodding in response.

"Mhm. Taehyung too. They did amazing. Jungkook was saying how he didn't believe his voice was up to par for the song I wanted to create, but he was totally wrong."

Hoseok nodded, and rested his head on his hands.

"Are you featured in it?" He asked, Yoongi nodded and looking down.

"I wasn't gonna, but I figured you'd like it if my voice was in it as well so.." He responded, voice taking on a somewhat shy tone.

"What's it called?" The brunette asked. Yoongi looked up and smiled, proud of the title that left his lips.


Hoseok nodded and took the headphones that Yoongi passed over to him, placing them in his ears and waiting for his boyfriend to press play.

And when he did, Hoseok wasn't in anyway prepared for the emotion the flooded out of the song. Listening closely to the lyrics, Hoseok sighed as he felt tears prick at his eyes.

"You're gonna make me cry!" He laughed, the song still playing as Yoongi's face turned a light shade of pink.

After the song had finished, Hoseok took off his headphones and closed the gap between he and Yoongi in seconds. Yoongi couldn't help but smile as well when their lips met, being able to feel Hoseok's lips curl into a smile against his.

Pulling away, the younger was grinning.

"You're so talented oh my god!" He praised, Yoongi shrugging as he felt his face heat up once more. "No seriously! You have no idea how happy it'll make me when I'll dance to this song for my professor and will be able to say that it was composed by my boyfriend." Hoseok grinned, poking Yoongi's face playfully.

"When is your performance anyway?" Yoongi asked, trying to shift the focus onto his boyfriend instead of him.

"About a week and one month from now." Hoseok replied, leaning against Yoongi's side. "I'll probably head to the studio to start working on the choreo after my shift tomorrow."

"I already know it'll be amazing." Yoongi sighed, tracing patterns on the back of Hoseok's hand with his thumb.

Hoseok looked over at the older.

"Oh? How so?" He asked, smiling as he picked up on how Yoongi slipped back into his satoori, one of his mannerisms that occurred when he was tired.

"Because you'll he creating it."

I love the choreos to fire and save me so much like bless.

Also I published a new YoonSeok book if you maybe wanna check it out !!

Oooh also! I've tried making a playlist for this book but since I always just end up listening the the album "Play" by Akdong Musician I'll just recommend listening to that maybe while reading :)

- Charlie :)

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