Bad Boys Kidnapped Me

By vintage_for_days

1.8M 51.9K 18K

Bad ass Katrina Moores. Beautiful, stubborn, rule breaker and has a potty mouth. But she has a dark secret... More

World War III
The Black Dragon
Going out
The Kidnapping
This isnt over
Tame The Beast
Killing Bambi
You so want me
Call me Kat
I fell
Ice Cold
Hes A Gang Leader And He Always Will Be
Can't live without
Time for you to quit
Too Beautiful
Even if it kills him
Over Two Hundred
Burn in fucking hell!
In love
Meet the boys
I'm Hungry
What am i going to do?
You counted!
I Hope So
Bobbie pin
Dante & Benji
The Ball
Love struck teenager
Ted & Joe
I Am Going To Live
The In-Laws
I Want You
Antonio Belucini
I Want This Baby
Im Not Letting You Die
I Cant Do This Anymore
I Can Do It
Its Time


22.8K 639 309
By vintage_for_days

"Mommy! Mommy!"

I turn around and watch a child with long black hair, in pig tails running towards me. Her face was blurry but she was wearing a cute little pink dress.

Her little legs rushing towards me. I smile brightly  and kneel down and wrap my arms around her tiny frame.

I could feel her warmth and her scent made my insides warm and fuzzy.


I look up, the little girl still in my arms and see a little boy rushing towards me. His brown hair, shiny in the sunlight.

Again his face was blurred but he was wearing blue overalls and a striped T shirt under it. He ran to me with all his might and I pulled him towards me, the girl still in my arms.

I hug them both tightly and close my eyes. The warmth radiating from both of them was so comforting.

The sun was shining on us and I realised we were in the back yard of the boys mansion. The meadow was filled with little flowers and I was in a long white dress. My hair in a braid, over my shoulder with bits of hair coming out.


I look up but the sun was shining so brightly I couldn't tell if the child running towards me was a boy or a girl.

I squint so I could see but then I'm pulled out and staring at the white ceiling above me.

I gasp, my eyes wide and my breathing heavy. I think about what had just happened and replay the images in my head.

What was that?


I turn my head to the side and see Ryder sitting down at the edge of the bed, looking at me. A pounding sensation hits my head like a ton of bricks and I cup it and groan.

This is worse then my hangovers. And that's saying something since I always drink till I go blind.


I peek my eyes open and see in his hands, two pills and a glass of water. I sit up and take them, gratefully.

"Thanks" I sigh and lean against the head rest.

I look down at myself  and see I was in grey sweats and in a white tank top. My hair was disheveled and I was blood free.

"What happened?" I ask groggy, running my fingers through my long knotty hair.

"You passed out" he replies.

I feel my headache start to subside but my body ached, "for how long?"

"A day."

I look at him with wide eyes. I've been asleep for a day?!

Ryder continues to stare at me heatedly. His eyes lingering on my cleavage for a little bit too long.
I squeeze my legs shut and I could feel my teenage female hormones going crazy. A blush was crawling it's way to my cheeks and I gulp nervously.

He gets up and rests his hands and his knees on the bed before he starts crawling closer to me. His eyes looking at me lustily. I sit up and my pull the covers closer to me.

Oh my god I think I'm going to have a nose bleed. What is he doing?!

He roughly jerks the covers off me and I yelp in surprise when he pulls my body under him. His arms on either side of my head and his head low.

"Uh- what are you doing?" I ask, nervously shifting my eyes everywhere but him.

"Look at me" he orders, his voice cold.

How can you ask me to do that when your looking at me like that! I squeeze my eyes shut and turn my head away.

His hot breath was so close to me and I could feel his nose brush against my cheek briefly. "Look at me" he repeats, his voice in a husky whisper.

I think about it for a minute before I open my eyes and breathe out and finally turn my head and look at his dark brown eyes. The ones I fell in love with.

My body was craving his touch and my heart was going to leap out of my chest. Oh my god. I don't know what to do. I'm a carrying this mans child in my stomach and he doesn't even know.

But that dream. The warmth and love I felt. It was amazing.

"Katrina" he whispers, his voice hoarse.

I close my eyes as he lowers his head-

"Hey Kat-AHHHHHH!"

I push Ryder of me and sit up when I see Zach at the doorway, clutching his eyes and yelling.  "No! Oh my god no!"

"What's wrong?! What happened?!" Drew yells, stopping when he sees me, on the bed, with my tank top riding up and Ryder shirtless next to me.

"Ew" he says, scrunching up his nose while Zach was still writhing away in agony.

I sheepishly smile and give a little wave while Ryder just rolls his eyes with an annoyed expression.

"Zach! Drew! What's wrong?! Is it Kat?!" I hear Chelsea yells urgently as she rushes towards them. She stops when she looks at me and a smirk replaces her worried face.

"Heyyyy" she smirks, leaning against the wall, her arms crossed on her chest, glancing between Ryder and I.

I drop my head in my hands and groan. Just when we were getting to the good part.

"My eyes! My poor virgin eyes! Oh they burn" Zach yells, falling to his knees.

"You're not even a virgin!" I snap.

He snaps his head towards me, anger on his face, and stands up. "I'm not ready to talk to you yet, young lady!"

I look at him blankly and raise an eyebrow, I cross my legs and lean my elbow against my knee, with my head in my hand.

"Chelsea?!" Danny yells from afar.

"It's okay" she yells back, not leaving her eyes from us. The stupid smirk still plastered on her face.

Zach stalks up to Ryder and Ryder just looks up at him bored, "can I help you?"

"How dare you taint my sister with your dirty hands?!" Zach yells dramatically, waving his arms around.

I could feel my temper rise and my headache get worse and my eye was starting to twitch.

"I will not allow it! You two are no longer allowed to see each other!" He yells, pointing a finger at me and Ryder.

"Please" Ryder scoffs, and stretches his arms over his head.

"I mean it!" Zach yells.

That's it!

"Get out" I say, my voice shaking in rage.

I was tired, cranky, stressed and had too many things to think about and not enough time.

"Katrina Evelyn Mores!" Zach spits, "how could you do this?!" He yells at me, "oh my eyes! Why was I the one to see that?!"

"Get out!" I yell, successfully silencing everyone.

I stand up and walk towards Zach slowly, "who the fuck do you think you are telling me who I should not see?" I ask threatening.

Everyone watches as I stalk up to Zach and I see him looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. "I will fuck who ever the fuck I want, and you will have no say in it!"

I grab him by the head and drag him out of the room. He hisses in pain and stumbles out. I push Chelsea and Zach out too and slam the door in their faces.

Finally some peace and quite!

I rest my head on the door and close my eyes, Ryder's eyes lingering on me. I take a deep breath and slowly turn around and look at him.

He looks at me with a stoic expression as he rests on his shoulders that were on the bed. How would he react? If she knew I was pregnant.

And then he does something I never expected. He looks to the left and right quickly.

I burst out laughing and hear his laugh join mine. The deep melodic laugh makes me at ease and I sigh and climb on top of him.

He lays on his back and I rest my body on top of his, he wraps his arms around me and I rest my chin on his chest, looking at him. He closes his eyes and sighs. I feel his arms tighten around me and my heartbeat increase.

"How do you still have this affect on me?" I ask, scanning his face, his long lashes resting on his face and his plump red lips.

He's prettier then me! So not fair.

"Because I have amazingly inhuman good looks" he says in a 'duh' tone.

"Of course" I roll my eyes but in the back of my mind I knew exactly what he was doing.

He was acting like this for a reason. He's trying to lighten up the mood so I don't think about what had happened in the foyer.

My smile drops as I think about what I had done to those men. How many I injured or maybe even killed.

"How many?" I whisper.

"Kat" he says, brushing his knuckles down my face.

"How many Ryder?" I ask sternly.

"Ninety three."

A soft gasp leaves my mouth and I immediately sit up. I killed ninety three men?! What will happen if I give birth to this child in me and lose control?! I could kill my own baby!  That's if it's even possible to have a child right now. I mean the injections will kill it. Or I'll have a miscarriage if I lose control. I'll jump from something or do something that will kill it.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when bile rises from my throat and immediately run into the bathroom to release my insides.

I lock the door before I lurch my self over the toilet and feel the burning liquid rise from my stomach down my throat.

I hear banging on the door and yelling and I knew he would break the door down in a second. I ignore it and wipe my lips and sigh.

I flush the toilet and put the lid down and put the side of my head on it as my knees give out under me.

I yelp in fright when the door swings open and connects with the wall. My eyes were wide as I look at a fuming Ryder who was currently glaring at me.

Oh great.

"What the fuck do you think your doing locking the door?!" He stalks up to me and pulls me up.

I stumble into his arms as I feel drained and absolutely exhausted. I lean into him and take a deep breath.

"Are you okay?!" He asks frantically, catching me in his arms.

I nod my head, not trusting my voice and clutch on to him so I don't fall on my ass, "take me to the sink."

He does as he's told and turns the water on, I pull away from him and start washing my face. The cold icy water making me feel more alive and fresh.

"I'm fine Ryder" I say flatly as I dry myself with the towel.

"How is this fine?!" He shouts, pointing at me.

"I think I caught a bug or something" I lie, putting my hair into a messy bun. "Not a big deal" I reassure, turning towards him.

He looks at me pissed and crosses his arm over his chest, "you will never lock the door again" he says lowly.

I bite my tongue so I don't lash out on him because quite frankly I had something way more important to discuss that I had just remembered.

"When we're you going to tell me that everyone was calling me The Black Death?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom, leaving Ryder in the bathroom.

I hear him mutter "shit" before he follows me to the bedroom. "I was going to tell you after everything has settled down" he says calmly.

I cross my arms over my chest "oh and the fact that Antonio Belucini " I spit, "was after me?!"

"Again" he sighs, "after everything had settled down."

"Ryder you can't keep things like that from me!" I yell, waving my arms around.

"We are not having this conversation again" he says coldly, turning away from me.

"The hell we are!" I shout furiously.

I was angry before, but now I'm furious. We have to stick together. I need to know these things.

"Listen Katrina" he says, turning towards me. His face dark and menacing.

I hold my ground and glare at him, "what?" I ask, challenging him, "you think I'm scared of you? What are you going to do?"

I knew I was pushing it but I didn't care. Sure I may be hiding things from him but I am going to tell him eventually.

He takes a threatening step towards me but I hold my ground. "Remember who your dealing with Katrina" he says, his face merely inches away from mine.

I look in his darkened eyes and shake my head. What's the point? I look down and take a step back and turn around so my back was facing him.

"I know exactly what I'm dealing with" I mutter, loud enough for him to hear and walk out of the room.

"But i'm not in a relationship with Ryder Black, head of the Black clan" I say tiredly. "I'm in a relationship with Ryder Black" i turn my head to look at him, "so don't force him onto me when i'm trying to talk to my boyfriend."

I close the door and lean against it, taking a deep breath.

He just doesn't get it. As soon as there's a problem between us he turns into gang leader mode. I can't always argue with a gang leader. I need to argue and sort things out with Ryder.

I put my hand on my heart and gulp. I thought my heart was going to explode in there. I hear the sound of glass shattering in the room and I close my eyes sadly.

I guess that's how gang leaders take their frustration out. Speaking of letting out frustration.

I walk down stairs and hear the chatter of the others, "oh please, I have heels higher then your standards James" I hear Chelsea say.

Very true.

I smile and reach the others, that were currently sitting down in the living room. God this place was huge.

"Hey horny sleeping beauty is up!" James yells, clapping his hands.

Everyone turns towards me with smiles on their faces and I was surprised how normal they were acting towards me.

"Shut up" I yawn, walking over to Chelsea who was snuggled up with Dani.

I sit beside them awkwardly and cross my legs over the other and lean back in the couch. I see Zach glaring at me from across the room but I just ignore him.

"That was quick" James mumbles, smirking while sipping his drink.

You bastard.

"What was?" Nathan asks, confused.

"Oh you know, Ryder and Kat-"

"Shut up you imbecile!" I snap, quickly getting up and slapping his arm.

"Ow! What the hell devil women!" He hisses, holding his arm and rubbing it.

"Where's Ryder?" Dante asks, standing behind the couch, looking around.

I don't say anything and look to the side. In the room, breaking your property.

No one says a word and awkward tension was filled in the room. Everyone in this room knew that Ryder and I were not okay.

This whole thing was really testing us and honestly, I wouldn't want to be wth me either. I mean look at me! I have a purple eyes, a ridiculous past and I was currently a killing machine that could loose control any minute and slaughter everyone here.

I was a threat. I knew it. Everyone else also knew it. "I need to shit." James whispers which causes everyone to burst out laughing expect me and Dante who just give amused smiles.

"Keep your thoughts to yourself James."

We all look at the stairs and see Ryder leaning against the wall, with his arm crossed. "What?! I really need too" James replies.

"Dante do you have a gym?" I ask, standing up. I need to let my frustration out too.

"Yeah. Its right over-"

"Ill take her Dan!" Benji gets up and grabs ahold of my hand.

"Kid!" I shout, escaping his grip, "we have talked about this. Boundaries" I huff.

"When will you stop calling me kid?! You have never called me by my name, do you realise that?" He asks, pouting.

I smile a fake smile and bend down to his height, "I'll stop calling you kid, when you stop acting like one."

I walk away from him to get my workout clothes, from the room, where my suitcase was. I unfortunately had to walk past Ryder and I hope he didn't try to do anything.

He grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him.

Of course not.

"Is it really a good idea to work out now" he whispers.

I don't look at him and roughly pull away, "I'm not the one to break things when letting out my anger. I work out."

I walk upstairs leaving everyone and quickly put on my spandex shorts and sports bra .

I tie my shoes and put my hair up. I need to at least stay healthy when I'm pregnant. I'm carrying another persons life and if I don't care about mine, I at least should care about its.

I jog downstairs, giving myself a little warm up when I hear heated voice's downstairs.

"Let me talk to her Ryder!" Dante exclaims, "I could help."

"No." He replies, "She doesn't need your sob story right now."

You're making decisions for me again!

I ball my fists and clench my jaw. I hide in the shadows and tip toe a little closer.

Why does Dante want to talk to me?

"It could help her!" Dante says harshly, his agitation starting to show.

"Or it could make her feel more worse about herself" Ryder says, calmly. "She doesn't need it Dante" he adds.

"Need what?" I ask, revealing myself, my face cold and stoic.

They both look like deers caught in headlights as they spin around. I raise an eyebrow and don't miss the look I get from Ryder as he roams my body.

"Why don't you join me in the gym, Dante" I say, turning my back towards them.

I could feel the tension behind me and I knew Ryder was glaring bullets at Dante's head. The room was silent for a moment before the sound of footsteps was heard.

"Follow me" Dante says, brushing his shoulder against mine as he walks past me.

I start to walk behind him when Ryder grabs my forearm and drags me towards him "Kat. Don't do-"

"Enough!" I shout, authority laced in my tone. I jerk my arm away, leaving Ryder speechless. "You do not make my decisions for me!" I snap, running towards Dante.

We walk away in silence, leaving Ryder and I just stare at the floor. It's not fair! I need to tell him soon. I need to speak to Ted and Joe alone and now I have to listen to whatever Dante has to say.

"That bad, huh?"

I don't answer and sigh heavily, I don't want to talk about Ryder. He's a gang leader, what do I honestly expect from him? Since he was twelve years old he has shut his emotions out. I'm lucky to even see Ryder's emotions.

"Were here."

I stop and finally look up and see a huge room filled with sporting equipment, but what I didn't expect was the guns and weapons all over the walls. 

I look around with my eyes wide and my mouth agape, "holy shit."

Dante chuckles and crosses his arms over his chest, "yeah well, it's protection."

"Ryder doesn't have weapons all over the gym" I say, looking at him.

"Well the Black Gang is feared all across America. Only a fool would attack them and Ryder knows that, so there's no need" Dante replies, yawning.

Wow. It really was amazing seeing the world of gang leaders. Dangerous but amazing.

I see the punching bag in the middle of the gym and smirk. Time to have some fun. I crack my knuckles and neck before putting on the gloves and walking towards the bag.

"Hey Kat before you start-"

I cut him off by throwing a punch at the bag and I could feel the adrenaline was pulsing through out my entire body.

I don't stop and hit the punching bag with full force, the sound of my fists connecting with the leather echoing through out the place.

"I'm listening" I say, throwing another punch.

I see from the corner of my eye, Dante rub his hand on his neck and shuffle awkwardly.

Well that looks like a good sign.

The sweat was starting to become more visible now and my eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as I hit with full force.

"I-uh" he stutters, looking at the floor.

Why is he acting like a teenage boy about to ask a girl out?

"I don't have all day Dante" I say, throwing a roundhouse kick, making the punching bag swing around wildly.

"I heard about your mother."

I pause for a second and roll my shoulder back, so this is why Ryder didn't want him to take to me. Concentrate on the bag Kat, "and?".

"Well uh- I just wanted to say I know what your going through" he says, with a straightened back, "and I wanted to give you a piece of advice."

"I don't want it" I scoff, hitting the bag harder.

"You might not want it but you need it" Dante says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No I don't" I grit out, throwing the gloves away and hitting it with my bear knuckles.

"Kat it wasn't your fault" he says softly.

"Easy for you to say, you weren't the cause of your own mothers death" I spit, jumping lightly before punching the cold brown leather.

"Actually I was."

I stop and look at Dante, "what do you mean?"

He sighs and closes his eyes, "you know the rumours that my father killed my mother, yes?"

I nod and listen carefully.

"Well, I was the cause of my mother death" he says calmly, "if I had kept my mouth shut- Anyway" he adds, running his fingers though his hair.

This must be hard for him. I can even think about my mother without bursting into tears and here he is, telling me his life story.

"My mother was having an affair."

My eyebrows shoot to my hairline. Didn't expect that.

"I was very young, just a child when I had found out. I didn't realise why she was doing what she was doing" he starts. "I didn't realise how my excuse of a father was treating her."

"Dante you don't have-"

"So I went to that bastard and told him" he cuts me off, clenching his jaw. "I told him what my mother was doing and a day later he put a bullet in her head right in front of me."

I close my eyes and breath through my nose. Guess the rumours were true.

I turn towards the punching bag, with my blood stained on it and continue letting my frustration out. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't know, you were too young to know" I say, "but I knew. I knew what I could do and I still participated" I throw another punch, more angrier this time.

"Kat you didn't know what you were doing, you weren't yourself" Dante says, watching me murder his equipment.

I ignore him and throw punches, and kicks at the bag rapidly, my breath harsh. The bag swung everywhere but I didn't stop.


I scream in frustration while I slam my fist one final time into the bag, cashing the sand to fly out.

I breath in and out, trying to catch my breath and fall to my knees. Dante slowly approaches me and bends down on his knees.

"Losing someone when your young is the greatest pain anyone can face" he takes my blistered hands into his own. "I think the hardest part of loosing someone you love, is not saying goodbye but learning how to live without them, but you do learn how to. It takes time but that pain dulls away."

I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel them stinging. "I just miss her Dante" I croak.

He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back gently. "There are still people that love you Kat. You have to fight for them."

I take a deep breath and pull away. He's right. I still have people that love me and I need to get my shit together.

"You're buying me a new punching bag" he states, looking at the now empty thing on the floor.

I laugh out loud and sigh, "come on. Let's get you cleaned up" Dante smiles, while lifting me up to my feet.

"Right. Forgot that I actually need to treat my wounds now" I say lightly, staring at my blistered knuckles.

"I'll do it."

I whirl my head towards the new voice and see Ryder walking towards us. His tall, strong build with his stern expression on. That was the man I loved.

I don't know what made me say this. It was like my lips were moving on its own and I didn't realise I said it after all the words came out. "Why not go for a few rounds with me?" I ask, pointing towards the ring.

"Uh Kat?" Dante asks, "I can't afford to repair my equipment right now" he trails off.

I grin and put my hand on Dante's shoulder, "send it to Ryder's bill." I say, "that is if Ryder isn't too chicken to fight me" I say, not looking at him.

"Fine." Ryder says. I spin around and see him smirking, "only because you want to so bad."

"I only want to bash your smug little face" I say, with a fake smile.

He grits his jaw before smiling a fake smile and takes of his shirt and throws it to the floor. "Lets do this pineapple."

I turn away and walk into the ring. Jumping over the ropes and landing with a big thump. No way am I going to lose. This isn't just playful sparring. Both of us want to win, and we won't go easy on each other.

I hear him climb over the ropes and jump around. I put on my punching gloves and he does the same. "I'm going to kick your ass Black."

He rolls his shoulders back and puts his hands high, "we'll see about that Mores."

And then I lunge at him.

Our uneven, heavy breathing was the only sound that filled the silence room. My hair was stuck to my face in sweat and my muscles ached with every movement I took.

"How long have we been sparing for?" I breath, asking Dante.

"Thirty minutes" he answers bored.

I see him leaning against the rope, his head resting in the palm of his head. "At first you guys were amazing but your both so exhausted, you can't even stand up straight."

"What are you talking about?" Ryder says swaying on his feet, "I could do this all day."

Sweat was dripping all over him and his hair was disheveled and messy. I don't even want to know how mine looked like right now.

"Are they still at it?" Dani asks, while walking in the room.

"Yep" Dante replies, popping the p.

I swing my fist towards him but he doges it and I immediately block the kick that was coming my way. We jump away from each other and continue to circle each other.

"It's going to be long night" Dani drawls out.

I have to somehow catch him of guard. If I can do that I may be able to finish this, but the concentration in his eyes was so strong it had to be good.

I had an idea and I know that it would work but..

I just dodge the flying fist that was coming straight towards my face and I stumble over my feet, landing straight on my ass.

Oh shit!

Ryder immediately comes charging towards me and I block my face and without thinking I yell "Ryder I'm pregnant!"

He abruptly stops, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. Got ya.

I tackle him and within seconds I pin him to the ground, the exhaustion evident now. "Alright, Alright Mores!" He surrenders.

I roll of him and land on my back, my breathing heavy. "That was a low move Mores" Ryder mutters and I grin evilly as we stare at the ceiling.

"Oh finally!" Dante exclaims and I hear him leave, slamming the door shut.

"Drama queen" Ryder comments.

I laugh and stand up. My muscles yelling at me to rest. "Oh god I think I'm going to be sore for weeks" I groan.

I hear Ryder chuckle evilly to himself and my cheeks turn pink when I figure out why he was laughing. "Your so dirty minded" I scold, while kicking his leg lightly.

He sits up and crosses his legs. I walk over to the corner of the ring and take a huge gulp of my water bottle and dry myself with my towel.

I hand my water bottle over to Ryder and he takes a swing from it. I watch his Adam's apple bob up and down and the water dribble down his chin.

I turn away from him and shake my head side to side  to get rid of my nasty thoughts. "Hey Ryder?"

He hums in response and I bite my lip nervously, "what would you have done if I wasn't joking?".

The room was still and tense and I squeeze my eyes shut, I shouldn't have asked!

"I wouldn't mind" he mutters.

I spin around and see him smiling at me. "I think it would be nice to have little Katrina's and little Ryder's running around."

My heart flutters and I feel like crying right here and now. I walk over to him and he grabs my hands as I look down on him. He places a soft kiss on my belly and leans his head against it. "I'd want a little Katrina."

I take a deep breath and look up, trying to stop my tears from leaking out. Oh mom. What should I do? I want to tell him. So bad and he wants kids someday but what would happen if I told him I was actually pregnant?

"I'm sorry."

I snap my head towards him and see his eyes closed with his hands wrapped around my lower torso with his head still resting on my stomach.

"I shouldn't have kept any secrets from you and I shouldn't have made your decisions for you either" he says softly.

I love him. I love him so much. The feeling of loosing him would be unbearable. I run my hands through his hair "I love you" I mumble and he tightens his hold on me. "I know."

Ryder and I were officially sweat free as we lay down on the bed. I was currently reading a book and he was eating, like the pig he was.

"I think we should have sex three times a day, everyday."

I stop reading and look at him with a flat look. He smirks and gives me a wink. "Sometimes I question your intelligence."

"You do realise I was the top smartest student at our school right?" He says with a smug face. "And you we're second."

I grit my teeth and huff. I always use to get so annoyed at that. I had currently graduated while doing my classes online so now I was school free. This year has been crazy. I never imagined my life to be here.

I continue reading my book when a knock is heard, "what?" Ryder yells annoyed.

"Amy is here mate" Daniel says from behind the door.

"Amy?" I ask confused.

"Remember the doctor that had treated you when-" he closes his eyes and breaths through his nose. "When the rope had penetrated into your skin."

He regrets it. He can't even say it with out calming himself. "Oh yeah. The blonde middle aged women. The one that use to work for the gang." I say, remembering the women that use to know my mother.

"She's here to give her condolences" he says, getting up and putting a shirt on.

"Oh" I say, putting my book down and getting of the bed.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to" he says, cupping my head.

She came all the way here, it would be rude to tell her to piss of now. My mother taught me better then that.

I squeeze his hand and nod my head. I can do this. He squeezes my cheeks together and plants a sloppy kiss on to my cheek.

"Ew" I squeal, wiping my cheek furiously.

He laughs before linking his hand with mine and dragging me down stairs, "come on."

We walk down stairs and into the living room. I stand close to Ryder and his warmth radiating from his was comforting. I just want to be with him all the time.


I look at the blonde women, a smile on her face and a baby in her arms. My eyes latch onto the cute little girl and I unconsciously put my hand on my stomach. Amy looks at my hand but quickly looks back at me.

"This is Jamie" she smiles brightly, when she sees my staring at her baby.

The baby laughs and looks at me. Her hazel eyes looking into my own and I feel my eyes sting. She was beautiful and the imagine of holding my child popes into my head.

"She's cute isn't she Kat?" Chelsea asks, leaning into Dani's side.

I can't seem to speak. I could only look at the little human being in Amys arms. "Do you want to hold her?"

I snap my eyes to Amy and she gives me a  toothy smile. I hesitantly nod my head and pull away from Ryder and walk closer to Amy.

She hands me Jamie and I hold her close to my chest and a wave of love washes over me. She so fragile and warm.

She looks at me curiously and I could hear Ryder walk towards me. I look at him and smile and look back at Jamie. She pulls on a strand of my hair and I laugh and so does everyone else.

"She's amazing" I whisper and look at Amy.

"I know" she says, looking at Jamie with a lovey dovey look.

Would I look at my child like that?

I hand Jamie back to her mother and wrap my hand around Ryder's him and rest my head on chest. Ryder plants a kiss on my head and wraps an arm over my shoulder.

"I'm really sorry about your mother Kat. She was a good person" she says sadly and I give her a weak smile.

"Thank you Amy."

She nods and kisses Jamie oh her forehead. I smile at her actions and Dante just walks into the room.

"There ready" Dante says sternly.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion and look at Ryder, "who's ready?"

"Ted and Joe."

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