Book 1 of Twisted: I Heart...

By sheepandwolf

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Probably the biggest love triangle ever. After enrolling in to McKinley High, Avery, Erica and Victoria foun... More

Chapter 1- First day of school
Chapter 2- How was your day
Chapter 3- Auditions
Chapter 4- Did we make the cut?
Chapter 5- A Dramatic Plot
Chapter 6- Worst Date Ever
Chapter 7- First training
Chapter 8- Trouble
Chapter 9- Confrontation
Chapter 10- First 'Date'
Chapter 11- The Concert
Chapter 12- Jealousy In The Lab
Chapter 13- Reasons
Chapter 14- Seeing Is Not Believing
Chapter 15- History
Chapter 16- Baseball vs Basketball
Chapter 17- A Bunny Disguise
Chapter 18- A Good Deed
Chapter 19- Blind Corner
Chapter 20- Let's Play
Chapter 22- Doubtful
Chapter 23- Trapped
Chapter 24- The Game
Chapter 25- Innocent and Naughty
Chapter 26- Day 2 Of Fun
Chapter 27- Payback
Chapter 28- Secret Love
Chapter 29- Quarterfinals
Chapter 30- Valentine's Day
Chapter 31- Number 13
Chapter 32- Natasha Ford
Chapter 33- Semifinals
Chapter 34- Movie Night
Chapter 35- Decisions
Chapter 36- Child's Play
Chapter 37- Unsaid Feelings
Chapter 38- Love At First Sunlight
Chapter 39- Ideal Girl
Chapter 40- Sophie's Makeover
Chapter 41- Tone Deaf
Chapter 42- Assumptions
Chapter 43 - Finals
Chapter 44- After Party
Chapter 45 - Bitch Recruitment
Chapter 46 - The Bet
Chapter 47 - Friend or Foe?
Chapter 48 - Preparations
Chapter 49 - The Amazing Race
Chapter 50 - A Hockey Celebration
Chapter 51 - Melody's Meeting
Chapter 52- Planning
Chapter 53- A Little Love Surprise
Chapter 54- Outcome
Chapter 55- The Real Deal
Chapter 56- Library Encounter
Chapter 57- Suspicions
Chapter 58- Who I Really Am
Chapter 59- Bowling

Chapter 21- The Party of a Beginning

15.4K 167 11
By sheepandwolf

Author's note: Sheep- Oh God, this chapter is what starts everything... HEHEHE. Warning: A large chunk of vulgarities await you.

Chapter 21- The Party of a Beginning


What time is it? 8am. 8AM?!  I jumped out of bed. NO NO NO! They’re going to be here in one hour’s time and I look like a mess. Why are they coming so early? That’s because we have to set up everything and it’s also sort of a barbeque party so we sort of have to get the fire started and that’s the hardest part.

I took a quick shower and spent quite an amount of time deciding what to wear. Finally I picked out a white singlet and black shorts. Inside, I wore a dark blue bikini.

The doorbell rang. HERE ALREADY?! I ran down the steps and half expected to see the track and fielders or my two buddies.

When I opened to the door, it was the track and fielders. Surprisingly, Andrea wasn’t late this time round. I invited them in and showed them to the pool.

“So where’s the barbeque pit?” Diana asked.

I brought Diana to the barbeque pit and she dumped the charcoal that she was supposed to bring. She began to start the fire. I walked around the house impatiently, waiting for Avery and Victoria.

What’s taking them so long?

Tasha, a freshman walked up to me, “Hey, stop walking around will you? Come, join me in a game of Wii Tennis.”

She took my hand and dragged me into the living room. After a few games of Wii Tennis, the doorbell finally rang.

I opened the door expecting to see Avery and Victoria. Yes, indeed I saw Avery and Victoria but I saw another person, Michelle. Oh my God, what is Michelle doing here? I glared at Victoria and she smirked, “Oh, I asked her along. I’m sure you don’t mind right? We invited Jessica but apparently, she couldn’t make it. What did she say?” She turned to Avery.

“She said she had some convention to go with her mom.” Avery replied.

“Oh right. Yeah, so, are you going to invite us in or not? Don’t worry, I told Michelle not to do anything stupid.” Victoria assured.

I looked at her, unconvinced. She held up two packets of potato chips, “We brought chips?”

“Fine.” I gave in and opened the door widely for them to enter.

They made their way to the poolside and I followed behind. “Help yourself to the drinks.” I offered.

Finally Diana managed to get the fire started. They started to barbeque all sorts of things. Such things include sausages, meat patties and fish. The aroma of freshly barbequed food filled the air.

We ate to our heart’s content. I stuck with Tasha for the party and I’d drop by to check on my best friends to see if they’re doing fine. Well, I shouldn’t be so strict about it, I mean like how is two basketballers going to click with the track and fielders. So I guess that’s probably why they invited Michelle along.

Most of the people were chatting, playing the Wii or in the pool. After all the food was eaten, Tasha suggested, “Hey, I think we should play a game!”

I nodded my head, “What game would you like to play?”

She whispered to me.

“Seriously, you want to play that?” I asked.

Tasha smiled, “YES!”

I stood up and shouted, “Okay guys, let’s play a game. Let’s form groups of five first.”

Everyone got up and started forming groups of five. Avery, Victoria, Diana and Andrea were in my team. WAIT WHAT?! What is Andrea doing here?! Okay, never mind, I’m safe. Andrea was standing at the back.

“Okay,” I explained. “The game is simple, each group will be given an almond nut. The first person would have the almond in between you teeth and you are to pass it to the person behind you. And the person, you are to do the same to the person behind. You can’t use your hands, only your mouth. If the almond drops, you have to start again. Loser has to do a forfeit.”

People started giggling. Oh God, tell me why am I even playing this game.

Avery was the first. I turned to Victoria, “Hey, I don’t want to pass the almond to anyone else. I’m expecting to pass to you okay. I don’t want to pass to Diana. It’s so weird. Make sure to take the almond from me carefully. I don’t want to lose.”

Victoria replied, “Okay, okay. I get it. I won’t drop it. I promise, I’ll be right behind you.”

The game began. Avery got the almond, slowly and carefully she turned and passes the almond to me. I got it carefully, making sure not to drop it. The thing about the almond is that it’s so tiny. If you grabbed it wrongly, you may end up kissing the person.

I turned expecting to see Victoria, but no, whom did I see? It was Diana. Diana was going to get the almond from me. I wanted to laugh to badly, but I told myself I couldn’t or the whole team is going to lose and as you know, forfeits are extreme in high school.

Trying hard not to laugh, Diana got the almond more quickly than I expected and when I passed Diana the almond, I heard Victoria laughing loudly. The moment the almond left my teeth, I burst out laughing. As Diana was passing Victoria the almond, I felt quite angry with Victoria because she promised she would be behind me. Stupid Victoria. I’m going to get her for this.

When it was Victoria’s turn to pass the almond to Andrea, I waited for the moment. When Andrea leaned to get the almond from Victoria, I gave Victoria one push and she fell forward. The almond dropped to the ground and yes, just as I’ve planned, Victoria and Andrea kissed.

OH MY GOD THEY KISSED! Holy shit, Andrea’s going to get me for this, but I couldn’t help but laugh. This was too funny.

Everyone started laughing. But because everyone finished before us and we didn’t have time for a do over, we lost the game. We had to do a forfeit. The winning group was Geraldine’s group and for that, Geraldine got to decide the forfeit. Geraldine is a senior, which means, she’s the same age as Andrea, 18.

She stepped forward and announced, “Since there are five of you, one of you have to do the forfeit individually. We’ll play a song and whatever forfeit you have, you have to do it throughout the song.”

All of us nodded our heads.

“Okay, Avery will strip, Erica and Diana have to dance, and Victoria and Andrea will kiss.” She said.

“What the fuck. We just did that! You can’t make us do it again!” Victoria shrieked.

“Well, you lost and that’s the forfeit. You’ve already done it before, so why not again?” Geraldine smiled, “We’ll have a five minute break and then we’ll let the forfeit begin.”

Victoria stomped up to me, “Fuck you, bitch. Seriously? You had to push me?”

“Well, you broke your promise. You know how I hate having to pass some almond shit to someone from the mouth!” I snapped.

“Fine, I hope you’re happy. Thanks to you, I fucking lost my first kiss to a girl. Seriously, fuck you.” She snapped back and pointed me the finger before storming off.

I called out to her, “Hey! Who knows? She may be a good kisser!”

I laughed to myself. I can’t wait for later. I think Avery has gotten it worse. She has to strip! Oh my God, I wonder how she’s going to do that, I mean like, she’s not the type.

Five minutes later, Geraldine announced, “Okay, five minutes is up. It’s time for the losers to do their forfeit. Let’s get the cameras rolling!”

Everyone started to gather around and I made my way to the middle.

“Ready to embarrass ourselves?” I asked Diana.

“Lucky for us, I think your two buddies had it worse.” Diana snickered.

Rain Over Me by Pitbull featuring Marc Anthony started playing and that was our cue to begin our forfeit.

I began dancing wildly and I looked over to Avery on my left. She began dancing and stalling time as she slowly removed the blue cardigan she was wearing. I started laughing. I turned to my right and see Victoria and Andrea kissing. I laughed even harder. Oh my God, they’re really doing it. I cannot believe this.

Before I knew it, I was laughing so hard; I was rolling on the floor.

Everyone had their phones and video cameras, and they were recording the whole forfeit.

Diana began laughing at me, but I couldn’t care less. Firstly, one of my best friends is stripping in front of a crowd. Secondly, my other best friend is kissing the person who started B5.

Oh God, this is too good to be true. I wonder what the school will think if word gets out…



“Okay, Avery will strip, Erica and Diana have to dance, and Victoria and Andrea will kiss.” She said.

Oh my God, strip? I’ll do anything but that… Ugh... Do I have to? No…. I don’t want to do it… But we lost so I guess I should just suck it up and do it. It's not like I'll strip naked. That'd be stupid.

“What the fuck. We just did that! You can’t make us do it again!” Victoria shrieked.

Oooo Victoria is pissed.

“Well, you lost and that’s the forfeit. You’ve already done it before, so why not again?” the leader smiled, “We’ll have a five minute break and then we’ll let the forfeit begin.”

I walked back to my seat and sighed. Michelle approached me, “You’re really going to do it?”

“Do I have a choice?” I replied, "Besides, it's not like I'll strip naked or anything. All they want is a show. So I'll give them a show." I smiled and walked off.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself. The song will end eventually so just stall as much time as you can,” she said.

I really cannot imagine doing this sort of thing in public. But hey, they’re all girls, right?

Five minutes later, Geraldine announced, “Okay, five minutes is up. It’s time for the losers to do their forfeit. Let’s get the cameras rolling!”

Wait, did she just say cameras? Nobody told me about cameras. Oh crap. This will be embarrassing. Rain Over Me by Pitbull featuring Marc Anthony started playing and I started stalling the time. I began dancing and slowly removing the blue cardigan I was wearing. Like REALLY SLOWLY. I felt like a sloth. Anyway, the next thing I knew, I see Erica rolling on the ground, laughing. Oh yeah, everyone has to do something embarrassing while all she and Diana does is DANCE?!

Everyone had their phones and video cameras, and they were recording the whole forfeit.

I looked for Michelle in the crowd. She was frowning. Yup, not too happy about that.

When is this song going to end? I’ve stripped down to my bikini. I feel so exposed. I knew the song was ending so I decided to give a little more tease, I was slowly about to unhook my bra when finally, the song ended. Hah! Thank God it's over.

Michelle then rushed over to me and picked my cardigan from the floor. She then used it to cover me and brought me away.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m saving your ass. You shouldn’t have done that. You have no idea how tormenting it was to watch you strip in front of so many people.” She replied.

“Well, sorry but I didn’t have a choice. It was a forfeit and we lost fair and square.”

“No, you didn’t. If it wasn’t for Erica, none of this would’ve happened.”

I sighed, “I don’t know. What’s done is done. There’s nothing we can do about it. If you don’t mind, could you fetch my dress so I can change?”

She nodded her head and left.

Oh great. Now I need a paper bag to hide my face for the rest of my school years.


Oh my God. You had no idea how awkward it was to watch your own JUNIOR do a strip tease. Oh God. And this is not only your junior but your crush. Umm... I'd say it's pretty awkward. I mean yeah, I should be glad I'll be able to watch this but yet it would be good if I was the ONLY ONE watching ad not with 20 over pair of eyes and their cameras.

I could tell Avery was getting really embarrassed. Oh man, I pity her. But at least it wasn't as bad as Victoria. I mean she had to kiss Andrea in front of everyone. Last time I checked, I don't remember Andrea kissing anyone after her last girlfriend who left her for some other bitch. Was Andrea heartbroken? I wouldn't say heartbroken but more of angry. She was MAD. The bitch who left Andrea is still studying in McKinley. Andrea flares up whenever she sees her but now, I don't think she really cares anymore. But anyway, that's not the point. The point is, this is my first time seeing Andrea kissing someone she doesn't know who is three years her junior and isn't even her girlfriend. If only Jessica was here to see it, I bet she'll be teasing Andrea after this whole forfeit is over.


We had to play this really silly game of passing the almond with your teeth. If you're not careful, you would end up kissing the person. And no way is that going to happen.

The game begun and I decided to trade places with the girl behind be so then Erica would have to pass it to her even when she told me she didn't want to pass the almond to anyone but me. Hahaha! She's going to kill me for this. I saw the shocked look on Erica's face when she turned around and she was trying so hard no to laugh. So then it was my turn. I got the almond from that girl in front of me and turned to face a taller girl. When she leaned to get the almond from me, Erica pushed me and I fell forward. I got a shock and let go of the almond. It dropped to the ground and I kissed the girl.

FUCK! I JUST LOST MY FIRST KISS TO A GIRL. OH MY GOD. FUCK IT. Oh my God and I just said a few days ago that there was no way am I going to lose my first kiss to a girl and I just did. Fuck my life.

Everyone started laughing. We lost the game and had to do a forfeit. The winning group got to decide the forfeit.

And then what? I have to do a forfeit? Okay fine, I'll do a forfeit because we lost but any forfeit but that. Ugh, I don't wanna kiss her again. What the fuck. Oh God, I don’t even know the bloody girl.

“What the fuck. We just did that! You can’t make us do it again!” I shrieked.

“Well, you lost and that’s the forfeit. You’ve already done it before, so why not again?” the leader smiled, “We’ll have a five minute break and then we’ll let the forfeit begin.”

I stormed off to find Erica. That bitch. I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind.


Five minutes later, the leader announced, “Okay, five minutes is up. It’s time for the losers to do their forfeit. Let’s get the cameras rolling!”

Cameras? Oh great… Rain Over Me by Pitbull featuring Marc Anthony started playing and I guess that’s our cue. I looked at the girl. Shit, I don’t want to do this. It’s so awkward.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be gone in three minutes,” she assured.

“Three minutes is a long time.” I sighed.

We leaned forward and began kissing.

Fuck, I’m supposed to do this for three minutes. I started counting in my head.

Everyone had their phones and video cameras, and they were recording the whole forfeit.

I said I was never going to lose my first kiss to a girl, but no, this had to happen. Fuck my life.

After an eternity, the song finally ended. We broke apart.

“That wasn’t so bad wasn’t it?” She asked and walked away.

The other girl from track and field who danced with Erica shouted, “NICE JOB ANDREA.”

Fuck. Did she just say Andrea? Oh fuck. THAT was Andrea? Are you fucking kidding me?! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?! Fuck… I just kissed Andrea. Twice. Shit. Balls. What. Am. I. Going. To. Do. Now.



Erica pushed Victoria, the almond dropped to the ground and she kissed me. I was taken aback. Well, it’s not like I haven’t kissed any girl before but like, judging from this girl’s looks, I don’t think she has ever kissed anyone before. And I think I just stole her first kiss.

Everyone started laughing. We lost the game and had to do a forfeit. The winning group got to decide the forfeit. I recognize Geraldine, the group leader of the winning team.

Geraldine stepped forward and announced, “Since there are five of you, one of you have to do the forfeit individually. We’ll play a song and whatever forfeit you have, you have to do it throughout the song.”

All of us nodded our heads.

“Okay, Avery will strip, Erica and Diana have to dance, and Victoria and Andrea will kiss.” She said.

What? I cannot believe Geraldine. This girl is probably traumatized of losing her first kiss and now, she wants us to do it again? What the fuck.

“What the fuck. We just did that! You can’t make us do it again!” She shrieked.

“Well, you lost and that’s the forfeit. You’ve already done it before, so why not again?” Geraldine smiled, “We’ll have a five minute break and then we’ll let the forfeit begin.”

I went to get a drink from the punch bowl. Diana walked up to me, “Hey, heard you’re gonna have to kiss that freshman.”

“Shut up. I feel kinda bad, man. Like I stole her first kiss.” I replied.

“How’d you know if she has never kissed anyone before?” She asked.

“You can tell, duh. Look at her, you think she has ever make out with anyone before?”


“Precisely.” I ended.

Five minutes later, Geraldine announced, “Okay, five minutes is up. It’s time for the losers to do their forfeit. Let’s get the cameras rolling!”

Again? Every year, they’ll take videos of embarrassing things and show it at graduation. GREAT. Rain Over Me by Pitbull featuring Marc Anthony started playing and that’s the cue. She looked at me. I could tell she was nervous and that she didn’t want to do this.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be gone in three minutes.” I assured.

“Three minutes is a long time.” She sighed.

We leaned forward and began kissing.

Everyone had their phones and video cameras, and they were recording EVERYTHING.

I wonder how she’s going to cope with school when everyone is going to know about this considering the fact that I’m from B5 and people are bound to know this sooner or later. No, not later. I meant on Monday. That's how fast news spreads in our school.

When the song ended, we broke apart.

“That wasn’t so bad wasn’t it?” I asked and walked away.

Diana shouted, “NICE JOB ANDREA.”

Oh, I can tell this is going to be big, bigger than last year. I cannot imagine the looks on everyone’s face on Monday.

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