Target Locked On! || One Punc...

By SugarySchweetz

32.5K 1.1K 779

Kuki Mizuki, a new recruit hero, arrives at Z-City for the thrill and mysterious beings rumored to be lurking... More

Chapter 1: New Hero!
Chapter 2: Wind~ ~
Chapter 3: Sensei's Gas!
Chapter 4: Weird
Chapter 5: Captive
Chapter 6: Threat
Chapter 7: The Storm and the Eskrima
Valentine's Day Special - Flowers [Part 1]
Valentine's Day Special - A Visitor [Fart 2]
Valentine's Day Special - A Solution? [Last Part]
So sorry.. ._.
Chapter 8: New Weapon, Bad Time
Chapter 9: Turd Wheel
Chapter 10: House Hunting On!
Chapter 11: Party Time
Chapter 12: Mom and Dad?!
Chapter 13: Vacation on Hot Spring!
Chapter 14: Incoming Rescue
Chapter 15: Kuki's In Love?!
Chapter 16: Kuki is jelly~
Trick or Treat! - Halloween Special
Chapter 17: Unraveled Secrets
Chapter 18: Past. . .
Christmas Special [Part 1]
Christmas Special [Part 2]
Christmas Special [Fart 3]
Chapter 20: Confusions & Decisions
Chapter 21: Target Locked On
Chapter 22: Drained Emotions
Chapter 23: A Mother's Fury

Chapter 19: . . .Memories

306 13 3
By SugarySchweetz

A/N: This chapter have a dark-themed part. If you see this >> ***** << It means that you'll be entering the dark themed part. I'll put asterisks again at the end of the part and you can read safely there. I can say that the dark themed part is kinda, partially, maybeee a very saddening part (if you got happy in this chapter, then you guys are such psychopaths -_- XD). Don't worry, even if you missed that part, it'll be explained throughout the story.

"Hey.. Kuki," a blonde boy said, sitting on a bench. The aqua-headed girl looked at him, slightly smiling beside him.

Heh, that time he thought he won't be able see that sweet smile again on her..

Looking back at that time, she was absolutely cold to him.

"Don't you think I have powers as well?" He asked, Kuki raised a brow to that odd question.

"Why do you think so?" Her voice wasn't monotone anymore. Hence, it was full of emotions.

Shiro chuckled before answering. "You were so cold to me back then, but I think I melted your heart."

Kuki just rolled her eyes. "Yeah right."

Frankly, he DID melted her cold heart. She looked up above the sky, remembering the time when he started to melt her heart.

"She's an extraordinary and unique person!"

"She might be cold and emotionless, but she's kind and sweet in the inside!"

Those are the sentences that he used to defend her.


Like usual, Shiro walked Kuki home. They've been doing that since then. When they arrived in front of her house, the door creaked open.

Inside the house, and at the peek of the door was none other than Kuki's dad, Mamorou. He was peeping at them from the inside. Surely enough, he was noticeable due to the sound of the door creaking. Her mom, Akane, welcomed Shiro with open arms, and ushered him inside the house.

"If you ever break my lovely daughter's heart, you know what's going to happen!" Mamorou slowly inched closer to Shiro.

"Y-yes! The vultures.. I know, I know!" he sweatdropped, averting his eyes from Mamorou's piercing glare.

"You're such an optimistic guy." Akane smiled. "That might be the reason why Kuki started to be brighter." Shiro blushed from hearing that.

"Mom. Please." Kuki pursed her lips, preventing herself from blushing.

"But it's true though!" Akane gently patted Shiro's back.

The complements made Shiro blush even more. Kuki's family accepted him and was glad that there was a person that will take care of their lovely daughter in the future.

"K-Kuki, um.." Shiro said, earning Kuki's attention. His eyes failed to look straight at Kuki, while he fiddled his fingers in nervousness. "W-would you like to... uhh.. . tomorrow.. go out. And you know... go somewhere??" Finally, he was able to ask her out.

"Hmn. Sure thing. So, it's a date?" Kuki smiled slightly, making Shiro's eyes wide, flushing a bright shade of red.

'That smile of hers..!'  He thought.

"Oooohhohohoho~" Akane teased.

"Mom! You're creepy!"

The next day, their first date, started by Shiro dropping by at 6pm to pick up Kuki. First, they just went to see a movie together. And they ate dinner in a very deluxe diner. Surely, Shiro paid....... well, most of the bill since he forgot his wallet.

"I'm sorry!" Shiro bowed, apologizing to Kuki. She just looked at him and heaved a sigh.

"It's fine. I had a lot of fun looking at you sweating bullets over the bill," Kuki snickered.

"Ah!" Her statement hit Shiro like a boulder smashing on top of his head. "S-sorry.."

"You know what?" Kuki stared at the sky. It was almost dawn and she just had a great idea popped up in her head. "There's a rooftop over there. Let's watch the sunset, okay?" Grabbing his hand, Kuki pulled Shiro at the top of the building.

The building was one of the tallest structure within the city, so that it's the best place to watch the sun set down. Whilst the moon takes over the sky, illuminating the whole city over the night.

Shiro was left dumbfounded, mesmerizing the rare scenery.

"Nice spot, right?" Kuki playfully nudged him. He nodded in response. The scene in front of them will truly take your breath away.

The city lights twinkle brightly as dawn slowly fell upon the city.

Taking a few steps, Kuki sat on the edge of the rooftop. While Shiro followed her behind.

It was peaceful there..

... but only for a moment.


She was dangling her feet on the roof, but she didn't notice that she was slowly sliding down. She was only alerted when she fully slipped down. Suddenly, someone grabbed her by her wrist and threw her back at the roof. However, he slipped off instead of Kuki.

Kuki's smile vanished as a certain blonde haired boy fell on the side of her sight.


Stretching her arms, she ran as fast as she can, hoping that she would reach him..






But she was too late. He was already out of her reach. Tears started to stream on her face.

'I need to think fast!'

As if the world had slowed down, she tried to concentrate and use the wind.

'Come on! COME ON! Why can't I use my powers?!'

She quickly glanced at Shiro, who's already at the middle of the building, falling. Until she heard a "cracking"  sound.

The scene below her was truly horrifying.

It pained her to see his body on the ground, lying helplessly, with a pool of his own blood around him. She was trembling in fear, with her hands covering her mouth in shock.

***** You can read here now *****

Without thinking twice, Kuki jumped off the ledge of the building.

'N-no... this can't be true..! This... is just a dream, right? I'll wake up before I hit the ground!'

Closing her eyes, Kuki jumped, she felt the breeze of air around her. When she opened them, she was inches closer to the ground, with the wind catching her.

'"Why..? Why?! WHY?!" She yelled with a piercing cry. "Why isn't this a dream? I wish this is just a dream.. of all times, why did it catch me instead of Shiro?" Her sadness was replaced by a flick of anger.

She landed on the ground softly, suddenly running to Shiro's side.

"S-Shiro?" Her voice and breath were shaking, so as her whole body. He wasn't breathing, hinting her that he's lifeless. Kuki cried, holding onto him.

"H... hey." That cracked voice, yet familiar, calmed her down a little. The blonde boy looked at her, with a lifeless smile. Kuki became even more aware of his situation.

"D-don't worry.. hic. I-I'll call an ambulance." Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she dialled the numbers and waited for someone to answer. She noticed that Shiro was breathing and panting heavily, which made her impatient. "Why isn't anyone answering?!" screamed the panicking Kuki.

"Shh.. it's... alright." Shiro held her hand tightly, staining it with blood. "I don't have... much time... left anyway.." He smiled weakly and tried to chuckle, only to cough blood.

Kuki bit her lips, looking at him with a sorrowful look. "Don't say that!" She shook her head, tears still rolling down her face.

'I won't let him die!'  

"I won't let you die!" She cried, her voice cracking.

"Keep being happy... even without me, Kuki." He once more smiled weakly at her, clutching her hands tightly. This action made Kuki cry even more. "I'll.. forever love... y-you.." Kuki felt his grasp softened; his hand slipped off of her clutch.

His hand, holding hers, fell onto the ground. His head tiltled down as soon as his hands dropped, but the smile remained pasted on his face.

Kuki felt like her heart stopped beating..




'Don't tell me..!'

Looking at Shiro with eyes wide, Kuki found him breathless. She was full of grief, that she cried, shaking his lifeless body and screaming his name.

"Shiro!! Don't die on me!! Don't do this to me! You told me we're going to an adventure! You and me, going to different places.. together!" She kept shaking him, tears flowing out of her eyes. "You promised me, Shiro! Now open your damn eyes!!" Kuki's loud cry echoed.

Even at the very end, he kept his smile... that smile that can make you smile as well. Shiro died in the arms of his girlfriend, Kuki. He died in a very unique way; he died happily rather than died sadly.

Their first date...

.. turned out to be their last date...

".. dumb Shiro... you didn't even let me finish talking before going..."


It's been a week since Shiro passed away. Kuki haven't gone out in the sunlight since then. She's been mourning his death ever since. Her family kept telling her to go out and go to Shiro's funeral, which is today.

She blame herself for his death.

'If only I was strong enough to take full control of my power I could've... saved him! But I was WEAK!'  she thought.


That word brought her back to that scene again.

His family told Kuki that it wasn't her fault, but the more they say that, the more she blame herself.




"Kuki..." Kuki's mom, Akane, knocked on the door. "..are you really sure you're not going to his funeral?" Kuki didn't respond. She remained seated in the corner of her room, with a blanket covering her. Locked there inside her room filled with darkness seemed appropriate for her right now.

"Kuki, please... don't stay like this forever. If he was here, he would've wanted the same thing. He wanted you to be happy."

'But he's not here...'

A tear dropped on Kuki's cheek.

"If he was here, he'll tease you that you look like the Grim Reaper, looking dreadful as always." I heard Mom chuckled lightly through the door. Silence filled the room.

'But he isn't here...'

More tears rolled down her cheeks. She kept crying quietly, trying to hold it in.

After hearing footsteps fading, she laid down on her bed and started sobbing. Her eyes were red and swollen from all the crying.

'It's my fault Shiro died! This stupid power isn't helpful at all!'

'How can I forget someone.. who gave me so much to remember..?'  With those thoughts, Kuki cried until she fell asleep.


"Kuki? Please eat. I made you your favorite—omelette," Akane twisted the doorknob, but it was locked. "Deary, please open the door and eat. You haven't eaten for 2 days now."

"I don't want to eat," Kuki mumbled.

"Then what do you want to eat?" Akane asked, worried.

"I want to forget... I want to... ie.." Kuki mumble something quietly, causing Akane to be alerted. She was worried that Kuki might do something to herself.

"Kuki Mizuki! Open the door or I'm busting in!" She yelled, slamming the door, but to no avail. She ignited a tongue of fire on her palms, using it to bust through the door. When she got in, she quickly scanned the room for her daughter. But she was not there. A cold breeze of air blew on her side, walking to the window, she found out that Kuki escaped from there. For there was Kuki outside their house, running.

"Oh my god! Kuki!! Mamorou, hurry up! Kuki's running away!" She screamed to her husband, who was in the kitchen.

They quickly call a search and rescue group to find Kuki.



That was all in Kuki's mind right now. She was still upsetno, she was still really in grief about Shiro's death. She had no idea where to go, but all she want right now is to run.

"Kuki!!" She heard a familiar feminine voice, as she remembered the time when Shiro was so clingy to her.

"Do you... want me to smile?"



"Kuki, I know I'm not that smart compared to you, or I am handsome as you are so pretty, but everytime I see you, my day is already complete. At first you're so mean and cold to me, but I knew you're a sweet person. Kuki, your once-in-a-lifetime smile.. I wanted to see that everyday in my life. I know I sound so cheesy and corny right now, but these are my true feelings for you. What I wanted to say is. . . . Kuki Mizuki!! I love you!!!!!"

A tear rolled down her face, but that's all it is left. She was all dried out from the crying.

"Kuki, watch out!" Kuki looked on her side, a bright light coming closer. When her vision became clear, that was only the time she realized it was a zooming truck.

"Shi. . . . ro. . ?"  She muttered. Then it hit her. Kuki felt a hard, cold metal hit her head, making her unconscious.

It was pitch black. She felt pain all over her body. Every part of her wanted to give up from the extreme pain she's feeling.

'Am... am I going to die now?' she thought.

"Kuki, keep being happy even without me..." a voice echoed.

'Me? Happy? Now that's just funny. I don't know how that's gonna happen. I... I....'


It took an hour before the doctors told them the results. Akane and Mamorou were worried sick about her. Kuki's friend, Nao, went to the hospital as soon as she got alarmed by Kuki's parents.

"Ma'am.." said the doctor, coming out of the emergency room

"Is my daughter alright?!" Akane asked, frantically, wiping her tears flowing from her eyes.

"Well, there's some good news and bad news," started the doctor. "The good news is your daughter is fine now." Hearing this, the Mizuki couple were relived.

"What's the bad news, doc?" Mamorou asked.

"The bad news is... she might have an amnesia." The three got alerted by this. One by one, their hearts are sinking while still processing what they heard. "She hit her head hard on the truck. She might not be able to remember some people or events that happened in the past. But do not worry, they will eventually come back, only some of them might take months, or even years," the doctor explained thoroughly.

Akane, Mamorou, and Nao entered inside the room, expecting the amnesia thing from her.

"Kuki.." Akane said, hoping that she don't have an amnesia.

"Mom? What happened?" Akane was relieved that she still remembered her mother. Her dad walked closer, showing his face. "Dad? Please tell me what happened." He was delight to hear that her daughter still remembers her.

Nao, being the shy one, stayed behind Akane. But Kuki noticed her.

"Mom," Kuki started. Hope built up inside Nao.

"..who's that girl behind you?"

Nao was greatly shocked. She felt her heart sank deeply. Her face was suddenly filled with gloom, her body trembled in fear. She was completely frozen in her place. Being unable to speak, Akane told her to wait outside the room. Before heading out, she took a glimpse of the confused Kuki, then rushed to the hallway, bursting out crying.

When they were outside, Mr. and Mrs. Mizuki talked to her.

"Nao, dear, I know it hurts that she don't remember you, but.." she looked at her husband. Mamorou nodded in response. "We decided to not tell Kuki about Shiro... and you. I know it sounds rude, but seeing you might trigger the painful memories. You know how she locked herself in her room, and not eating when Shiro died right?" Nao hesitantly nodded. "Please, Nao. This is for Kuki.." Akane gave her a pitiful smile.

"Y-yes Mrs. Mizuki.. I... I-I'll do my best!" As she said the last word, she burst out crying.

"Thank you Nao. Thank you..."


4 years after the incident..




"Mom!" the aqua-headed girl jumped in excitement. "I passed on the Heroes Association Program!" she smiled radiantly.

Her mother had always been happy seeing her happy. She does not want her to go back to that time..

"Kuki, dear, are you sure you really want this?" Akane asked, worried.

"Mom, I know I want this. I have a great feeling about this!"

"I'm glad you're using your powers in good ways." She grinned slightly at her. "By the way," she added. ".. I heard your cousin is a hero there as well."

"Woah! Really?! This is great! Don't tell him yet! I wanna surprise him!" She grabbed all her things paused for a while. "Mom, Dad.." her eyes softened. Her muscular father hugged her. "Ow, ow, ow! Can't. Breath!" She yelped. His father really is strong. "Goodbye. Take care!" Once more she smiled, before heading outside, exploring the world by herself.

As soon as Kuki left, her dad's smiled turned into a frown.

"Are you sure she'll be alright on her own? What if she remem—" He got cut off by his wife.

"She won't remember him," she said sternly and straightforwardly. Her majestic smile was replaced by a serious expression. "Saitama's intelligent enough to get used to her new personality, and act like they're really close. He doesn't know that she has amnesia yet, but he'll figure it out sooner or later."

Mamorou just sighed. "I hope so.."

Who knew that, that would be the start of everything? Leaving the house and exploring the world for the first time, unknown to her that there is a part of her missing. Her lost self was then found by her. Her forgotten memories...

.. were found because of the newly made memories.

.. And meeting him.

"Gaah! I knew I took the wrong way. Gotta go back again."

"Technically, no I'm not. I just happen to take a wrong turn. So could you make way for me, will you?"

"Alright. Let's do this the HARD WAY."

"Eh? Saitama?"

"Kuki... why are you here?"

"For fun and thrill of course!"


"What was that?"

"Exploding Shuriken!"

"Woah, finished already—Eep!"

"This is just between YOU and ME. Don't involve Kuki here."

"This is going to be fun. Target Locked on."

Kuki jerked up and sat up as soon as her eyes shot open. She was sweating bullets. Her eyes trailed across the room she was in.

'This... is my room. How did I get in here?'  she asked herself in her mind. She tried remembering what happened, but she can't recall anything except what she dreamed of. No. Rather, what memories came back to her.

Her mind was overflowing with mixed emotions; she was confused, hurt, happy, and angry. Confused about her abilities. Hurt that a certain person she deeply cared for died. Happy that she found her old, missing memories. And angry to herself that she forgot a person who gave her so much to remember.

She was sent back to reality when the door opened.

"Are you alright now?" a familiar, worried face spoke.







Sorry for the really, really, really, REALLY! Looooonnggggg time to update this story. Got a little mental block in the plot, but I figured it out, of course, because I, Sugar-chan, is such a genius! Hihihihihi~

There will be a 3 special chapter this month. Guess what special chapter it is!!

Dun dun dunnnnn!!!

Yes! It's a CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!! Like the Valentine's Special. I think I'll make one for the New Year too, but only one chapter since Christmas and New Year are close to each other.

[  ] Spellings & grammar re-check (I'm gonna re-check the spellings and grammar on a different day)

Behind the pages~

Sonic: *bursts open the door* WHERE AM I?!?!

Sugar (Author-chan): Wut? You're in my room.   .-.

Sonic: No! That's not what I meant! Where am I in your story?! Is this 'Shiro' guy gonna replace my place?! Is he the main character of this book? Ishegonnastealkukifromme?!

Sugar: But he's already dead in the story..... You're definitely gonna be in the next chapter anyway.. (Wait, what was that last part?)

Sonic: Seriously..? (Don't mind the last part!! ;;) 

Sugar: *nods* He is.

Sonic: *grins evilly*

Sugar: Here he goes again..

Kuki: Where's Shiro???

Sonic: He's already dead.

Sugar: Don't say that in front of her!!

Kuki: *cries* Uwaaaaahhh!!!

Sugar: See.. I told you.. Nice going, prince charming.   -_-

Sonic: Hmph! *crosses arms*

If you liked this chapter please vote, comment, and follow me for more updates! Enjoy and see you next time~!


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