All Nightmare Long (Norman Re...

By TheWalkingDrunks

5.1K 187 34

A short Jensen Ackles and Norman Reedus horror story. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (The End)

Chapter 4

289 13 1
By TheWalkingDrunks

Note: Ruby here again. So what do you htink of this new story so far? Like Niemo said previously this is all just for fun and for our own amusement so please don't take anything to heart. Hope you all enjoy. as alway please comment and vote :) Love Ruby zz

*Kenzie POV*

‘You know, I still can’t believe Jensen is sat out there in our back garden’ I said with a smile as me and Ruby stood in the kitchen, putting together some vegetable kebab sticks for the grill. Norman had told us at the store that he was a fellow veggie, which was great for me as I meant I got to make extra.

‘Jeesh, how many time do you have to go any say that in a day woman. He is here. I can tell the old feelings have risen from the dead’ She looked at me as she brushed some of her red hair behind her ear.

‘Maybe, maybe not.’ I stuck my tongue out as I grabbed one of the small cherry tomatoes and popped it in my mouth to eat.

‘Well missy. I hope you and him are actually going to do something about these feeling this time around’ She said in a warning tone as she pointed one of the skewers at me. I looked at her blankly. ‘Oh come on, I know how much you fancied him, and how much he fancied you, yet you were both too stupid to make a move.’ I blushed.

‘What if he doesn’t like me that way now?’

‘Please, I mean look at you, you’re my little sister so you’re bound to be hot. You would make a great looking couple. Imagine your babies!’

‘Ok, ok, enough of that.’

‘Hey, I’m just being honest. Although some sisterly advice, always use protection.’ I laughed at her.

‘Erm, sorry to barge in but I don’t suppose I can grab a couple more beers?’ Jensen appeared at the doorway.

‘Sure hun, help yourself, there in the fridge. I don’t suppose you and Norman could light the grill for us could you?’ I asked as he walked over and got two beers out.

‘Yeah no problem babe. We’ll sort it, it is a man’s job anyway.’ He chuckled as he headed back outside.

‘Swoon’ Ruby whispered in my ear making me jump. I turned around and slapped her playfully on her arm. We both laughed and continued chopping up some salad bits.

When we had finished chopping and sorting the food, Ruby poured us a pitcher of JD, Coke and lots of ice to share, which we took outside. Jensen and Norman were both leaning over the BBQ arguing about lighting it. I hadn’t really paid attention to what he was wearing this when we first met up, he was wearing some black board shorts, a white wife beater and a short sleeved blue and white shirt over the top which he wore undone. Norma had cargo shorts on with a military green wife beater top, along with some rayban sunglasses.

‘Please explain to me why it takes two men to light the grill when one of us could do it within five seconds’ Ruby asked loudly as she sat down at the table chucking her cigarette packet on the table.

‘shh or you will hurt their male pride’ I giggled as the men both looked over and shook their heads. ‘I honestly think it’s an ego thing, like us females are supposedly the weaker species.’ There was a poof of smoke from the BBQ

‘YAY!’ Both Ruby and I let out a little sarcastic cheer as they walked over to the table to join us. Norman pulled out his smokes, took one out for himself and offered one to Ruby which she took. ‘Both of you disgusting people go away to smoke them, I don’t want to breath your dirty air’ I said pointing down the garden.

‘Whatever’ Ruby showed me the middle finger playfully as she and Norman got up and walked down to the bench that was at the end of the garden. It then hit me that I would be left alone with Jensen.

‘You know, I don’t think I apologised to you’ he scooted his chair closer to mine.

‘What for?’

‘For leaving without saying goodbye. It was wrong of me, but I had to go when I had a chance.’

‘Look, I won’t lie, a lot of us were extremely pissed at you for leaving without so much as a bye, but it was your chance and you took it. I forgive you.’ I smiled at him. He reached over and took one of my hands into his own. Sparks shot up my arms from his touch.

‘I really am sorry. If I could go back and change it now I would. I’ve missed you Kenzie. A lot.’ I blushed.

‘I missed you too. But you’re here now.’

‘I am indeed and I’m not going anywhere for a while, and when I do this time I promise that we will keep in touch. I can’t lose you from my life again.’

*Ruby POV*

‘Thanks’ I took the lit cigarette from Norman as he handed it to me, lighting his own. ‘I never asked you yesterday what you did for a living and how you met young Mr Ackles’ I asked as I took a drag on my smoke, feeling the nicotine hit the spot as I slowly released the cloud of smoke.

‘I’m an Actor. That’s kind of how I met Jensen. We’ve been good buddies for a few years now.’ He answered while the smoke hung from his lips.

‘Ah, I should have guessed. You been in anything?’

‘Yeah a few movies and things. I can imagine you have seen the movie Blade 2?’ I nodded, then it hit me, that was where I recognised him from.

‘No way! Scud’ He nodded with a smile.

‘And about a year ago got started filming for a new show called The Walking Dead.’

‘Wow, that’s cool. Is that the one based on the graphic novels?’

‘Yeah that’s it.’

‘Seriously that is super cool. Beats my job of working in a bar for my parents.’ I said with a sigh, looking at him. I honestly couldn’t stop myself looking at him, he was too dreamy.

‘Nah babe, I think you look hot behind the bar’ He stubbed his finished smoke out and flicked away the butt.

‘so I only look hot behind  a bar?’ I asked raising an eyebrow.

‘I didn’t mean like that, you look hot in general.’ I felt my cheeks redden.

‘Well you’re not too bad yourself.’ I winked as I got up from the bench, stubbed out my cigarette, and walked back over to Jensen and Kenzie. I decided against going up to them as I could see they were both in deep conversation and Jensen even had her hands in his. I went into the kitchen to get some of the food to cook on the grill as it should be hot enough by now. I stood at the counter debating what to take out first when I felt a hand on the bottom of my back.

‘You need a hand with anything?’ Normans raspy voice asked from my side. I felt goosbumps grow as his warm was close to my shoulder.

‘Erm, yeah, sure.’ I was slightly flustered. ‘Can you just grab a few plates of the food?’ I turned to look at him, he had a sly sideways grin on his lips, he nodded and grabbed two plates and took them out.  I let out a breath I had been holding in I’d only known him for what 24 hours and already I was falling for him. Crazy.


‘Oh ha ha Kenzie, you’re real funny. Next time make sure I don’t see you come into the kitchen before you try and make me jump.’

‘Aww, you suck.’

‘Yup. Come on spill, what were you and loverboy talking about? Seemed intense.’

‘Well, he apologised for leaving with out a goodbye. Said he really missed me and that when he goes he will keep in contact with me. Rube, I’m worried. I think I’m falling for him again. You know how hurt I was when he left I don’t think my heart could go through tha again, especially now that I actually know that he isn’t here to stay.’

‘Can you remember what mom used to say to us. Love hurts and if things are meant to be they will be, love will always find a way’ I said reciting back what our mom would say to us if we ever went through a break up. I placed a hand on both of her shoulders, brushing some of her lilac hair out of her face. ‘Kenzie, just see what happens, take things easy and relax’

‘You are really starting to sound like mom.’

‘That’s it, that’s the last time I play big sister. Now come on I’m hungry!’

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