Repainting A Blank Canvas - [...

By MixRou

24.5K 1.1K 1.2K

Sequel of Colorful World, Prince AU Summary: The reign of peace never lasted, Shiganshina has fallen in the h... More

Prologue: Bleached Canvas
Grey Skies
Interlude: Empty White Dreams
Deadly Black
I Can't
A Million Yellow Stars
Carmine Clash
The Page
Azure Sunshine

Lavender Twilight

1.9K 105 121
By MixRou

Theme songs:

Prologue: Bleached Canvas - Moonsong (Levi's Search Theme)
Grey Skies - In Light and Darkness (Levi's Reminiscence Theme)
Interlude: Empty White Dreams - Night Without A Star (Eren's Theme)
Deadly Black - Curse Upon The Living (Chapter Theme)
A Million Yellow Stars - Ode to The Fallen (Chapter Theme)
Carmine Clash - Bound (Chapter Theme)
Azure Sunshine – The Immortal Land (Chapter theme)
Lavender Twilight – Disney Song (Dance Theme)

Here comes the slow love... more and more...


Enjoy. :D


Levi sucked in a heavy load of air, trying to calm his somewhat erratic heart. He was distracted, he was very much aware of that. Looking at this woman made him forget. It scares him. He almost completely forgot about Isabel. He needed to get information on that medicine right now, a sample, notes, anything regarding it.

"BOO!" A very black being appeared right at Levi's face, or rather the child, Ivan, popped right into his field of vision, his hands mimicking that of a claw-like gesture. Levi blinked, once, twice. Narrowing his eyes down at the little brat.

"Psst..Levi!" The brunette whispered harshly beside him, Levi turned just to humor the two. "This is the part where you scream "Ahh!" really, really loud.."

Sitting there with a confused expression, the raven decided to play along. "Ahh.." He said in monotone.

With one eyebrow quirking up, the brunette frowned a little, "You're a very boring man, Levi." Ivan lowered his arms and nodded in agreement.

Rolling his eyes at the two, he grabbed the cloak from Ivan's little frame and put it back on. "Well excuse me," Levi huffed out irritatingly (Not really). "It's getting dark, it should be best for us to head back."

Selene grinned at him. Poking his cheek bravely with an index finger and fluidly brought herself into his lap, "Are you pouting?"

His little frown turning into a full-blown glare. "No, get the hell off me."

Huffing, the brunette did as he asked and got up, dusting off the leaves off the the skirt of the dress. "No fun, I was actually hoping for another kiss." The bluntness just never stops.

"If you behave, maybe later." Emerald eyes lit up at that. What the fuck was Levi saying? Spouting out shit like that, it'll only end up in a sucky separation. The raven already knew they probably won't be seeing each other anymore after they get what they came for—

"Hey," Levi suddenly spoke, catching the other's attention. "When we met you were trying to keep a low profile, like I was.. What exactly is your purpose here?"

She looked at him with slightly widened eyes. "..W-well."

"Did you steal something?" Levi asked further, Ivan crawled up into his lap. The raven still sat on the flowerbed.

"No I didn't," Selene sighed and crossed her arms. "Not yet at least." She finished with a small smirk. "Sorry, I can't really tell you about it but I promise there one be blood on anything on my little mission here."

The raven nodded at her, not prying into it any longer. "Alright, I'm not exactly an innocent bystander myself.."

"I think I managed to put that together with just your looks—ooommphhf!!" Mutilated flowers were thrown at her smug little face. "What the fuck was that for!?" She glared and dusted her face, glaring at the smirking raven. Some grime that were thrown along with the roots made her face feel gross.

Levi ignored her, standing up with Ivan in his arms. The kid just clung onto him, a hand over his mouth as he held back his snickers. "Let's go.." Suddenly his movements were a halted when there was a sharp tug on his cloak, he gazed backwards over his shoulder witnessing Selene wipe her face robustly on the cloth. "You little—hey!" He tried grabbing at her but the girl already ran for it, racing towards their exit with a loud obnoxious laugh.

Ivan was giggling in his arms too, "She got you—OW!" Levi flicked his forehead. "Meanie.."

"Yeah too bad for you, this meanie will be adopting you, show some respect." The raven countered.

Blinking at him, Ivan suddenly lightly hit an open palm with a curled fist, remembering their exchange this morning. "Oh yeah!" He grinned, then as soon as he looked up at his future guardian, his grin turned into a hurt grimace, "Oh yeah.." He repeated with least enthusiasm.

"Haha, fake laugh, hiding the pain.." Levi hummed and followed after the brunette.

When they reached the streets once more, he spotted the girl waiting for them with a shit eating grin.

"Keep up old man!" The sky was already getting dark, the dimming light of the sun made an incalculable shades of colors. Twilight had never looked more beautiful. Somehow, with the little bit of light left to light up the world, it made the girl seem all the more gorgeous. "You're not getting any younger so hurry it up!" Ignoring that of course, she would have been.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Levi sighed and put Ivan down. Why was he even putting up with these shits? "Let's go get some dinner, shall we?"

She blinked at him incredulously. "Really? You're still going to treat me? Boy, I sure am lucky!" Cheering very vocally on her jackpot she grabbed Ivan by the hand. "Come on, kiddo! The geezer is treating us!"

"Keep up the name calling and I'm making you pay for everything." Levi said with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah, whatever man. Just remember, my kisses aren't free." She grinned back at him. "And we kissed plenty.."

"Those were mutual exchanges," Levi rolled his eyes at her, but a small smirk was formed on his lips. "I didn't hear you complaining when I had my tongue shoved down your throat—"

"AAHH NO!" Ivan covered his ears, he pulled away from Selene's hand. "Grooooosss!!" He didn't need to hear much more of the icky romancy stuff, he really wanted to gag on it.

The two adults just chuckled down on the boy, who was walking significantly faster.


Entering a small rest house, Ren took in the sight of being with so many people. In the underground places like this were hardly full at all and even if there were people going out to dine, it'd be too scary to even sit in the same threshold with them.

It was different from the one they ate from during lunch, this place was merrier. Aside from the soft chattering of the customers, at the side there were some brawny men playing a decent melody with instruments Ren's never seen before, aside from the old piano. The sounds and the ambiance brought comfort to the people dining in it.

"This isn't too expensive is it?" Ren murmured towards Levi, unsure if he still wanted to impose. He could walk out of here right now. The man already spent a lot on him after all.

"Don't think about it," Levi told him, pulling him over along with Ivan. They sat at a table close to the windows where it was much cooler, they had a perfect view of the dimming sky. "Get whatever you want." He told them, flicking the menu slab right at them. "And don't look at the price."

Ren nodded, suddenly feeling shy with sitting right across Levi. What the fuck is this cliché set-up? That's what he was thinking but his heart was somehow thudding in his chest. He felt nervous, what should he even do right now? They shared some kisses a while ago, he was hot, and he was quite the gentleman if he tried but, why the hell was Ren acting like such a girl? True his cover made him to be a woman but this was not because of that, was it?

It definitely wasn't about the man's abs, nope. He totally couldn't feel them through the clothes when they had their make out session. Fucking hell, is this what being attracted to someone felt like? This fucking sucks. Ren can't even think very well over it, his cheeks heating up at his own thoughts. Emerald eyes glancing up curiously, he watched Levi talk to a barmaid who gave him water. Fuck, he was hot.

And this hot man kissed Ren, more than once.

'Seriously, what the fuck is this?' Forcing his eyes on the menu slab, he skimmed it without even really trying to see what was written there.

"Found something you like yet?"

"You—I mean, I'll have what you have." Smooth, very smooth.

That didn't go unnoticed by the raven though, sharp observing eyes gazed down at the emerald eyed brunette like a hawk eyeing its prey. Levi smirked, "You sure about that? I actually like spicy things."

"A-ah okay never mind then," 'Shit, I was caught.. Think Ren, make an awesome comeback and own it, do not appear as the embarrassed blushing girl!' Thinking about it very hard, an idea finally popped as he read the menu. "I'll have the Classic Seasoned Sausage, side it with a bit of white sauce please!" He told the barmaid.

Levi slightly coughed at mid-sip on his water. The raven glared at the grinning brunette.

Ivan blinked at them, "Can I have beef stew?"

The barmaid nodded at the three but her gaze lingered at Ivan. "Your son is very cute!"

The two broke their taunt-stare contest, Ren blushed at the notion while Levi just blinked at the girl, not knowing what to say to her.

"Oh he's—well," Ren stammered lightly.

"Yeah, he's pretty cute," Levi cut in, "He got most of his looks from his mother." He tilted his head towards Ren's direction. The brunette gaped a bit but snapped his mouth shut to avoid suspicion and nodded rapidly to confirm, albeit stiffly. The barmaid didn't notice it and went to the back to have their orders ready.

"I'm not cute.." Ivan suddenly argued.

The two glanced at him briefly, and made a mutual agreement. He was cute.

It took a bit, but while the waited the two made more playful exchanges and not one of them planned to relent on their little game. Then their orders arrived, and the trio dug into their meal.

Ivan grunted in displeasure while trying to tear onto one of the meat chunks in his stew. Levi eyed at him with tiniest bit of hint of his interest. Watching the kid make a mess of his face and some of the beef oil spilling on the table, Levi had enough.

"Spit that out." Levi sighed. Ivan blinked at him but did so, watching the silver-eyed man grab at his utensils and cut up the meet for the kid.

Ren witnessed it all first hand and felt his heart melt a bit at the sight, it was adorable. Levi may be a stiff man, gruff and sharp tongued but he had a soft spot for little kids. Ren found that really endearing.

That, however didn't help his growing attraction for the stranger. Ren felt awful, Levi thought he was a woman, Selene, all along. There was a heavy feeling on his gut at the thought of the man giving him a disgusted look at the discovery of him being a male underneath the disguise. Levi probably wouldn't look his way if he were his usual self.

Giving into his uneasiness, he could help his habit. Ren lightly fingered the peeking leather cord around his neck, his lucky charm hidden away in the outfit.

"What's that?" Levi asked, looking at the way Ren fiddled with a leather string just peeking out of the shawl by his tan skin.

Ren broke out of his thoughts almost immediately, "Oh, this? Well its—" He gently tried to tug out the little trinket—

"Attention everyone! Attention!" A man called from a table around the middle. "I know this is quite shameless of me to ask for your attention, but now that I have it, I'd like for you all to witness my proposal," He knelt, in front of a lady. "To this beautiful young woman,"

The clattering stopped and even the music halted, everyone payed respects to the two in their moment.

"Marianna, I know I don't have much to offer to you, I am but a blacksmith's son," He sincerely said loud and clear, "Bur despite all that, will you make me the happiest man on earth and become my wife?"

The woman called Marianna shed a few tears in his short speech, "Yes!" She threw her entire weight at her new fiancé and they kissed tenderly.

Everyone around gave them a resounding round of applause, the rowdy bunch in the vicinity giving wolf whistles and cat calls. The two of them got flustered at the attention and gave their thanks at the kind audience.

Ivan was making a face. "Eww.. What's with people today? Gross.."

Ren giggled and ruffled his hair. "You'll understand when you're older—oh!" The musicians started to play soft tune, the pianist taking the lead, which caught Ren's attention, everyone in the tavern started picking out partners and stood to walk towards the spacious part of the vicinity, the barmaids immediately cleared away the empty tables with the help of a few patrons. People danced to the melody. "I know this song!" Ren can't remember where he heard it, but he just knew it from somewhere. He didn't question where, too distracted by the jolly little display. His body swayed a little to the soft waves of sound.

Levi observed him, then eyes gently cast over the dance floor. After this day they probably won't see each other anymore.

Soon these will all just be memories.

Letting out a soft disgruntled huff, Levi stood up and held a hand out at his companion. "M'lady, may I have this dance?"

Heart fluttering wildly in his chest, Ren accepted the extended hand and they sauntered over to the middle, melding with the crowed but keeping their distance enough to keep themselves from getting bumped into. Ivan let himself enjoy the music too, swaying mildly along but didn't follow the two into the den of dancers.

Levi let his arm slip around the lithe waist of the brunette, whose smile could brighten up a whole room. It was a great emotion within him, the satisfaction of making this person smile. Only for this moment, he'll allow himself to melt away and forget. It was just the two of them.

Just for this make believe romance.

Ren hummed along with the tune of the song, his arms draping around the strong pale neck. Deep in his mind it bugged him, where had he heard it before. This song.. –yes it was from a song book, a fairy tale. Where, where....

I know you,
I've walked with you once upon a dream.

The lyrics danced in his tongue but he didn't dare let a single note slip out of him. It felt as if he opened his mouth, their little spell will be broken.

I know you,
the gleam in your eyes are so familiar a gleam.


Somewhere... sometime... long ago... When?

He flinched when rough, calloused fingers pushed off the shawl off his head. Ren blinked up at the man forgetting what it was he was trying to recall. "Mhm?"

"You look better with it off.." Levi plainly said, leading their waltz.

Ren blushed and gently tapped his shoulder. "I suppose that's supposed to be what you call flirting?" He mumbled with a soft grin. "It's not working, old man. You should do it with a smile, then and only then, will I swoon."

A lazy smirk directed at the brunette, Levi pressed their bodies closer. "What if I do this?"

Breath hitching a bit, "I-I dunno, you tell me."

"You look a tad bit flustered." Levi's smirk widened a little, more on his amusement.

Ren laughed breathily, "Well, I am dancing with this handsome stranger after all."

That stroked his ego a lot more than he thought. "So I've been told." Their steps slowed a little, and without much of a resistance Levi managed to drag his partner to a more secluded corner.

Ren snorted, poking his chest a bit. "Your humility is a 'No-Show', sir."

Levi chuckled and pressed his forehead down on the shorter brunette's, "Is that so? Pity, but in that case move my nine O'clock appointment to now," Their huffed breaths mingling with one another, hitting their heated cheeks.

And I know it's true,
that visions are seldom what they seem.

"Hm," Coyly fluttering his eyelashes at the raven, didn't even hesitate. "And remind me again, what that appointment was?"

"You forgot? How awful," Again, with his gorgeous quirk of his lips. "I was going to have a private meeting with your lips."

Without a beat wasted, their lips enclosed. The clattering around them seemed to fade away and only the faint tune of the instruments remained.

But if I know you, I'll know what you'll do
you'll love me at once the way you did once upon a dream.

The rest didn't matter, for them the clock stopped. Just for this moment, this short moment the make believe romance fooled the performers.

.... You'll love me... at once.... the way.... you did... once upon a dream...


"Are you sure, you don't want me to walk you home?" Levi asked her for the umpteenth time that evening, in his shoulder he carried a sleeping lump.

"Nah, I'm fine it's not even that late." She was looking up at the sky, "The moon is pretty bright so I wouldn't worry about me losing my way."

Levi nodded and adjusted the boy in his arms. Strange how the day went. He met a boy in the old candy shop, then was sent shopping for goods that he didn't even need and on his way he met this hurricane of a woman who single-handedly tipped his life over with just one day with her.

"I'll see you around then, stranger." She smiled up at him, getting close enough then stood at the very tip of her toes, she pecked his cheek one more time. "I had fun playing house with you." She whispered softly into his ear.

Turning onto her heels she disappeared into the darkness of the alley.

Disappearing in sight just as quick as she had appeared by his side on that very morning.

Had it really been just a day?

The hole in his chest seemed to ache, much more than it ached in a while. On his back where an arrow was once pierced, it also throbbed.

Levi also moved, making his way back to the coaching in with only the moon watching over him.


So I've mentioned... Selene is a name of a moon goddess :D

Whew, two fanfiction updates in one day... I'm spoiling you guys too much XD

Check out "Drug" guys! I really put a lot of effort in that fanfiction, I hope you guys try to read it, it's chapter 1 is 11k long!

This chapter is a bit short again but I wanted to take their little budding romance, as short and as cliff hangy as possible!

Thanks for reading! :3


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