Larmes de Rasoir - Lashton |...

By FiftyShadesOfStyles

2.4K 112 67

Larmes de rasoir (L'arme de rasoir) Anxiety, aggressivity, grades drops, delinquency, drug/alcohol add... More

Before reading
1. Broken up family
2. Boyfriends
4. The unexpected
5. Unofficial first date
6. Heartbreaking news
7. Pain relief
8. Unwanted help
9. Ghost whispers
10. Euphoria
11. Bloody people
12. Rainstorm of tears
13. I want a movie life
14. Summertime sadness
15. Back to hell
Chapter 16: Nice to see you again

3. From heaven to hell

119 7 5
By FiftyShadesOfStyles

I'm tugging at my hair. I'm pulling at my clothes. I'm trying to keep my cool. I know it shows. I'm staring at my feet. My cheeks are turning red. I'm searching for the words inside my head. Cause I'm feeling nervous. Trying to be so perfect.

Things I'll never say - Avril Lavigne

  The last three weeks of June were spent running between exams and play practices which left Luke exhausted at the end of the day. With the play premiere coming soon, John, the play's director, decided to add another practice day to make sure they were truly ready for the premiere night. He also made practices more charged, leaving no time for chatting backstage. 

Now, Luke had no time to try and speak to Kellin and that fucking sucks. Just when the blonde found the guts to talk to him, he can't. He could always ask Michael to introduce them but he prefers doing it on his own. What if Michael embrasses him? Michael knows about his crush on Kellin and he loves to tease him about it. 

He can't risk being embarrassed in front of Kellin. He'll never want to be his friend. 

Or more. 

It's Thursday and tomorrow is the last day of school which means this is their last practice before school ends. Some actors - the ones who aren't locals - will have to show up Saturday to catch up with practice since they can't come down during the week because of school as most actors are students.

Michael and Ashton aren't there today. It's only Luke and Calum though Luke doesn't talk that much to Calum. He doesn't know why, he just doesn't. Calum's a nice guy, he always has weird stories to tell. He also has an older sister, Mali, who sings and dance in the play. 

When practice was over, Luke waved to Calum and went to the front to wait for his mum to arrive. He normally wait with Michael since he's always the last to go but the colorful haired boy isn't there today. So Luke sat alone on the bench.

Minutes passed and his mum hadn't showed up. Luke was getting worried she forgot about him. He chewed on his lip and pulled out his phone, texting her quickly. He doesn't want to walk home, it's a long ass walk. 

''What are you doing still here? John is closing the arena in ten minutes,'' someone said, making Luke turn around. He almost forgot to breathe when he saw it was Kellin who had spoken. 

''Oh, I can wait outside if-'' 

 Luke grabbed his bag from the floor and was about to get up when Kellin stopped him, shaking his head. ''No, it's fine. Is someone picking you up?'' 

He nodded. It's embarrassing to tell someone your parents still drive you places. Most teenagers takes the bus or have a car. ''Yeah, my mum,'' he replied, trying to not stumble over his words. He does that when he's talking to someone intimidating. 

''Mind if I sit with you?'' Luke shook his head. Of course he doesn't mind. ''You're friend with Mike, right? I believe I've seen you with him before.'' 

Luke nodded again, unable to talk because- fuck, this is his crush talking to him. Kellin is talking to him and he doesn't know how to handle it. Send help. 

''You're not the talkative kind, I see,'' Kellin chuckled, walking closer before sitting on a bench in front of Luke. ''I'm Kellin by the way,'' he introduced himself. 

''I know,'' Luke managed to get out. ''I've seen you during practice, John calls your name alot.'' 

The older boy threw his head back, laughing. ''Yeah, I kinda have a small attention trouble...Lucky for me I'm a decent actor or he would've kicked me out by now.'' 

His laugh was music to Luke's ears and he wanted to record the sound to put it on replay when he feels down. But that would be weird so he didn't do it. He just started talking to him, he can't scare him off yet.

To some, Kellin comes out as narcissist but honestly, if you don't believe in yourself/love yourself, who else will? Kellin knows he's a good actor, he's been told by many people though he'd never use this against someone. 

Luke couldn't help but stare at him. He was wearing skinny jeans and a tank that showed his arm and chest tattoos really well. His dark hair were swept on one side with a fringe and Luke wanted to run his hands trough them - just to see if they were soft, not because he was turned on by guys with long hair...

He opened his mouth to speak when his phone went off. He picked it up and mentally groaned as he read the text from his mother.

[From: Mum]

I'm waiting outside, hurry up! I don't have all night

Why did she have to arrive now? 

With a small sigh, Luke stood and slide his bad over his shoulder. ''I have to go, my mum's here...'' he trailed, pointing at the door. God, why is he so awkward? ''Bye.''

''Bye, see you next practice!'' Kellin yelled after him and Luke looked down to hide his grin. Kellin said he'd see him Sunday, does that mean he wants to be friends? 

He couldn't seem to wash this grin off his face as he went outside, looking for his mum's car. She was parked in front of the second sets of doors, smoking a cigarette with her window open. Luke scrunched his nose, he hates when she smokes. The whole car smells bad and sometimes, it stick to his clothes. It's gross. 

''What took you so long?'' she asked, blowing smoke in his face as he sat down in the passenger seat. He rolled his eyes. He should be asking her the same question; she's the one who's late. 


  For the first time ever, Luke didn't want school to end. He's not those freaks who loves school so much they wish there was no summer break but he didn't want this day in particular to end. He was sad to leave his friends but mostly, he didn't want to go to his dad's and see Marie again. 

Last time he went, she started nagging him about his grades in English and saying how he should try harder because this is lame. She was almost laughing at him and it was really rude. Luke does work hard for this subject. He even got help from his friends and his grades did boost because of that. She doesn't care about the progress he made though. 

''What the point getting a girlfriend if he's going to be away all summer?'' Luke asked and Ethan shrugged. 

''No idea... There's this kind of competition between guys at camp of who has the hottest girlfriend, it's stupid. Aiden's kinda slacking in the girl department this year,'' Ethan laughed. ''I told him to stop trying with Lydia, she doesn't want him though he keeps flirting with her.'' 

The two boys watched as Aiden openly flirted with the red haired girl, trying to impress her but failing. He must've said some bad jokes because he was trying to get her with his irresistible smile but Lydia didn't fall for it. She pressed her palm on his chest, patting over his tee shirt before leaving with a smirk. 

She's a hard one. 

Aiden called after her but she kept walking, ignoring him completely which made the two otehr boys laugh harder. ''Stop laughing, you jerks. At least I try. All you guys do is stare and laugh at me, that's not exactly how you ask someone out.'' 

Ethan raised a hand, offended. ''Hey, I'm taken, I have a boyfriend.'' 

He rolled his eyes, pressing his back against the lockers as he watched Lydia turn the corner of the hallway. ''How could I forget you have a boyfriend, you two are always all over each other, it's disgusting.''

''We're not!'' Ethan argued, cheeks flushed because he knew Aiden was right. 

''I meant for Luke, I've never seen him with someone. Don't you think it's time to start dating?'' 

''I do have someone on my mi-''

''Oh, right, that emo guy...''

Luke knitted his eyebrows together. ''Wearing black clothes and having tattoos doesn't make you emo, that's insulting, Aiden. Stop putting everyone in the same basket.'' 

''Kitten has claws,'' snickered Ethan, chuckling as his twin brother was getting spoken at. Not everyone stand up to Aiden but when someone does, it's quite funny because he never expects it.

He glared. ''Shut up, Ethan,'' he muttered before turning back to his blonde friend. ''I'm not being judging, I'm just speaking the truth. Just ask Ethan what he thinks, I'm sure he'll say Kayden-''

''Kellin,'' Luke corrected.

''Yeah, yeah...that Kellin, is emo.''

At this moment, Luke regretted telling Aiden about Kellin more than ever. The guy is also stalkerish on Instagram and managed to find Kellin's trough Luke's. It was pretty easy seeing Luke hasn't followed too many new people lately. 

''He's not-''

''Have you seen his hair? That's totally emo.'' 

Luke gave up and sighed in annoyance, turning to Ethan who gave him an look or shared annoyance. Ethan's been living with Aiden since sixteen years, he knows how annoying he can get when he's picking on you. Aiden's not a bad person, he just has strong opinions on things. 

Not long after, the last bell rang and the three friends had to separate. Well, Luke had to go, the twins lives under the same roof. They said their goodbyes and Luke got in his bus, sad to go home. Going home means packing to go to his father's and he'd prefer not to go but his mum insists he goes because it's the law. 

Fucking law. 


''How was your last day?'' Andrew asked, trying to make conversation with his son. Since the divorce, Luke barely has conversations with his dad. It's not that they hate each otehr or there's a conflict between the two, the just have nothing to talk about. 

It's like they're strangers. 

Before the divorce, his dad was always working and never home. Luke barely saw him and, like most kids who don't see their parents often: he missed him. Or at least, that's what he said. He never got to know his dad a lot between days off as the man was sleeping most of the time. Working on the roads is tiring, you barely get any rest when you're on the roads. 

''It's was fine, I guess.'' 

''Aren't you happy school is over? It's finally summer, woo!'' The boy gave his father a weird look, making the man sigh. ''Come on, I thought you'd be more excited than that. You used to love summer break when you were a kid.''

Luke rolled his eyes. ''School is school, dad. I'm forced to go whether I like it or not.'' 

Sensing his son's annoyance, Andrew decided to change subject. If he wants to talk with Luke, maybe school isn't the best subject. ''Right... Marie filled the pool yesterday, it should be ready by now,'' he added and Luke scrunched his nose at the thought of Marie. 

When dinner came, that's where things started to heat up between Marie and Luke. She was steering something in a cooking pan by the stove when Luke and Andrew passed the door.  Luke set his bag on the ground and tied off his shoes, placing them by the door as his dad went to the kitchen, greeting his girlfriend. 

Luke went to his 'room' and put his bag at the foot of the bed, taking out his phone charger and laptop to not risk getting them broken in his bag, and returned to the kitchen. 

''Next time you come here, have your mother feed you before coming, I'm not a catering service. Cooking for three is exhausting, I can't do a lot with my illness, Luke.'' 

Her illness? She closed her boutique because she got diagnosed with cancer a few years back but it's gone now though she still tells everyone she's ill. It's probably just to get people's pity or something. Some people would do anything for attention. 

''You're not ill, Marie. Stop pretending, it's not working with me.'' Luke isn't always that sassy with adults but he's tired of hearing the blonde woman using cancer as an excuse to not do things. 

''I am ill!'' she argued. ''Even if the cancer is gone, it's never fully gone.''

She was right but it doesn't mean she can't cook or do normal activities. She's not weak anymore. People who had cancer go back to their normal life after they're cancer-free. 

''Whatever please you...'' Luke trailed. He didn't want to argue with her, it's a never ending battle; she will argue till you say she's right - even when she's wrong. ''My dad said it wasn't a problem if I ate here. You might do the cooking but it's his appartement.''

A smirk spread on her lips. ''Actually...'' 

This can't be true. Andrew said it was his appartement and that Marie moved in with him, not the other way around. 

Did Andrew lied to his son? 

He's already in trouble if the government find out Luke doesn't have his own bedroom at his father's place - it's required by the law if Andrew wants Luke to be on shared custody -, if he lied to them about the appartement, it's not going to end well. 

Luke knitted his eyebrows in confusion as he yelled for his father. ''Dad!''

Andrew quickly arrived in the kitchen. Judging by his son's yelling, he thought something happened and exited his shower with only a towel around his waist. ''What is is?'' he asked, out of breath from running - more like padding fast - to the kitchen while trying to not slip on the hardwood floor. 

''Is this your appartement, or her's?'' Luke asked, his blue eyes glued on his father's face, waiting for his answer. 

The man bit his lip, running a hand in his hair. ''Christ, Luke, did you call me just to ask this? I was in the shower, couldn't it have waited?'' Andrew looked surprised and a little speechless by the sudden question. From his gaping mouth, you could tell he wasn't expecting this. 


Marie turned off the stove after taking the cooking pan off of it and sighed, butting into their conversation. ''Teenagers... You're all so impatient and want everything right away, that's not how life works.''

Luke wanted to glare at her. Can't she mind her own business? It's like Luke can't talk to his father without her getting into their conversation. She's so annoying. 

The blonde boy grew impatient so he repeated his question. ''Is it your's or not? Because if it's not-''

''Well, I- It's complicated. You have to understand Luke, when your mum and I divorced, I was running really low financial. I couldn't go back to my parent's place even if it was the most logical thing to do because if I wanted to have shared custody of my sons, I had to get my own place. I tried looking for an appartement to rent but alas, I had little money.'' 

''Mum managed to find somewhere yet she earn less money than you,'' Luke fired back. His lack of money isn't a valid reason to lie about owning the appartement. Or lying at all. ''It still doesn't explain why you lied, dad.''

Andrew nodded. ''It was difficult to not say impossible to find something this cheap. I had been dating Marie for a few weeks at the time and asking her to let me crash at her appartement sounded wrong but it was my only option. Your mum found herself a place quickly - lucky her - so she immediately got the custody of you and Ben but I didn't want to not see you anymore so I told the government the appartement was mine and here we are. I swear I did this for you, Luke,'' he promised though his explanation didn't sooth his son. Luke was still mad at him for lying. 

''You did this for us? Ben and I would've been okay living with mum. Not having shared custody doesn't mean you wouldn't have been allowed to see us. We could've made plans or something-'' 

''But that's not what I wanted! I wanted a shared custody, Luke. You know how your mother is...''

''Is that why she's holding a grudge against you? She knows you lied?''

''She doesn't know about this, and I don't want her to,'' he warned, trying to sound menacing. Then, he scoffed, shaking his head before speaking again. ''Knowing Liz, she wouldn't hesitate to denounce me to the government.''

Marie grimaced at the name of Andrew's ex wife, she obviously doesn't like Luke's mother. There's always this competition between new and ex girlfriends and it's stupid. Relationships ends for a reason. Marie shouldn't be jealous of Liz though, she got a new man now and there's no way she and Andrew are putting the pieces back together.

''Why is she mad at you then? I know she is, save your lies for someone else.'' 

When Luke was younger, it was easy to fool him but now that he's older, Andrew can't hide much things from him. He's older, therefore wiser. Luke is also very observant which is never a good thing when you're trying to hide things from others. 

The man knitted his eyebrows together and clenched his jaw. ''This isn't any of your business, Luke. This is between your mother and I, not you or Ben. Now, if you're done, I'd like to go back and finish my shower. I'll see you for dinner,'' Andrew said before leaving the kitchen, again, leaving Marie and Luke alone.

Once he was gone and out of sight, Marie stepped forward and smirked at Luke who gave her a weird look. What is she doing? Can't she stop making this face, it's kinda creepy and...ugly. 

''I may or may not know about Andrew and your mother's conflict,'' she hinted as she went to the table to place the plates and other dishes, brushing past his shoulder.

Luke raised an eyebrow while his eyes followed her. ''What is it? Aren't you going to tell me?''

Her smirk widen. ''Nope,'' She said with an amused tone. 

With an eye-roll, Luke walked to the table and sat down in front of a plate. His mouth watered as Marie placed the bowl of pastas in the middle of the table. He might not like her but she's a great cook, these pastas looks delicious. 

Luke took a spoon, about to have a taste of the pastas when Marie slapped his hand away with a wooden spoon. He held a whimper. ''That's not for you,'' she said.

Luke frowned as he rubbed the spot where she slapped him. Bitch, it hurts! he wanted to say but decided not to, in case his father was near. He'd scold him for using such a language with his girlfri- fiancé.  ''What am I going to eat?'' he asked, looking around to see if there was something else for him but there wasn't.

The blonde woman shrugged, not caring. ''I don't know.''

''But I'm hungry! I haven't eaten today-''

''Not my problem, kid. What I know is that these pastas are for me and Andrew, not you. You should've warned me before coming here.'' 

Is she serious? She's not going to let him eat? That's ridiculous. She was right, Luke should've warned her but she can't forbid him from eating. That's wrong. Luke's a teenager, he needs to eat. 

He stood and walked in direction of the stairs where the bathroom was. His dad must be done with his shower by now. ''I'm going to tell dad,'' he announced but was soon stopped when he felt a tight grip on his arm. He frowned and looked back to see Marie gripping his arm tightly. 

''You better not,'' she warned with a menacing glare. 

Luke tried to free himself from her grip but damn, she's strong. ''Let me go,'' he demanded but Marie only tightened her grip. It wasn't tight enough to leave a bruise but it hurts. He could feel her fingernails digging into his skin over the fabric of his hoodie. 

This is going to a hell of a weekend, Luke thought.

A/N Finally, this is up! I've been struggling with the last scene but I finally finished it. Now you've met both Kellin and Marie, who,s your favorite? Thoughts on them? In the next chapter, you'll meet Ray and probably Michael - for real this time. Don't forget to leave comments down below and vote, xx

Thoughts on Kellin? Will anything develop between the two?

Thoughts on Marie? Luke's dad lying to him?

p.s. The picture above is Marie, Luke's step mum.

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