Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fan...

By i-cant-think-help

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Rose Weasley and Albus Potter are starting their fifth year at Hogwarts and this year is going to be slightly... More

Author's Note
Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44- The last chapter
Just a note
Sequel- Two Teams of the Tower
Competition Closed
What's In A Name?

Chapter 23

2.9K 95 9
By i-cant-think-help

On the other side of the country, Ron and Hermione were sitting in the Burrow surrounded by all of the Weasleys, Potters and Luna, Neville, Ralf and Hannah. Hermione had been tears and still was, Ginny sat next to her trying to comfort her, her long ginger hair was pulled out of her face so she could see everything perfectly and Luna stood behind Hermione rubbing her back. Ron sat next to Hermione his head in his hands shaking, Harry stood next to him trying to think of something to do. Everyone was standing round them, some were crying, some were painfully holding tears back, some were upset and trying to think of what to do. All the children were standing around the couple, with Hugo at their feet in tears and all the others on the floor most of them in tears themselves.

Albus had escaped to his mothers old bedroom, he felt insanely guilty because he knew where Rose was as she had owled him about being at the Dusleys, but he swore not to tell anyone. He sat on the bed shaking terribly and trying to hear what was going on downstairs, but failing miserably.

"I can't believe she left us, not a note and she didn't even owl to say she was okay" Hermione sobbed

"It's been nearly a week and we still don't know where she is" Ron muttered 

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't yell at her Dad, if you didn't slap her and freak out then she would be here with us, and we wouldn't be doing this!" Hugo shouted

"This isn't your fathers fault" Mrs Weasley said

"Of course it is!" Hugo shouted "Everything would be perfectly fine if Dad hadn't freaked out when he saw Malfoy with Rose, he wouldn't have slapped her and she wouldn't have run away!" 

"Will you stop shouting at me Hugo!" Ron snapped "Yes, I know it's my fault, do you think I am okay with this Hugo?"

"Come on Hugh" Lilly said, standing up "You need to calm down, you've gotten all worked up. Let's go outside" Lilly stretched out her hand and the two went outside to calm Hugo down.

"So, what happened?" Fleur asked, still not entirely sure on what happened at the train station

"I...I" Ron tried to say

"Rose came off the train standing next to Scorpius Malfoy and they walked over to us next to each other and when they reached us they hugged and Ron, well, Ron flipped out and slapped Rose and she took her stuff and ran away. Then Scorpius came over and threatened Ron and then ran after Rose. Then everybody split up to look for her but we couldn't find her. Then Ron went to look outside and he ran into Scorpius and he tried to hide her. Ron ran outside to find her and he started shouting and she came out and they had an argument and Ron slapped her again and Narcissa and Scorpius Malfoy took her away some place and we haven't seen her or heard from her since" Harry explained, knowing Ron or Hermione couldn't explain

"oh, I, I did not know that, I'm so sorry" Fleur said

"Teddy" Victoire whispered "Come outside with me" Victoire had been crying since she found out that Rose was missing. The two went outside to join Hugo and Lilly.

"I bet she's at Malfoy Manor" Ron exclaimed looking up at everybody as if that was new idea

"Ron, we know that, but we have no idea where Malfoy Manor is do we?" Harry said

"But we've been there before right? During the war! We've seen it! We just need to look for it, we will recognise it when we see it right?" Ron said shaking Harry "I need to find my daughter Harry!"

"I know you do Ron" Harry said "But we have only been to the Manor once before, can you remember what it looks like?" 

"I.. I only remember the room I was tortured in" Hermione sobbed "That's not much help, we cant...can't go into every grand house to look for one room can we?" Hermione cried harder, she put her head in her hands too. 

"Come on 'Mione" Ginny said pulling her up "This outside thing is good, let's go"

Harry took the seat next to Ron and tried to think even more "Is there really no way we can track down the Manor?" Harry said, meant for nobody but everybody in the room heard him

"I'm sure there is a way mate" George said, still trying to comfort Angelina, who was standing next to him "We just can't think of it yet, or we don't know it"

"Bill, do you know any way?" Mrs Weasley asked "You've been really quiet"

"I'm trying to think Mum" he muttered, just loud enough for everyone to hear it "Hang on a minute, doesn't the ministry have tracks on every wizard and witch under the age of 17?" Everyone grinned at Bill's spark

"Of course Bill!" Ron exclaimed standing up "Thank you so much! This is great!" Then he yelled so Hermione could hear "'MIONE! THERE'S A WAY TO FIND ROSE! 'MIONE! WE CAN FIND HER!" Ron ran outside 

"WHAT?!?" Hermione yelled, hearing her husband "We know where she is?" Hermione wiped her eyes, knowing that Rose was okay "She's safe?" 

"We don't know for sure yet 'Mione" Ron muttered "But Bill had a spark an' remembered that all witches and wizards have the ministry have tracks on them if they do get lost, or we need to find them, or whatever, so we will be able to go to the ministry and we can find out where Rose is!" Hermione grinned and hugged Ron as tight as possible 

"We can find her" Hermione whispered "We can find our little girl"

"'Mione, she's not so little any more remember?" George joked, laughing at her "Remember what she said last time you said that" 

"GEORGE!" Angelina exclaimed, lightly hitting her husbands arm. Hermione broke away from Ron, still grinning with the tear stains on her cheek shining

"Very funny George" She laughed

"Anyway 'Mione" Ron said, giving her hand a little squeeze "We should go, we want to find her as soon as possible right?"

"Of course we do!" Hermione let go of Ron's hand and ran to grab her coat and bag from the side "This was such a great idea! I would never of thought of it!" 

"It was Bill's idea, not mine" Ron said, gesturing to Bill, who was standing next to Fleur still, and they were both giving their children their coats and putting theirs on themselves

"Thank you so much Bill!" Hermione said, flying toward him with her arms wide open. She ran into him and squeezed him, she then took a step back to stand next to Ron "Thank you Bill! Honestly, you don't know how happy I am right now" 

"Let's go" Hermione said, wiping the tear stains off her cheeks and smiling with joy. 

"I'll stay and look after the kids" Mrs Weasley said, gesturing for Roxanne, Molly, Lucy, Fred, James, Louis, Dominique, Victoire, Teddy to go outside with Lilly and Hugo. 

"But we want to come Grandma!" Victoire moaned grabbing Teddy's hand and pulling him back

"Okay, Victoire and Teddy can go, but everyone else is staying with me and Grandpa, as those two are eldest they can go" Mrs Weasley explained, moving her arm so Teddy could get past

"Come on then" Ron said. Hermione and Ron apparated away to the ministry and arrived at the same time as Harry and Ginny. Then Bill and Fleur arrived shortly before Victoire and Teddy popped in. And then lastly Percy, Audrey, George and Angelina appeared all around them

"What way is it?" Hermione muttered, spinning around to look what way to go

"This way" Bill said, pulling Fleur along with him. The whole group followed closely behind him so they didn't get spit up. He then turned to see Hermione's worried face "Don't worry Hermione" he assured "We'll find her"

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