
By TheeJaffaCake

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Being a teenager is confusing; especially with love, friendships, illnesses, college, arguments and hormones... More

Chapter One // Rae
Chapter Two // Sophia
Chapter Three // Louise
Chapter Four // James
Chapter Five // Iris
Chapter Six // Zane
Chapter Seven // Dale
Chapter Eight // New Friends In Unexpected Places
Chapter Nine // Best Friends?
Chapter Ten // Elise
Chapter Eleven // Headaches
Chapter Twelve // Safe
Chapter Thirteen // Hospital Road Trips
Chapter Fourteen // Opening Up
Chapter Fifteen // Abandoned
Chapter Sixteen // Mud Stains
Chapter Seventeen // The Broken Past
Chapter Eighteen // Laughing Stock
Chapter Nineteen // Stress
Chapter Twenty // A Disappointment
Chapter Twenty One // Ward Five
Chapter Twenty Two // The Past Haunts Us
Chapter Twenty Three // Seven Hours
Chapter Twenty Four // I Have You
Chapter Twenty Five // Tea Bags
Chapter Twenty Six // Iris' Eighteenth
Chapter Twenty Seven // The Break Dancer
Chapter Twenty Eight // Pizza And Confessions
Chapter Twenty Nine // Piggybacks
Chapter Thirty // Liar
Chapter Thirty One // Tiled Floor
Chapter Thirty Two // Blackmail
Chapter Thirty Three // Leila
Chapter Thirty Four // The Love Triangle
Chapter Thirty Six // Violated
Chapter Thirty Seven // Cheater
Chapter Thirty Eight // The Failed Journey
Chapter Thirty Nine // Fireworks And Cheering
Chapter Forty // Helpful Strangers
Chapter Forty One // "Dear Elise.."
Chapter Forty Two // Breaking Point
Chapter Forty Three // Freedom
Chapter Forty Four // The News
Chapter Forty Five // Blankets And Cuddles
Chapter Forty Six // Vintage Cafe's And Ladybirds
Chapter Forty Seven // Leaving You Behind
Chapter Forty Eight // Love
Chapter Forty Nine // Heart To Heart
Chapter Fifty // Family Fury
Chapter Fifty One // Clouds
Chapter Fifty Two // Relief
Chapter Fifty Three // The Adult
Chapter Fifty Four // Support And Love
Chapter Fifty Five // The Sky After A Storm
Chapter Fifty Six // Family Photos
Chapter Fifty Seven // Starry Night
Chapter Fifty Eight // The Fountain
Chapter Fifty Nine // Drowning
Chapter Sixty // White Flowery Dress
Chapter Sixty One // Fake Smile
Chapter Sixty Two // "I Can Do This"
Chapter Sixty Three // Roses
Chapter Sixty Four // The End

Chapter Thirty Five // Making A Scene

19 0 0
By TheeJaffaCake

- Elise's POV -

"Gay? Me? Don't be daft" I laughed nervously, the girls continued to snigger and Kelsey stared at me blankly.

"Okay, bisexual then" Another one of them said, I shook my head quickly.

"Where are you getting this from? I'm straight" I said before nodding. Yes that is correct, I am straight.

"Morgan told us you were gay for some girl.. Rae isn't it?" Kelsey said rudely, I stared at her angrily and began to grab my bag and belongings off the floor. They laughed more and more once they realised I was starting to cry.

"She hasn't denied it! Elise is gay! Elise is gay!" They chanted, Kelsey laughed with them like she didn't care about my feelings at all. She is my best friend and I just wasted a whole evening going to a stupid club to make her happy and this is how she repays me?

"No wonder Nathan broke up with you" Somebody said under their breath, they all giggled again and I stopped what I was doing and stared at them in shock.

"That's not fucking fair, you all know he was awful to me" I said with a frown on my face. They glanced across the room at each other which gave me time to quickly wipe my tear stained eyes without them noticing.

Kelsey stared over at Morgan and smirked at her, Morgan looked slightly afraid..

"Are you going to tell her then?" Kelsey asked Morgan while grinning, everyone looked at Morgan in confusion and she stared at me before sighing loudly.

"I'm seeing your ex boyfriend, Elise.." Morgan confessed before looking away from me, the group of girls gasped and started to call her a slut but I wasn't going to stand up for her.

"Fuck all of you!" I screamed before putting my bag on my shoulders and getting out of Kelsey's house as quick as possible.

I stormed out of the house while breaking down in tears, I hadn't packed my bag properly because I needed leave before they bullied me more than they already had. My outfit from last night fell out of my overnight bag and into a puddle, I grabbed it quickly and tried to get rid of the dirty water it had soaked up before hurrying away from Kelsey's house.

Even though I was away from my friends I could still hear them laughing at me, it was echoing in my head. I can't believe they made something so ridiculous up like me being gay..

Morgan and Nathan? That sounds like an awful relationship. Nathan is the type of guy who gets bored of girls really quickly so in a few months he will be done with Morgan and move onto somebody else. I wasn't even upset about that I was more confused and worried about what was going on in my head.

I messaged Rae while getting on the bus, I told her I was coming to see her. I wasn't going to tell her how upset I was over the phone because I don't want her to worry about me, but I was going to talk to her about how I was feeling.. Or how I think I am feeling.

I never noticed it until my friends brought it up, I knew how special Rae was to me but now there is a whole new perspective and it feels right.

- Rae's POV -

"When can we come and see you? It's been so long Rae I miss you tones!" A college friend shouted down the phone, I held a mirror in front of my face and gazed into it while frowning. Why would I let anybody see this? See me?

"I would love to but nobody is allowed to visit right now.." I lied before setting the mirror down, I ended the call and put my head in my hands.

My hair was falling out in huge chunks, there were bald patches everywhere. I feel extremely self conscious and I'm not letting anyone see me this way. Not until I am better.

Someday's I have no energy to get out of bed and I wouldn't be able to walk even if I forced myself. My skin has never been this pale, it's almost white. I feel like hiding away somewhere because I'm ashamed but I really shouldn't be.

I turned off my phone as I wasn't in the mood to speak to anybody for the rest of the day, I felt like drowning in my own sadness for a few hours. I lay down slowly and closed my eyes tightly and tried to block out the repetitive beeping noises of the machinery around me and the people talking outside my hospital room.

I am so tired of being in this hospital, all I want is a day where I can breathe some fresh air and maybe eat an ice cream by the beach. That's all I want.

A nurse entered my room, I glanced over at her and she flashed a huge smile. I closed my eyes again and turned away.

"What's up Rae? You're usually very chatty" She said while setting a tray with my breakfast on it beside my bed, I shrugged my shoulders and kept my eyes closed.

"I don't want to eat today"

- Elise's POV -

I almost broke the automatic doors at the front of the hospital as I pushed through them and hurried through the welcome area.

"Excuse me!" A woman at the desk shouted across the room at me, I looked at her and she called me over to the desk.

"Who are you here to see? We have a new system now, you can't just walk into the hospital" She said rudely with a smile, I nodded.

"Uh, Rae Percy" I muttered while wiping the tears in my eyes, I took deep breaths while the woman clearly took her time searching through her computer.

"I'm sorry ma'am but Rae Percy can't have visitors at this time" She said with another fake smile, I stared at her and began to panic badly.

"What the hell do you mean? Has something happened to her?!" I said while gripping onto the desk, my breathing got quicker and I began to cry again. The woman looked traumatised.

"I can't share any information with you about a patient ma'am" She said while staring at me as if I was growing four heads, a security man approached the desk once he heard me crying loudly.

"You can leave now" He said while looking down at me, he was very tall. I held onto the desk tighter while screaming and crying. Everybody was staring and judging me.

"That's enough now!" The security man shouted before grabbing on to my wrist and practically dragging me to the exit. The woman at the desk grabbed a phone and called someone quickly.

"Stop! She can go!" She shouted, the security man dropped me aggressively and I thanked the woman before sprinting up five flights of stairs even though I was still in the middle of an awful panic attack.

- Rae's POV -

I sat up patiently waiting for Elise to arrive as someone informed me that she was 'making a scene downstairs'. She clearly wanted to see me.

I began to think about what Sophia said, she told me that I should definitely tell Elise about my feelings. I sighed loudly and shook it from my head before I saw a shadow approaching my room.

"Rae!" Elise shouted as she ran into my room, the moment she entered she went completely silent and just stared at me. Her smile vanished and she looked terrified, great. This is why I don't want anyone to see me because I'm ugly and disgusting.

Elise looked like she had been crying for a week straight, she was in a right state.

"What the hell happened to you Elise? What were you doing downstairs?" I asked to shake the fact that she was literally staring into my soul.

"A lot has happened okay, I needed to see you" She said before frowning and crying again, I wanted to hug her so bad but I could barely move.

"Rant then, tell me everything" I said while pointing to the chair beside my bed, she walked over to it and slowly sat down. Elise stayed silent for a few minutes as if she was hiding something.

"I had a fight with my school friends, Kelsey was being really rude to me and-"

"What were they saying?" I interrupted, I felt the anger boiling inside of me. How could anyone be rude to Elise?

"Uh.. She was commenting on what I was wearing at Oceania, saying it was ugly and stuff" Elise explained with her head as low as possible, I sighed loudly and shook my head.

"I know I didn't see you last night but I'm pretty sure you were the only gorgeous person in that club" I whispered to her, she looked up at me while smiling.

"You think?"

"I know"

We smiled widely at each other for a really long time and soon Elise's tears were completely gone. She reached across the bed and kissed my hand lightly.

"You are an angel Rae, thank you" She said. Butterflies attacked my stomach and I tried to hide it with a smile but I was secretly hoping she had them too.

- Elise's POV -

What is going on in my stomach?! Is this what butterflies feel like?..

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