The Name's Dean

By Lesbihonest16

18.7K 1.4K 495

Dean is...different. He is trapped in a never-ending hell with his brother, as John abuses his children. Sam... More

Pit Stop
Sam's hazardous shooting
Back on the road
Small victories
Stories and Showers
Worst Father Award
The Righteous Man
Parks and Swinging
Blurted Terror
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Bare with me
Thinking About You
Till The Sun Goes Down
Daddy's Money
Love Doesn't Equal Forever
We Meet Again
Sam Isn't Having It
Making Him Happy
Where's Gabe?
Too Close For Comfort
Bad News
Seeing Gabriel
Surprise, Surprise
Gabe Wakes Up
Rubbed Me the Wrong Way
The Angels
Where's Sam
Pie For Breakfast
Not Out Yet
When I'm Gone
Seven Channels
Broken Angel
Love in an Elevator
Great Timing, Cas
Help and Powersaws
Not Great
Anna Let Us In
Practicalities of Heaven
School Days, School Days
Fairy Tale Ending

A Tall Glass of You

529 42 64
By Lesbihonest16

The air was nice and cool as Dean walked through the small town of Sioux Falls. He looked in all the little window shops, his hands in his too-small pockets. Why female jeans had such god awful pockets would forever be a mystery to him. Just another nuisance of being a woman. He sighed, coming across a coffee shop that smelled strongly of lemons. Dean opened the door, letting the warmth of the small shop envelope him. He walked up to the counter and took a look at the menu. Looking back in front of him, he nearly fainted. Standing behind the counter was the most gorgeous boy he'd ever seen. "H-hi." He said shyly. It wasn't usual for him to be flustered like this. "Hello, ma'am. What would you like today?" Dean groaned deeply. "Just a pecan pie please." He muttered. Something clawed at him, begging for more information on the boy staring at him. "Sure. That'll be two dollars." Dean scoffed. Two bucks just for a damn pie? He handed the money over the counter and waited for his pie. "I've never seen you around." The boy said. "I'm Castiel." Dean's mind flicked quickly with recognition at the name, but he couldn't place it. "My name is Dean." He said firmly, hoping and praying that Castiel would understand, in some bizarre way, Dean wasn't a girl. "Forgive me for being so blunt, but that name does seem a bit unusual for a girl." Castiel said, trying hard not to sound like a dick. "I'm not a girl." Dean whispered. The boy seemed to have heard him though, and simply smiled. "Oh. Alright." Dean stared wildly at Castiel. "You're just going to accept that? You do realize I'm transgender, right?" He asked desperately. He didn't even know this person and he was already perfectly fine with that little fact. "Why wouldn't I? It's not like trans people aren't people." Castiel didn't stop smiling. The baker came up behind Castiel and handed him the pie. "Thanks, Cas." Dean grinned, turning to look for a table. "Wait!" He heard Castiel cry. He looked back at Castiel. "Would someone to sit with you?" Castiel mumbled nervously, smiling hopefully. Dean kind of lit up inside. First he accepted him, and now he wanted to talk to him. And it certainly didn't hurt that Castiel was utterly adorable. "I wouldn't mind." He said, walking to a table in a small nook, away from most of the other people in the coffee shop. Castiel sat down with him and smiled. "Want some pie?" Dean asked, looking at him intensely. "I'd love some. Staring at food that I can't have all day is rather difficult." Dean laughed, cutting a small slice of pie for him and Cas. "Here ya go." He set the plate down on the table, in front of Cas. "Thanks." Castiel took a bite and moaned. And at that moment, Dean had to admit, not having the anatomy of a boy had at least one perk.

Sam raced to the park, his hair flying behind him. He let himself double over, catching his breath before straightening up. Gabriel was on a swing. Sam tensed up immeasurably, each step toward his crush unbearably anxious. "Hey, Gabe." Gabriel didn't look up. "Hi, Sam. Have a seat." Sam swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to force his heart to slow down. He didn't succeed. Gabriel took a deep breath. "I've been thinking." He began. "When you told me you thought you might be gay, I got scared. I was utterly terrified because I've been feeling the same way and I didn't know what to think of myself. At first, I pushed the feelings down. But they just kept rising to the surface anytime you would touch me or even when you laughed. God, Sam, your laugh is absolutely intoxicating. Anyway, when the feelings grew stronger, I knew something had to change, that I had to change. I didn't want to. I was so stubborn, I let it get the best of me, and now you probably hate me." He finished. Gabriel swiped his face with his hands, wiping away the tears that were trailing rapidly down his cheeks. Sam couldn't take that sadness. Gabriel had only ever shown happy emotions. Sam didn't ever want to see that on his face again. He immediately leapt from the swing, into Gabriel's arms, and hugged him as if he'd never let go. "I could never hate you." He whispered through the tears. They were tears of a shattered friendship, of something that had once been beautiful, and was now a broken mess, waiting to be duct taped back together again. "I love you, Gabriel." Gabriel clutched him even tighter. "I love you too, Sam." Gabriel pulled back first, wiping Sam's face with his sleeve. "I love you." He repeated. Sam smiled suddenly. This wasn't a time to cry anymore. "I love you too." He said softly. Sam rubbed his thumb across Gabriel's cheeks in an effort to rid the tears of a broken heart.

Dean smiled slightly as Castiel seemed utterly infatuated with him. He wasn't special. He was far from it, actually. "So, what school do you go to?" Castiel asked. "Oh, I don't go to school. They won't use my name in their stupid system." He muttered. Castiel's face changed to one of sympathy. "I'm sorry." He said, laying a hand over Dean's. Dean flinched at the contact slightly. "I-it's fine, Cas." He stuttered. "No, it's not. Look, I have to get back to work, but call me sometime." Dean was about to stand up, Castiel already having done so. "Oh, and, Dean?" Dean looked up into Cas's eyes. "I'm pansexual." He grinned wildly as Dean froze for a moment before the blonde hurried out of the coffee shop.

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