Vic Fuentes' Daughter

By Bandtella

145K 5.1K 606

CURRENTLY EDITING Meet Haley Rogers, a girl who has moved in and out of homes, there she has yet to find a d... More

Vic Fuentes' Daughter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaoter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Book cover
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Bandtella's Note
New book
Thank you

Chapter 55

982 29 12
By Bandtella

"Today class you will be doing a portrait. It can be one of your family, a loved one, you or people you look up too." She paused and looked around the room. Her eyes stared at mine. Did I forget to mention that my teacher was a friend of my mother? I didn't find out until a year ago.

"Now class this is your finals. I want you guys to take your time on this. Put a lot of effort into this piece. This is nothing like the others. You can use anything you want to. Paint, spray paint, blocks, whatever you may choose. Make something fantastic. And what do I always say class?" "No bullshitting." The whole class said as a unison. She smiled at us, proud. Almost as if we were children of her own. "Now get to work." She said playfully. But we all knew when to get serious. This wasn't high school. There wasn't time for all that 'bullshitting matter." I'm telling you, I didn't make them up teacher came up with it throughout the year.

I didn't realize I was sitting there letting myself daydream until Ethan pinched my shoulder. I sent him a glare in his direction and boy the look on his face. The pout, him sticking his tongue at me. Keep in mind, he's older than me, 20 to be exact. He looked so adorable. Even when he's mad, he's still a muffin even though he hates it when I call him things like again muffin, leprechaun, sweet cheeks, hell what else.. Just know that I call him too many names that I forgot and he hates them.. Moving on- ring, ring, ring. And that's enough thinking.

(I don't remember how old he is, he's either 20 or 21)

"Hey Hal, what's going on in your pretty little mind?" Ethan said while grabbing my hand. "Food and food only." I mean wasn't completely lying. I was hungry. Let's be honest I'm always hungry.

"And there you go again. Also I have someone who wants to meet you. She's been wanting to meet you for a while. She's kind of shy at first but once you get to know her she's pretty cool." I nodded, satisfied with his statement. "And there she is now." He turns me around and there I'm met with a short girl-now remember I'm fun size (short) and we're pretty much the same height.

Her hair is jet black that fades into purple. She's kind of pale. Wearing a black sweater with black leggings. Why does it seem like I'm explaining to the police that someone just stole my box of pizza?.. Anyways, she's wearing black combat boots and which I might steal because dammit they were the new ones that just came out. Sorry back to the description. But her eyes are what stand out the most. I would kill for those eyes. One is blue while the other is light brown. Pretty unique to me.

"Hey my name is Haley Fuentes." I extended my arm and shook my hand with hers. "Um hi, name is Andrea Skies." She half whispered. She's adorable! "What class do you have next?" "We're not in the same fields. I'm in the music department." I smiled and nodded in approval. "So you're a music major, hmm. Can you play me something?" I grabbed My violin from my bag. Yes, I still have my violin. And The reason I took it with me is because I've been getting lessons from Belinda.

Belinda had played Violin since she was little, which I think is cool and she thinks Its stupid. I'm like no Belinda its cool, but then again I spent my childhood in a adoption center. Anything sounds cool to me. Anything sounds amazing then siting at home and  doing nothing. I think that's why I don't like being lonely. Being stuck in a room ordered to do nothing but sit in silence. I mean us I had an IPod and headphones but the pair I had, my roommate cut them in half.

I handed my violin to Andrea, giving me a smug look she handed it back to me and pulled one out of her bag.  I stared at her. "You have your own?" I looked at her dark wood brown violin. "I play every instrument there is but, I love playing the violin the most." She smiled to herself. Ethan blended down and whispered to my ear. "She's talking more. I think she's starting to like you. Even better then her older cousin." I chuckled and sat in one of the chairs.

"What song would you like to play?" I picked up my violin, plucking the strings a bit, I looked up and added, "If you don't mind." She smiled and whispered, "Don't mind at all." Picking up her Violin she looked around a bit and her eyes landed on Belinda's. Belinda was holding her cello, well dragging it with her. Andrea practically ran to her and whispered something in her ear. They both ran to my direction with wicked smiles. "Let's get started, shall we?" Belinda said while moving her cello out of her case.

"I know what song we should play. Lux Aeterna from the movie, Requiem for a dream." Belinda said while tuning her cello. (The video is at the top and This might be my favorite song that I've played on the piano and the movie is pretty good as well. Along with Fly and Divenire by Ludovico Einaudi) (drop a comment if you've seen the movie or heard of it. If not, ask and I'll tell you about the movie.)

Belinda started us off with the first note of the song. Getting ready for my part, I started off quietly and worked my way up. Andrea started strumming the high notes. I've managed to get lost into the music. The low notes of the cello was there to guide me, keep my tempo. The violin and cello were in sync at times. I closed my eyes, the feeling of the song gave me a strange memory.

I could picture my mother holding me, singing me a lullaby. My father stood beside her, looking down at me, a small smile appeared his face. He kissed my forehead and stared at my mother. Love in their eyes. Anyone could see that they truthfully loved each other. No words exchanged. It was as if speaking would ruin the moment. He kissed her cheek, giving me one last look and left the room. Bang! Everything's silent. Mother didn't utter a word, she just stared at the door. I was now alone with her. Looking around the room, I tried to see through the dark but the only thing I could see was my mother's blue ones. Mother seemed to be occupied by the door. It was almost as if she was waiting for someone or something were to happen.

This went on for a little bit more until she finally broke. She threw me on the bed as of I was a pice of trash. She rushed to the door and started kicking and screaming at the door. Various of curses erupted out of her thin lips. She punched the wall, hitting her head a few times. She slid down the wall, holding her head in between her hands. Rocking back and forth she cried for his name. My father's name. Then it happened. Everything, all at once, froze. The screaming, the cursing, beating on the walls.

But what scared me the most was the look she was giving me. Hatred. She stared at me and when I looked away, I could feel her. I could feel her looking at me. The feeling of her stare sent chills down my back. "This is your fault." She whispered but I still heard her. "This is all your fault!" She screamed. Getting up from the wall, two steps is all it took for her to grab me from the cold sheets.

This song. My mother. I could feel tears coming down my cheeks.

Mother grabbed me by one arm and dragged me, occasionally kicking me. "Let me go!" I screamed. She wouldn't listen. She was hurting me and she didn't listen at all. I screamed, kicked, until I heard something pop. She heard it as well. By now we were outside of the car. She opened the door and threw me in not as hard. She started the car, pulled out of the drive way and made her way down the road.

Mother was a reckless driver, she's been in various of car accidents. "One day, she's going to get in a car accident." I remembered grandmother telling mother once she picked me up from my grandparents house. That was the last time I saw them.

"I fucking hate you! I wish you were never born! He left because of you!" Mother repeatedly screamed, while driving controllably. "And now you're gonna see how it feels to have everything taken away from you." She sneered. Suddenly the car stopped. She rushed out, slamming the door, running to my direction of the car. Opening the door she grabbed my arm and threw me out of the car. I landed on my left side. I heard the sound of tires screeching. I tried to stand up but I failed miserably. But before I could get up one last time, She was gone.

I was somewhat happy that she was gone, that meant no more beatings. Where was I to go know? I looked around. It was cold out and I was in my dirty, pink and purple nightgown.

I smiled at the memory. Free from my mothers beatings, free from the screaming, the crying. Even though I was happy, away from mother and her wicked ways, I was rather sad. I didn't have a place to stay but on that very same night, I met Debra. She took me in when no one else would. I remember that day vividly.

It was raining, hard. It was so dark out. And all I wanted was my daddy. Why did he leave me? I closed my eyes. I covered my ears and screamed. "Who's out there?" I heard a women's voice yell. I looked around but my eyes landed on a shadowy figure. It came closer. Shining a light in my face, I covered on arm around my face and the other hugging myself. "You don't have to be scared." She reached her hand out. I looked up to see a women, holding an umbrella. She was dressed in a green pencil skirt and yellow and green pica dotted blouse. "Come on out. I have a place for you to stay." She reached her hand out for me again, but this time I took it. "My name is Debra." She smiled warmly. "H-Haley." I said quietly.

She led me in the dark into a building nearby. The whole way there she didn't say anything. I was too afraid to say anything, so I didn't mind. Unlocking the door, she pulled me in first and closed the door. Two words to describe the place, crazy and loud. Everything was chaotic. Children were running around, music was blasted, no one seemed too care. I loved this or so I thought. Everything stopped once the door closed. Me being the shy one, I hid behind Debra. Afraid that If I came out, the other kids were going to hate me. And in the near future they did. All of them did but one kid. Page.

She was the toughest kid I knew. She stood up for me when I went through hell with a family or bully and I did the same for her. We were like Bonnie and Clyde. Two pees in a pod. She was like a sister to me. The only family that I probably had as a kid.

I remember the day a family took her in, that was probably the saddest I had ever been as a kid.

"Promise you'll come back and visit?" I whispered to my best friend. "I promise." We pinky promised and gave each other a bone crushing hug. Page turned around and grabbed something from her bag. She ran back to me and handed me a doll. "Here I want you to have this." She handed me her bratz kids doll and hugged me again. "But where's your other one?" I looked at her with tears eyes. "Don't worry, it's in my bag. And also this won't be forever, I'm pretty sure they'll send me back before you know it." She gleamed. Her tears were already down her cheeks. I grabbed her hand and said proudly, "Best friends?" "Always!" She screamed and tackled me.

I will never forget that memory. Even though I got to see her at school, it still sucked because I didn't have no one to play with. I was a goner. Sighing, I redeemed another memory from my childhood best friend.

Page. She was my best friend. But something or should I say someone broke us up. Let's just say, when I meant everyone hated me, I meant everyone. People that didn't even know my name hated me. And one of them that was close to Page was her boyfriend. He'd spread rumors, saying that I slept with him, that I cut and wanted attention.

At first, Page thought it was a joke. I thought it was too until he snuck into my room while I was asleep and took pictures of us, but before he could leave, Debra caught him and the police were involved. And guess what rumor was started the next day? 'Haley slept with him and called the police for attention. She's such an attention whore.' Funny how lies and rumors work together.

That was the day Page had all of those notes in my locker, she had the whole school write something bad about me. It was the day I attempted suicide for the fifth time and I actually almost succeeded. It was also the day I learned about my father and my uncles. That was the worst, best day of my life.

Opening my eyes, they landed on Ethan. His were already on mine, as if he'd been watching me this whole time. I can see my future with this weirdo and I would go through hell and back just to do it all over again.

If anyone were to pay me one million dollars to break up with him, I'd probably take the money and stay together with Ethan. Hey they didn't give me options. Let's be honest here, who else would take the money..comment below.

Moreover, I can see my life with and without him. I bet you didn't see that coming did you?
With him, I can see myself rim an art room, sketching painting, whatever I'm doing. I can see two children, a girl and a boy. Both of them running around, giggling. Ethan grabs ahold of the girl on his arms and calling her his princess while my baby boy's sitting in my lap watching me paint.

Now let me tell you what my life would be without Ethan. I'd be in a art room, painting. Either way, I'm doing something in an art room. Weather he's there or not, art will always be in my life.

Girls and guys, I'm here to tell you that, you don't need no man or women in your life. Be independent even when you have someone in your life. Just stay true to yourself.

I should be a preacher one day...

I mean if art wasn't for me, as well as music I would totally be a preacher.

Preacher Fuentes..

As the song ended with Belinda ending if with a few last cords, I set my instrument down and all of the sudden cheers and claps erupted. I looked at Ethan to see him clapping as well. "Beautiful." He mouthed. I smiled and ran to his arms. "Amazing." He whispered in my ear. "Thank you." I whispered back.

On the way home, it was pretty weird because Andrea and James kept giving each other side glances. I leaned over to Belinda and whispered, "Are-Yup." She had already beat me to it. So they do know each other..hmm. I looked at Ethan and he gave me the scariest death glare ever. I may have leaned over to Belinda again but she pushed me off of her.

Wait isn't James in the music department as well.. So they may have met each other and now on bad terms..What did he do?!

Once we got in the apartment, I pulled James to the side. "What did you do to Andrea!" He tried shushing me but that only pissed me off even more. "Don't shush me." He covered my mouth and whispered, "Keep your voice down, I don't want her to hear." He looked back and there looking at us was Andrea. "James, go talk to her." I said after moving his hands off of my mouth. "I did, now you see how that ended up." He looked down. Damn he really looks sad, like he actually lost his chance with her. "Well start off slow. Get to know her. Take her out and get to know each other." I said with a grin. "Haley, you don't get it, I really fucked up." He couldn't even look me in the eyes as he said that. "Well what did you do?"

"Well I..I umm- Spit it out!" I cut him off. He was taking too long and I was hungry. Tonight we're having pizza, momma's favorite.

Sighing he sat on the floor against the wall and I followed in suit. "She came in the class room and the teacher introduced her. As she walked to her desk, someone tripped her, so I went and helped her picked up all of her books. She thought I had tripped her and she pushed me away. I tried explaining to her but the teacher told us to go sit down, so I went and sat in my usual seat in the back. There wasn't any other seats left but the one beside me so she sat next to me. I tried to get her attention, he'll I even passed her a note. She ended up screaming at me and that cost us a week of detention, even though I told the teacher that it was my fault, he didn't care and punished us both.

Now Andrea is pissed at me. She probably thinks that I'm a fuck boy because a couple of girls were trying to get my attention, but I didn't care about them. The only attention that I wanted it from was Andrea. l want is Andrea. This is probably too early but dammit I'm so damn frustrated  and her not talking to me is honestly killing me." He ended up with his head in his hands.

He was missing out on Andrea staring down at him. In know she heard the whole thing. I was watching her, her eyes were closed, listening to every word he was saying. Love at first site.

I got up and went to Andrea's direction she didn't notice me at all. "Go talk to him." I whispered so only she could hear me. Nodding at me, she opened her eyes and walked to him. Deciding that It was my time to leave, I walked to the kitchen and sat next to Ethan. I respect others privacy. If you need to be alone, it's cool. I won't be in your business.

"Whats going on with those two?" Ethan asked grabbing my hand. "It's between them two. Let them be." He nodded and kisses my head.

"You are something else." He leaned over and handed me a plate of pizza.
"I know." I chuckled. Taking his plate of pizza, I made a run for it.

"Haley Fuentes!" He screamed.

"I love you too!" I screamed back.

I am so dead.

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