A choice AmaimonxReader

By Amaimon13

187K 6.2K 1K

One mistake a whole new life. New school new faces new demons..? What happens when everything you've known is... More

A new beginning
Amaimons pov.
A fight...
A day out
A run in with an angel
Amaimons pov.
My "marriage"
The festival
Oh crap...
Amaimon's pov
A chat
A family reuninion
A sleepover at Satans
Amaimon's pov
Pain and Prison
My confession
Amaimon's pov
The ceremomy
Amaimon's pov
I'm a demon?

A friend?

10.5K 323 53
By Amaimon13

*Three weeks later*
Everything's been a blur since I got settled. New people, new friends, new classes and most importantly the choice I'm putting off. Thanks to Mephisto I have a while to decide since I'm training to be an exorcist he can kept the Vatican out of my hair, for awhile at least....
I'm waiting for the bell it's my last class of the day, demonology it's rather boring I learned most of this back home studying alone but at least I can keep my grades up.


Quickly packing up waving goodbye to my teacher, Yukio he's a friend of sorts kinda since he is my age. Now I head towards Mephisto's office, I've been staying with him the past few weeks. It's been awesome he acts like a kid sometimes we've been playing video games, watching anime, and my favorite pranking the students, but sadly he decided I should try staying in the dorms for awhile at least, mainly just to help me fit in get used to school life I think he'd let me move back in with him if I ask later on. At his office I knock on the door I don't even know why I could just barge in but other kids might walk by then again I'm sure many people run in doing just that if they get mad at Mephi. A lot of kids call him a stupid clown minus myself course.... Most of the time.
"Come in" he summons me forward so I walk in.
"Hey," I smile happy to see him even if I just did this morning what can I say he's like a thorn you can't get rid of. I notice someone else in the room. I've never seen him before green hair ending in a single spike on the top of his head. He's wearing a sort of suit unlike any I've seen. it could be considered mismatched but I think it's kinda neat. I'm not sure but I'd say he's around my age.
"Ah I see you've noticed we have a guest"
I nod still staring at the stranger.
"This is Amaimon" he grins though I can't imagine why.
The stranger-Amaimon-turns to face me he was looking outside. His eyes are a vibrant teal blue, if I didn't have more sense I could get lost staring in them. He tilts his head "you must be y/n, I've heard a lot about you."
"Hi," I smile not wanting to seem rude though his gaze seems to be examining me kind of unerving but I easily brush it off focusing on why I'm here. "So you wanted to give me a dorm today?" I turn my attention back to Mephisto.
"Yes that is what I planned to do and I've decided you'll be sharing the old dorm building with the Okumura twins." He smiles "that way you're able to have a dorm to yourself and company if needed it'll only be you three in the building"
"Oh cool," I grin that's perfect for me solitude.
"I'll show you right away I have a lot of work to come back to" he stands "Einz Zwei Drei" a puff of pink smoke and he stands as a dog before me already on the run out of the office. I quickly follow not noticing Amaimon watching from behind. Soon Mephi stops at the old dorm building its big awesome and kinda spooky. He barks waiting for me to open the door he runs inside waiting on the stairs for me to come after him.
He stops at dorm B13 how suiting an unlucky number probably my luckiest. Before I even realize it he's opening the door back to normal. The dorm isn't nothing huge it has two beds a small bathroom and a small living area. The showers and kitchen are in the middle of the building pretty public but I can deal with it just have to ask when Rin and Yukio shower to make a schedule.
"Any issues darling?" He smirks acting as if I princess.
"Of course not what do I look like a whiner!" I laugh sticking my tongue out at him.
"Splendid" he heads towards the door "since I'm so busy would you mind keeping Amaimon entertained just for a little while?"
"Uh no I mean Rin invited me to the park with our friends but I don't really want to go" I lied I was looking forward to it all day but I'm curious to know more about Amaimon and I don't want to say no to Mephi he's been so awesome and helpful.
"Thank you love, I'll go get him." Rather than walking he poofs away and a few minutes later he poofs back with the green haired boy. "Have fun you two!" He snickers proofing away yet again.
Awkward silence follows for a few moments before I decide to make an attempt to break it, "so Amaimon anything you want to do?"
"I want to play," he says in a rather emotionless voice.
"Uh alright sure hmm lets go outside and find a game to play."
He tilts his head slightly but follows as I go out into the afternoon sun.
"Do you want to maybe go to the park we can mess around go for ice cream whatever?"
He taps his foot thinking possibly, "hmm alright."
I smile, this guys odd but I think I can make today work.
~At the park~
So apparently Amaimon isn't as stiff as he seemed. We're running around in an intense game of tag he's so fast and leaps through the trees at speeds I can't comprehend it's almost as if he's a demon! Right now he's it and I'm tearing around the trees in a zig zag. I keep an ear out listening to his quick movements after the first few tags I've figured out a sort of pattern he keeps. lets me get ahead two trees jump I turn right he drops to run till I turn left. I don't know why he could easily have tagged me long ago like the other times but maybe he just wants to pretend I'm a challenge either way I'm having fun but I know he's starting to get frustrated he breaks the pattern shortly after he sees I've caught on, now I'm running blind.
Soon I can't hear his footsteps or the whips of the trees as he jumped.
'Craaaaaap he's gonna catch me again!'
I peer around stopping for a brief moment no sign of him so I start running again maybe I actually... BAM! I ran smack into someone or something at first I think it had to be a tree the way my head is spinning but I quickly and embarrassingly realize I'm laying on top of Amaimon who doesn't really seemed phased but amused.
"You're it" there's a small glint of playfulness in his eyes but his voice holds close to the same tone as before.
I groan "you tricked me!"
He shrugs, "I still caught you"
"Yeah I guess you did," I brush myself off getting up. It was pretty hot by now and I was covered in sweat from my run. "Wanna hit the ice cream stand now?"
"Okay," he gets up quickly.
The little ice cream stand wasn't that far from where we were. There was a small crowd gathered there and just my luck Rin and them are here. Inside I think I just died literally internal screaming, but I want ice cream and I'm sure Amaimon does to soooooo I have to deal with it.
"Hey y/n what are you doing here I thought you were busy?" Rin sees me as I pay for our ice cream.
"Well I kinda am" I smile awkwardly as Amaimon comes to stand by me and takes his ice cream.
Rin growls "what's he doing here! Y/n get away from him before he tries to steal you or something!"
Amaimon shoots him a hateful glare, I'm assuming they've had bad past meetings or something don't really want to know. "Uh Rin I'm kinda here with him..."
"What?!" Rin practically pops my eardrums. "Did he threaten you or something? Did he kidnap you?!"
"No Rin listen!" I snap losing my patience. He seems to shrink in size definitely in temper. "I came here with him jeez!"
"But y/n he's...."
"I don't care what he is! I came here with him to have fun not to be screamed at!" I hiss. "Amaimon lets go!" Not thinking I grab him by the arm and drag him to a bench far away from Rin.
'Ugh why was he acting like a freaking jerk! It's not like Amaimon is a monster!' I plop onto the bench, quickly finishing my ice cream but it seems Amaimon had eaten his long ago. I have no idea how he didn't get brain freeze! "I'm sorry I yelled but he was being a jerk!" I mumble.
"Do you not like Rin?" He tilts his head at me.
"Well he is my friend but sometimes I just can't stand him..." I sigh.
"Hm...." He sits beside me. I can't help but glance at him, this is the closest I've been to him since we met.
At this distance I notice his ears are pointed like Mephi's and Rin's....is he a demon?
"My brother is fond of you," I realize he caught me staring. My cheeks turn a crimson color unable to hide my embarrassment.
"Your brother?" I frown.
I stare at him confused so if Mephisto is his brother he has to be one of Gehenna's princes....
"I'm the Earth King"
"Ooooooooooh...." I don't know how I didn't figure it out honestly ha maybe I'm stupid but he just seems so..... Not normal but not I guess demonic, like Mephi not normal but not very demon either. "So that's why Rin doesn't like you"
He nods, for some reason I think he expects me to leave maybe it's the way he gives me a sideways glance or maybe I'm imagining it either way I'm not just going to leave demons humans all the same to me.
"That's pretty cool!" I grin. Now he looks at me almost shocked I think but he quickly regains his normal composure.

~A/n if anything seems off or weird don't hesitate to tell me I'll try to fix it up~

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