
By TheeJaffaCake

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Being a teenager is confusing; especially with love, friendships, illnesses, college, arguments and hormones... More

Chapter One // Rae
Chapter Two // Sophia
Chapter Three // Louise
Chapter Four // James
Chapter Five // Iris
Chapter Six // Zane
Chapter Seven // Dale
Chapter Eight // New Friends In Unexpected Places
Chapter Nine // Best Friends?
Chapter Ten // Elise
Chapter Eleven // Headaches
Chapter Twelve // Safe
Chapter Thirteen // Hospital Road Trips
Chapter Fourteen // Opening Up
Chapter Fifteen // Abandoned
Chapter Sixteen // Mud Stains
Chapter Seventeen // The Broken Past
Chapter Eighteen // Laughing Stock
Chapter Nineteen // Stress
Chapter Twenty // A Disappointment
Chapter Twenty One // Ward Five
Chapter Twenty Two // The Past Haunts Us
Chapter Twenty Three // Seven Hours
Chapter Twenty Four // I Have You
Chapter Twenty Five // Tea Bags
Chapter Twenty Six // Iris' Eighteenth
Chapter Twenty Seven // The Break Dancer
Chapter Twenty Eight // Pizza And Confessions
Chapter Twenty Nine // Piggybacks
Chapter Thirty // Liar
Chapter Thirty One // Tiled Floor
Chapter Thirty Two // Blackmail
Chapter Thirty Four // The Love Triangle
Chapter Thirty Five // Making A Scene
Chapter Thirty Six // Violated
Chapter Thirty Seven // Cheater
Chapter Thirty Eight // The Failed Journey
Chapter Thirty Nine // Fireworks And Cheering
Chapter Forty // Helpful Strangers
Chapter Forty One // "Dear Elise.."
Chapter Forty Two // Breaking Point
Chapter Forty Three // Freedom
Chapter Forty Four // The News
Chapter Forty Five // Blankets And Cuddles
Chapter Forty Six // Vintage Cafe's And Ladybirds
Chapter Forty Seven // Leaving You Behind
Chapter Forty Eight // Love
Chapter Forty Nine // Heart To Heart
Chapter Fifty // Family Fury
Chapter Fifty One // Clouds
Chapter Fifty Two // Relief
Chapter Fifty Three // The Adult
Chapter Fifty Four // Support And Love
Chapter Fifty Five // The Sky After A Storm
Chapter Fifty Six // Family Photos
Chapter Fifty Seven // Starry Night
Chapter Fifty Eight // The Fountain
Chapter Fifty Nine // Drowning
Chapter Sixty // White Flowery Dress
Chapter Sixty One // Fake Smile
Chapter Sixty Two // "I Can Do This"
Chapter Sixty Three // Roses
Chapter Sixty Four // The End

Chapter Thirty Three // Leila

24 1 0
By TheeJaffaCake

- Leila's POV -

I remember packing my bags a few hours before leaving England to return to Italy, I had just walked out of Dale's hospital room before telling him that I couldn't take care of him any more as he was too reckless.

We loaded up the van and said goodbye to my grandmother before going to the airport and leaving the country, I was terrified. Before I came to England I was in a bad place with my friends, we fought a lot and to top it off I was leaving them and flying across the world. They had no idea I was coming home as it was so sudden, I didn't even tell Dale because it was too painful to say out loud.

My grandmother had to stay in England, since we moved here a few years ago she had gotten sick and was unable to fly back so I promised her I would come back to England as soon as I could to visit her. It was hard leaving her behind because she was my closest family member and I saw her more like a best friend, especially as I didn't have many friends in England apart from Dale.

When we returned to Italy I was greeted by my friendship group, they surprised me at the airport! My mum had told them we were coming home and they couldn't resist, that's how I knew I was home.

I told them about Dale, I told them I was in love. They were happy for me but also confused.

"Why did you let your parents take you away from England if Dale is there?"

"Won't you miss him?"

"Long distant relationships are impossible"

I told them the truth, I told them that we were different and I had to move on. After seeing my friends I was finally back in my old house and it felt like a dream. I cried alone in my bedroom over Dale, I realised in that moment how far away we were from each other and how he might not know that I have left him yet. I kept picturing his face when he finds out that I'm gone, his broken hearted smile and tear stained eyes.

I continued my exams in Italy and returned to my old school, all of my class mates were surprised to see me. All I could think about while in school, out with my friends, spending time with family or being alone was Dale. He never left my head.

I was worried about him because I left him in a bad place and he needed someone to care for him. I was the only person he depended on and I left him. I'm an awful human being.

Then my eighteenth birthday came around and I had a huge celebration, my parents let me have my own house party and I'm pretty sure the whole school showed up.

My friend introduced me to a guy named Hayden, he was extremely hot. Tan, tall, strawberry blonde hair and he had the nicest smile. She practically pushed me onto him and I instantly felt awkward, we danced together at my party and when he tried to make a move on me until I freaked out and evacuated my own house.

I could see Dale everywhere, he was judging me and shaking his head in shame. I began to cry while hiding my face from all the people who were sitting in my back garden and that's when I realised, I needed to go back to England.

I had a great time at my birthday though and I made some new friends, people actually began to notice me after throwing an amazing party.

As soon as the party was over I told my parents that I was going to visit my grandmother. It had been several months and I was missing her more than ever. They weren't so sure at first but after I begged for a solid week they agreed.. Then off I went to England.

As soon as I landed from my twenty hour flight I recognised everything, I knew England more than my own original home. I dragged my heavy suitcase down the street and into the retirement home where my grandmother was staying, when she saw me her face lit up.

We chatted for hours about Italy and how everyone in our family was doing, she asked me about my birthday and I told her about all the fun I had.

"I know the main reason you are here" My grandmother said before placing her hand over mine, I stared at her in confusion before she grinned at me.

"Go find him" She whispered before kissing my head, I nodded and ran out of that building as fast as I could. Dale's grandparents weren't far from where I was and judging by him and his mothers relationship I was expecting him to be living with them.

When I made it to the street I stopped and stared for a moment, I stared at my old house and noticed a happy couple now living in it. They were cutting the grass in the garden and laughing at each other, I frowned and watched them before putting my attention on Dale's grandparents house then making my way to the front door.

I knocked it quickly before taking a deep shaky breath, what do I do when he comes to the door? Do I kiss him or hug him?

I waited patiently for a few minutes but nobody answered, what now?

"Are you looking for Dale?" A guy standing with a few others said, they stood at the end of the garden.

"I am, who are you?" I asked cautiously, I had never seen their faces before.

"We're friends of Dale, we can take you to him if you like?" He said with a smile, I nodded and followed them. For a moment I thought I was never going to see Dale again.

"So how do you know Dale? Are you a relative or something?" One of them asked as we walked down the street, I laughed to myself while shaking my head.

"I was his girlfriend but then I left him, it was a stupid thing to do.." I sighed and the guys stared at each other before smirking.


I nodded and stopped walking, something is wrong here..

Before I could run or do anything to save myself they were grabbing me and pulling me into a car which was parked not far from where we were standing.

I should've suspected it, if you are involved with Dale then you are involved in drama.

I was a wreck, I came to England to be happy but instead I was abducted and possibly going to be murdered. The group of guys left me tied up in a small cramped room for a few hours before bringing me into another room to find Dale sitting on a wooden chair also tied up.

Our eyes met for the first time in months and it was like I never left..

((What I said about feeling at home earlier, that was wrong. This was home))

"Dale!" I shouted in fear, I was terrified but my heart was also beating rapidly because I was in the presence of my true love once again.

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