Dragon Age: Adelaide Surana [...

By LadyHelicie

893 76 5

Adelaide Surana was just a simple little elf girl. She served her whole life, with her father, serving noblem... More

Chapter 1: Servile Knife Ears
Chapter 2: A Daughter's Wishes
Chapter 3: Thrush of Hope
Chapter 5: Sortilege Augury Thaumaturgy
Chapter 6: The Circle
Chapter 7: Harrowing
Chapter 8:Fiends Who Dwell in Gehenna
Chapter 9: Tears turn to blood
Chapter 10: Ostagar
Chapter 11: Ledgends O' Witches PT.1
Chapter 12: Ledgends O' Witches PT.2
Chapter 13: Midst of Fire
Chapter 14: Undefined Threats
Chapter 15: Home? Not home.

Chapter 3: The Last Cometh

92 7 0
By LadyHelicie

Teryn Alexius Tirani

"They're to be coming eve of day, milord. Is this proper schedule?"

"Yes, yes. So be it, cousin Maric is visiting here with his son i take it? What about the...boy?"

"Oh that one. Yes he is to be there as well, along with Teagan and Eamon.

The messenger takes his leave, passing unto me this wracked uneasiness. "So it is to be done. I must prepare for the night."

I look out the open window arms lying on the doily, into the far sunset, that revealed a path of complimentary orange and red colors as the noon passed. The birds chirps slowly had begun to die off, as the sky greyed and blackened. Today was the day, of the annual family gathering. It felt as if, there would be a reckoning unlike any other.

"My love?"

I turn my back towards the scenery, to face my cherished lady. She had put on a fine red gown that laid across the floor, standing straight with both her hands folded below her waist.

"The guests, are beginning to arrive. We shall get the servants fully dressed, in decent clothing." She smiles.

"Yes, that would be for the best. After all.." I let out a heavy wind of relief. "This is a royal reunion is it not? Every one coming from wedlock, cousins of cousins, and close family is to be here."

"Then we haven't a moment to spare." She laughs, beautifully. "I will set the lights."

A sharp worry tends to my heart after hearing those words, which causes me to back lash. "Veronice, do not do any of those things you do!"

She gives me a wicked glare, that shoots straight through my veins, turning me ice cold. "Oh, do not worry my love. I will restrain myself. After all, we do not want any unwanted guests, now do we?"

Terna Veronice Tirani

The carriages align neatly outside the estate, along with couples and their children. As the lady of the house, I stand outside greeting them all pleasurably and respectively. But in truth, i had been awaiting my cousins, for there was a celebration at hand to be in their favor.

"Veronice? Is that you?"

Just as I was beginning to weary, my attention drew forth to my dear cousin and his son. They both resembled each other well, each with blond locks and blue eyes.

"Auntie Veronice!" the little boy yelled, then rushed over to me as quickly as possible. "Father has been talking non stop about how much time we spent away from each other."

"Ha ha, now Cailan, be a polite little prince you hear?" Maric walks over to me with a sincere smile. "As family, we should be able to see each other more often. I'm glad you made room for this even."

"And what of the, uh- boy?"

Maric takes long look at Cailan, before returning back more anxiously than before. "The boy is with Teagan and Arl Eamon, as we speak. They should be somewhere in the dining hall, I assume."

"Aw, yes. That one was always the pig... wasn't he?"


"Hold still now!"

"How many times are you maids going to wash me down with soap and water? I am not dirty as you think I am?"

"Well the lady herself would detest other wise. You work and work all day, you must smell and look fresh as daisies. That is why, we are washing you away to give you a much clearer complexion."

The maids have washed me over and over about ten times now. This was getting exhausting; my skin was beginning to prune all over. "How much longer?"

"Please, elf, stand still. We still need to fit you into your dress, style your hair, then douse you with perfumes."

In the background i could hear my father and Mella chuckling at me. It felt like if I could not get past this stage, then I would miss out on the whole event period. Why even bother with something so tedious like this. Oh, yeah. Wait. It's becuase I am an elf. Almost forgot about that.

As soon as I was fully dressed and feasible enough, I was immediately sent as Mella's personal lady in waiting, to accompany her at all times. Apparently she was very excited, seeing as she only saw her family once a year. I was too, maybe even just as she was. this was the very first time, that I had ever personally met any of Mella's family before. This should be quite the interesting trip.

"Oh come now, Adela! Come, come quickly! We're going to miss them at this rate-

"Milay- I mean, Mella...please slow down. I cannot keep with you at this speed."

She did not listen to me of course. I never thought it would be this thrilling for a human. Then again, what would it be like if I ever got to see my father once a year. That would be devastating.

We took an immediate stop in the dining hall, where we met a rugged looking boy who was fit in noble clothing. Emphasis on rugged. How could one dirty their clothes so quickly, and stuff their face so deliberately to the point where they don't even look of nobility? Isn't that the point of table manners?

"Oh Alistair!" Mella rushed out towards the green eyed boy, and withdrew from hugging him. "Have you seen Cailan?"

"Mella, it's good to see you again. And no, Cailan and I came separately. He is probably, trying to find his way into the armory again."

"Again? I should have known that, at least." she examined his wares closely. "Also, I see you've ruined your clothes again. Why bother even dressing like this? You don't normally."

"Maybe it's becuase Eamon thought I wasn't proper enough. Well, what do I care anyhow, I came for the food. Not for the lavish clothing, now. You know me, pigging my way into things."

"Yes, how could I possibly forget..."

Mella twirls around looking almost defeated by...Alistair's...strange habits. Her eyes went to the floor, and arms placed at her sides. "Oh, that's right!" She looked back with glistening eyes.

"M-Milady?" I stutter confused.

"This boy over here, is Alistair. I'm not quite sure what kind of relation he has towards the family...but I hear he is a close friend of Cailan's. I think he lives with the Arl in Redcliffe, in fact."

I look over to the messy boy, staring into his hazel muddy eyes, then at the rest of his body. It would seem as though not all humans are as high up as they feel they should be. I kind of like this one.

"Who is that?" he asks.

"Oh her? This is my handmaiden and bestest friend in the entire universe. She is basically like my sister; i knew her all my life. Her name is Adela." Mella could rant for as long as she wanted.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."I would genuflect.

"H-Hoh, there's no need for that I assure you. As you already heard, unless those ears of yours are just for show; I am Alistair. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Adela. Might I say how very stunning you are?"

"St-Stu- Stunning? Me?" I look around then back to him. "Surely you must be talking about Mella, I'm just a servant."

"No, no, no..see that's what I like in a girl. If it isn't modesty, it's being oblivious. I meant every word, you're very beautiful among many elven girls i've seen. I like your hair especially."

His words made me heat up from the inside and red on the outside. This had to be the second time I heard something so kind coming from a human, and a boy! Maybe Mella was right.

"See," Mella tuned," You are not as wretched as you think you are. Alistair has proven this to be true."

"Hey stop it please.." I brush off the compliment and try to cool down before i melt my ears off. " Now, aren't we here to find out where Cailan is?"

"Oh that's right!" She remembered. "See you soon Alistair, we're off to find cousin Cailan."

Mella grabbed my wrist once more, then stormed off out of the dining hall. I still do not know how she managed to bypass all of those nobles so quickly. Once we reached the armory, we instantly heard metal clinking. Of course, we thought it to be Cailan.

"Open up in there, your cousin is here to see you!" Mella shot the door wide open, showing us a boy with blonde hair shoulder length fencing with another girl who's hair was in twin braided buns.

The both of them looked towards the two of us, then smiled happily.

"Oh, cousin!" Cailan cheerfully laughed. "What a nice visit, is it not?" he turns to the girl.

"Quite a nice one indeed, my prince."

Mella stook her hand out to the young girl. "It's nice to see you again Anora. I hope that Loghain is here too?"

Anora seemed to shrug at the mention of his name. "I am afriad, that he is in the midst of wallowing in self anger again. But other than that, yes he is here." Anora gives me an offish look. "Who is this"

I instantly become nerved, then try to introduce myslef this time. "Hello my lady and prince, I am Adela. As milady's handmaiden, i am escorting her wherever she wishes to go."

"Don't be so cordial Adela, mother and father aren't here remember? This is my best friend, in other words."

I blush at the mention of this. "Yes, she is like a sister to me as I am to her."

"Really..." Anora gives me a dirty look that say otherwise. "How, fun."

Cailan's eyes start to enlarge at sight of me. He bursts his way over to me, then lends out his hand. " Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are, my lady? If i wasn't already spoken for, surely-

"Ahem! Cailan."

"Well, you get the rest. Not many elves like you i've seen around. It's an interesting meeting." He softly kisses my hand, then leaves to Anora's side. "This is my betrothed, Anora. Lovely isn't she?"

Geez what is it with human's being so drawn to elves like this. Not to mention, deterred. Is it just me? or does Anora sort of act a lot like Lady Vernoice...

Later in the middle of our conversation, Lord and Lady Tirani enter the room alongside King and Queen Therin. The four gather us back to the dining hall, after hearing mention of us beign in the armory, then start to conversate amongst themselves arround the table once every other guest had left the estate. It was very boring and seemed to be somewhat drainging. I was beginning to dread my time here. Being so close to so many eyes at me was actually irritating. It seemed like the only people interested in my existence was Lord Maric, prince Cailan, Mella, Lady Therin, and Alistair(whom wasn't present at the moment)

"I see, so you say. Do you truly belive that there will be a fifth blight then, cousin?"

"Yes, Alexius. That is why we must have as much fun as possible before the battle truly begins. I am afraid after this, we won't be seeing much of eachoter. An army is needed, and Loghain and I are willing to risk anything."

The room fell silently for a while, then picked up again as the father had come in to bring dinner to the table. "Here is your meal for the day." he exits appropriately.

"Yes," starts lady Therin, "let us forget, and endure in this blessing that the maker hath brough upon us tonight."

I enter the room with a platter of wine, then serve accordingly to the guests. "Here are your drinks lady and lords. I hope you enjoy."

Lord and Lady Therin smile at me, while my lord and lady shooed me away back into the kitchen. As i entered back, I took a long break away from all of that moving about.

"Father? Why is it that things like this take the living life out of you?"

He laughs. "Oh Adela, you'll soon get used to it, if you do not get out of here first."

Father and I both start to wash the dirty dishes, and tidy up the kitchen. When the dinner is over, it was customary to wait and converse. As usual me and father had kept an ear out for the important things, so we could quietly gossip amongst ourselves and the other elves. But it didn't sound like it was going very well, from the inside. Of course Lady Veronice was starting to get cranky again upon hearing about the troublesome...what do you call them? Darkspawn? But suddenly after that, Lady Therin had dropped out of the chair and fainted. So, consequently the King and queen had to take their company back home. Mella and I returned to her quarters to discuss it.

"It's a bit odd you know?"

"Know what?"

"Well, the Queen had just...fell like that? Unconscious?"

"...That? Yeah it was weird, wasn't it? I"

"You seem a bit, not taken by this..is everything okay, Mella-

"Yeah everything is completely fine! Just a busy day is all, nothing more."

"Hmm... okay then, I believe you."

Not wanting any more trouble with the guards, I dressed myself back into my common white servants attire then took a small lit wick back to the storage closet with me. There i found a stray cat about, crawling around the wick as it melted then lied down near it to keep warm as I read over a small piece of poetry my father had left for me: Thrush of Hope.

King Maric Therin

The servants tended to my wife who was high with fever for the night. Her forehead was packed with cold rags a top her heard every five minutes as she sweat upon place of the bead whimpering barely audible words. Something about...the dark...and stay away...and Veronice. I could only assume the worst out of this. For it was not the first time that Veronice was expected to be an apostate mage. However, this wasn't of our concern of the moment. If only we had enough time...

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