By xInspiringWords

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"Sometimes finding love is the CURE you need..." My name is Lexianna Kingsley, I've always admired planet Ear... More

~CURE~ ✓
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
~Author's Note With Summary~

Chapter 44

206 9 2
By xInspiringWords

Chapter 44

~The next day, Noah~

Freaking birds and their damn chirping.

Seriously can they please make a damn muzzle for these ignorant creatures? I groaned rubbing my head, I barely slept last night firstly because it’s not comfortable sleeping on a bean bag chair up in a tree house and secondly because I had way too much on my damn mind.

I honestly got a freaking headache from all of the thinking. I just wanted to forget about everything so I did the stupidest thing I could have ever done, I got myself drunk on beer that had been up here in the tree house for who knows how goddamn long.

I rubbed my throbbing head slightly before I groaned when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked down at the clock on my phone and let out a frustrated grunt when I realized I had just managed to sleep right into the afternoon.

I unlocked my phone only to have it open up to a new text from Riley, what could she possibly want right now?

Riley: Noah I’m at the hospital for the DNA test, when are you coming?

Crap, right Riley was going to do the DNA test today so that I could find out for sure whether that kid she’s carrying is mine. My fingers quickly slid across the keypad typing my reply.

Me: Now. I’ll be there shortly.

I quickly scampered down the ladder, well more like dropped. I groaned and got myself up off the ground before I started walking out of the forest and towards my car. Don’t judge me for acting this way, I’m a hung-over teenager.

Once I reached my car I pulled open the door and got in as fast as I could. As soon as I turn on the engine on my car my damn cell phone started ringing. I groaned when I saw the caller ID, it was my mother. She was surely going to be pissed considering I didn’t go home last night and also the fact that I promised I would tell her where I would be going from now on.

I could just ignore and deal with her wrath later but that would only make things worse so unfortunately my thumb pressed the green answer button.

As soon as I pressed the phone to my ear I winced, my mother was yelling, should have expected this. “Noah Lucas Finley! Where the hell are you!? You do not understand how many times I have tried to reach you! You better not be in some bed with a random girl or Noah Luca so help me god I will-“

I cut her off quickly “I’m fine ma, and I’m not with some girl I’m alone. I just spent the night in the tree house that’s all I promise.”

“You should have called!” She yelled “I’ve been worried sick! You almost gave me a heart attack Lucas!”

I sighed “I know, I know and I’m sorry. I promise it won’t ever happen again.”

I could hear my mother’s breathing calm down slightly before her voice spoke again only this time much, much softer “You’re alone?”

“Yeah why?” I asked curiously.

She took a deep breath “Lexi didn’t come home last night either; I thought she would be with you.”

My eyes widened “No she’s not with me, I don’t know where she could be. Last I know she was with Jacob.” I lied; I didn’t want my mom to worry.

“Alright.” She sighed “I’m sure she’ll turn up soon.” We both said quick goodbyes before we hung up.

I had to admit this was my fault. I was the one that had left Lexi, again and I was the one that wouldn’t listen to her. As much as I wanted to go look for Lexi and tell her sorry about the way I acted and for the fact that I can never feel the same way about her I had bigger problems.

Riley was at the hospital getting ready to take a test that would either ruin my life or save it. I couldn’t give that up; I needed to know the truth and I needed to know it now.

I pulled out of where I was and started driving towards the hospital, towards my future.


“Lexi Poo! Time to wakey wakey!” A very annoying voice yelled into my ear.

I groaned and covered my head with a pillow shoving my face into the couch that I had slept on last night. “Go away Jakey Poo!” I screamed but it was muffled so it came out like “Gaw afaye Wakey Doo!”

I heard chuckling and slowly peaked through the comfort of the pillow over my head to see Jacob doubled over in laughter. I didn’t even get what was so darn funny that made him want to look like he was about to piss his pants.

“Why are you laughing?” I grumbled frowning.

Jacob sobered up and had this big goofy grin across his face “Did you just say ‘God find Jake condoms’?”

My eyes widened, how the hell did he even come up with that? I opened my mouth to respond when suddenly the pillow covering my head was ripped off me along with the blanket that was draped over my body.

I shivered as soon as the cold air made contact with my skin. I sat up and curled myself into a ball to try and keep myself warm “What the jumpers Jacob!?” I screamed.

Jacob smirked standing up while tauntingly holding up my pillow and blanket “Sorry Lexi Poo but I had to distract you so that I could get these. These are the only things keeping you from waking up so I figured if I took them you’d wake up.”

I glared at him “It’s Saturday, I thought this was a day where you humans sleep in.”

You humans, ouch Lexi Poo.” Jacob ruffled my hair “Just because I don’t have awesome fingernails that change colours doesn’t mean you can start rubbing your awesome Venusness in my face.”

“Venusness?” I questioned before I started laughing.

Jacob soon joined me before his phone started ringing. He told me he’d go get it and that I could change into some of his mom’s old clothes. Don’t ask me how he got his mom’s old clothes because I have no idea.

I grabbed the sweatpants and frilly sweater he got for me and went into the bathroom to change. I looked like crap I had to admit. My makeup was smeared all over my face due to the fact that I had been crying and I was too lazy to wipe it off. My hair was all over the place which pissed me off quite a bit so I just put it into a messy ponytail.

I pulled on Jacob’s mom’s clothes before I took off all of my makeup from my face. It was a good thing I had worn flats to the party last night or I’d be screwed. I know I’ll look weird wearing sweatpants and flats but it would look worse with heels.

Once I was finished I grabbed the tube of toothpaste and used my finger as my brush considering I had nothing but the clothes from last night with me here at Jacob’s place. My finger wasn’t as efficient as an actually toothbrush but I’ll do.

I left the bathroom to see Jacob dressed and pulling on his shoes. “What are you doing?” I asked curiously.

Jacob finished pulling on his shoes before he looked at me “I have to get to the hospital. I’ll drop you off at the Finley’s.”

I shook my head walking up to him “Whose at the hospital, who was on the phone?”

“Noah.” Jacob sighed “He asked me to come down; Riley is having the DNA test done on the baby. Did you know about that?”

“I knew about the baby, but I thought it was Noah’s for sure.” I responded looking down.

Jacob sighed “He wants to make sure.”

“I want to come.” I said sternly.


“I want to go.” I repeated looking him in the eyes.

“Lexi is that a good idea, Noah and you-“

I cut him off “I don’t care what Noah thinks or does, I want to be there for him no matter what he did or said to me.” I glared at Jacob while I slipped on my flats leaving no room for argument.

Jacob sighed but nodded “Alright. Let’s go.” He said holding the door open me to walk out.

Time to go to the hospital…


“I’m going to take you in now Miss Haymonds for the test.” The doctor said giving Riley a warm smile. The two of us had been waiting for about five minutes; I refused to talk to her until the results came out.

Riley stood up and nodding while she rubbed her lower abdomen “Okay, but will this affect the baby? I’ve heard that because the baby is still growing and is very vulnerable at this stage something could happen and hurt the baby or kill it.”

The doctor sighed “I understand your concern Miss Haymonds, I can’t grantee that everything will go perfectly because not only is the baby young but you are as well but if you and I work together I’m sure nothing will happen to the baby.”

Riley gave a short smile before she looked at me “Will you be okay waiting out here?”

I nodded my head while the doctor looked down now finally noticing me “Are you one of the potential fathers?”

I shrugged “I’ve slept with her yes so then I guess I am.”

The doctor nodded ignoring my rudeness and held his clipboard tightly “It won’t take too long.” He said before he started leading the way to the paternity room where Riley followed while I stayed put in the waiting room.

Just waiting for my future to be told.

The front doors of the hospital room opened up and in came Lexi and Jacob. I gave them both angry looks before I stood up, I looked at Lexi and snorted “So that’s where you were, you stayed with Jacob last night didn’t you because you sure as hell didn’t go back to my house having my mother worry.”

Lexi took a deep breath “Noah I didn’t think-“

“That’s right you didn’t think.” I spat.

“Just leave her alone!” Jacob yelled stepping in.

I glared at him “What the hell are you two doing here? And how did you even know I’d be here.”

Lexi gave me a confused look before she looked up at Jacob “You told me Noah asked you to come.”

“Obviously not.” I snorted.

Jacob took a deep breath running a hand through his hair “Noah didn’t, Riley did.”

“Why would she…” Lexi trailed off before her eyes widened “Oh my god.”

“I’m a potential father.” Jacob sighed looking down.

Well holy freaking shit.


“What do you mean you’re a potential father?” Noah growled “For you to be a potential father that means you had to have slept with Riley-“

“Recently.” Jacob answered looking Noah in the eyes “I know.”

“That means Riley lied. I wasn’t the last guys she slept with, was I?” Noah quirked a brow “You were, weren’t you.”

Jacob hung his head in shame nodding “Yes.”

I finally spoke up “How did that happen?” I asked causing both boys to turn and look at me. “Riley is like obsessed with Noah, why would she sleep with you Jacob?”

“Can we sit?” He asked.

We all just walked over to the seats before we sat down. Noah and I looked at Jacob waiting for him to explain his story.

Jacob took a deep breath “It all started when…

~Few weeks before, Jacob~

My phone started buzzing while I groaned; it was way too early in the morning for this. Hasn’t anyone heard the term ‘beauty sleep’? I happen to like my beauty sleep very much because if I don’t receive enough my beautiful face looses its touch and then I don’t have as many ladies over me at school.

Don’t get me wrong I still have the ladies; it’s just not as much. Nobody wants a dude with purple lack of sleep blotches under their eyes.

I picked up my phone and yelled into the phone “What!?”

“Jacob?” Riley’s voice filled into the phone, she was sniffling and I could tell she was crying. I don’t understand whenever girls were sad they always had the strangest urge to call me like I was some sort of gossip girl that could help them with all of their problems.

Well I could help them out with their problems, but not in that kind of way, catch my drift….

I always seemed to help them out that way anyways and I was almost certain Riley was going to ask me for the same favor. My little man was missing a bit of action so I guess I could jump at it but it’s just that she’s been going around with my best mate, I don’t know how he’d feel about that.

I’ve slept with Riley before don’t get me wrong but that was a onetime thing.

“He did it again!” Riley screamed “Noah freaking walked out on me again!”

And you honestly think that I won’t do the same? Some girls were just that dense.

“And what do you want me to do?”

Riley took a deep breath “I want you to help me forget.”

“You realize I’m Noah’s best friend right?” I questioned, it was like 3 am in the morning who the hell calls someone and asks them to come over for a quick screw at this time?

Riley groaned “Yes I know! But he doesn’t have to know! I swear Jacob please just do this, I’ll help you with your homework in Math, you always said you needed help. I’ll help you!”

Well education was something I needed in order to graduate I mean I was no genius like Noah and I was only sliding by with passing grades, (not by that much). I guess I could take Riley up on the offer as long as no one found out.

“Alright, I’ll be there soon.” I replied before I hung up.

~Present time, Lexi~

“So this all happened because of a deal?” I asked slightly confused.

Jacob nodded his head “Believe it or not but yeah it did.” He looked at Noah who wasn’t showing any expression “Look man I know it was wrong to do but the two of you aren’t dating and I really need the solid grade to pass math.”

Noah took a deep breath “Well considering we’re both in the same position right now I’d say it’s fine. We’ve been buds for too long to give it up, no matter who the father is.”

The both stood up and did a man hug while I awed “Look at that! Two best friends hugging while they’re about to find out which one is the father to a one night stand!”

Jacob and Noah both scowled at me while I shrugged, I’m simply just stating the truth.

The doors to the paternity room opened and out stepped Riley and the doctor. I have always known about a paternity room but have never seen one. Venus doesn’t have them because everyone is arranged to be with one person, if you go against that death is called open you, pregnant with a child or not.

The doctor smiled at everyone “The test results will only take about five minutes.” Everyone nodded before he left the room. Riley turned to me and glared “What the hell is the slut doing here!?”

I glared “You’re lucky you’re pregnant or I wouldn’t hesitate in ripping out those extensions!”

Riley on instinct pressed her hands against her abdomen protectively. She took a deep breath as she sat down, she wasn’t going to respond to me instead she was just going to ignore me. “Did everything go okay?” Jacob asked.

She nodded “Yeah, the doctor said everything went well and that the baby shouldn’t have been harmed.” She looked up at Noah with a scared expression “I’m guessing you’re really mad that I lied about you being the only father.”

Noah glared at her “I knew that condom couldn’t have been mine.” He sat down and sighed “Honestly all I want to know is whether I’m going to be a father or not.”

“Well your about to find out.” I mumbled pointing as the doctor walked over, results in hand.


My heart thumped in anticipation, boom, boom, thump, boom, boom, thump. The doctor stopped right in front of us and gave a short smile. He took a deep breath “I’m sure you are all wondering who the daddy is.”

“Get on with it!” I spat standing up “I’ve been waiting in this goddamn hospital for too long!” I yelled making everyone jump. It was bothering me, staying in the hospital. The last time I was here was on the last day Sammy was alive.

The only reason I was here now was standing in the way of me getting the hell out so as far as I was concerned I didn’t care how rude I acted.

I could be the dad.

Jacob has only slept with Riley twice. I’ve slept with her more times than I can count, I have a higher chance.

The doctor cleared his throat and read the paper “The father of this baby is...”

Here it comes…

“Noah Finley.”

Well shit…


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