I've Got What I Wanted

By Phoenix-54

782K 9.5K 1.1K

Sequel to I Want Mr Baker! After hiding their relationship for a year, Riley Spence and Caleb Baker finally h... More

I've Got What I Wanted. Part 1
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 2
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 3
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 5
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 6
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 7
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 8
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 9
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 10
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 11
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 12
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 13
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 14
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 15
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 16
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 17
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 18
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 19
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 20
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 21
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 22
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 23
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 24
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 25
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 26
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 27
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 28
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 29
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 30
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 31
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 32
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 33
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 34
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 35
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 36
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 37
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 38
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 39
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 40
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 41
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 42
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 43
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 44
I've Got What I Wanted. Epilouge
IGWIW Valentine's Special Chapter

I've Got What I Wanted. Part 4

20.6K 223 11
By Phoenix-54


“It doesn’t matter what Johnny thinks,” Caleb said as I spun in his computer chair.

“Well it kind of does. He’s my brother Caleb,” he sighed as he looked up from his desk.

“Yeah I know that, but in this case it doesn’t matter. Just because he thinks you should go with him to see your dad, doesn’t mean that you have to. It’s your life so it’s your choice.” I stopped spinning in his chair and turned to look at him.

“But I’ve already said I’d go tomorrow.” He pushed himself up from his chair and walked over to me. He grabbed a chair form a desk and set it in front of me. He put his hands on my knees as he sat down.

“That doesn’t matter either. Like I said last week, you can say you’re not going even when you’re at his front door ready to go in. It’s your decision, nobody else’s. Okay?” He asked as I lowered my head. “Okay?” he asked with a smiled while putting his face in front of mine. I laughed and nodded, “good.” He gave me a quick kiss before sitting up. “And they said it’s okay that I can go. That should make things five hundred times better.” I laughed while resting my hand on top of his. “Don’t worry about it until tomorrow. That’s when you’ll know whether you definitely want to go or not.” I smiled and nodded. “I’ve got a class now. Do you want to go see Cahill or something?” I raised my eyebrows as he asked me that question. “What’s with the look?” I laughed and stood up from my chair.

“There was no ‘look’?” I said grabbing my coat from the back of the chair.

“Yeah there was a look,” he said as the bell for class rang. “What was it for?” I smiled at him as I pulled on my coat.

“It wasn’t for any reason really. I’m just surprised you’ve become best friends with Springer lately.” He smiled as he sat down on his desk.

“We’re not best friends. Just good friends,” I laughed as I stood in front of him. “So are you going there or what are you doing?” He asked while he rubbed the back of my hand.

“I should probably go and talk to him about Maths tutoring. He said he would help me with anything I didn’t understand.” He smiled and nodded at me.

“That’s a good idea. But I should get these guys in,” he said signalling towards the door. I nodded while moving in between his legs and placing my hands on his shoulders. “Will I come looking for you, or will you come back here or will I meet you by the car?” He asked while tucking my fringe behind my ear.

“Wow that’s a lot of options,” he chuckled and placed his hands on my hips. “I’ll just come back here before the last bell.” He nodded and stood up, towering over me.

“Okay I’ll see you then.” He said before giving me a quick kiss on the lips. “We also need to go and get some food for the house. I’m sick of take away,” he said as we walked over to his door. He opened it up and held it open for his class of seniors. “You guys can come in,” he said before they all started to file in and head to their seats.

“Well there would be food if you went shopping during the week.” He looked down at me as the last students came threw the door.

“And why do I need to do the shopping? What’s wrong with you doing it?” He asked leaning against the door.

“We’re really going to have this conversation about who should do the shopping?”

“Well you brought it up so why not?” He said waving his hand dismissively.

“There’s this thing called you class?” I whispered not wanting his class to hear.

“Pick either way but after you,” he said, using one of his hands to signal towards his office and the other to signal out into the corridor.

“Are you seriously going to argue with me who should be doing the shopping? Because I can win whatever way you come at it with.”

“You’re the one who brought it up. If you want to talk about who should do the shopping, then let’s have it.” He said walking into the hallway. I groaned and followed him out into the hall. “I’m working all day. How do you expect me to do the shopping when I’m working?” He asked folding his arms across his chest.

“I was only joking when I said you should’ve done the shopping before today. I don’t see why you’re getting so defensive,” I said as his class started to become aware we were having an argument. Is it even an argument? It’s not even something worth talking about.

“I just don’t see why you think I should do the shopping. I can’t do everything,” he said while shaking his head slightly.

“Right okay,” I said with a slight laugh. “One, I was only joking so you don’t need to get defensive. Two, I do as much as you do in the house. And one final thing, you seriously need to work on your attitude if you can just flip like that.” I told him before walking away. I seriously can’t believe that just happened. I mean, who gets defensive over something so insignificant.

I reached Springer’s door and gently knocked it. “Yeah?” He shouted from the other side of the door. I turned the handle on the door before pushing it open. “Be careful,” he said with a slightly laugh while looking at me. “I quite like my door on the hinges,” I smiled as I walked over to his desk.

“Sorry,” I said while pulled a chair beside his desk.

“It’s okay I was only joking,” he told me while I sat down. “So how’s things?” he asked sitting back in his chair. “Someone must’ve pissed you off if you’re strong enough to nearly take my door off its hinges.” I laughed slightly while playing with the edge of some papers on his desk.

“It’s nothing, just been a long week.” He raised his eyebrows at me slightly, showing me he didn’t believe me. “I hate people, but I don’t want to talk about it.” He laughed and nodded at me.

“Okay fair enough. But you are people so you must hate yourself then.”

“Really?” He smirked and shrugged.

“You’re the one who said it,” I rolled my eyes as I crossed one leg over the other. “So what’s up?” he asked pulling himself closer to his desk.

“Eh… nothing much really. What about you?” He shrugged as he rested his forearms on the desk.

“Can’t complain, everything’s alright. Just wish I had a least one person in every class that wanted to actually do Maths.” I laughed while resting my forehead against my fist.

“Well not everyone can be like me,” he laughed and shook his head at me.

“No they can’t Riley. So have you got any news about your Maths course?” He asked while opening a book on his desk.

“Yeah the classes start next week. I should have the qualification by the end of this year in May.” He nodded while trying to find a pen on his desk.

“So what days did you want to meet up and go over things? I’ve got the last two periods of today, first three on a Wednesday and I’ve got a junior IT class last period on a Monday afternoon. So you can pick any of those times. Or a Saturday or Sunday if you so desperately want it.” I laughed as he started writing down on a piece of paper from his notebook.

“No I think you’re okay. Either Monday or Wednesday will be better. You decide,” he chuckled and shook his head at me.

“How about you come in on that period on a Monday so we can see what we’re going to do on the Wednesday. And make the Wednesday the day when we actually do Maths related stuff. Is that okay?” he said looking up at me. I smiled and nodded;

“Yeah that’s fine by me,” he nodded and quickly scribbled something down in his notebook.

“Okay it’s all sorted then,” he said ripping the page out of his notebook. “How’s everything else? Business course going okay; not regretting not doing Geography?” He walked over to his notice board and stuck up the piece of paper.

“I sort of wish I did Geography because I really liked it. But I’m happy doing business, it’s really interesting.” He nodded while sitting on the desk beside me.

“As long as you like it that’s the main thing.” He said with a smile. “I was talking to Mr Martin today,” he said not looking at me. I let out a breath and looked down at the floor. “He told me to ask you if you would go and see him next time you’re in.” He started picking at the edge of the table. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but I said I would mention it to you.”

“Yeah I know if you say you’ll do something you’ll do it. But I’ve got bigger things to worry about.” He sighed and looked up at me.

“Riley, it would be nice to know what was worrying you. We’ve been friends for two years.” I brought my hands up to my eyes and rubbed the slightly. “Would it help if I said we could be best friends?” I laughed and looked up at him.

“It might,” he smiled and flicked my nose. “You won’t tell Caleb I talked to you about it will you?” I asked a little bit nervous.

“It’s up to you who you tell. If you tell me I’m not going to tell anyone else unless I think you’re going to get hurt or something.” I smiled and nodded. “But before you say anything let’s go get a coffee,” he said standing up. He grabbed his keys off his desk before we walked out of his room.

I sat down on the sofa beside him in the staff room, making sure not to spill my coffee. “So what’s wrong with you?” he asked before taking a sp of his coffee.

“Do you remember last year there was all that drama with my dad?” He set his coffee on the table and turned on the sofa to face me.

“Yep,” he said bringing his knee up onto the sofa.

“My brother Johnny agreed that we’d go to his house tomorrow and meet his family. And I am so scared right now,” I told him while picking at my fingernails.

“Does Caleb know any of this?” He asked while he tried to make me look at him.

“He knows I’m nervous but I don’t want him to know I’m kind of scared. Half of me wants to go, but the other half doesn’t. I know tomorrow it’s just going to get worse.” I heard him sigh before he moved over to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my upper arm.

“It won’t be tomorrow until you know whether you definitely want to go or not. There’s nothing wrong with saying you don’t want to go at the last minute. You don’t owe him anything Riley.” He said trying to make me feel better. I nodded as the bell for the end of school rang through the school. “Try not to think about it until tomorrow. The more you think about it, the more you’re going to get nervous. It’s like a vicious circle,” he said pulling away from me. “Promise you’re not going to think about it anymore?” He stated while raising his eyebrow at me.

“Since I’ve already made that promise, I can safely say to you I won’t think about it.” He smirked and nodded at me.

“Good,” he said thumping my forehead slightly. “What are you up to now?” He asked taking a sip of his coffee.

“Probably heading home. That’s if Caleb’s changed his attitude,” I mumbled as the door opened.

“Why what happened?” He asked as a group of teachers walked into the room.

“Nothing just something stupid really. I should probably head back to his room though,” I said glancing at the clock. I stood up before lifting my mug from the table.

“I’m heading out now anyway,” Springer said walking over to the sink with me. “Let me guess his mood changed suddenly?” He asked as we sat our mugs by the sink.

“Yeah; how’d you know?” He chuckled while we walked towards the door of the staff room.

“He’s been doing the same all week with us and his rugby team.” He opened the door for me and as I walked through it, I bumped into someone.

“Sorry I didn’t see you coming out.” I looked up at the face, just in time to see the smile fall from their face. Oh damn. “Riley,” Martin said looking at me in disbelief. I guess he never expected to run into me anytime soon.

“Hey, I kind of have to go.” I said trying to walk past him.

“Can I literally have two minutes to talk to you?” I sighed and looked up at him.

“I really have to go now though,” he smiled slightly and nodded.

“Okay that’s fine. Maybe next time,” he said with a sad smile. Dammit, why can’t I stay mad at him?

“I’m back in Monday afternoon with Springer,” I said looking towards Springer. “I’ll come see you either before or after. Do you have a class eighth period?” He looked at me and shook his head.

“Well yeah but they’re working on coursework so they’ll be working in the computer room. If you want you can come up there.” I nodded while glancing over at Springer who looked slightly awkward.

“Okay I’ll come and see you then,” he smiled slightly and nodded.

“Okay, and thanks,” I smiled and shrugged.

“I’ve got to go so I’ll see you Monday.” He nodded and started heading into the staff room.

“See you later,” I nodded before walking down the corridor with Springer.

“That was a little bit awkward,” I laughed and looked up at him.

“Well it felt awkward for me. Never expected to see him today,” he looked down at me with furrowed eyebrows.

“I don’t know what you were talking about, I’m talking about the fact you called me Springer.” I laughed and nudged his shoulder. “Seriously though, I don’t go around calling you Spence. On Monday, I want you calling me Cahill okay?” he said while we stopped outside Caleb’s classroom.

“Deal,” he smiled and nodded.

“Good, I’ll see you Monday then.” He said before pulling me into a hug.

“I’ll see you later,” he pulled away before heading down the corridor. I let out a breath before knocking Caleb’s door.

“Come in,” he shouted through the door. He opened the door and slipped through the door. I closed the door and headed over to his desk without looking at him. I head his computer chair squeak, before I felt his arms wrap around me. “I’m sorry,” he said into my hair. “There was no reason why I needed to act like a dick,” he said stroking my hair back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head into his chest. “It’s been a tough week,” he said as I put my hands on his back under his shirt.

“So I’ve been told. The other teachers and your rugby ream aren’t to happy.” I felt his chest vibrate as he let out a single chuckle.

“Yeah I haven’t been too nice to them either. But they can deal with it,” I pulled away from him and rested my forehead against his chin. “But with you it’s completely different, and I’m really sorry.” He said before kissing the top of my head.

“But what’s made it so tough? I though everything was okay,” he sighed and ran his fingers through my hair.

“I’m just worried about you. I hate seeing you so nervous and scared about you dad tomorrow. It would just be nice to be able to make you forget about it all.” He said with a slight smile.

“I’ve never said I was scared though.” He chuckled and flicked my forehead.

“Yeah but I know you.” I stood on my toes and placed a quick kiss on his lips.

“Its fine, I promise.” He smiled and nodded.

“Right so shopping,” he said walking over to his desk. I laughed as he grabbed his jacket and pulled it on. “I’m thinking of chicken for dinner,” he said while we walked out of his room.

“That’s fine with me as long as you cook it.” He laughed and laced his fingers through mine. “And since you’re in a good mood and I don’t know how long that’s going to last.” He laughed sarcastically and shoved my shoulder slightly.

“That’s very funny Babe,” I laughed slightly and ran my thumb over his hand.

“I’m going to be here last period on Monday’s so I’m just going to get a lift home with you.” He nodded and held the door to the car park open for me.

“Is that when your Maths sessions with Cahill are?” He asked trying to find his keys.

“Sort of; that’s the day we’re just going to see what we’re going to do. Wednesday’s are the days when we’re actually going to go over things.” He nodded as we stopped outside of his car.

“Okay that’s fine with me,” he said pushing my back against the car. “More time I get to see you,” I smiled while tangling my fingers through his fingers.

“Clingy much?” He smirked and lowered his head, brushing his lips against mine.

“So kill me,” he said before pressing his lips to mine.

Now probably isn’t the best time to tell him about Mr Martin.
Sorry about the lateness, but schools been busy and stuff :) I'm currently off for a week so I've got more time to write so I should probably be back on track by the end of the week. I'm a little bit behind. Kind of hoped I'd been closer to 10 by now. But next chapter when things start to get a little more difficult for them.
Please Vote Comment and Become A Fan :) Love you guys and HAPPY HALLOWE'EN. Going to watch Halloween now, Mike Myers is a freaky guy :D

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