Weak For The Bad Boy

By CozyBXBLover

377K 13.2K 944

Copyright © 2014 by CozyBXBLover. All rights reserved. {Complete} (BOYxBOY) [BOOK 2] If you haven't read '... More

£•Chapter 1•£
¥•Chapter 2•¥
€•Chapter 3•€
*•Chapter 4•*
+•Chapter 5•+
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:•Chapter 7•:
^•Chapter 8•^
~•Chapter 9•~
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(•Chapter 12•)
{•Chapter 13•}
-•Chapter 14•-
::.•Chapter 15•.::
(::•Chapter 16•::)
#•Chapter 17•#

[•Chapter 10•]

16.8K 782 71
By CozyBXBLover



Jermey POV

"Any news from Jayce and Adam yet?" Price asked as he came down stairs and headed for the coat rack. I took my attention off of Caleb and shook my head.

"No not just yet." I told him in a 'I'm sorry' tone and a frown on my face. He frowned and nodded as he put on his coat and scarf and head towards the door.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air. Let me know if you hear anything. Okay." I nodded and waved him off as he left out the house closing the door behind him softly. I turned my attention back to Caleb and scrawled.

"Ugh! Caleb your no freaking help!" I whispered angrily. He scoffed.

"Your the one hiding it from him! I was just trying to..."

"Shh! Why the hell are you so loud butt head." I scolded him softly. He rolled his eyes and buried his face in a sleeping Matthew's neck. They were both laying on one of long sofas in the living room while I was sitting on the love seat right next to the TV. Caleb was laying on top of Matthew and Matt had his arms wrap securely around Caleb's waist. It was safe to talk around Matthew because he slept like a rock! I honestly think that was his only flaw too. But you had to be caution around Shean. Even though he was in the other room he could hear me just like he was sitting right there next to me. He even told me once when we were back at the pack house, that he always listens out for me even when he's in meetings all the way across the house. It's weird. But cute I guess in a crazy 'I'm a over protective mate' kinda way. I shook my head and looked back over at Caleb and sighed when I saw him falling to sleep on top of his mate. "No help at all." I whispered. I stood up debating if I should go take a walk or just go to my room ,but then Shean would probably flip his shit if I went for a walk alone. So I just sighed and settled on going back to me and Caleb's room.

It had been a few hours since Vince had been taking to the hospital and we found out his scary father was a wolf. To be honest that made the guy even scarier! Shean was a little upset about not realizing earlier. But I didn't really care about his feelings right now. It was Jo I was feeling bad for. While Shean was flipping out about having a wolf right there in town without knowing about it and how dangerous that could be. Jo was beating himself up over hurting his mate. He look like he was in serious pain! But I had decided if he had got worst I'd call the alpha and let him know what happen and why Shean wasn't looking after his third in line. Even though I knew I don't think I've ever gave Shean a reason to feel like he's hurt me even though it's happen a lot. I don't wanna make him feel bad for something he can't help. He's over protective because he's a leader. He's strong because he's a soon to be alpha. He's always wears that serious expression even to meet my parents because he's well... I honestly don't know why he's always serious like that. Must run in the family.

As soon as I got in my room I started to close the door but a strong hand stopped it. I look up and stepped back to let Shean in the room. I walked over to my bed and sat down and watched him closed the door. He didn't turn around right away but I knew something was wrong by the way he was standing. It's a shame when you've only been knowing someone for a short time and just by the way their standing you can tell how there feeling. About 3 minutes had gone by and he still was just standing there with his back to me. I sighed.


"I'm not going to be letting you go." He said softly and turned around towards me with the most 'i'm sorry, don't hate me look on his face. I knew right there what he was talking about and my anger just took over.

"And why the hell not?! I deserve this Shean they wouldn't have given it to me if I didn't. I really don't freaking understand why your always trying to keep me locked away!" I yelled. He sighed heavily and ran a frustrated hand down his face.

"Jeremy it's just..."

"It's just what?! I really wanna go and you didn't even hear me out about it and your just coming out of the blue telling me I can't go?! How's you find out about it anyway? Were you listening to me and Caleb talking or looking though my stuff?!" I yelled again.


"And who said I had to listen to you anyway! You always keeping me from having fun and doing what I want you know how many baseball practices I missed for you? I was lucky to even play in a game none the less get invite to this camp! You should be proud of me not tell me I can't go dammit!"


"I'm going and i'm gonna go and have fun and your not going to do a damn thing to mess this up for me..."

"JEREMY! YOUR NOT GOING AND THAT'S FINAL!" He roared. I jumped up off the bed and backed myself into the corner of the room. I was truly scared. He's never acted this way before and to let his wolf out was very very rare for him. But right now he was breathing hard and looking at me with glowing eyes and a really angry face. I pushed myself deeper in the corner as he took a step forward. I sat down quickly on the floor and pulled my body into a ball when he reached for me and let a whimper escape my lips. He then had seem to come to his sense because he shook his head and blinked his eyes rapidly.

"I'm... I'm..." He was looking at me sadly.

"Your to overprotective to the point where your wolf comes out and has to scare me half to death just to fucking make sure I don't disrespect you any further RIGHT?! It's just a fucking camp Shean. It's just a got damn camp that doesn't even take up the whole break." He was looking me in the eyes but I could still see what the answer was on his face. Though he felt 'sorry' I still couldn't go.

"Jermey I'm."

"Get out." I said softly and buried my face between my knees.


"Get out!" I yelled. Cutting him off again. "Just go Shean. Go be dominate Alpha somewhere else cause I'm tired of it." I whispered. I heard him sigh heavy. Then footsteps and then the door opening and closing. I didn't peek to see if he was gone. I already knew he was.

I was getting tired of the way Shean was acting it was driving me insane and sometimes I even wished... Sometimes times I even wished that me and him had never met. Everyone thinks our relationship is all roses and chocolates but... It's not! He makes me stick next to him. When I'm always in his side. You can't see his hand at the small of my back ushering me to move closer. When I'm always sitting by him you don't see him pulling me down next to him. There was a lot of things people only saw when they wanted to when it came down to me and their Alpha. I was becoming weak. And that's exactly what I looked like to everyone else. Something had to change. He had to change or there couldn't be an us to much long. I love Shean who can't see that?! But there is just so much a person could take.

Caleb POV

"Shean an Jeremy just got in an argument." I looked up at Matthew and he was staring at the stairway.

"I thought you were asleep?" I asked softly. He nodded.

"I was tell they started yelling." He said looking down at me then smirking. "I thought you were asleep also?" I smiled.

"I didn't wanna talk about that with Jeremy again. We all know Shean's not gonna let him go. I feel bad but no use to keep talking about it if he can't go. I never said anything cause I didn't wanna get his hopes up." I said softly as I started making circles on his bare chest with my finger.

"So you pretended to fall asleep?" He asked sounding pure amused I looked up at him and frowned.

I did it for his own good." I argued again. He scoffed.

"Yeah okay." He teased as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me to his chest. It was silent for a minute or two before I decided to ask him what I been thinking.

"You not gonna ever do that to me..."

"Nope. I have no reason to hide you away. And Shean has no reason to hide Jeremy away either he's just being really paranoid. If he keeps it up. He's gonna lose Jeremy. He's a smart guy Shean should trust him more." I nodded to everything he said cause it was beyond true. Jeremy is smart and he wouldn't do anything to make Shean angry. But I know the guy like the back of my hand. He hated being treated like a half of man. And that's exactly how Shean was treating him. If he keeps it up.

"Jeremy will leave him." I whispered outloud. I Matthew eyes fell on me and saw the look on my face. He gave me a reassuring smile and tighten his grip on me.

"Don't worry i'll talk to Shean. Okay?" I nodded.


Shean POV

He's being ridiculous right now. He knows how I feel about he leaving my side especially after what happen a few months ago. He can't protect himself out there how come he can't be like Caleb who never ever leaves Matt's side. It really pisses me...

"Your being a dick." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around sharply wondering who had the guys to speak to me like that when I saw Derek I scoffed. Of course it was him. He was sitting on the window seat in the room me, Jo and his brother shared and he was looking out the window concentrating on something.

"You got nerve talking to me about my relationship problems. What about yours." I scoffed out. He glared at me.

"I don't have any relationship problems." He hissed at me with pure hate.

"Ha! Then what are you staring outside like that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes then back out the window.

"I'm not looking outside like anything. Damn prick." He said under his breath and stood up. "You know." He said turning towards me and looking me in the eyes. "Jeremy he's really good example of a perfect mate. You know what guys say around the pack house behind your back after you and Jeremy pass by and he's clinging to your side?" I glared at him and tilted my head to the side.

"Please! Please do tell and I wanna know first and last names to?" I breathed out completely over took with anger knowing someone's been look at and talking about Jeremy, my mate behind my back! Derek pulled a sneaky smile on his face and shook his head.

"I won't tell you who said it but it's nothing disturbing cause then I would have punch them in the face." I didn't stop glaring at him but I felt better knowing it wasn't anything sexual. "They said if Jeremy were their mate they be able to relax." He said looking back over at the window and smiled. It quickly dropped though as his eyes landed back on my confused filled face.

"What the hell does that mean Shakespeare." I teased angrily not really understanding what he meant by that.

"What they meant was Jeremy is very obedient meaning he's truth worthy. I honestly think this is the first time you and him ever got in a argument that not including what happen a few months ago which I believe was also you fault too. Right?" I growled at him and he smiled. "But what I'm trying to say my dear Alpha, is that he's a pretty trust worthy guy and just because he's slightly smaller then us he is still capable of taking care of himself." Derek finish softly and turned to look back out the window. "You have your mate and you weren't scared to accept him. Don't do anything to mess up the relationship that you and him just starting building." He said letting go a deep breath I didn't even realize he was holding. He looked back at me and smiled. "Okay I'm off." His voice had returned back to the usual cold him. He started to walk pass me and out the room.

"Thank you for the advice Derek. But you know you can always accept your mate too. Just saying." He didn't turn around and look at me. But I saw him shoulders tense up. He hung his head and chuckled under his breath. I raised an eyebrow at him. I knew he was gonna go crazy sooner or later. We just never knew when. I was about to speak up when he cleared his throat.

"My mate. My can do way better then me. My mate deserves better then some guy who can't even control his wolf. I can't except my mate. I don't want to wake up from a full moon and find him shaking on the floor ass naked with blood running down his leg cause I can't control my wolf." He said coldly. I actually flinched at that too. Because Derek was right. His wolf was strong and he couldn't control him no matter how much training he went through. It was something no one could help. There was always one out of each generation that couldn't control there wolf and eventually they'd end up rouge or mateless. It kinda suck it was Derek for our generation though. The guy was beyond smart. "Remember what I said." I was pulled out of my thoughts by Derek's voice.

"Yeah. Okay. Thanx man." He nodded, gave me a small wave, and walk out of the room. I frowned after him as the door closed. Maybe I should let Jeremy go I mean it's not like I'm not gonna go and keep a eye on him secretly anyway. I looked towards the window and raised an eyebrow at it. I wonder what he was looking at. I walked over to it slowly and smiled as I looked down at what I saw. There was Jay sitting on a old wooden swing hook up to a big oak tree rocking back and forth gently as he read a really thick book. I shook my head and looked back at the empty door way. Just maybe Derek might be able to live normal if he truly fell in love. And who would be the perfect cure for that untamed wolf of his. I guess it would be his own personal Geek.



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