Where Do Broken Hearts Go (Ni...

By sarahkiley

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"These songs are deep." He spun me around once before bringing me close to his chest, our faces barley touch... More

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Authors Note
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354 14 27
By sarahkiley

|Sarah's P.O.V.|

Boston, an illuminating city at night and a pain in the rear end during the day. It's a gorgeous city and I'm happy I've gotten this opportunity to see it. Sadly, I like New York better. It's like home to me, but I do have a sweat spot for big cities.  I guess that's why I moved to New York and wanted to go to College there.Taking new chances and experiences has always been up my alley.

Being Niall's friend is going go be a new experience as well. A scary one I might add. I still find it weird to think about him and I being friends. Everything that has went on between us throughout the years? Yikes, yikes, yikes.

I feel like the reason why we are giving this a try is because we've grown up into young adults. We can handle this without causing drama. Well, I can... I don't know about him. He seems like he'll enjoy this since he's always talking to me.

Which is kind of nice?

What is even wrong with me. I must be bipolar. Obviously I am, I better text my mom to get me pills. Or should I get a therapist? Yes, I'll go through therapy.

Therapy is always the answer.

Speaking of texting my mom, I probably should. The last time I talked to her was a week ago. Which was when she asked about my graduation. I told her the date and time, then told her I loved her. She said the same thing back and that was it. But she understands how busy I am and let's me text her first.

My mom's name is Mary Lynn. Yes, I know just like my own and my sisters. She thought it would be so cool for all of us to have something in common. Our something in common happened to be our names. Mary Lynn, Logan Lynn, Sarah Lynn. Lynn isn't our middle name though, it Is a part of our first. But usually I tell people it is my middle name since I don't actually have one.

It's complicated and stupid, but let me just say she has a cool soccer mom name to fit her soccer mom self. I started calling her this after Aspen told me what soccer mom meant. She is quite known in Ireland as 'ML'. Which sounds like Mel so most people call her Mel. My mom has more drama in her life than me.

Crazy right?

Ever since Logan and I were little and before dad passed Mary Lynn, my mom was into everything related with school and sports. It first started off as her going to school board meetings, then PTA, along with different membership clubs at the school. When I was little I thought it was so cool since I always saw my mom at school, but then suddenly Logan would complain to me about it.

She would say 'Mom is so embarrassing, never let her see you in school,' or 'I hate mom. She never knows when to stop'. Her being my older sister I listened. This was when Logan and I got along, which was when we were around seven and eight years old.

I didn't understand why she was so embarrassed by mom, but once I got into the sixth year I realized what she meant. It would get so bad at school that the teachers would ask me infront of the whole class how my mom was doing and would text her during the class period.

Everyone made fun of it, until the next year when all the kids in my class including Niall started asking me about my mom.

'How's Mel? Is she going to be there for football (soccer) practice?'

'Sarah! Mel is going to bring my mom that cookie recipe right?'

'Why can't Mel be my mom?'

Was I popular? Yes. Was my mom? Yes, more than me.

She's one of those moms, but you got to love her. Which Logan doesn't understand since she is on her period 24/7 every single day. Honestly, I've never met a person who is like my sister. How can you be a bitch all the time? Like don't you have some soul or no? Well I guess not, because I can't remember the last time she said thank you to me or our mom.

I hate talking about Logan, I hate even thinking about her. Like at the concert when that one girl asked if I was Logan. Obviously I am not, like can't you mind your own business? Who cares if we know Niall, what's the big deal?

Now I'm sounding like Logan.. Well great.

Might as well just text my mom now.

I sat in yet another hotel room that looked like the last one. How Is this my actual life right now?

Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I unlock out of my lock screen which is a picture of Aspen and I awhile ago. We are sitting on a checkered floor drinking the best drinks ever. No joke. That day was definitely one of the best.

Right away it went to the text messages with Aspen because I must of left it open before. Clicking out of hers, I scroll down to the contact that says 'Momma Mel' and start typing.

Hey mom. I'm not dead. But you will never believe this shit.

Sending it, I knew it would take awhile for her to reply because she's probably out to eat with some new guy or sleeping.

Maybe even both. The time difference makes a difference, more than likely I'll have to wait till morning.

But before I knew it, my phone was buzzing and it wasn't from my mom.

It was from Niall.

"What the hell? He's preforming right now!" I mummble to myself while clicking out of my moms conversation and into his. All it was, was a picture of the crowd and thousands of white lights shinning. It must of been a fans picture that he found off Instagram. What a weirdo.

***I didn't want to use one offline due to copyright issues so I just used my pic I took xD***BTW I KNOW IM FAR AWAY AND NOT ON THE FLOOR LIKE SORRY IM POOR*******

Then the text part came in.

All these lights, they can't blind me. But with you love no body can dmd.

Reading this I couldn't help but laugh. Sadly I knew what dmd meant and sadly I knew how the line went. I will admit the pictue is cool, and pretty incredible. But what he said makes no sense.

Before I could reply I get another picture, but it is a selfie this time. Its of Liam with his mouth open and his microphone to his lips. And under it, it read;

Lol sike it actually me. Don't get your hopes up yet ;)

"What the fuck?" My mouth hung low. Why would I get my hopes up? Niall and I are just friends. Why do people feel the need to do this? Especially Liam out of all people! He knows how I feel about this situation. I'm still getting used to the fact that Niall and I are friends.

Just friends.

Oh great, now I'm going to be that person... 'Stop it! *laughs and slaps someone's shoulder* we are just friends! *laughs again and flips hair*'. I honestly don't want to be that person.

Moving my thumb over the keyboard I wrote back to him.

Lol good one buddy. Have a fun night without me. I'm getting so turnt by myself.

After sending the message, I locked my phone and set it beside me on the bed.

I smiled in disbelief. Why can't I get over this whole situation?

Well probably because it's crazy dumb ass.

True, it is crazy. It's crazy how two people who have had a waked past can come together five years later and be friends.

Friends, Niall Horan and I are friends. And Im not talking about super star Niall Horan, I'm talking about crooked teeth, all about him self Niall Horan. The Niall Horan who was so mean to me. I'm friends with that guy.

When did I plan on saying that? Never, I never planed on saying it. Both of us were supposed to go through life with out worrying about each other ever again.

How did that work out? Well it didn't.

Or did it? Wait, what if this is a good thing?

What if Niall and I have more in common than I ever thought we'd have? I mean, it seemed like we didn't in grade school, but maybe we did? If we do I probably never noticed since he was always trying to do something mean to me. It made no sense either since everyone liked me and he was the only one who messed with me.

Being the nice kind of popular was cool. Thank goodness I never became so involved in myself. Being popular can change a person.

Now this might sound kind of rude, and so-into-myself, but I can't believe Niall had the guts to do what he did to me.

But it was so weird. Niall would only do the things he did at school and in front of my sister when they were dating... But that was different. Way different.

I have so much to ask Niall. We talked that one night, but I just wasn't ready to open up. I'm not even sure if I'm ready right now, but I want to be ready.

I want to find out the reasons why. I want to tell him how I felt back then. I want to talk to him about my sister. I really want to do all of those, but I don't think I could. Knowing me I'd run off crying. And that would be the end of us, again.  He didn't follow me last time. And knowing Niall, he wouldn't follow me again. At least I'd see it coming.


|Niall's P.O.V.|

The concert was absolutely buzzing tonight. Boston was such a loud and amazing crowd. Except for the fact that I saw signs with Sarah and Aspens faces on them. The fans have found out about them awhile ago, but now it seems to be a big deal. Especially with Louis and Aspen practically being together.

Yes, Louis hasn't asked her yet. He really has to be in top of that.

It kind if ticked me off in a way since I'm the reason they are in this. I mean, it was a totally accident that I hit her with a door that night. I'm happy it happened, but I don't want Sarah or Aspen to feel overwhelmed.

Maybe I was searching every lonely place...

Every corner calling out her name...

I was trying to find her, but I just didn't know...

Where broken hearts go.

I guess they end up in New York city. Busting their ass off with college work and regular jobs.

Dammit, I treated her so poorly. What was I even thinking? Well I was a cocky 16 year old that only thought a girl could like you if you made fun of them. I was wrong, like usual. All I did was break the most perfect girl's heart.

I can't believe I broke Sarah Lynn's heart.

Then the next day I left and never came back until a year later. I was too late... She was gone.

Obviously I asked her mom and Logan where she went. Mel said college and Logan just slapped me. Sarah specifically told her mom that if I ever asked where she went she  was to just say, "College". Mel swore to her that she wouldn't say which one. That is why I never new where she went.

I tried asking other people from school, but most of them were jerks about it or just blew me off to talk about how famous I was. It was actually pretty annoying. Leaving Ireland shortly after that we began our Up All Night Tour.

I'd visit Ireland to see my parents and my lads. Sometimes I'd even hook up with a model. Take Me Home Tour then started and I was more determined to find Sarah Lynn. Everywhere we went I'd always wonder if she was there, in this town, in this state. But I'd never know because if she was she'd stay far away from me.

Then it was the Where We Are Tour and I was about to give up. What even was the point anymore? Sarah was obviously somewhere so close to me that I was blindsided. I never even thought to ask my old buddy Chad where Sarah wanted to go go college. That was just this tour when I thought of it.

I found Chad's twitter account and sent a message to him. I knew he'd see it since he didn't have a lot of followers. Once he did he told me exactly where Sarah was.

New York City.

He told me they always planned on going there together.

Now I was planning on going there to find her. My plan was so detailed and so thought out that I knew it would work. That was until I hit her with the door and then was a complete ass. Once I saw her and got nervous, my high school self came out. I regret it badly, and she knows it.

Nobody actually knows how thankful I am that her and I are friends. Maybe I always wanted to be more than friends, but for right now... I'm good.

It feels so good.

After five whole years, it's ended up pretty nice. The girl of my dreams is with me and my best friends on tour. There's so many opportunities now. I'll have to take them soon, but not too soon. I don't want to scare the girl.

Walking into my hotel room felt nice. I was so tired and sore from the concert that all I wanted to do was sleep. But I new before I did, I wanted to text Sarah.

When we were in the car I saw the messages Liam sent. I can't believe him out of all people would do that.

But I don't care, at least he told her it was him.

Sliding my finger across my screen and went to messages and to Sarah's contact. I had her name set as  'Secret 1D Lover'. I have it set as that because I caught her singing, Walking In The Wind.

Moving my thumbs quickly over the keyboard I sent my message.

Heyyy. Tomorrow we have a break! Wanna do something fun?

I hope she wasn't asleep. I really wanted to text her.

Looking over at the queen size bed, I fell down onto it. This time all four of us boys got our own room. I guess sometimes we like being by ourselves.

Pulling the covers down, my phone buzzed. Instantly, a smile appeared a crossed my face.

Is this still Liam or is this Louis or Harry??

Wait... Does this mean she doesn't want to hang out and thinks it's  a joke.


This is actually Niall...

I really hope she doesn't turn me down.

Oh! I'm sorry Niall. I just didn't want to sound dumb if it wasn't you lol. But, sure!

Holy Shit yes. Yes. Yes.

Fist pumping in the air I began typing back, but Sarah sent another text.

Wait ... What about the paps?

She's right, next thing you know there will be headlines that say she is my girlfriend. I mean, I wish but for Sarah's sake. We don't need fans hating on her more. That would be Shit, but I really want to hang out with her and do something fun.

Fuck the paps. I want to hangout.

Before I even slid out of my messages Sarah replied and I didn't exactly know how to comprehened it. All I knew I would be sleeping good tonight.

Okay (: let's do it! ;)

|Sarah's P.O.V.|

"Holy shit I sent it Aspen!"

My heart was literally pounding out of my chest and I couldn't control my breathing.

"That a boy Sarah!" Aspen patted my back.  I could hardly feel her hand on my back due to my mind flying all around the room.

I don't like Niall, we are just friends.


-Authors Note-


Anyways, I hope you had/have a great day!

Thank you for reading like it means so much.

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