Bodyguard (5 Seconds of Summe...

By moonchild_crow

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Johanna Michaels is the best agent in America. You don't want to mess with her. She mostly does missions to... More

Where's Luke?
Calum's crush
Meet and Greet
Date night part 1 (Jalum)
Date night part 2 (Lichael and Lashton)
What's wrong with Leanne
Oh My God
You're alive
5 years later
New cover
New stories
Thank you


526 16 0
By moonchild_crow


I woke suddenly. Was that Mikey? Screaming for help? I heard some commotion downstairs. Luke laid peacefully beside me. I put my jeans on and headed downstairs. Mikey was in the doorway with Leanne unconscious in his arms, tears rolling down his face.

"I don't know he bumped into us! help her please help her." He sobbed. Cal and Jo lent over Leanne. I ran down to see what help I could be.


"Mikey we need to get her upstairs somewhere comfy and warm I'm gonna ring my medical team".

Calum POV

Mikey held onto Leanne so tight. "Mikey let me and ash carry her upstairs"

"No I'm not letting go or leaving her, this is all my fault" he continued to cry burying his head into her chest. I took his face in my hands.

"mate this is not your fault, we will sort her out but like Jo said she needs to be somewhere warm and comfy"

He agreed but would not let me or ash help him up the stairs. He carried her through to there room passing a very sleepy Luke on the way. He was stood in the doorway looking very confused.

"What's happened?" He asked.

 "I'll explain babe, you might wanna put your jeans on" ash said.

Michael POV

I laid her down on the bed. I asked Calum to leave whilst I changed her into more comfortable clothes. He left closing the door behind him. Still crying I undressed her and put her in my joggers and Clifford hoodie. I laid down next to her with my left arm under her neck supporting her head with my right arm across her stomach. I shouted "all done" Calum, Jo, Luke and Ash all piled into our room. They stood at the bottom of the bed. Just staring. I lent my head on Leanne's head. I pulled her tight towards me.


"The medical team will be here in 10 minutes.

"Mikey didn't even look up, he stayed completely focused on Leanne repeating to her that he was sorry and it was all his fault. Tears rolled down his face onto Leanne's hair. I kneeled down beside Michael.

"Michael I need you to tell me what happened" I said softly. I put my hand on his shoulder. He moved closer to Leanne pulling her more into him. He sniffed and spoke with a crackly voice.

"we had such a lovely evening, it was so amazing to go out and have some quality time again like we used to before all this shit happened". He sniffed again and wiped his eyes.

Calum came and knelt next to me with Luke and ash kneeling on Leanne's side. Ash reached out and held Leanne's hand in his. He smiled up at Mikey.

Michael continued "we left the cafe to come home and have some fun" the boys giggled. Mikey smiled and kissed Leanne's head. "We weren't paying any attention to anything but each other. We were kissing all the way home. We couldn't wait to get back here". The boys all giggled again. Michael smiled down at Leanne. We all looked at her. She just looked like she was asleep but something was definitely wrong.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

 "I'm not entirely sure" he said with a confused look on his face. "A man bumped into us quite hard but mainly hit Leanne's arm"."

"Oh My God I didn't check her arm!" I helped him roll her sleeve up and there was blood. A lot of blood.

"She hissed in pain because he had hit her arm but she nodded when I asked if she was okay."

"Then what happened" I heard Calum ask.

 "He laughed like a creepy chuckle and said "tell Johanna I said hi" I didn't think much of it at the time because that's when Leanne collapsed".

I felt panic flow through my veins. "He said that specifically that?"

"Yeah that's what he said"

"Michael I need you to be sure, he definitely said those words"

"Yes!" Michael said it with annoyance in his voice. I stood up and put my hand to my mouth. Calum stood up next to me

"what's wrong?" He asked.

Michael continued with the story. "She collapsed on the floor, I looked around for the man but he had gone, that's when she said she didn't feel well and fell unconscious. Then I ran home with her as quickly as I could".

My phone rang making me jump. "Medics are outside, I'll go let them in".
Calum followed me downstairs. We didn't speak. I opened the door immediately recognizing the four people in front of me.

 "Hi Jo".

"Hi all". They came in one by one. I turned and introduced them all to Calum. "Calum this is Eric, Susan, John and Danny". Calum shook each of there hands.

"Where is she?" Eric asked.

 "Upstairs" I said leading the way.

Michael POV

I heard people coming up the stairs. Ash turned to me "your gonna have to let them get to Leanne"

"no I'm not leaving her, they will have to work round me" I said firmly no longer crying. Jo and Calum entered the room followed by three men and a woman. Jo introduced them to us, we all shook hands.


"This isn't going to be pleasant" Danny said. They set up the equipment.

"Hold on! Do you trust these people? Do you even know them?" Michael said directing this at me.

"Calm down Michael! Don't speak to Jo like that!" Calum said sticking up for me.

 "Oh you've been together two seconds and already your loyalty has changed!" Michael said. Calum's mouth fell open

"did you really just say that to me? You know Leanne is like a sister to me!" Michael didn't respond he just sat and cradled Leanne. Calum continued "do you really think Jo would let just anyone treat Leanne? Come on Mikey!"

 I finally spoke "Michael I know this is hard for you and it's also hard for us, our friend and sister has been hurt and we don't know why or who by. These four people are my closest friends and people I trust with my life. They are here to help I promise! And you don't need to leave Leanne you can stay right where you are".

 Michael looked at me and nodded "okay and I'm sorry Calum I shouldn't of said that"

"don't worry about it" Cal walked over and hugged Mikey. Mikey hugged him back. Eric attached a heart monitor to Leanne's chest to keep track of her heart beat. Susan took Leanne's blood and left to take it to the lab

"this is urgent you'll know this afternoon" she kissed my cheek.

"Thank you". Danny checked Leanne's vitals and concluded she was all okay. Then John looked at the bullet wound. "Phwoar blimey"

 "what" Mikey asked concerned.

 John got out his torch and beckoned me over. "See that tiny hole there? Separate from the wound but very visible now that I've pointed it out?"

 "Yeah" me and Mikey said in unison.

"That is a needle wound and is very precise. Whatever he injected went straight into the blood stream. He knew what he was doing".

"What does that mean?" Michael asked. I started shaking my head.

"Yeah I'm afraid so Jo, this was a professional hit". We were all speechless. I started crying, Michael hugged Leanne tighter kissing her head. John rubbed anesthetic cream into Leanne's bullet wound before dressing it. "That will help with the pain when she wakes up". We all looked up

 "when she wakes up? She's going to be okay?" Michael asked hopeful.

Danny answered "I can't see why she wouldn't be, her vitals are all fine nothing to be worried about there". Eric chimed in "her heart beat is incredibly strong, I would be very surprised if she took a turn for the worse". We all smiled.

"Thank you so much guys!". I hugged them all.

"The one thing we're not sure of is how long she's going to be out for as we need to wait for bloods to see what he injected her with". We all thanked them. Mikey shook all there hands.

They said there goodbyes and left us to it.


My friend Leanne helped write this chapter. Also the next one. If you have any ideas for this book just message them to me or comment. *edited*

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