Two Quarters and a Heart Down

By bulletthewords

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Patrick is the new kid at Winona High, and he doesn't quite know how to fit in. Dropping by a dance party hel... More

This May Call For A Proper Introduction
Chapter 1 - Joke of a Romantic
Chapter 2 - Swear To Shake It Up
Chapter 3 - You Put My Head In Such a Flurry
Chapter 4 - Best Friends, Ex-Friends Till the End
Chapter 5 - Why Don't You Show Me
Chapter 6 - Nothing Comes As Easy As You
Chapter 7 - More Than you Bargained For
Chapter 8 - It's Better If You Do
Chapter 9 - This Was No Accident
Chapter 10 - Crazy=Genius
Chapter 11 - I'll Be Your Best Kept Secret And Your Biggest Mistake
Chapter 12 - The Best Part Of Believe Is The Lie
Chapter 13 - We'll Deal
Chapter 14 - Fixes Fixed
Chapter 15 - We're Friends, Yeah We're Friends
Chapter 16 - This Ain't A Scene, It's A Dance Dance
Chapter 17 - Where Did The Party Go
Chapter 19 - It Just Feels So...
Chapter 20 - Dance, Dance
Chapter 21 - Bring It!
Chapter 22 - One Night Can Change It All
Chapter 23 - Seven Minutes In Heaven
Chapter 24 - Spike The Punch
Chapter 25 - Saturday
Final Author's Note!!

Chapter 18 - Oh Marjorie

221 11 3
By bulletthewords

Lynn's POV

"...So, I guess that's it. This room is somewhat soundproof, so bang around a bit and you shouldn't be too audible. Just let me know if you need anything else. I'll be around." I say with a wink. The four teens nod in understanding and thanks, so I exit the room and shut the door behind me as I go. I think about all the music stuff that's going on now, and it never occurred to me that maybe I could even play something up on the stage. I can sing, and I also know some guitar stuff, so I could just do a little random thing. Maybe an acoustic of some sort? I dunno. But maybe I could ask Hayley to join me. Now that's a thought.

With my mind racing with ideas, I find my legs moving slightly faster back into the main room, looking around for Hayley. I'm usually pretty confident when talking to her, or well at least it seems to other people. I'm good at coming off cocky, as other people say. In reality, I'm just a really butch lesbian and just wanna get things done my way.

Eventually I spot the bright red hair and red dress from across the way, so I slow down my pace a little and try and act casual as I walk over to her. She seems to be in the middle of a conversation, but when she sees me approach, she bids the person farewell and proceeds to greet me.

"Hey Lynn, long time no see." She says jokingly since we only saw each other a mere 10 minutes ago.

"Yeah it's been forever." I reply, rolling my eyes. She lets off a slight giggle, then returns to focus.

"So, uh. How you liking this whole, thing." Hayley says after a few seconds of silence, gesturing to the room.

"Oh yeah, it's sick. I can't believe you pulled this off." I pause, then realize I might've sounded rude. "I mean, I know you could've pulled it off, I just meant, uh, it's super cool it actually happened. Um. Not that I didn't think it was going to happen. Agh you know what I mean." I spit out awkwardly, trying to maintain my cool. Hayley's cheeks turn a rosy red, matching nicely with her hair and dress, immediately making my insides flutter out of her cuteness. "Oh, yeah, anyway. About this whole stage and music whatever, I know some stuff on guitar and was thinking of maybe doing something? And I was wondering if you, uh, wanna join me?" I ask, trying to keep eye contact with her.

"Oh wow! Yeah, that sounds like fun. Uh, what do you wanna play? And like, what would I do. I can sing too. And a few other instruments." She says, winking. I let out a small relieved sigh and my excitement kicks in.

"Cool! I know, you have an amazing singing voice. And I've heard you a bit on the piano. That's cool about the drums though too. You wanna play an instrument tonight then?" I suggest.

"Yeah, sounds great! So, we'll both be on vocals, you can play guitar, and I can do drums, piano, rhythm guitar..."

"Wow all at once, that's some talent there." I smirk sarcastically, making her blush again.

"You silly goose, you know I didn't mean all at once." She laughs, punching my shoulder playfully. I let off a small smile and we continue making our plans for the evening. Eventually, we decide we'll both sing. We'll do two songs, one where I take the lead vocals and the other she takes lead vocals. We'll switch off instruments for both songs, so I'll do guitar for mine and she does a low drum thing for rhythm, then for her song she takes lead guitar and I do rhythm guitar. It's gonna be so lit.


About 30 minutes later, the stage crew has come in and started setting up our stage thing, and it looks sick as frick. Pete and them are still in the practice room, and I haven't heard a peep from them yet, so I guess that's a good sign they're working pretty hard. I guess I should check on them anyway, since Hayley and I will need the instruments too. I tell Hayley where I'm going, then head off back to the music room. As I approach, I can hear a bit of sound coming from the thick doors. It sounds super cool, even if muffled. I knock on the door, even though I doubt they'll hear it, then open the door slowly. The one with the fro, Joe I think, turns his head and gestures to the rest of them to tone down the noise. The singer, the new kid right, is in the middle of what seems like a really intense moment. His face contorts to hit the notes, and when Joe gestures for him to silent his vocal chords, he turns to me as well and his face goes bright red. He clears his throat and fixes his slick hair, as if it had moved with all that gel in it.

"Hey guys, just coming to check in." I announce once they're quiet.

"Oh, uh, hi. We're doing great." Patrick mumbles.

"Awesome. I was also wondering, Hayley and I wanted to use one of the hand drums, and the guitars eventually so..." I say, not exactly knowing how to ask for their guitars.

"Oh yeah, uh, sure. I think we're almost done here, so we'll hand them over in a bit." Pete pipes up.

"And I think there's a hand drum you can sit on, kinda those box types, in the closet over there." Andy points to the closet, drumstick still in hand.

"Great, thanks guys! Also, you sound really good. I can't wait to hear you guys play." I say, heading towards the closet to retrieve the drum. I walk inside and instantly hear muttered laughs from Joe and Pete. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. Just. You're uh, in the closet." Pete announces, bursting out laughing. My face gets red, but the joke is pretty funny.

"Not like you all weren't." I throw back with a smirk. Patrick blushes and Andy remains quietly focused on his drum sticks, Pete and Joe exploding again in a roar of laughs.

"Not bad, Lynn." Joe says.

"Same to you." I reply. "Well, thanks for this. I'll be off now, and I think some stuff's gonna play soon just a heads up. We don't really have an order yet, but you'll probably go after Hayley and I. Then to start us off, some band wanted to come in and try out some stuff too. They have their own equipment and whatever, so we don't need to worry about that." I explain.

"Woah nice, what band?" Andy asks, finally speaking.

"I don't remember the name, Set... Set something. On Fire? I dunno, I'll let you guys know whenever I find out." I reply with a laugh.

"Alright cool. Well, we'll just be in here, with this lonely empty closet, awaiting the next gay victim to it's terrible fashion sense." Joe says.

"Hey, we've got such good fashion sense, all the malls and whatever are probably jealous of us. Closets can good in that area." Pete throws back.

"Huh, that sounds like it could be a song lyric. Maybe not this song, but another one." Patrick announces.

"What, the thing about closets?" Pete asks, slightly confused and surprised.

"No no, the thing about fashion sense."

"Oh, yeah. That could be something. Write it down."

"Well, you guys do your stuff, I'll be out here." I say, bidding them farewell again. They wave, then get back into their swing of things.

I walk back to find Hayley talking to a group of four guys, geared up with instruments and in not the usual prom clothes. They were mainly dressed in layers, tight jeans with tank tops or t-shirts with flannels and jackets layered on top. I approached them and they all turned to greet me. One of the guys reaches out to shake my hand, which I accept and return the favor. He has brown hair with long bangs that kinda cover his eyes. He's dressed in blue skinny jeans, a gray shirt, and a black jacket with the sleeves slightly rolled, revealing a ton of bracelets on his wrists. His ears are slightly stretched with gauges, and he also has a lip ring.

"Hi, I'm Cody!" He says, introducing himself.

"Lynn. Nice to meet you." I return. I turn to the other boys, reaching my hand out to meet them all.

"Hey I'm Dan. Nice to meet you, Lynn." The next person says. He has dark skin and hair, a slight beard forming along his chin. He, like Cody, also has guages. He wears a backwards baseball cap, a purple checkered shirt, and a black leather jacket on top. I nod to say my hellos.

"Maxx. With two X's." I shake his hand. His blonde hair is styled slightly similar to Cody's, hanging over his face a little and fluffed up inside his hoodie.

"Hi, I'm Zach." I shake the last person's hand, observing he's also dressed in layers, wearing a black t-shirt with a jean jacket on top, the side of his hair shaved and the other side left longer. Like Dan, he also has facial hair along his chin and slightly under his nose.

"Nice to meet all of you. Are you guys the band who's playing tonight?" I ask.

"Yep! This is gonna be one of our first shows, so we're super stoked about it." Cody replies.

"Great! And uh, the band name?"

"Oh yeah that helps. It's Set It Off." Dan says.

"Cool, I knew it had 'set' in it." I say, mostly to myself.

"So, you guys know where to go and how to navigate the stage and all, right?" Hayley asks them.

"Yep, gotcha covered." Cody replies.

"Alright cool. So, you can go get set up and I'll announce you guys, then we're free to go!"

"Great, this is sick!" Maxx chimes in. They all head up to the stage and start preparing their stuff.

After Hayley sees them off, she turns back to continue conversation with me. "So, that's the band I guess. They seem cool. I wonder what they're gonna play. They mentioned they'll play a few songs, so we'll see when they get up there. Now as for us, we're just doing the two songs right?" She asks me, sounding slightly nervous.

"Yeah, that sounds like the plan." I confirm.

"Great. Also, which song is going first?"

"I dunno, you can pick."

"Oh alright, thanks. Well, your song is a lot slower and mine is more upbeat, so you can do yours in the middle to kinda break up the theme a little, maybe it can be one of the slow dance songs or something. And then I'll bring back the energy with my thing, then Pete, Andy, Joe and Patrick can go after us with whatever they got going. Sound good?" She says, planning everything out loud.

"Yeah, sounds great!" I agree.

"Great. This is so exciting!"

I was about to say something in reply, but was shortly after interupted by the loud feedback of one of the microphones on stage, making me jump and turn towards the stage. I see Cody grimace in apology, while Dan rushes to help him fix the sound. Zach fiddles with his guitar, looking up at Dan and Cody to see if they need assistance, while Maxx gets his drum area all sorted out. The noise dies down and it looks like they're just about ready to start. Cody steps up to the mic while Dan gets back in his place. Cody clears his throat, making noise in the microphone and causing a few people to turn their heads.

"Hey, uh, we're gonna play some stuff. So uh, give us a listen if you want. We're Set It Off." Hayley lets off a little "whoo!" and claps, and I clap along too. Maxx starts on the drums, then Zach and Dan join in with the guitars. "This is an original, I wrote it about a girl back home. We're not together anymore, but she's still pretty cool in my book, haha." Cody says with an adorable sounding laugh. There's a few more seconds of instrumental, then he fidgets with the mic nervously.

"Welcome to the story of my life. It's too short to not think about anything that's right for me now, and that's you being by my side, and I'll put up my dukes and give it a try..." Some people seem to have acknowledged the live music and turned to watched the show, while others still talk amongst themselves. I soon see Pete and Patrick come around the corner, followed by Andy and Joe, Joe having his arm casually draped around Andy's shoulder. I wave at them and they return the gesture, walking over to join us in front of the stage. They then turn and watch the band perform, Joe turning to the others and mouthing "wow, they're good!" The chorus picks up beat and Cody's mouth moves super fast to spit out the words, flipping his hair a little and rocking nervously on his feet. The people watching the band seem to get into the mood and start dancing a bit, and I see Hayley next to me moving her head to the beat, her red hair swaying with the music. I just watch her as she's so in the moment, and luckily she doesn't notice me staring. The chorus finishes and I look away, the music filling the air while Cody catches his breath and starts the next verse.

"No one compares to a girl I knew, make my days seem brighter and the skies more blue." I smile at the lyrics, thinking of how they remind me of Hayley. She notices me smiling and turns to me, blushing slightly. "So I'll wait forever even if I have to, and so just sing on baby, we'll make it through." Hayley rests her head on my shoulder, so I wrap my arm around her. I lean my head down and plant a kiss on her amber hair, watching her cheeks rise and glow pink as she smiles. She turns her head to look up at my face, and I stare down back at her, a smug smile on my face. She stands on her toes and pecks me on the lips, causing my ears to heat up. I turn away from her and continue watching the band, my smile still wide across my face.

Huh. Our first kiss. The song seems pretty fitting.

"I just wish I could be nearer to the girl who makes time disappear."

(AN: YAY DANCE DANCE SCENE WOOT wait did i upload my last chapter holy shit what if i didnt lmao i think i did i just dont remember it whoops, buT ANYWAY HAVE SOME LOVELY LESBIANS, sorry it took forever for an update, i've had a bunch of personal stuff going on aND I COULDNT THINK OF HOW TO SORT THINGS OUT WITH THIS FIC FOR THE LONGEST so i just kept putting if off, buT ANYWAY HERE YOU GO, theres gonna be a few more chapters before the main action stuff tho which i didn't expect but that's alright beCAUSE MORE GAY LMAO okay enjoy this if you guys still read this AND THANKS FOR 1.1K READS BTW I FEEL SPECIAL k bye)

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