D.Gray Man: Appearance of the...

By BlakeSnow

8.6K 226 27

Let's say the Black Order was not the only organization against the Noah. Let's say this "new" order lied wai... More

D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order
I Hate My Boss
Rin and Lin
I Just Blew My Cover
I'm an Idiot
It's All Neo's Fault! I Swear It Wasn't Me!!!!!!
Since when is it Christmas?
All I want for Christmas is....
Remembering, Remembering What?
The Secret's Out
One, You Are In Sooo Much Trouble
Totally Not Worth It
At the Black Order Again
The Family Tree
A New Edition to the Berry Patch
The Shadows in the Forest
The Forest
Forest Fire
I Can Explain This... Sort Of
The Begining of the Possible Last Meeting
The Dead Can Keep Secrets
The Light of Future
Darkness of the Past
The Bookman and the Noah (A random look into the future)

So many Secrets, so little Answers

675 18 5
By BlakeSnow

Stella and I were in the same carriage. As soon as we started the trip I fell asleep almost immediately.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ dream ~~~~~~~~~~~

"Drip, drop, drip, drop goes the rain. Falling from the sky to the ground.
Trying to hide, trying to stay from the sun." The children chanted spinning around me. I was four again. "Where is the sun? Don't look behind or your gone. Which sun is behind rain drop?" I remember this. An old nursery rhyme when I was a kid, no one from our village survived that day besides Allen and me -the rhyme died with them. I guessed and as soon as I did the ground fell away and I fell with it. There was no one behind me. I started to scream then four year-old Allen grabbed my hand and fell with me.

He hugged me and said, "It'll all be alright, Terra." His innocence activated and protected us, but with a cost. The world blacked out; when it came back Allen was gone. I searched everywhere my four year-old self could think of and eventually broke down and cried.

"Allen, Allen!" I cried I was lost. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around. "Allen?" I hoped, but instead I met a head of blood red hair on a man with his general uniform on. I cried even harder and ran towards the man who picked me up and carried me while I cried in his arms. "Uncle Cross, Allen -Allen he's-"

"I know. We'll find him just calm down, he wouldn't like it if he found out you were crying Terra."


I woke up to Stella shaking me. "Hmm?"

"We're almost there." She said with a slight frown on her face. "You were talking in your sleep. Something about rain and uncles?"

"I'm fine, just had a dream about the past." I smiled at her. "Thanks for the concern though." She nodded not buying it. Though what she wasn't buying, I haven't got a clue.

We came to stop after few minutes.
When Allen stepped in his carriage he gasped in utter confusion. "It's a house." He said in sheer disappointment. I laughed at him.

"This is the only part on the surface. Everything else is underground. This whole land belongs to the White Order." I told him gesturing to the empty field around the house.

"Oh. The Black Order still seems bigger." He said. Well he's in for a surprise. I've been to the Black Order and it's not nearly as big as the White Order under ground. I knew he wasn't going to believe me until be saw it with my own eyes and shrugged. I stepped up to the door and knocked. A girl opened the door. I didn't recognize her, probably a new trainee- we'd been excepting tons lately.

"Password?" She said, her eyes narrowing. She obviously didn't recognize me either. I took a moment to make sure I had the right combination.

"Alpha no Steins;Gate. Yes there is a semi-colon round that corner." I told her. Allen burst out laughing.

"How could you say that with a straight face." He said, practically choking in between words. We all glared at him. He shut up muttering something about gates and semi-colons.

"I'm sorry, but I was informed only six would be in your party not seven. I'll have to check with a superior." She said while closing the door. I stuck my foot in it keeping it open. I smiled at her.

"Excuse me if you wouldn't mind." I told her. "Tao! Get your backside over here or so help me when I finally do get inside you will wish your mother never met your father." I yelled inside and stepped back. I heard my trainees sniker as Tao came running up swinging the door open exclaiming we come inside at once. Allen was staring at me shocked by what just happened. Stella tapped him on the shoulder.

"You'll get used to it." She confirmed.

"That's what I'm afraid of..." Allen thought out loud. "What have I gotten myself into?" Stella thought about it before answering.

"Most likely Hell." She said, smiling and prancing inside like she said it was time for lunch. I chuckled dragging Allen inside.

"Trust me," I said. "we're the normal  ones." He groans.


"One, where have you been?" Someone asked. I was about to answer when I realized they weren't talking to me. I giggled they'd mistaken Allen for me. There were guys crowded around him. I almost fell on the floor. "You got a tatto?" Allen was waving his arms frantically. I had just come from upstairs, clearing a room for Allen to stay in and was walking down stairs. Then he noticed me.

"One!" He exclaimed. Dammit Allen I'm so going to kill you later. (slanted writings are thoughts.)
They all turned around to see why 'I' screamed my name and practically fainted when they saw me. I sighed and slid down the railing landing on my feet. I walked up to Allen.

"Alexis wants to speak to you." I said leading him to her office.


Yay, second part up. Now I have a serious matter to address.....
anyone please someone just give some itsy-bitsy comment. pleaseeeee

Well I suppose all I can do is ask. Now is there anything else important? No...*sigh* okay cast of characters meeting dis-

"Wait!" One calls. Everyone looks at the girl out of breath who just bust through the doors.
"One, we started this meeting a month ago and now you show up!!!!!" I demand.

"Well sorry if someone decided to make me want to fight the black or-"

"Shhhhuuusshhh!!! No spoilers." I yell.

"Oh so you can put one in the description, but I can't do one here?" She asks. I nod. "You evil-" She attacks me and we start to stragle the life out of each other.

"Aren't you gonna do something bean-sprout?" Kanda asks Allen. Allen shivers.

"Never again!" Allen says as he jumps up and runs out the room yelling something about curry.

"I guess I'll go see what happened to him." Kanda growls. Johnny's the only one left in the room with the two murderous girls.

"*sigh* We here at MysteriousWriter would like to inform you that now one was hurt in the process of this short. We also deny any ownership of D.Gray Man or it's characters. We only own the White Order and or it's members." He says.

I guess I did forget something important....:D
I can tell this meeting is gonna be a while longer. ;)

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